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[TF2, CSS, FOF, CS:GO] War3Source:EVO (Updated 2/18/2023)

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El Diablo War3Evo
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War3Source:EVO version.
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    Leveling based gamemode, with multiple races, skills, and shop items.
    Old 06-26-2016 , 09:22   [TF2, CSS, FOF, CS:GO] War3Source:EVO (Updated 2/18/2023)
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    I'm on Discord as El Diablo#2815

    WIKI link
    Server installation, Server Setup, Server Configuration:

    What is War3Source?

    From https://war3source.com/:
    War3Source brings the Warcraft 3 leveling style and races into the game. It is originally based on the amxmodx (AMX) version War3FT.

    Each standard race has total of 16 levels, made up of 3 skills and 1 ultimate where each skill/ultimate can be leveled 4 times for a total of 16 levels.

    War3Source features a modular design where races can be coded independently and loaded into the main plugin. Independent plugins (Addons) can be created to complement or change aspects War3Source.

    There are also shop items in W3S as there are in all Warcraft mods.

    To further extend this information:

    War3Source: Evolution expands on War3Source.

    W3Faction created by Don Revan was updated in War3Evo's War3Source. You can build races that use W3Factions to determine if a player shares the same faction or not. You could create a race that uses factions in order to give bonuses or negatives to a player race. A W3Faction can be anything you want... elf, dwarf, orc, etc. OR wood, stone, fire OR Light, Dark, Grey... whatever you desire in your race.

    Casting allows you to implement a delay in your race before "casting a spell" with spell effects that "shows" others that your about to cast a spell.

    Wards allows you to implement a area on the map that would be placed for a certain amount of seconds. The ward could be used to help your team or hurt the other team or both. The ward is visible to everyone and is color coded. Usually there is a timer and a limited number of wards a race can put down.

    Shop Menu 1 Items - Costs Gold
    These items lasts until player death.
    • boot - fun faster
    • claw - extra dmg to enemy
    • cloak - partially invisible
    • mask - gain hp on hit
    • lace - immunity to ultimates
    • orb - slow on hit
    • ring - regenerate hit points
    • tome - buy xp
    • sock - less gravity
    • oil - Coats your weapons with ability to penetrate plates and helm.
    • plate - Prevents All Damage to Chest.
    • helm - no headshots to self
    • shield - immunity to skills
    • fireorb - chance fire enemy
    • courage - 15% dmg reduction
    • faith - 15% magic dmg reduction
    • antiward - immunity to wards
    • piercing - pierce physical armor

    TF2 Engineer Only Shop Items
    • stophack - When a someone tries to hack your building, this item will be used instead. (single use item)

    TF2 Medic Only Shop Items
    • uber50 - +50 uber
    • mboots - Gives healing target increased movement speed
    • mring - Gives healing target regeneration of hp
    • mhealth - Gives healing target extra hp

    TF2 PVM Game Mode
    • leather - +12 phys armor
    • chainmail - +14 phys armor
    • bandedmail - +16 phys armor
    • halfplate - +18 phys armor
    • fullplate - +20 phys armor
    • dragonmail - +50 magic armor

    Shop Menu 2 Items - Costs Diamonds
    These items you buy only once and lasts until map change.
    • posthaste - +3% speed
    • lifetube - +1 HP regeneration
    • trinket - +0.5 HP regeneration
    • sbracelt - +5% Evasion
    • fbracer - +10 max HP

    TF2 MVM Game Mode
    • mvmcashregen "My Piggy Bank" - MVM cash regeneration

    +ability is a command that you can bind to a key on your keyboard in order to use that ability in game.
    +ability2 is a command that you can bind to a key on your keyboard in order to use that ability in game.
    +ultimate is a command that you can bind to a key on your keyboard in order to use that ability in game.

    Race Skills and Abilities you'll have to play the game to find out

    Race Passive Ultimates - does not use +ultimate to activate
    • Undead Scourge - Reincarnation - When you die, you revive on the spot. Has a 60/50/40/30 second cooldown.
    • Scout - Marksman - Standing still for 1 second, scout is able to deal 1.2-1.6x damage the further the target.\n1000 units or more deals maximum damage

    Race Activate Ultimates - uses +ultimate to activate
    • Human Alliance - Teleport - Teleport toward where you aim. 600/700/850/1000 range. Ultimate Immunity has 350 blocking radius.
    • Entangling Roots - Bind enemies to the ground, rendering them immobile for 0.25/0.50/0.75/1.0 seconds. Distance of increases per level units.
    • Blood Mage TF2 - Flame Strike - Burn the enemy over time for 10 damage 4-10 times. 50/60/70/80ft. range
    • Corrupted Disciple - Overload - Shocks the lowest hp enemy around you per second while you gain damage per hit
    • Soul Reaper - Demonic Execution - Deals a large amount of damage based on how much of the enemy's health is missing
    • Blood Hunter - Hemorrhage - The target will take damage if he moves. Duration Scales 4/5/6/7 seconds.
    • N'aix - Rage - Naix goes into a maddened Rage, gaining 15-40% attack speed for 2-5 seconds
    • Succubus Hunter - Deamonic Transformation - Get More speed, and more HP. Costs 1/2/3/4 SKULLs
    • Chronos - Chronosphere - Rip space and time to trap enemy. Trapped victims cannot move and can only deal/receive melee damage, Sphere protects chornos from outside damage. It lasts 3/3.5/4/4.5 seconds
    • Lich - Death And Decay - Deals 2/4/6/8 magic damage to all enemies on map
    • Sacred Warrior - Life Break - Damage yourself (10/15/20/25%% of maxHP) to deal a great amount of damage (20/30/40/50%% of victim's maxHP)
    • Hammerstorm - Gods Strength - Greatly enhance your damage by 20/30/40/50 percent for a short amount of time.
    • Dark Elf - DarkOrb - Blind a player. 0.5-2 second duration & 1000 Range
    • Fluttershy - BeGentle - Target cannot deal damage for 1-1.8 seconds
    • Dragonborn TF2 - Dragons Breath - Applies jarate effect. 400-700 range.
    • Rarity - Hold - Hold and blinds player up to 2.3 seconds
    • Rainbow Dash - Sonic Rainboom - Buff teammates' damage around you for 4 sec, 200-400 units. Must be in speed (ability) mode to cast.
    • Luna Moonfang - Eclipse - Calls to the moon`s magic, summoning a concentrated burst of Lucent Beams to damage targets around Luna. 4-10 beams.
    • Frogger TF2 - Lilly Pads - [Lvl 1]Can use any teleporter (blue/red) [Lvl 2]Teleporters instant recharge when you walk thru them [Lvl 3]Mini-Instant level 3 teleporter [Lvl 4]Build Double Dispensers
    • Light Bender - Flash - Teleport a random ally to you!
    • Shadow Paladin TF2 - Big Bad Voodoo - You are invulnerable from physical attacks for 0.66/1.0/1.33/1.66 seconds
    • Soul Medic TF2 - Soul Swap - You swap HP with your partner. You become ubered for 2/3/4/5 seconds. CD: 60s

    Races loaded in War3EVo's War3Source are in memory, but functions inside the addons is disabled if they are not used by any player or bot. This helps in reducing wasted CPU cycles.

    [Begin of Update 2/1/2023]

    Discord Server invite: https://discord.gg/uhTfXYgJfB

    Rolling updates on the GitHub Actions... Create a GitHub account to login to GitHub to be able to download the automatic compiled plugins for your server. Artifacts only last 90 days before they are removed. As soon as we are fully stable, I will post a release with everything in it needed to run on a server.


    when you go to that link... make sure your logged in GitHub... click on the top most recent workflow, then scroll down to Artifacts and download the zip file that you want to test out on your server. I tried to download without logging in and it wouldn't let me click on it. After logging in, I was able to download it. Let me know how it goes for you.



    Feel free to ask any questions.

    Do note that TF2-compiled-plugins.zip artifact only contains the server plugins. You'll still need to get sound files, setup configs, cfgs, setup the translation file. You'll need to put the *.smx file plugins in a similar directory to: addons/sourcemod/plugins

    Let us know of any problems you encounter.

    [End of Update 2/1/2023]

    Credits to the 1st Generation of War3Source (PimpinJuice (anthony)) : https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1007365

    and the 2nd Generation of War3Source Ownz (Dark Energy) : https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=136956

    TF2, FOF, CSGO, CSS Plugin Download links 2.18.2023.2.28.PM.EST

    TF2, FOF, CSGO Plugin version 2.11.2023.2.28.PM.EST
    CSS Plugin version 2.18.2023.2.28.PM.EST

    Includes extensions, configs, gamedata, scripting, plugins, translations, cfg, and sound files.

    Teleport Works in FOF!
    CSGO bugs fixed 2/11/2023
    CSS now works! 2/18/2023

    [FOF, CSS, CSGO, TF2] New Update Checker add on
    Checks for updates every 10 minutes, if there's an update, it will notify players if they are "dead" in chat. If players are alive, it will display in their console. It will also print a message in the server console. This will help you not have to keep trying to check if there's an update or not. Requires socket.ext.so or socket.ext.dll depending if your using linux or windows which is included in zip file.

    If you have a debian (Linux) server, I've created a easy install script. It will install Steam Server, SourceMod, MetaMod, and it will compile the latest War3Source-EVO!

    [FULL INSTALL] installs the Linux Steam Server, SourceMod, MetaMod, and compiles and installs the latest War3Source-EVO from Github.

    For installation instructions:





    GitHub's version War3Source_Version_Info.inc

    Let me know if you have any issues.
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip War3SourceEvo-CSS-plugins.zip (3.83 MB, 238 views)
    File Type: zip War3SourceEvo-CSGO-plugins.zip (3.81 MB, 243 views)
    File Type: zip War3SourceEvo-FOF-plugins.zip (3.90 MB, 136 views)
    File Type: zip War3SourceEvo-TF2-plugins.zip (4.05 MB, 172 views)

    Last edited by El Diablo War3Evo; 03-21-2023 at 08:08. Reason: updated on github.
    El Diablo War3Evo is offline
    El Diablo War3Evo
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    Join Date: Jun 2013
    Old 06-26-2016 , 09:23   Re: [TF2, CSS, CS:GO, FOF] War3Source:EVO v3.0a (7-1-2016)
    Reply With Quote #2

    License and Credits

    See post ^above^ for more recent download links.

    below files is archived for reference and is over 6 years old
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip war3source_evo--git1-sound-pack.zip (1.39 MB, 765 views)
    File Type: zip war3source_evo-1.8-git24-tf2.zip (1.45 MB, 553 views)
    File Type: zip war3source_evo-1.8-git30-csgo.zip (1.36 MB, 812 views)

    Last edited by El Diablo War3Evo; 02-03-2023 at 11:58.
    El Diablo War3Evo is offline
    El Diablo War3Evo
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    Join Date: Jun 2013
    Old 06-26-2016 , 10:31   Re: [TF2, CSS, CS:GO, FOF] War3Source:EVO v3.0a (6-25-2016)
    Reply With Quote #3

    Note to self: https://wiki.alliedmods.net/CSGO_Quirks

    Current Bugs:

    sm_rcon sm plugins reload war3source - This will crash your server! Don't do it!

    * ALL: Shopmenu 3 may or may not be in the future. I might make it available for a special version only. Shopmenu 3 can cause a lot of database issues and reason I'm so reluctant to release it.

    (11/22/2016) [war3source_evo-1.8-git29-csgo.zip] CSGO BUG: remove War3Source_021_Fluttershy.smx from your plugins directory. This race is currently throwing errors in your logs. Probably an easy fix, but I don't have time right now.

    Please report bugs to GitHub: https://github.com/War3Evo/War3Source-EVO/issues

    Have any suggestions on improvements, please post here.

    Last edited by El Diablo War3Evo; 02-01-2023 at 21:35.
    El Diablo War3Evo is offline
    El Diablo War3Evo
    Veteran Member
    Join Date: Jun 2013
    Old 06-26-2016 , 15:26   Re: [TF2, CSS, CS:GO, FOF] War3Source:EVO v3.0a (6-25-2016)
    Reply With Quote #4




    For now, download the War3Source:EVO engine, and compile your own addons.

    Change the contents in the file War3Source-EVO/addons/sourcemod/scripting/include/GAME_SWITCHER/currentgame.inc in order to compile for your platform

    War3 Admin Menu works in all platforms:
    In game chat type /war3admin


    Keep WATCH or FOLLOW my github for addons that will be added. I'm going to wait to upload them all into packages for each game platform. You can compile them yourselves if you want them right now.

    New addons added to github not yet compile and put here:

    shopmenu1 or sh1:

    shopmenu2 or sh2:

    Attached Files
    File Type: pdf Mind Map_202322_163643.pdf (29.4 KB, 258 views)

    Last edited by El Diablo War3Evo; 03-21-2023 at 16:51. Reason: update
    El Diablo War3Evo is offline
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    Old 06-28-2016 , 05:02   Re: [TF2, CSS, CS:GO, FOF] War3Source:EVO v3.0a (6-27-2016)
    Reply With Quote #5

    Good job man! Thank you!

    The main issue in War3Source - races tied to skill buff and item buff. So I cant create Chameleon race =)
    For this reason, in every race SDKHooK_OnTakeDamage used and it loads CPU

    Last edited by hitmany; 06-28-2016 at 05:04.
    hitmany is offline
    El Diablo War3Evo
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    Join Date: Jun 2013
    Old 06-28-2016 , 09:35   Re: [TF2, CSS, CS:GO, FOF] War3Source:EVO v3.0a (6-27-2016)
    Reply With Quote #6

    Originally Posted by hitmany View Post
    Good job man! Thank you!

    The main issue in War3Source - races tied to skill buff and item buff. So I cant create Chameleon race =)
    For this reason, in every race SDKHooK_OnTakeDamage used and it loads CPU
    Is this a complaint?, an Issue?, or Something good? I'm a bit confused.

    If you are talking about War3Source 2nd Generation by Ownz and his team... please name it War3Source 2nd Generation, and you can name this one War3Source:EVO so there will not be confusion.

    Are you creating races using SDKHooK_OnTakeDamage?? Cause War3Source:EVO has its own private forward system for doing that.

    In order for me to help, I need to better understand. Please specify which platform you are having issues, if any.

    If you can, please private message me a link to where I can download a copy of your issued race, if there is a problem.

    Last edited by El Diablo War3Evo; 06-28-2016 at 09:48.
    El Diablo War3Evo is offline
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    Old 06-28-2016 , 10:40   Re: [TF2, CSS, CS:GO, FOF] War3Source:EVO v3.0a (6-27-2016)
    Reply With Quote #7

    Originally Posted by El Diablo War3Evo View Post
    Is this a complaint?, an Issue?, or Something good? I'm a bit confused.

    If you are talking about War3Source 2nd Generation by Ownz and his team... please name it War3Source 2nd Generation, and you can name this one War3Source:EVO so there will not be confusion.

    Are you creating races using SDKHooK_OnTakeDamage?? Cause War3Source:EVO has its own private forward system for doing that.

    In order for me to help, I need to better understand. Please specify which platform you are having issues, if any.

    If you can, please private message me a link to where I can download a copy of your issued race, if there is a problem.
    Okay, thank you for answer)
    Its possible to create Chameleon race(like CS 1.6 war3ft) in War3Source:EVO?
    This race have random skills on each round. Skills from Undead to Crypt Lord.

    Last edited by hitmany; 06-28-2016 at 10:41.
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    El Diablo War3Evo
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    Old 06-28-2016 , 10:51   Re: [TF2, CSS, CS:GO, FOF] War3Source:EVO v3.0a (6-27-2016)
    Reply With Quote #8

    Originally Posted by hitmany View Post
    Okay, thank you for answer)
    Its possible to create Chameleon race(like CS 1.6 war3ft) in War3Source:EVO?
    This race have random skills on each round. Skills from Undead to Crypt Lord.
    I never worked on Ownz's Generic Skill creation and I have not removed that either, so that should probably still work. It is not in the method maps as I have not added that there, so in theory is should work if you was to use Ownz's Generic Skill creation system from War3Source 2nd generation.

    As far as having random skill sets, you would probably have to create a bunch of generic skills and pull from them.

    I just thought about something. It is possible I could create a system to "trigger" skills that a player's race does not normally have, but I would have to work on a system to do that.

    It would probably be more preferable to just create a triggering system or a marking system. For what you ask is pretty complicated and could take either a long time to create or not at all.

    Maybe your best be is to try and use Ownz's Generic Skill creation system in each race you create to be able to "share" skills between races.

    I'll look further into this.

    My idea is...

    Maybe I could create a system to have 2 race sets. One is Real, and the other is Fake. If both are the same number, then the system would use the Real number... if both don't match, then the system would use the Fake number as the raceID for that player. In order to use this, it would probably be best to setup the Fake number in the race itself.

    One of the issues I have with this is trying to figure a way to keep the engine optimized while doing this stuff. I'd hate to change how the engine works just for 1 race.

    The other issue is... would the player be leveling that race, or would they be leveling each skill from the other races?

    For what your calling for is to create a list of "skills", then from there assign those skills to races at any time?

    To change how race building works would be the best way to solve this issue.

    I think the best idea is to figure out how I built SkillCraft and I think that would help change how races are built. In my SkillCraft, players could setup and choose from numberous skills that they decide they want to use. It allows players to create their own races in game. SkillCraft never caught on and nobody wanted to play it.

    Your race idea is good, but from what i have experienced... the more complex a game the less players you will get. In other words, SkillCraft was too complex and since a player couldn't figure out how to defeat the other player .. as that player kept changing skills on each death... it was really hard to balance and counter.

    How do you plan to have a player counter your race that changes skills every round, death, or what ever?

    Here is another link to my plugin SkillCraft: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=228357

    The problem again would be leveling a race that can change its skills.

    Creating a system like your requesting would be to completely remove how the races are built, and to incorporate a skill system. The player's race would then determine what skill set it has.

    Do you have a copy of the old source code your talking about? If so, can you share it?

    The best way I can think of doing this for War3Source:EVO would be to allow races to pick from a pool of skills. That race that you create could "switch" its skill set, but everyone playing that race would also have all the same skills. So, if that race changed its skill to some other skill.. every player playing that race would have their skills changed to the same skill that everyone playing that race has.

    Overall, it would require a ton of work and time. If your a programmer, hopefully my SkillCraft will give you better ideas. Good Luck.

    P.S. If you can tell me a good reason to change the engine to do this other than just 1 race having that ability... I may consider looking into it. Other than that, this system can not swap skills between races.

    ideas on topic..

    Player Selects Race, once they join the race, the race assigns skills to the player. The race would now be able to "change" the skills of the player while the player is still the same race. That could be possible, and would require changing how the system builds races. And again would require time and effort.

    Does anyone else see a benefit in this time and effort?

    Last edited by El Diablo War3Evo; 06-28-2016 at 11:46.
    El Diablo War3Evo is offline
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    Old 06-28-2016 , 11:12   Re: [TF2, CSS, CS:GO, FOF] War3Source:EVO v3.0a (6-27-2016)
    Reply With Quote #9

    Originally Posted by El Diablo War3Evo View Post
    Maybe I could create a system to have 2 race sets. One is Real, and the other is Fake. If both are the same number, then the system would use the Real number... if both don't match, then the system would use the Fake number as the raceID for that player. In order to use this, it would probably be best to setup the Fake number in the race itself.
    Woo, great idea!

    Originally Posted by El Diablo War3Evo View Post
    One of the issues I have with this is trying to figure a way to keep the engine optimized while doing this stuff. I'd hate to change how the engine works just for 1 race.
    The other issue is... would the player be leveling that race, or would they be leveling each skill from the other races?
    Player just leveling this race and recieved skill with Chamaleon skill level

    For what your calling for is to create a list of "skills", then from there assign those skills to races at any time?
    Thats right!
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    El Diablo War3Evo
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    Old 06-28-2016 , 21:46   Re: [TF2, CSS, CS:GO, FOF] War3Source:EVO v3.0a (6-27-2016)
    Reply With Quote #10

    Hitmany, I have many thoughts on how to do it, but would require a lot of work and changes. And at this time I am unable to think clearly on how I would accomplish this. If you or someone else has a better idea on how to do it correctly without having to completely rebuild a majority of this source code please do tell.

    Maybe the 4th generation of War3Source could achieve this. For now, I'm going to keep it simple and keep it built how like everyone knows it works. Plus, I have to continue translating the other races and addons for this mod.

    Essentially, changing this would basically turn it into SkillCraft...Where players don't have "races", but "skills" that can be swapped.

    If you like being able to swap skills around, try, use, and update my SkillCraft.

    P.S. It could be possible to add some skillcraft features into warcraft as private forwards and stuff... then you'd have to modify the races so they use the new features, then you will be able to do that. Races created the old way, you would not have access to their skills. I can not figure out how to "temporarily fake" a race for a player without giving them "all that race's skills".

    Last edited by El Diablo War3Evo; 06-29-2016 at 09:50.
    El Diablo War3Evo is offline

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