This is a modification of SouceMod's randomcycle plugin. It will both randomize your map cycle and allow you to switch game modes in-game, automatically selecting a new custom map cycle for each mode and randomly selecting a map from that list to change to.
The command is
sm_changemode_[gametype] [mapcyclefile].txt
The gametypes are armsrace, casual, competitive, deathmatch, and demolition. For example: sm_changemode_deathmatch mapcycle_deathmatch.txt
The casual game mode uses the original mapcycle.txt by default. You will need to create the additional following text files in your base directory:
Some maps do not support classic modes (ar_ maps and some de_ maps). These should be reserved for deathmatch, demolition, and arms race cycles. Otherwise, you'll be pistols-only unless you use a mod like the
Buy Zone Simulator.
I also recommend you download
Show The Right Next Map, otherwise the wrong maps will be displayed to players in-game.
To select modes in-game, add the following to your adminmenu_custom.txt file:
"Game Modes"
"Arms Race Mode"
"cmd" "sm_changemode_armsrace mapcycle_armsrace.txt"
"admin" "sm_kick"
"execute" "server"
"Casual Mode"
"cmd" "sm_changemode_casual mapcycle.txt"
"admin" "sm_kick"
"execute" "server"
"Competitive Mode"
"cmd" "sm_changemode_competitive mapcycle_competitive.txt"
"admin" "sm_kick"
"execute" "server"
"Deathmatch Mode"
"cmd" "sm_changemode_deathmatch mapcycle_deathmatch.txt"
"admin" "sm_kick"
"execute" "server"
"Demolition Mode"
"cmd" "sm_changemode_demolition mapcycle_demolition.txt"
"admin" "sm_kick"
"execute" "server"
"Random Map (Current Mode)"
"cmd" "sm_changemap"
"admin" "sm_kick"
"execute" "server"