EngiPads adds the ability for Engineers to replace their Teleporters with custom buildings (Pads).
Currently there are two Pad types:
Boost: Gives allies a speed boost for a short duration.
Jump: Launches allies up and forwards in the direction they're moving.
You select your desired Pad by rotating before building.
Pads, unlike Teleporters, are totally independent from one another.
They spawn with 50HP, and have a max HP of 100 (like Mini-Sentries).
Pads cannot be upgraded. You can re-deploy a Pad to change its Pad type.
Current translation languages: English.
pads_version - Plugin version. Don't touch this. If you do it'll fix itself anyway.
pads_enabled (def. 1) - Enables/Disables the plugin. (2 - BoostPads only, 3 - JumpPads only)
pads_announce (def. 347.0) - Interval between chat announcements about the plugin. 0.0 to disable.
pads_size (def. 0.7) - Pad size multiplier.
pads_health (def. 100) - How much HP Pads will have. Will initially spawn with 1/2 of this.
pads_jump_speed (def. 700.0) - How fast players will be launched horizontally by Jump Pads.
pads_jump_height (def. 700.0) - How fast players will be launched vertically by Jump Pads.
pads_jump_crouch_speed_mult (def. 1.0) - Multiply crouching players' speed by this much when using Jump Pads.
pads_jump_crouch_height_mult (def. 1.0) - Multiply crouching players' height by this much when using Jump Pads.
pads_jump_block_snipers (def. 1) - If enabled, prevents Snipers from scoping in while using Jump Pads.
pads_jump_cooldown (def. 3.0) - How long, in seconds, should Jump Pads take to recharge?
pads_boost_duration (def. 5.0) - How long, in seconds, should Boost Pads boost players for?
pads_boost_speed (def. 520.0) - What minimum speed should players be boosted to when using Boost Pads?
pads_boost_damage_threshold (def. 35) - How much damage a player can take before their Boost Pad boost is ended. 0 to disable.
pads_boost_airblast (def. 1) - Controls if airblasting a player will end their Boost Pad boost.
pads_boost_block_aiming (def. 1) - Set to 1 to prevent scoped-in/revved up players from being speed boosted.
pads_boost_cooldown (def. 3.0) - How long in seconds should Boost Pads take to recharge?
pads_bots_can_build (def. 0) - If enabled, Bots will build Boost Pads instead of Teleporters.
pads_block_eureka (def. 1) - Toggle blocking Eureka Effect from teleporting to Pads that are Exits.
sm_padsm_pads - Opens a menu to toggle EngiPads on/off. Selection saved via cookies.
sm_pad_helpsm_padhelp - Displays a panel with basic information about the plugin.
sm_engipads_override - Not a command. Use this in admin_overrides.cfg to override who can/can't build EngiPads.
Extract the contents of "" into tf/addons/sourcemod.
The config file will be automatically generated the first time you run the plugin.
You can find and modify it at tf/cfg/sourcemod/engipads.cfg
Dependencies: None! But you will require if you want to compile the plugin yourself.
Was this named after the "speed pad" (image source here) building that had a sound file name leaked after the EotL update?
Well yes and no.
The entire plugin is an amalgamation of the Engineer pad ideas that I've seen spring up over the years, as well as from other games too.
So I wouldn't say it was directly named after the leaked building.
"Pad" isn't exactly a unique name for a building itself either, and I don't really know what else I'd call them to be honest. "Mobility platforms" doesn't quite roll off the tongue as nicely as "EngiPads". p:
Last edited by starblaster64; 01-02-2018 at 23:03.
Well yes and no.
The entire plugin is an amalgamation of the Engineer pad ideas that I've seen spring up over the years, as well as from other games too.
So I wouldn't say it was directly named after the leaked building.
"Pad" isn't exactly a unique name for a building itself either, and I don't really know what else I'd call them to be honest. "Mobility platforms" doesn't quite roll off the tongue as nicely as "EngiPads". p:
Bread EOTL GunMettle Invasion Jungle Inferno 64-bit will break everything. Don't even ask.
All plugins: Randomizer/GiveWeapon, ModelManager, etc.
Post in plugin threads with questions. Steam is for playing games.
You will be fed to javalia otherwise. Psyduck likes replays.
This is AMAZING!! I do have some ideas for more pads. I would love to work with you for Custom Weapons. I know that you do know about us and like I said "this is AMAZING".
I am currently getting a update for our servers off the ground and if this goes through, I would love to have these as new PDAs on our servers.