If you have any issues / suggestions, please use the github of the updater
ATTENTION!!! Change the cvars for your likings because this plugin changes default game behavior!!!
Look at the commands, I guarantee you there are at least 3 commands you don't have from another funcommands plugin and you need them.
So I was fooling around thinking about how to create good admin commands that don't exist by default. I fixed up the bury some servers use that fails to work if the player is not on the ground, added fun commands like 1up to respawn a player in the death position, and !revive to respawn a player in general. I also added !heal and the !uberslap from CS 1.6, There's also !rocket which although functions, has no trails and stuff because I'm a bit lazy.
I have ensured that if any of the commands mentioned exists, they will NOT be recreated not only to prevent collisions but to ensure you won't have an excuse not to use this plugin.
Command List:
!revive <#userid|name> - Respawns a player, even if he is dead.
!1up / !hrevive <#userid|name> - Respawns a player in his last known death position.
!bury <#userid|name> [1/0] - Buries a player underground, default third argument is 1, for bury.
!unbury <#userid|name> - Unburies a player from the ground, same as !bury <#userid|name> 0
!uberslap <#userid|name> - Gives a player 100 slaps at a delay of 0.1 per slap ( 10 seconds total ). The player cannot die from this, although he might wanna check where he lands as he has 1 hp left.
!heal / !hp <#userid|name> [health] [armor] [helmet=1/0] - Sets a player's health, armor or helmet. Using x or anything not a number will ignore and using "max" in health will set to the player's max health ( usually 100 but some servers may change )
!rr / !restartround [seconds] - Restarts the round in x seconds, without resetting the match's stats. Use !rr 0 to stop restart from happening. Default first argument 1.
!rg / !restartgame [seconds] - Restarts the round & game in x seconds, while also resetting the match's stats. Use !rg 0 to stop restart from happening. Default first argument 1.
!restart - Restarts the server at a 5 seconds delay. Use again to stop the restart from happening.
!glow <#userid|name> [color] - Gives glow to a player. default third argument is a random color. Use "!glow <#userid|name> color" for a list of colors ( appears in console )
!blink / !bring <#userid|name> - Teleports a player to your aim.
!goto <#userid|name> - Teleports yourself to a player's position using stuck rules to ensure you never get stuck inside the player. Experimental command which may be bugged until tested completely.
!god / !godmode <#userid|name> [1/0] - Makes a player unkillable, unshootable, etc... Default third argument is 1 for yes.
!rocket <#userid|name> [1/0] - Sets a rocket in the player's a**, making him fly to the air until he explodes after reaching the ceiling. "The handsome !slay". Default third argument 1 for yes. 0 will save a player's a**.
!disarm <#userid|name> - Removes all weapons from a player, including knife and bomb.
!last - Shows a menu with the last players, but for accessibility it also contains every single player in history, sorted by last login. Shows Steam ID, Exact last disconnect date, Name and IP Address.
Override the command "sm_uc_last_showip" to change the flag ( Default flag to see IP is root )
!chicken - Allows you to create a chicken spawnpoint. I recommend not merging with maps that already have chickens. Ideal for maps where you want specific points to have chickens.
!ucedit - An editor mode for !chicken. Will bug the server possibly so ensure is only used with no players online but you ( admins are okay I suppose but not troller ones )
!exec <#userid|name> <command> - Forces a client to write down a command. Will give client all flags you have and then remove them so if you try to force a client to ban you, he'll succeed in doing it. If a command doesn't work try !fakeexec instead.
!fakeexec <#userid|name> <command> - Another variant of !exec. Some commands will only work with !exec, others will only work with !fakeexec. The majority of the commands will only work with fakeexec.
!bruteexec <#userid|name> <command> - Another variant of !faceexec, but it will temporarily give the player your admin flags to execute the command. Useful for trolling.
!xyz - Prints your origin in-game.
!silentcvar <cvar> <value> - Silently sets a cvar's value without notifying the players. Suitable for server.cfg if you ever have to re-exec it for any reason, or any other reason. Root access only because this command allows any admin to change rcon_password.
!money <#userid|name> <money> - Sets a player's money.
!team <#userid|name> <T/CT/Spec> - Sets a player's team.
All commands above are admin commands which most require ADMFLAG_BAN ( Access to ban ).
!hug - Hugs a nearby dead player. Doesn't do anything and is purely a use of chat to announce it ( sort of a taunt, but more funny than offensive )
!wepstats / !weaponstats [classname] - Shows a very useful menu with tons of data about all the weapons in the game. If you write a classname, you won't need to iterate through all weapons. ( CSGO Only )
!settings - A command exists in all sourcemod servers, and this plugin doesn't create it. Allows toggling whether or not you'll see party mode effects ( CSGO only )
!uc - Displays all commands that come along with UC.
!ertest [#userid|name] - Applies a self-mute* on all players but the target. Useful to find out who is doing the ear rape when multiple players are talking. If no target is inserted, disables the active self mute.
* A self mute is a mute that is effective between the muting player and the muted player, and does not affect other players, like !mute. An example would be when you press TAB in a comp to silence someone who talks to much.
uc_bullet_tagging_scale - Multiplies tagging by this amount. Set to 0.0 to make all guns completely freeze a player ( recovery is still instant of course so a true freeze is impossible ). Set to below 1.0 to make tagging stronger. Set to something like 5000000.0 to disable tagging by all guns. Default value is 1.0 for normal gun behaviour. This cvar should work good with zombie servers.
uc_party_mode - Set to 0 to completely forbid players toggling party mode to themselves ( EVIL!!! ). Set to 1 to allow players to decide whether or not they want to enable party mode through !settings. Set to 2 to have the effects of 1 but the zeus will now cost 100$ like in a regular CSGO birthday ( default value 2 because zeus should cost 100$
uc_party_mode_default - The value of this cvar determines the client preference value new players get. 1 = Defuse only. 2 = Zeus only. 3 = Both. ( default value 3 )
uc_special_bomb_rules - This cvar may not work in CSS and it doesn't feature ct bomb pickup like CSGO does. When set to 1, CT can pick up the bomb to protect it. In exchange, the game has unrealistic and perhaps a bit unfair mechanisms. When a CT owns the bomb: He can drop it, but it'll boomerang back to him after 5 seconds if not picked up. To prevent trickster CT that commits suicide to make the bomb stuck, if CT dies with the bomb or after he dropped it without boomeranging, it will boomerang into the person who killed the CT, the person who assisted on the CT, or a random terrorist if it was a complete suicide. This is ideal for surf. This convar adjusts mp_anyone_can_pickup_c4 to be equal to it. ( default value 0 )
uc_teleport_bomb - This cvar does not work for CSS unless the entity trigger_bomb_reset is ported to there as well. When set to 1, all teleports that affect players ( all trigger_teleport entities ) will have a trigger_bomb_reset created for them. Set to 0 to disable. Set to -1 to completely destroy the functionality, opening space for new entities ( set to -1 if you know you will not use this until the next map { or ever if you're in CSS } ) ( default value 1 )
uc_ace_priority - This cvar may not work for CSS. When set to 1, the ace fun fact of the round will surpass all other facts. ( Default value 1 )
uc_max_chickens - Maximum amount of chickens UC will generate ( default value 5 )
uc_min_chicken_time - Minimum amount of time between a chicken's death and the recreation. ( default value 5.0 )
uc_max_chicken_time - Maximum amount of time between a chicken's death and the recreation. ( default value 10.0 )
uc_announce_plugin - Announces the existence of Useful Commands to players that join, x seconds after they join the server. Also contains credits for me
. Set to 0 to disable ( pls no ). Default value 36.5
uc_revive_on_team_change - If 1, The plugin will revive players that have their team set by an admin. Otherwise they'll maintain their origin and not die / respawn. Default value 1.
FULL LIST OF CVARS ARE FOUND IN csgo/cfg/sourcemod/UsefulCommands.cfg, or cstrike instead of csgo for CS:S players. I'm too lazy to post all cvars.
If you wish to avoid bugged commands, blink is the only known command to have bugs, though it's fairly reliable and I constantly use it.
Having sourcemod version in the server less than 1.10 build 6337 will make !rr crash the server.
Optional Dependancies:
List of servers running UC:
Link may be incomplete, add your server here:
How to install:
Put the folder "addons" inside the folder "csgo" ( or "cstrike" if you're CS:S ) and merge the folders.
If you want to force the plugin to start without changing a map, go to console and write:
sm_rcon sm plugins load UsefulCommands
Pay attention that this may fully freeze the server for up to 3 seconds ( personally my shitty server takes 1 second so you'll probably get less ). After the first load, every reload will freeze the server for less time than humans notice. This may also mean that on the first time the plugin starts, players will take up to 3 seconds longer to connect ( just the first time, not a big deal )
Estimated Download Count of previous versions: 765.
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I am available to make plugins for pay.
Discord: Eyal282#1334