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[L4D & L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.27) [19-Feb-2023]

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SourceMod Plugin Approver
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: SpaceX
Plugin ID:
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Plugin Game:
Left 4 Dead
Plugin Dependencies:
    Servers with this Plugin:
    Plugin Description:
    New uncommon infected, mutant zombies.
    Old 01-01-2012 , 16:11   [L4D & L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.27) [19-Feb-2023]
    Reply With Quote #1

    (Bomb 1, Bomb 2, Fire, Ghost, Mind, Smoke, Spit, Tesla)

    Mind type effects: (Pic1, Pic2, Pic3, Pic4, Pic5, Pic6, Pic7, Pic8)

    • Mr. Man - Naming the plugin, ideas and testing.
    • januto - Testing on their server.
    • Jay_ombie - Ideas and testing.
    • raziEiL - Ideas and testing.
    • [Resistance] Yoshi - Testing.
    • JoBarfCreepy - Testing.
    • xioSlayer - Testing.
    • Recon-1 - Testing.
    • iRogue - Testing.


    There are random chances for Bomb mutants to explode when attacking, being hurt (defending) or shot in the head.

    Common which walk through molotov fires or firework crate explosions have a random chance to mutate into Fire mutants. These zombies are fireproof and have chances to drop fires when attacking or defending.

    Semi transparent zombie.

    Getting near to these zombies will change your screen color.

    Players near to these zombies receive damage.

    Common which walk through Spitter acid have a random chance to mutate into to Spit mutants. When hit by these zombies, players take damage for a few seconds.

    Nikola Tesla mutant, flings players away from the Mutant.

    Admin Commands: (requires "z" flag)

    PHP Code:
    sm_mutantsrefresh   // Refreshes the plugin and reloads the data config.
    sm_mutantbomb       // Spawns a Mutant Bomb Zombie.
    sm_mutantfire       // Spawns a Mutant Fire Zombie.
    sm_mutantghost      // Spawns a Mutant Ghost Zombie.
    sm_mutantmind       // Spawns a Mutant Mind Zombie.
    sm_mutantsmoke      // Spawns a Mutant Smoke Zombie.
    sm_mutantspit       // Spawns a Mutant Spit Zombie.
    sm_mutanttesla      // Spawns a Mutant Tesla Zombie.
    sm_mutants          // Spawns all Mutant Zombies 


    Saved to l4d2_mutants_.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder.

    PHP Code:
    // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
    l4d_mutants_allow "1"

    // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
    l4d_mutants_modes ""

    // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none).
    l4d_mutants_modes_off ""

    // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
    l4d2_mutants_modes_tog "0"

    // Mutant Zombies plugin version.


    Saved to l4d2_mutants.cfg in your servers \addons\sourcemod\data\ folder.

    For changes to take affect, you must either:
    A) Use this command sm_mutantsrefresh
    B) Reload the plugin.
    C) Change map.

    Load config based on "z_difficulty" value:
    - Since version 1.16 the plugin will load from a different config if it exists based on the difficulty:
    - Valid filenames are "l4d_mutants_easy.cfg", "l4d_mutants_normal.cfg", "l4d_mutants_hard.cfg" and "l4d_mutants_impossible.cfg" or the default config if the file does not exist.

    The "Settings" section:
    "check" - Prevents affecting zombies from the Variable Size Of Infected and Witch plugin.

    "random" - If set to "0", zombies will spawn when their individual "random" values are met. This is best for Versus so each team receives identical zombies after the same amount of infected spawn. Setting the number above 0 will spawn a random mutant when that many infected have spawned.

    "types" - You can limit which Mutants are allowed by adding together these type values:
    1=Bomb, 2=Fire, 4=Ghost, 8=Mind, 16=Smoke, 32=Spit, 64=Tesla, 127=All.

    Custom "types" on maps:
    "types" - You can limit which Mutants spawn on certain maps, by adding a new section with the map name to the config. Use the same type values from above.

    Example Config:

    PHP Code:
    // 0=Off, 1=Check for other plugin's uncommon infected to stop Mutant Zombies affecting them.
            // Default:    "0"
    "check"        "0"

    // 0=Off. Limit the number of Mutants at any one time to this amount.
            // Minimum: "0"
            // Maximum: "70"
            // Default:    "14"
    "limit"        "14"

    // 0=Mutants spawn when their individual "random" values are met (this is fair in Versus). Otherwise a random Mutant type is selected after this many common infected spawn.
            // Default:    "50"
    "random"    "50"

    // 1=Bomb, 2=Fire, 4=Ghost, 8=Mind, 16=Smoke, 32=Spit, 64=Tesla, 127=All.
            // Minimum: "0"
            // Maximum: "127"
            // Default:    "127"
    "types"        "127"

    // Should uncommon infected change into Mutant Zombies. 0=Ignore uncommon types. 1=Allow uncommon to be Mutant Zombies also.
            // Default: "0"
    "uncommon" "0"

    // 0=Default game damage. How much damage each hit does to a survivor.
            // Default:    "0"
    "damage"    "0"

    // How much damage does the explosion cause at the center.
            // Default:    "25"
    "damage_bomb"    "25"

    // Range at which explosions can damage.
            // Default:    "250"
    "distance"    "250"

    // Chance out of 100 to detonate the bomb when hitting survivors.
            // Default:    "50"
    "explode_attack"    "50"

    // Chance out of 100 to detonate the bomb when taking damage from survivors.
            // Default:    "15"
    "explode_defend"    "15"

    // Chance out of 100 to detonate the bomb when dieing from a headshot.
            // Default:    "75"
    "explode_headshot"    "75"

    // 0=Off. Range at which Bomb mutants glow.
            // Default:    "0"
    "glow"    "0"

    // R,G,B color values for the glow. 3 values between 0 and 255.
            // Default:    "255 255 0"
    "glow_color"    "255 255 0"

    // 0=Default. How much health the zombie has.
            // Default:    "150"
    "health"    "150"

    // How many Bomb mutants are allowed on the map at once.
            // Minimum: "0"
            // Maximum: "10"
            // Default:    "2"
    "limit"    "2"

    // 0=Off. Spawn a Bomb mutant after this many common spawn.
            // Minimum: "10"
            // Maximum: "1000"
            // Default:    "105"
    "random"    "105"

    // 0=Off. 1=Create a camera shake when the bomb explodes.
            // Default:    "1"
    "shake"    "1"

    // 0=Default game damage. How much damage each hit does to a survivor.
            // Default:    "0"
    "damage"    "0"

    // 0=Off, Chance of dropping fires when hurting players, between 1 and 100.
            // Default:    "10"
    "drop_attack"    "10"

    // 0=Off, Chance of dropping fires when receiving damage, between 1 and 100.
            // Default:    "5"
    "drop_defend"    "5"

    // How much damage each dropped fire causes per second.
            // Default:    "3"
    "drop_damage"    "3.0"

    // 0=Off. Range at which Fire mutants glow.
            // Default:    "0"
    "glow"    "0"

    // R,G,B color values for the glow. 3 values between 0 and 255.
            // Default:    "255 0 0"
    "glow_color"    "255 0 0"

    // 0=Default. How much health the zombie has.
            // Default:    "0"
    "health"    "0"

    // How many Fire mutants are allowed on the map at once.
            // Minimum: "0"
            // Maximum: "10"
            // Default:    "2"
    "limit"    "2"

    // 0=Off. Spawn a Fire mutant after this many common spawn.
            // Minimum: "10"
            // Maximum: "1000"
            // Default:    "133"
    "random"    "133"

    // How long do dropped fires last for.
            // Default:    "10.0"
    "time"        "10.0"

    // 0=Off, 100=All. The chance to turn common infected into Fire mutants when they walk through molotov fires or firework explosions.
            // Default:    "20"
    "walk"    "20"

    // 0=Off, 100=All. The chance to turn common infected into Fire mutants when they they are shot with incendiary bullets.
            // Default:    "20"
    "incendiary"    "20"

    // 0=Default game damage. How much damage each hit does to a survivor.
            // Default:    "0"
    "damage"    "0"

    // 0=Off. Range at which Ghost mutants glow.
            // Default:    "0"
    "glow"    "0"

    // R,G,B color values for the glow. 3 values between 0 and 255.
            // Default:    "100 100 100"
    "glow_color"    "100 100 100"

    // 0=Default. How much health the zombie has.
            // Default:    "0"
    "health"    "0"

    // How many Ghost mutants are allowed on the map at once.
            // Minimum: "0"
            // Maximum: "10"
            // Default:    "2"
    "limit"    "2"

    // 0=Transparent, 255=Opague. How solid do you want ghosts to appear?
            // Default:    "75"
    "opacity"    "75"

    // 0=Off. Spawn a Ghost mutant after this many common spawn.
            // Minimum: "10"
            // Maximum: "1000"
            // Default:    "49"
    "random"    "49"

    // 0=Default game damage. How much damage each hit does to a survivor.
            // Default:    "0"
    "damage"    "0"

    // How far does the effect range.
            // Default:    "300"
    "distance"    "300"

    // 1=Ghost, 2=Red, 4=Lightning, 8=Yellow, 16=Infected, 32=Thirdstrike, 64=Blue, 128=Sunrise, 255=All. Effects to randomly select from. Add the numbers together.
            // Minimum: "1"
            // Maximum: "255"
            // Default:    "255"
    "effects"    "255"

    // 0=Off. Range at which Mind mutants glow.
            // Default:    "0"
    "glow"    "0"

    // R,G,B color values for the glow. 3 values between 0 and 255.
            // Default:    "100 50 100"
    "glow_color"    "100 50 100"

    // 0=Default. How much health the zombie has.
            // Default:    "0"
    "health"    "0"

    // How many Mind mutants are allowed on the map at once.
            // Minimum: "0"
            // Maximum: "10"
            // Default:    "2"
    "limit"    "2"

    // 0=Off. Spawn a Mind mutant after this many common spawn.
            // Minimum: "10"
            // Maximum: "1000"
            // Default:    "63"
    "random"    "63"

    // 0=Default game damage. How much damage each hit does to a survivor.
            // Default:    "0"
    "damage"    "0"

    // How much damage does the smoke cloud do?
            // Default:    "1"
    "damage_smoke"    "1"

    // How far does the smoke cloud damage?
            // Default:    "100"
    "distance"    "100"

    // Color of the smoke
            // Default:    "20 20 30"
    "color"    "20 20 30"

    // 0=Off. Range at which Smoke mutants glow.
            // Default:    "0"
    "glow"    "0"

    // R,G,B color values for the glow. 3 values between 0 and 255.
            // Default:    "0 100 100"
    "glow_color"    "0 100 100"

    // 0=Default. How much health the zombie has.
            // Default:    "0"
    "health"    "0"

    // How many Smoke mutants are allowed on the map at once.
            // Minimum: "0"
            // Maximum: "10"
            // Default:    "2"
    "limit"    "2"

    // 0=Off. Spawn a Smoke mutant after this many common spawn.
            // Minimum: "10"
            // Maximum: "1000"
            // Default:    "91"
    "random"    "91"

    // 0=Default game damage. How much damage each hit does to a survivor.
            // Default:    "1"
    "damage"    "1"

    // How many times the player gets hurt after being hit by Spit mutants.
            // Default:    "3"
    "damage_multiple"    "3"

    // 0=Off, 1=Goo Dribble, 2=Smoke Trail, 3=Goo Dribble + Smoke Trail.
            // Minimum:    "0"
            // Maximum:    "6"
            // Default:    "3"
    "effects"    "3"

    // 0=Off. Range at which Spit mutants glow.
            // Default:    "0"
    "glow"    "0"

    // R,G,B color values for the glow. 3 values between 0 and 255.
            // Default:    "0 255 0"
    "glow_color"    "0 255 0"

    // 0=Default. How much health the zombie has.
            // Default:    "0"
    "health"    "0"

    // How many Spit mutants are allowed on the map at once.
            // Minimum: "0"
            // Maximum: "10"
            // Default:    "2"
    "limit"    "2"

    // 0=Off. Spawn a Spit mutant after this many common spawn.
            // Minimum: "10"
            // Maximum: "1000"
            // Default:    "119"
    "random"    "119"

    // The interval to hurt players after being hit by Spit mutants.
            // Default:    "0.5"
    "time"    "0.5"

    // 0=Off, The chance to turn common infected into Spit mutants when they walk through spitter acid.
            // Default:    "20"
    "walk"    "20"

    // 0=Default game damage. How much damage each hit does to a survivor.
            // Default:    "5"
    "damage"    "5"

    // 1=Electrical Arc, 2=Electrical Arc B, 4=St Elmos Fire, 8=Lightning, 16=Lightning B, 31=All.
            // Minimum:    "1"
            // Maximum: "31"
            // Default:    "31"
    "effects"    "31"

    // Use this much force to push away players
            // Default:    "400.0"
    "force"        "400.0"

    // Add this much vertical velocity. Must be above 250.0 or players will not be pushed at all.
            // Default:    "300.0"
    "force_z"    "300.0"

    // 0=Off. Range at which Tesla mutants glow.
            // Default:    "0"
    "glow"    "0"

    // R,G,B color values for the glow. 3 values between 0 and 255.
            // Default:    "0 100 255"
    "glow_color"    "0 100 255"

    // 0=Default. How much health the zombie has.
            // Default:    "0"
    "health"    "0"

    // How many Tesla mutants are allowed on the map at once.
            // Minimum: "0"
            // Maximum: "10"
            // Default:    "2"
    "limit"    "2"

    // 0=Off. Spawn a Tesla mutant after this many common spawn.
            // Minimum: "10"
            // Maximum: "1000"
            // Default:    "77"
    "random"    "77"

    1.27 (19-Feb-2023)
        - Fixed Fire Mutants taking fire damage from other sources. Thanks to "BystanderZK" for reporting.
    1.26 (10-Feb-2023)
        - Fixed invincible Fire Mutants. Thanks to "sonic155" and "Maur0" for reporting and testing.
        - Fixed Survivor bots from killing common infected instead of converting them to Fire Mutants.
        - Removed the "Smoke" type key value "color" since it was never meant to exist, the smoke is a particle and color cannot be changed. Thanks to "sonic155" for reporting.
    1.25 (03-Feb-2023)
        - Changed the method of converting and preventing Fire Mutants from dying. Thanks to "sonic155" for reporting.
        - Added another check to prevent invisible common remaining alive.
    1.24 (02-Feb-2023)
        - Fixed Fire Mutants not attacking when initially ignited.
        - Fixed invincible Fire Mutants bug from the last 3 plugin updates. Thanks to "Mi.Cura" for reporting.
    1.23 (27-Jan-2023)
        - Fixed invisible Fire Mutants bug from the last 2 plugin updates. Thanks to "Mi.Cura" for reporting.
    1.22 (25-Jan-2023)
        - Added "drop_damage" data config setting to Fire Mutants, allowing dropped fire damage to be controlled independently from the "damage" key.
        - Fixed converting common infected into Fire Mutants when shot by normal bullets.
        - Fixed incendiary bullets not always converting common infected to Fire Mutants.
    1.21 (24-Jan-2023)
        - Fixed incendiary bullets not always converting common infected to Fire Mutants.
        - Fixed not setting the config health value on Fire Mutants in some circumstances.
        - Fixed various fire damage causing Fire Mutants to die prematurely.
        - Thanks to "BystanderZK" for reporting and testing.
    1.20 (20-Jan-2023)
        - L4D2: Added "incendiary" data config setting to Fire Mutants, allowing common infected to convert to Fire Mutants when shot with Incendiary ammo.
        - Fixed common infected walking through fire not having the charred model effect.
    1.19 (15-Dec-2022)
        - Fixed changing "attacker" to entity reference in OnTakeDamage which affects other plugins. Thanks to "Hawkins" for reporting.
    1.18 (12-Dec-2022)
        - Fixed "Fire" type not spawning when walking through fire. Thanks to "BystanderZK" for reporting.
    1.17 (03-Dec-2022)
        - Fixed invalid entity errors. Thanks to "Mi.Cura" for reporting.
    1.16 (15-Aug-2022)
        - Changes to load the "l4d_mutants.cfg" data config based on the z_difficulty value if the file exists.
        - Valid filenames are "l4d_mutants_easy.cfg", "l4d_mutants_normal.cfg", "l4d_mutants_hard.cfg" and "l4d_mutants_impossible.cfg".
        - Requested by "Hawkins".
    1.15 (30-Jul-2022)
        - Potential fix for rare server crashes caused by "CBaseEntityOutput::FireOutput". Thanks to "Hawkins" for reporting.
    1.14 (07-Jun-2022)
        - Fixed mutant zombies spawning when their "random" data config setting values were set to "0". Thanks to "Winn" for reporting.
        - Removed minimum and maximum value restriction for individual mutants "random" data config setting.
    1.13 (12-Sep-2021)
        - L4D1: Fixed constantly spawning Mutant Zombies due to not restricting a line of code for L4D2.
    1.12 (09-Oct-2020)
        - Changed "OnClientPostAdminCheck" to "OnClientPutInServer" - to fix any issues if Steam service is down.
    1.11 (30-Sep-2020)
        - Fixed compile errors on SM 1.11.
    1.10 (15-May-2020)
        - Replaced "point_hurt" entity with "SDKHooks_TakeDamage" function.
    1.9 (10-May-2020)
        - Extra checks to prevent "IsAllowedGameMode" throwing errors.
        - Various changes to tidy up code.
        - Various optimizations and fixes.
    1.8 (08-Apr-2020)
        - Fixed invalid entity index errors. Thanks to "sxslmk" reporting.
    1.7 (01-Apr-2020)
        - Fixed not precaching "env_shake" causing the Bomb type to stutter on first explosion. Thanks to "TiTz" for reporting.
        - Fixed clients giving themselves damage instead of from the server. Thanks to "TiTz" for reporting.
        - Fixed "IsAllowedGameMode" from throwing errors when the "_tog" cvar was changed before MapStart.
    1.6 (18-Mar-2020)
        - Changed the random spawn selection method to use >= instead of > value.
        - Now you can specify "random" "1" in the config to make every common infected spawned a Mutant Zombie.
        - This also applies to each types individual "random" setting.
        - Added "uncommon" data config setting. This allows uncommon infected to also be Mutants. Default off.
        - Fixed "check" data config setting from never actually being read.
    1.5.1 (28-Jun-2019)
        - Changed PrecacheParticle method.
    1.5.0 (05-May-2018)
        - Converted plugin source to the latest syntax utilizing methodmaps. Requires SourceMod 1.8 or newer.
        - Changed cvar "l4d_mutants_modes_tog" now supports L4D1.
    1.4.3 (01-Apr-2018)
        - Fixed bug in L4D2.
        - Uploaded correct data config for L4D2, previous one broke Tesla and Spit mutants.
    1.4.2 (31-Mar-2018)
        - Tesla Mutants now working in L4D1, with reduced visual effects.
    1.4.1 (31-Mar-2018)
        - Added check for very rare and very strange error - "Dragokas".
        - Fixed particle error in L4D1.
        - Fixed bomb position in L4D1.
        - Data config renamed to "l4d_mutants.cfg".
    1.4 (23-Mar-2018)
        - Initial support for L4D1.
    1.3 (10-May-2012)
        - Added cvar "l4d2_mutants_modes_off" to control which game modes the plugin works in.
        - Added cvar "l4d2_mutants_modes_tog" same as above, but only works for L4D2.
        - Fixed a bug when gascans etc exploded, which prevented common from being ignited.
        - Fixed a bug with the "random" option in the config not working as expected.
    1.2 (15-Jan-2012)
        - Fixed "effects" not setting correctly on "Mind" type.
    1.1 (14-Jan-2012)
        - Added command "sm_mutantsrefresh" to refresh the plugin and reload the data config.
        - Fixed "types" config not setting when "random" was set to 0.
    1.0 (01-Jan-2012)
        - Initial release.

    1. Click "Get Plugin" and put the .smx file into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins\ folder.
    2. Download "l4d_mutants.cfg" and put into your servers \addons\sourcemod\data\ folder.

    Updating from 1.2 or older:
    • New cvars have been added: use the Cvar Configs Updater, or delete the old cvars config or manually add them.
    Attached Files
    File Type: cfg l4d_mutants.cfg (8.5 KB, 1163 views)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_mutant_zombies.sp - 1645 views - 93.6 KB)

    Last edited by Silvers; 02-19-2023 at 02:53. Reason: Restore to previous version.
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    Old 01-01-2012 , 17:58   Re: [L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.0) [01-Jan-2012]
    Reply With Quote #2


    Last edited by Silvers; 01-06-2012 at 14:01.
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    Old 01-01-2012 , 18:31   Re: [L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.0) [01-Jan-2012]
    Reply With Quote #3

    best plugin ever 5 stars definitely
    alexip121093 is offline
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    Old 01-01-2012 , 23:06   Re: [L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.0) [01-Jan-2012]
    Reply With Quote #4

    of course and my 9999 stars, if they were here. I think this is really the best and original l4d plugin on SM, +5!
    disawar1 is offline
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    Old 01-02-2012 , 06:18   Re: [L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.0) [01-Jan-2012]
    Reply With Quote #5

    All I can say is.. +5 A lot of testing in my server, bug free.
    You are welcome!

    januto is offline
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    Old 01-02-2012 , 18:00   Re: [L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.0) [01-Jan-2012]
    Reply With Quote #6

    This plugin is beautiful awesome work!
    BTW I tested it for 5+ hours with SDKHooks 2.1 on a Linux dedicated and it didn't crashed
    Zombienator is offline
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    Old 01-03-2012 , 05:29   Re: [L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.0) [01-Jan-2012]
    Reply With Quote #7

    Thanks for the comments

    I think the problem is on Windows servers with 2.1, at least in my experience: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpos...postcount=1765

    I should also note, the OnTakeDamage hook which causes the crash only happens when the "walk" for Fire mutants is enabled. So normal common infected can mutate into Fire zombies.

    Last edited by Silvers; 01-03-2012 at 05:31.
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    Old 01-03-2012 , 06:11   Re: [L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.0) [01-Jan-2012]
    Reply With Quote #8

    Nice! Here's some ideas

    - meleeing Spitter Zombies hurts
    - mind Zombies distort players hearing (Adrenaline effects)
    - mind Zombies can cause fake Zombie sounds to be heard where there is no Zombies (eg behind player)
    - same principle, fake Survivor sounds like "im being pounced" etc
    - same idea still, muting actual Survivor sounds
    AtomicStryker is offline
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    Old 01-03-2012 , 06:19   Re: [L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.0) [01-Jan-2012]
    Reply With Quote #9

    Thanks Atomic, Jay_ombie had suggested a "Mimic" type but I never added because I wasn't sure what I should do, create a Jockey that stands somewhere on the map making sounds? Maybe I should use the "Mind" type to do this.

    I like your idea of meleeing Spit Zombies and being hurt and the adrenaline effect sound! I'll add those at some point, thanks.
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    Old 01-03-2012 , 22:32   Re: [L4D2] Mutant Zombies (1.0) [01-Jan-2012]
    Reply With Quote #10

    Fantastic idea for a plugin. I love seeing unique plugins like this for L4D2.
    JackieChan is offline

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