Crossfire EuroHL Plugin 1.5
This plugin is usable and workable only in crossfire map. It fixes glitch when user shot lamp (it has bigger effort to kill other players above lamp when you shot directly the lamp). It will notice other players when player shot the lamp (%s plays like noob!) and it will take health of attacker (health of player - gauss damage + it will strip gauss).
There are about 24 lamps fixed (mainly under spawns, some yellow and blue lamps).
Also this plugin has one special function: When player has activated bomb - all players will be noticed, who activated the bomb (%s activated bomb!).
It was hard for me to do this plugin because I had to manually write every lamp coordinaties (x,y,z) without fully seeing the invisible object (in front of lamps are invisible blocks/entities - info_target, which are triggered when user shot this entity with gauss). Anyway there is a variable DEBUG - it's usable when you are adding new lamp protections to map it will show you circle in center of entity.
eurohl_bombmsg - Show message when user press nuke button on crossfire. %s will be replaced by player name which activated bomb (Default: %s activated bomb!)
eurohl_noobmsg - Show message when user shot noob lamp. %s will be replaced by player name which shoted lamp (Default: %s plays like noob!)
eurohl_maps - List of maps where will work this plugin, use only on crossfire compatible maps. Use semicolon (;) as map delimiter. (Default: crossfire;ag_crossfire)
If you want hide/disable eurohl_bombmsg or eurohl_noobmsg, set these cvars to value "" (eurohl_bombmsg "" or eurohl_noobmsg "")
Edit 29/1/2015: V1.7