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Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009

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Old 11-07-2010 , 17:06   Re: Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
Reply With Quote #231

Anyway this mod can be made easier?


!votekick/ban username

and when !votekick / !voteban has been used in chat while a vote is running, the person agrees with the vote rather than have to choose the name again through the menu.

Last edited by Skyrider; 11-07-2010 at 18:09.
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Old 11-08-2010 , 08:57   Re: Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
Reply With Quote #232

Originally Posted by Ginxeng View Post
This dont work for me or at least not the way it supposed to. People are still able to call a vote using the votekick or votemap in the chat but for things like auto votemap for the end of the round dont work anymore and thats what I need.
For me works fine on Windows SRCDS (CSS) with the latest official MM\SM releases.

Everytime new release of SM comes out I'm recompiling all of my plugins, maybe You should do the same thing to refresh Your plugins.

Originally Posted by FF|Skyrider View Post
Anyway this mod can be made easier?


!votekick/ban username

and when !votekick / !voteban has been used in chat while a vote is running, the person agrees with the vote rather than have to choose the name again through the menu.
Then people would just spam Your server with votekick\voteban votes.
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Old 11-25-2010 , 07:47   Re: Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
Reply With Quote #233

Anyone else having the same problem as me, the map vote dont come up at the end of the round as it used to. I have the lastest MM/SM on Windows SRCDS and I have recompiled the plugin with no difference. It just stop working one day during one of valves updates.
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Old 12-24-2010 , 21:59   Re: Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
Reply With Quote #234


I am running a Linux server with MM 1.9.0 and SM 1.3.7.

This plugin has stopped working after the latest valve patches. It worked 100% with SourceBans on 20/11/2010. After those days I've closed my server and reopened it today.

My playersvotes cfg - http://pastie.org/private/vjdk2ytxeqoic3fgkucfg

It doesn't work with SM 1.3.6 either... When you type in voteban in chat nothing happens, but if you type it again quickly the message about 'you have to wait for xy second to be able to vote again'. But I get no menu to choose player. It doesn't appear at all, even if I press any number blindly, my vote isn't accepted.

Could anyone give any advice?

Thank you very much.


Last edited by karil; 08-21-2011 at 22:01.
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Old 12-29-2010 , 10:45   Re: Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
Reply With Quote #235


I have a problem with this plugin. The plugin work correctly but he had bug with my SourceBans.
When a player is ban, the plugin writ on my SourceBans banlist the reason, the name, the time..

BUT, for the nickname AND the IP adress, there is a bug.
The field is empty. I can see "no nickname present" and for ip adress "no ip present"

But, the nickname of the victim is present of the field "reason" between parenthesis.
Look the screen for more understanding.

The screen are translate in my language.
Someone has an idea ?


(Sry for my bad english, i'm french )

Last edited by Youta; 12-29-2010 at 10:52.
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blue zebra
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Old 01-28-2011 , 04:05   Re: Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
Reply With Quote #236

Useful plugin. Thanks. The language file not completed and not done.
I finished and corrected the HU lang parts, but the other languages not completed too. Please someones translate correctly the plugin.playersvotes.txt .
Thanks in advence.

        "en"    "VoteKick"
        "pl"    "VoteKick"
        "de"    "VoteKick"
        "ru"    "VoteKick"
        "hu"    "Kirugás szavazás"

        "en"    "VoteBan"
        "pl"    "VoteBan"
        "de"    "VoteBan"
        "ru"    "VoteBan"
        "hu"    "Kitiltás szavazás"

        "en"    "VoteMap"
        "pl"    "VoteMap"
        "de"    "VoteMap"
        "ru"    "VoteMap"
        "hu"    "Pálya szavazás"

        "en"    "VoteMute"
        "pl"    "VoteMute"
        "de"    "VoteMute"
        "ru"    "VoteMute"
        "hu"    "Némítás szavazás"

        "en"    "All"
        "pl"    "Wszystkie"
        "de"    "Alle"
        "ru"    "All"
        "hu"    "Mind"

    "voted to kick"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voted to kick {2}"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował za wykopaniem {2}"
        "de"        "{1} will {2} mittels Abstimmung vom Server werfen"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за кик {2}"
        "hu"        "{1} arra szavazott, hogy dobjuk ki {2} -t."

    "voted to ban"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voted to ban {2}"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował za zbanowaniem {2}"
        "de"        "{1} will {2} mittels Abstimmung vom Server bannen"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за бан {2}"
        "hu"        "{1} arra szavazott, hogy tiltsuk ki {2} -t."

    "voted to mute"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voted to mute {2}"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował za zmutowaniem {2}"
        "de"        "{1} will {2} mittels Abstimmung stumm schalten"
        "ru"        "{1} voted to mute {2}"
        "hu"        "{1} arra szavazott, hogy némítsuk le {2} -t."

    "voted for map"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voted for map change to {2}"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował na zmianę mapy na {2}"
        "de"        "{1} will mittels Abstimmung auf die Karte {2} wechseln"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за смену карты на {2}"
        "hu"        "{1} arra szavazott, hogy váltsunk pályát {2} -ra."

    "voted for nextmap"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voted to set nextmap to {2}"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował na zmianę następnej mapy na {2}"
        "de"        "{1} voted to set nextmap to {2}"
        "ru"        "{1} voted to set nextmap to {2}"
        "hu"        "{1} arra szavazott, hogy a következő pálya legyen {2}."

    "voted for extend"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:d}"
        "en"        "{1} voted to extend map by {2} mins"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował za przedłużeniem mapy o {2} minut"
        "de"        "{1} stimmte für Karte beibehalten für {2} Minuten"
        "ru"        "{1} voted to extend map by {2} mins"
        "hu"        "{1} a pályaidő meghosszabitását választotta {2} perccel."

    "extend map by"
        "#format"    "{1:d}"
        "en"        "Extend map {1} mins"
        "pl"        "Przedłuż mapę {1} minut"
        "de"        "Karte beibehalten für {1} Minuten"
        "ru"        "Extend map {1} mins"
        "hu"        "Pályaidő meghosszabitása {1} perccel."

    "votes required"
        "#format"    "{1:d},{2:d}"
        "en"        "Votes required {1}/{2}"
        "pl"        "Głosów potrzebnych {1}/{2}"
        "de"        "Erforderliche Stimmenanzahl {1}/{2}"
        "ru"        "Требуется голосов: {2}, получено: {1} "
        "hu"        "Szükséges szavazatok: {2}, eddig beérkezett: {1}."

    "kicked by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} has been kicked by players vote."
        "pl"        "{1} został wykopany w wyniku głosowania."
        "de"        "{1} wurde mittels Abstimmung vom Server geworfen"
        "ru"        "{1} был кикнут в результате голосования."
        "hu"        "{1} ki lett rugva szavazással."

    "banned by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} has been banned by players vote."
        "pl"        "{1} został zbanowany w wyniku głosowania."
        "de"        "{1} wurde mittels Abstimmung vom Server gebannt"
        "ru"        "{1} бал забанен в результате голосования."
        "hu"        "{1} ki lett tiltva szavazással."

    "muted by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} has been muted by players vote."
        "pl"        "{1} został zmutowany w wyniku głosowania."
        "de"        "{1} ist durch Abstimmung stumm geschaltet worden."
        "ru"        "{1} has been muted by players vote."
        "hu"        "{1} le lett némitva szavazással."

    "map change by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "Changing map to {1} due to players vote."
        "pl"        "Zmiana mapy na {1} w wyniku głosowania graczy."
        "de"        "Auf Grund der Abstimmung wird auf die Karte {1} gewechselt"
        "ru"        "По результатам голосования меняем карту на {1}."
        "hu"        "Szavazás miatt pályaváltas {1} -ra."

    "nextmap change by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "Setting nextmap to {1} due to players vote."
        "pl"        "Zmienianie następnej mapy na {1} poprzez głosowanie graczy."
        "de"        "Setting nextmap to {1} due to players vote."
        "ru"        "Setting nextmap to {1} due to players vote."
        "hu"        "Szavazás miatt ez lesz a következő pálya: {1}."

    "map extend by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:d}"
        "en"        "Extending map by {1} mins due to players vote."
        "pl"        "Przedłużanie mapy na {1} poprzez glosowanie graczy."
        "de"        "Abstimmung ergab, dass die Karte für {1} Minuten beibehalten wird."
        "ru"        "Extending map by {1} mins due to players vote."
        "hu"        "Szavazás miatt a pályaidő meg lett hosszabitva {1} perccel."

    "kicked by users"
        "en"        "You have been kicked by players votes"
        "pl"        "Zostałeś wykopany w wyniku głosowania."
        "de"        "Du wurdest mittels Abstimmung vom Server geworfen"
        "ru"        "Игроки проголосовали за ваш кик!"
        "hu"        "Szavazás útján ki lettél rugva!"

    "banned by users"
        "en"        "You have been banned by players votes"
        "pl"        "Zostales zbanowany poprzez votebana."
        "de"        "Du wurdest mittels Abstimmung vom Server gebannt"
        "ru"        "Игроки проголосовали за ваш бан!"
        "hu"        "Szavazás átján ki lettél tiltva!"

    "is disabled"
        "en"        "is disabled"
        "pl"        "jest wyłączony"
        "de"        "ist abgeschaltet"
        "ru"        "- отключено"
        "hu"        "nincs engedélyezve."

    "voting not allowed"
        "#format"    "{1:d}"
        "en"        "Voting not allowed for {1} sec."
        "pl"        "Głosowanie nie jest dozwolone jeszcze przez {1} sek."
        "de"        "Keine Abstimmungen erlaubt in den kommenden {1} Sekunden."
        "ru"        "Запуск голосования возможен через {1} сек."
        "hu"        "Még {1} másodpercig nem lehet szavazni!"
    "voting not allowed again"
        "#format"    "{1:d}"
        "en"        "Voting again not allowed for another {1} sec."
        "pl"        "Ponowne głosowanie nie jest dozwolone jeszcze przez {1} sek."
        "de"        "Abstimmungen sind nicht erlaubt bei verbleibenden {1} Sekunden."
        "ru"        "Новое голосование возможно через {1} сек."
        "hu"        "Újraszavazás nem lehetséges még {1} másodpercig!"

    "votes spent"
        "#format"    "{1:d},{2:s}"
        "en"        "You spent all {1} of your {2} votes this map."
        "pl"        "Wykorzystałeś wszystkie {1} z twoich {2} głosowań na tej mapie."
        "de"        "Du hast {1} von {2} Deiner Stimmen verbraucht."
        "ru"        "You spent all {1} of your {2} votes this map."
        "hu"        "{1} szavazatot küldtél a {2} -ből erre a mapra."

    "votes remaining"
        "#format"    "{1:d}"
        "en"        "{1} votes remaining"
        "pl"        "{1} głosowań pozostało"
        "de"        "{1} Abstimmungen verbleiben"
        "ru"        "{1} votes remaining"
        "hu"        "{1} szavazat kell még."

    "canceled votes"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} votes canceled."
        "pl"        "{1} głosowania anulowane."
        "de"        "{1} Abstimmungen storniert."
        "ru"        "{1} votes canceled."
        "hu"        "{1} szavazat törölve."

    "cancel votes"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "Cancel {1} votes"
        "pl"        "Anuluj {1} głosowania"
        "de"        "Abbrechen {1} Abstimmung"
        "ru"        "Cancel {1} votes"
        "hu"        "{1} szavazás visszavonva."

    "enable voting"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "Enable {1}"
        "pl"        "Włącz {1}"
        "de"        "Einschalten {1}"
        "ru"        "Enable {1}"
        "hu"        "Engedélyezve {1}"

    "disable voting"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "Disable {1}"
        "pl"        "Wyłącz {1}"
        "de"        "Ausschalten {1}"
        "ru"        "Disable {1}"
        "hu"        "Letiltva {1}"

    "disabled votes"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voting disabled."
        "pl"        "{1} głosowanie wyłączone."
        "de"        "{1} Abstimmungen ausgeschaltet."
        "ru"        "{1} voting disabled."
        "hu"        "{1} szavazás letiltva."

    "enabled votes"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voting enabled."
        "pl"        "{1} głosowanie włączone."
        "de"        "{1} Abstimmungen eingeschaltet."
        "ru"        "{1} voting enabled."
        "hu"        "{1} szavazás engedélyezve."

    "ban reasons"
        "en"        "Ban reasons"
        "pl"        "Powody banów"
        "de"        "Ban reasons"
        "ru"        "Ban reasons"
        "hu"        "Kitiltás oka"

Last edited by blue zebra; 02-01-2011 at 03:49.
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Old 02-01-2011 , 06:54   Re: Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
Reply With Quote #237

Originally Posted by blue zebra View Post
Useful plugin. Thanks. The language file not completed and not done.
I finished and corrected the HU lang parts, but the other languages not completed too. Please someones translate correctly the plugin.playersvotes.txt .
Thanks in advence.

        "en"    "VoteKick"
        "pl"    "VoteKick"
        "de"    "VoteKick"
        "ru"    "VoteKick"
        "hu"    "Kirugás szavazás"

        "en"    "VoteBan"
        "pl"    "VoteBan"
        "de"    "VoteBan"
        "ru"    "VoteBan"
        "hu"    "Kitiltás szavazás"

        "en"    "VoteMap"
        "pl"    "VoteMap"
        "de"    "VoteMap"
        "ru"    "VoteMap"
        "hu"    "Pálya szavazás"

        "en"    "VoteMute"
        "pl"    "VoteMute"
        "de"    "VoteMute"
        "ru"    "VoteMute"
        "hu"    "Némítás szavazás"

        "en"    "All"
        "pl"    "Wszystkie"
        "de"    "Alle"
        "ru"    "All"
        "hu"    "Mind"

    "voted to kick"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voted to kick {2}"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował za wykopaniem {2}"
        "de"        "{1} will {2} mittels Abstimmung vom Server werfen"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за кик {2}"
        "hu"        "{1} arra szavazott, hogy dobjuk ki {2} -t."

    "voted to ban"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voted to ban {2}"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował za zbanowaniem {2}"
        "de"        "{1} will {2} mittels Abstimmung vom Server bannen"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за бан {2}"
        "hu"        "{1} arra szavazott, hogy tiltsuk ki {2} -t."

    "voted to mute"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voted to mute {2}"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował za zmutowaniem {2}"
        "de"        "{1} will {2} mittels Abstimmung stumm schalten"
        "ru"        "{1} voted to mute {2}"
        "hu"        "{1} arra szavazott, hogy némítsuk le {2} -t."

    "voted for map"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voted for map change to {2}"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował na zmianę mapy na {2}"
        "de"        "{1} will mittels Abstimmung auf die Karte {2} wechseln"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за смену карты на {2}"
        "hu"        "{1} arra szavazott, hogy váltsunk pályát {2} -ra."

    "voted for nextmap"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voted to set nextmap to {2}"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował na zmianę następnej mapy na {2}"
        "de"        "{1} voted to set nextmap to {2}"
        "ru"        "{1} voted to set nextmap to {2}"
        "hu"        "{1} arra szavazott, hogy a következő pálya legyen {2}."

    "voted for extend"
        "#format"    "{1:s},{2:d}"
        "en"        "{1} voted to extend map by {2} mins"
        "pl"        "{1} zagłosował za przedłużeniem mapy o {2} minut"
        "de"        "{1} stimmte für Karte beibehalten für {2} Minuten"
        "ru"        "{1} voted to extend map by {2} mins"
        "hu"        "{1} a pályaidő meghosszabitását választotta {2} perccel."

    "extend map by"
        "#format"    "{1:d}"
        "en"        "Extend map {1} mins"
        "pl"        "Przedłuż mapę {1} minut"
        "de"        "Karte beibehalten für {1} Minuten"
        "ru"        "Extend map {1} mins"
        "hu"        "Pályaidő meghosszabitása {1} perccel."

    "votes required"
        "#format"    "{1:d},{2:d}"
        "en"        "Votes required {1}/{2}"
        "pl"        "Głosów potrzebnych {1}/{2}"
        "de"        "Erforderliche Stimmenanzahl {1}/{2}"
        "ru"        "Требуется голосов: {2}, получено: {1} "
        "hu"        "Szükséges szavazatok: {2}, eddig beérkezett: {1}."

    "kicked by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} has been kicked by players vote."
        "pl"        "{1} został wykopany w wyniku głosowania."
        "de"        "{1} wurde mittels Abstimmung vom Server geworfen"
        "ru"        "{1} был кикнут в результате голосования."
        "hu"        "{1} ki lett rugva szavazással."

    "banned by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} has been banned by players vote."
        "pl"        "{1} został zbanowany w wyniku głosowania."
        "de"        "{1} wurde mittels Abstimmung vom Server gebannt"
        "ru"        "{1} бал забанен в результате голосования."
        "hu"        "{1} ki lett tiltva szavazással."

    "muted by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} has been muted by players vote."
        "pl"        "{1} został zmutowany w wyniku głosowania."
        "de"        "{1} ist durch Abstimmung stumm geschaltet worden."
        "ru"        "{1} has been muted by players vote."
        "hu"        "{1} le lett némitva szavazással."

    "map change by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "Changing map to {1} due to players vote."
        "pl"        "Zmiana mapy na {1} w wyniku głosowania graczy."
        "de"        "Auf Grund der Abstimmung wird auf die Karte {1} gewechselt"
        "ru"        "По результатам голосования меняем карту на {1}."
        "hu"        "Szavazás miatt pályaváltas {1} -ra."

    "nextmap change by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "Setting nextmap to {1} due to players vote."
        "pl"        "Zmienianie następnej mapy na {1} poprzez głosowanie graczy."
        "de"        "Setting nextmap to {1} due to players vote."
        "ru"        "Setting nextmap to {1} due to players vote."
        "hu"        "Szavazás miatt ez lesz a következő pálya: {1}."

    "map extend by vote"
        "#format"    "{1:d}"
        "en"        "Extending map by {1} mins due to players vote."
        "pl"        "Przedłużanie mapy na {1} poprzez glosowanie graczy."
        "de"        "Abstimmung ergab, dass die Karte für {1} Minuten beibehalten wird."
        "ru"        "Extending map by {1} mins due to players vote."
        "hu"        "Szavazás miatt a pályaidő meg lett hosszabitva {1} perccel."

    "kicked by users"
        "en"        "You have been kicked by players votes"
        "pl"        "Zostałeś wykopany w wyniku głosowania."
        "de"        "Du wurdest mittels Abstimmung vom Server geworfen"
        "ru"        "Игроки проголосовали за ваш кик!"
        "hu"        "Szavazás útján ki lettél rugva!"

    "banned by users"
        "en"        "You have been banned by players votes"
        "pl"        "Zostales zbanowany poprzez votebana."
        "de"        "Du wurdest mittels Abstimmung vom Server gebannt"
        "ru"        "Игроки проголосовали за ваш бан!"
        "hu"        "Szavazás átján ki lettél tiltva!"

    "is disabled"
        "en"        "is disabled"
        "pl"        "jest wyłączony"
        "de"        "ist abgeschaltet"
        "ru"        "- отключено"
        "hu"        "nincs engedélyezve."

    "voting not allowed"
        "#format"    "{1:d}"
        "en"        "Voting not allowed for {1} sec."
        "pl"        "Głosowanie nie jest dozwolone jeszcze przez {1} sek."
        "de"        "Keine Abstimmungen erlaubt in den kommenden {1} Sekunden."
        "ru"        "Запуск голосования возможен через {1} сек."
        "hu"        "Még {1} másodpercig nem lehet szavazni!"
    "voting not allowed again"
        "#format"    "{1:d}"
        "en"        "Voting again not allowed for another {1} sec."
        "pl"        "Ponowne głosowanie nie jest dozwolone jeszcze przez {1} sek."
        "de"        "Abstimmungen sind nicht erlaubt bei verbleibenden {1} Sekunden."
        "ru"        "Новое голосование возможно через {1} сек."
        "hu"        "Újraszavazás nem lehetséges még {1} másodpercig!"

    "votes spent"
        "#format"    "{1:d},{2:s}"
        "en"        "You spent all {1} of your {2} votes this map."
        "pl"        "Wykorzystałeś wszystkie {1} z twoich {2} głosowań na tej mapie."
        "de"        "Du hast {1} von {2} Deiner Stimmen verbraucht."
        "ru"        "You spent all {1} of your {2} votes this map."
        "hu"        "{1} szavazatot küldtél a {2} -ből erre a mapra."

    "votes remaining"
        "#format"    "{1:d}"
        "en"        "{1} votes remaining"
        "pl"        "{1} głosowań pozostało"
        "de"        "{1} Abstimmungen verbleiben"
        "ru"        "{1} votes remaining"
        "hu"        "{1} szavazat kell még."

    "canceled votes"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} votes canceled."
        "pl"        "{1} głosowania anulowane."
        "de"        "{1} Abstimmungen storniert."
        "ru"        "{1} votes canceled."
        "hu"        "{1} szavazat törölve."

    "cancel votes"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "Cancel {1} votes"
        "pl"        "Anuluj {1} głosowania"
        "de"        "Abbrechen {1} Abstimmung"
        "ru"        "Cancel {1} votes"
        "hu"        "{1} szavazás visszavonva."

    "enable voting"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "Enable {1}"
        "pl"        "Włącz {1}"
        "de"        "Einschalten {1}"
        "ru"        "Enable {1}"
        "hu"        "Engedélyezve {1}"

    "disable voting"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "Disable {1}"
        "pl"        "Wyłącz {1}"
        "de"        "Ausschalten {1}"
        "ru"        "Disable {1}"
        "hu"        "Letiltva {1}"

    "disabled votes"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voting disabled."
        "pl"        "{1} głosowanie wyłączone."
        "de"        "{1} Abstimmungen ausgeschaltet."
        "ru"        "{1} voting disabled."
        "hu"        "{1} szavazás letiltva."

    "enabled votes"
        "#format"    "{1:s}"
        "en"        "{1} voting enabled."
        "pl"        "{1} głosowanie włączone."
        "de"        "{1} Abstimmungen eingeschaltet."
        "ru"        "{1} voting enabled."
        "hu"        "{1} szavazás engedélyezve."

    "ban reasons"
        "en"        "Ban reasons"
        "pl"        "Powody banów"
        "de"        "Ban reasons"
        "ru"        "Ban reasons"
        "hu"        "Kitiltás oka"

        "ru"    "VoteKick"

        "ru"    "VoteBan"

        "ru"    "VoteMap"

        "ru"    "VoteMute"

        "ru"    "Все"

    "voted to kick"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за кик {2}"

    "voted to ban"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за бан {2}"

    "voted to mute"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за мьют {2}"

    "voted for map"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за смену карты на {2}"

    "voted for nextmap"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за следующу карту {2}"

    "voted for extend"
        "ru"        "{1} проголосовал за продленение карты на {2} минут"

    "extend map by"
        "ru"        "Продлить карту на {1} минут"

    "votes required"
        "ru"        "Требуется голосов: {2}, получено: {1} "

    "kicked by vote"
        "ru"        "{1} был кикнут в результате голосования."

    "banned by vote"
        "ru"        "{1} бал забанен в результате голосования."

    "muted by vote"
        "ru"        "{1} был замьючен в результате голосования."

    "map change by vote"
        "ru"        "По результатам голосования меняем карту на {1}."

    "nextmap change by vote"
        "ru"        "Устанавливаем следующую карту {1} по результатам голосования."

    "map extend by vote"
        "ru"        "Продливаем карту на {1} минут по результатам голосования."

    "kicked by users"
        "ru"        "Игроки проголосовали за ваш кик!"

    "banned by users"
        "ru"        "Игроки проголосовали за ваш бан!"

    "is disabled"
        "ru"        "отключено"

    "voting not allowed"
        "ru"        "Запуск голосования возможен через {1} сек."
    "voting not allowed again"
        "ru"        "Новое голосование возможно через {1} сек."

    "votes spent"
        "ru"        "Вы портатили все {1} из {2} голосов на этой карте."

    "votes remaining"
        "ru"        "Осталось голосов: {1}."

    "canceled votes"
        "ru"        "Голосов отменено: {1}."

    "cancel votes"
        "ru"        "Отменить {1} голосов"

    "enable voting"
        "ru"        "Включить {1}"

    "disable voting"
        "ru"        "Выключить {1}"

    "disabled votes"
        "ru"        "{1} голосование выключено."

    "enabled votes"
        "ru"        "{1} голосование включено."

    "ban reasons"
        "ru"        "Причины бана"
altex is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Old 02-19-2011 , 00:26   Re: Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
Reply With Quote #238

Heres the latest fixed version for anyone who needs it.
Attached Files
File Type: smx playersvotes.smx (23.3 KB, 969 views)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (playersvotes.sp - 2168 views - 58.9 KB)
NoS is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Old 03-05-2011 , 05:05   Re: Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
Reply With Quote #239

I've read some pages in this thread, but I still have no clue:
Is it possible to restrict voting, if an admin is on the server?

So, that a text appears like "You cannot voteban players while an admin is here"?

If this isn't possible: Is there a mod which could add this feature?

Best regards,
nerevye is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Old 03-10-2011 , 17:46   Re: Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
Reply With Quote #240

Originally Posted by nerevye View Post
I've read some pages in this thread, but I still have no clue:
Is it possible to restrict voting, if an admin is on the server?

So, that a text appears like "You cannot voteban players while an admin is here"?

If this isn't possible: Is there a mod which could add this feature?

Best regards,
Would definitely love this. Basically when admins aren't on, we simply want our community members (or even just Clan members) to be able to votekick and votemute.... sounds like this can happen with this plugin, but we only want to be able to have them do that if no admins are on.....thanks in advance.
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