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[L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.9) [07-Nov-2023]

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SourceMod Plugin Approver
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Left 4 Dead
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    Plugin Description:
    Creates flares like those from The Sacrifice, either by command or automatically when incapped or upgrade ammo is deployed, either on the ground or attached.
    Old 12-02-2011 , 18:54   [L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.9) [07-Nov-2023]
    Reply With Quote #1

    This plugin was originally part of the Flare and Light Package. I have seperated the Flare, Flashlight and Flare Gun into new plugins.

    • SilentBr - for the idea and request.
    • Mr.RuyC - For recording videos and playing for hours and hours testing the plugin on his server.
    • nakashimakun - Who came up with the plugin name. Also tested the plugin on his server.
    • honorcode23, DJ_WEST, AtomicStryker, Boikinov, pimpinjuice and FoxMulder for source code (full credits inside the source).
    • NanX, japan555, CeeJ, Farmer, SilentBr, sapphire989, Visual77, Mr. Man and everyone else who helped testing, it's been fun!
    • disawar1 - Testing 2.0 and finding bugs, Russian translation.

    • Creates flares like those from The Sacrifice. On the ground or attached to players.
    • Automatically creates a flare next to players when incapped, explosive ammo is deployed or by player commands.
    • Admins can save flares to maps which will auto spawn on round_start. Saved to l4d_flare.cfg in your servers \addons\sourcemod\data\ folder.
    • Attached and ground flares play a burning sound (same one used for The Sacrifice flares)!
    • Checks the command access overrides for 'sm_flare' and 'sm_flareme' as well as providing cvars to control access flags.
    • Flare colors can be locked so players cannot change. Put the cvar l4d_flare_lock_colors to 1 and it will force the colors to what you specified in the config.
    • Total flares limited to 32 (l4d_flare_max_total).

    Player commands:

    Usage: sm_flare <R G B|red|green|blue|purple|orange|yellow|white>
    Optional: Color name trigger or 3 RGB values (-1 to 255) for light color. The ground flare has an optional second set of RGB values to control extra smoke color (env_steam) but if they are not specified the first set will be used.

    PHP Code:
    sm_flare    // Spawns a flare on the ground.
    sm_flareme  // Attach a flare to yourself.

    // Examples:
    sm_flare 0 0 255   // Creates a blue flare on the ground next to you.
    sm_flare green     // Green flare on the ground next to you.
    sm_flareme red     // Red flare attached to you. 

    Admin Commands: (requires "z" flag)

    Usage: sm_flareclient <#user id|name> <R G B|red|green|blue|purple|orange|yellow|white>
    Optional: Color name trigger or 3 RGB values (-1 to 255) for light color. The ground flare has an optional second set of RGB values to control extra smoke color (env_steam) but if they are not specified the first set will be used.

    PHP Code:
    sm_flareclient     // Attach a flare on specified player. Usage: sm_flareclient <#userid|name>
    sm_flareground     // Drop a flare next to specified player.

    // Examples:
    sm_flareclient Roch 0 0 255     // Creates a blue flare attached to Rochelle
    sm_flareclient Nick green       // Creates a green flare attached to Nick
    sm_flareground @survivors red   // Creates a red flare next to all survivors

    sm_flaresave       // Spawns a flare at your crosshair and saves to config. Usage: sm_flaresave <r> <g> <b>.
    sm_flareset        // Usage: sm_flareset <r> <g> <b>. Changes the nearest flare light color and saves to config.
    sm_flareglow       // Toggle placed flares to Glow showing their location.
    sm_flarelist       // Display a list flare positions and the number of flares.
    sm_flaredel        // Removes the flare you are nearest to and deletes from the config if saved.
    sm_flareclear      // Removes all fire flares from the current map.
    sm_flarewipe       // Removes all fire flares from the current map and deletes them from the config.
    sm_flarebug        // When the plugin fails to work during a round, run this command and report the error. 


    Saved to l4d_flare.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder.

    PHP Code:
    // Attached flare
    // 0=Disable sm_self command. 1=Incapped only (not admins). 2=Any time.
    l4d_flare_attach_cmd_allow "2"

    // Players with these flags may use the sm_flareme command. (Empty = all).
    l4d_flare_attach_cmd_flags ""

    // Adds the pipebomb fuse particles to the flare.
    l4d_flare_attach_fuse "1"

    // 0=Off, 1=Attaches light_dynamic glow to the player.
    l4d_flare_attach_light_allow "1"

    // The light color. Three values between 0-255 separated by spaces. RGB Color255 - Red Green Blue.
    l4d_flare_attach_light_colour "200 20 15"

    // 0=Off, 1=Adds The Sacrifice flare smoke particles.
    l4d_flare_attach_stock "1"

    // How long the attached flares should burn. 1 flare per player.
    l4d_flare_attach_time "10.0"

    // Ground flare
    // 0=Disable sm_flare command. 1=Incapped only (not admins). 2=Any time.
    l4d_flare_ground_cmd_allow "2"

    // Players with these flags may use the sm_flare command. Empty = all.
    l4d_flare_ground_cmd_flags ""

    // Adds the pipebomb fuse particles to the flare.
    l4d_flare_ground_fuse "1"

    // Light glow around flare. 0=Off, 1=light_dynamic, 2=point_spotlight.
    l4d_flare_ground_light_allow "1"

    // Brightness of the light <10-255>.
    // Minimum: "10.000000" Maximum: "255.000000"
    l4d_flare_ground_light_bright "255"

    // The light color. Three values between 0-255 separated by spaces. RGB Color255 - Red Green Blue.
    l4d_flare_ground_light_colour "200 20 15"

    // 0=Off, 1=Adds extra smoke to the flare (env_steam).
    l4d_flare_ground_smoke_allow "0"

    // Transparency of the extra smoke (10-255).
    // Minimum: "10.000000" Maximum: "255.000000"
    l4d_flare_ground_smoke_alpha "60"

    // The extra smoke color. Three values between 0-255 separated by spaces. RGB Color255 - Red Green Blue.
    l4d_flare_ground_smoke_colour "200 20 15"

    // How tall the extra smoke should rise.
    l4d_flare_ground_smoke_height "100"

    // 0=Off, 1=Adds The Sacrifice flare smoke particles.
    l4d_flare_ground_stock "1"

    // 0=Off, 1=Drop a flare when incendiary or explosive rounds are deployed.
    l4d_flare_ground_upgrade "1"

    // Plugin cvars
    // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
    l4d_flare_allow "1"

    // Display flare when incapped. 0=Off, 1=On ground, 2=Attach to player.
    l4d_flare_incapped "1"

    // 0=Off, Show intro message in chat this many seconds after joining.
    // Minimum: "0.000000" Maximum: "120.000000"
    l4d_flare_intro "35.0"

    // 0=Let players edit light/smoke colors, 1=Force to cvar specified.
    l4d_flare_lock "0"

    // Limit the total number of simultaneous flares.
    // Minimum: "1.000000" Maximum: "32.000000"
    l4d_flare_max_total "32"

    // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
    l4d_flare_modes ""

    // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none).
    l4d_flare_modes_off ""

    // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
    l4d_flare_modes_tog "0"

    // 0=Off, 1=Print hints to chat (requires translation file provided).
    l4d_flare_notify "1"

    // How long the flares should burn, blocks non-admins making flares also.
    // Minimum: "1.000000" Maximum: "120.000000"
    l4d_flare_time "10.0"

    // Flare plugin version.

    2.9 (07-Nov-2023)
        - Fixed memory leak. Thanks to "HarryPotter" for reporting.
        - Added Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese translations. Thanks to "HarryPotter" and "CIKK".
    2.8 (11-Dec-2022)
        - L4D2: Added command "sm_flareglow" to toggle glow on Flares to show where they are.
        - Changes to fix compile warnings on SourceMod 1.11.
    2.7 (01-Jul-2021)
        - Added a warning message to suggest installing the "Attachments API" and "Use Priority Patch" plugins if missing.
    2.6 (09-Oct-2020)
        - Changed "OnClientPostAdminCheck" to "OnClientPutInServer" - to fix any issues if Steam service is down.
    2.5 (10-May-2020)
        - Extra checks to prevent "IsAllowedGameMode" throwing errors.
        - Various changes to tidy up code.
        - Various optimizations and fixes.
    2.4 (01-Apr-2020)
        - Fixed "IsAllowedGameMode" from throwing errors when the "_tog" cvar was changed before MapStart.
        - Removed "colors.inc" dependency.
        - Updated these translation file encodings to UTF-8 (to display all characters correctly): German (de).
    2.3.1 (28-Jun-2019)
        - Changed PrecacheParticle method.
        - Delete redundant if statement. Thanks to "BHaType" for reporting.
    2.3 (05-May-2018)
        - Converted plugin source to the latest syntax utilizing methodmaps. Requires SourceMod 1.8 or newer.
        - Changed cvar "l4d_flare_modes_tog" now supports L4D1.
        - Potentially fixed the plugin from rarely breaking for a round.
    2.2.1 (19-Nov-2015)
        - Fix to prevent garbage being passed into SetVariantString, as suggested by "KyleS".
    2.2 (21-May-2012)
        - Added German translations - Thanks to "Dont Fear The Reaper".
    2.2 (30-Mar-2012)
        - Added Spanish translations - Thanks to "Januto".
        - Added cvar "l4d_flare_modes_off" to control which game modes the plugin works in.
        - Added cvar "l4d_flare_modes_tog" same as above, but only works for L4D2.
        - Changed the way "l4d_flare_attach_cmd_flags" and "l4d_flare_ground_cmd_flags" validate clients by checking they have one of the flags.
        - Fixed cvar "l4d_flare_ground_light_allow" setting of "2" not removing lights.
        - Small changes and fixes.
    2.1 (19-Dec-2011)
        - Fixed flares not loading on changelevel command.
        - Removed more CreateTimer functions. The game itself will remove those entities.
    2.0 (02-Dec-2011)
        - Plugin separated and taken from the "Flare and Light Package" plugin.
        - Added Russian translations - Thanks to "disawar1".
        - Added cvar "l4d_flare_attach_time" to control how long attached flares burn.
        - Added cvar "l4d_flare_ground_upgrade" to drop a flare when upgrade ammo is deployed.
        - Added commands: sm_flaresave, sm_flaredel, sm_flareclear, sm_flarewipe, sm_flareset, sm_flarelist.
        - Added "data/l4d_flare.cfg" so admins can save flares to maps using the above commands.
        - Added the following triggers to specify colors with sm_flare: red, green, blue, purple, orange, yellow, white.
        - Increased cvar "l4d_flare_time" from 120 to 600 seconds (10 minutes).
        - Removed cvar "l4d_flare_max_admin". Admins can place all flares instead of being limited.
        - Removed some CreateTimer functions. The game itself will remove flares after "l4d_flare_time".
    1.0 (29-Jan-2011)
        - Initial release.

    1. Put the plugins .sp file into your scripting folder and compile the plugin.

    • Download the .zip and extract the files to their respective folders in your servers \addons\sourcemod\ folder.
    • Install the Use Priority Patch plugin to prevent blocking +USE.
    • Optional: Install the Attachment_API plugin to fix attachment positions breaking on model change.

    Updating from 2.1 or older:
    • New cvars have been added: use the Cvar Configs Updater, or delete the old cvars config or manually add them.

    Current Translations: English (en), German (de), Russian (ru), Spanish (es), Simplified Chinese (chi), Traditional Chinese (zho).
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip l4d_flare.zip (53.1 KB, 601 views)

    Last edited by Silvers; 11-07-2023 at 07:43.
    Silvers is offline
    AlliedModders Donor
    Join Date: Aug 2011
    Location: Russian
    Old 12-03-2011 , 04:26   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.0) [02-Dec-2011]
    Reply With Quote #2

    so...Congratulations! flaregun will come in the new version, right?)
    disawar1 is offline
    SourceMod Plugin Approver
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    Old 12-03-2011 , 04:55   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.0) [02-Dec-2011]
    Reply With Quote #3

    That's correct the Flare Gun will be released soon. It has new modes which need a bit of tweaking.

    I will be updating the Flare plugin at some point to include throwable flares. These will be attached to pipebombs/molotovs/vomitjars. Please if anyone has ideas on how to activate this (command or other) please let me know.
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    Old 12-03-2011 , 11:52   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.0) [02-Dec-2011]
    Reply With Quote #4

    Working very well. Bug-free so far and I'm really liking the flare-on-upgrade-ammo option.

    thanks for the great plugins ;]
    xioSlayer is offline
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    Old 12-19-2011 , 05:55   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.0) [02-Dec-2011]
    Reply With Quote #5

    What can I do if I want to change to my custom message what is typed in chat?
    You are welcome!

    januto is offline
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    Old 12-19-2011 , 06:52   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.0) [02-Dec-2011]
    Reply With Quote #6

    There's a translation file inside which you can customise.

    Edit: Updated, fixed a bug disawar1 discovered, thanks.

    Last edited by Silvers; 12-19-2011 at 07:08.
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    Location: Russian
    Old 12-19-2011 , 10:19   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.1) [19-Dec-2011]
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    np )
    disawar1 is offline
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    Old 03-30-2012 , 08:25   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.2) [30-Mar-2012]
    Reply With Quote #8

    Plugin updated:

    2.2 (30-Mar-2012)
    - Added Spanish translations - Thanks to Januto.
    - Added cvar "l4d_flare_modes_off" to control which game modes the plugin works in.
    - Added cvar "l4d_flare_modes_tog" same as above, but only works for L4D2.
    - Changed the way "l4d_flare_attach_cmd_flags" and "l4d_flare_ground_cmd_flags" validate clients by checking they have one of the flags.
    - Fixed cvar "l4d_flare_ground_light_allow" setting of "2" not removing lights.
    - Small changes and fixes.
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    Old 04-22-2012 , 00:40   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.2) [30-Mar-2012]
    Reply With Quote #9

    Wouldn't this be a problem for people with low specs (PC)?
    Simca is offline
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    Old 04-25-2012 , 04:19   Re: [L4D & L4D2] Flare (2.2) [30-Mar-2012]
    Reply With Quote #10

    Hey silver, can you check if Flare mod is working on 1.4.2 Sourcemod?

    I was having trouble with my server and had to upgrade the sourcemod from 1.3.4. to 1.4.2, now the flare mod isn't work, or im doing something incorrectly lol

    sm_flare or !flare do nothing, console itself didn't even say if this command existed or not lol

    Edit: nevermind, seen i have to load a new map before the plugin kicks in

    Last edited by DrDarkTempler; 04-25-2012 at 04:25.
    DrDarkTempler is offline

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