This is a general purpose tool that will execute config files added to a named list. Currently it has two modes for execution: sequential and random (a single random file is executed).
Everything is done through console commands and the plugin itself does nothing automatically. Lists are global, so it's a good idea to use a prefix on list names.
cfglist [name]
Displays all named lists or the contents of a list.
cfglist_create <name>
Creates a named list.
cfglist_delete <name>
Deletes a named list.
cfglist_add <name> <path>
Adds a config entry to a list. Path is relative to the cfg folder.
cfglist_remove <name> <path>
Removes a config entry from a list.
cfglist_exec_random <name>
Execute a random config file in a list.
cfglist_exec_list <name>
Executes every config file in a list sequentially.
Source repository is available on Google Code: