Quick Map Changer
Tired of typing full map name to change it (!map map_name)? Don't like setting up aliases for maps (!cm map_shortcut)?
I've got you covered! Quick map changer is what you're looking for.
- Just type in chat: !qmc lkn
- ???
- Profit, you are now playing on dm_lockdown and you've saved 8 keystrokes!
Note: You might have to type more letters if you have a lot of maps with similar names.
...So you've noticed you'd save 9 keystrokes with !cm ld? Yep, that's true, but if you have some (exotic?) map you don't have shortcut for in pms.cfg you'd have to type the whole map name (or just set up a shortcut). If that suits you, then just use !cm. (!cm is a command from Public Match Server Pack from
There's also a mode parameter you can use to see what map matches or to set
cvars and call commands.
Usage: qmc <few_letters_of_mapname> [mode]
Usage: qmca <few_letters_of_mapname> [mode]
where qmc is for maps from mapcycyle file and qmca is for all the maps from
maps folder, and mode might be:
- ? - don't change current map, just return the matching name
- votemap or sm_votemap - call sm_votemap with the matching map as a first argument
- nextmap or sm_nextamp - set sm_nextmap cvar to the matching map
- other cvars or commands
There are abbreviations for votemap and nextmap, since they
might be used a lot, vm and nm respectively. If you want to use sourcemod
cvar or command you don't have to type the heading sm_ - it will be
prepended to test if there's such cvar or command.
There's another thing. If you changed mapcycle file and you want to get new
maps in qmc matches (without changing the current map) just type !qmc !, and
the maplist will get refreshed.
More info
- No configuration needed
- It's case sensitive
More here:
Changelog- v1.1 - Use first map if it's name is substring of other matching ones
In case of first matching map's name is substring of another matching maps' names the first one is selected. !qmc bhz would match dm_biohazard even if there's dm_biohazard_cal, and to match the former you'd !qmc bhzc
- v1.2 - Add mode argument
- v1.3.2 - Add qmca command that matches all maps from maps folder, add maplist reloading feature, add info cvar