Good Little Panda
Plugin ID:
Plugin Version:
Plugin Category:
Fun Stuff
Plugin Game:
Counter-Strike: Source
Plugin Dependencies:
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Plugin Description:
Provides simple functionality for applying skins to players automatically.

, 14:32
[CS:S] Auto Skin v2.0.3 (Updated: 4/14/13)
Information: - This plugin was originally a paid request by MiracleM4n, who has agreed to its release as there was no alternative to the provided simple functionality.
- This plugin shouldn't be loaded on the fly; after you load and configure it, you will need to change the map or restart your server.
Features: - Configure up to six different tiers of skins; 5 groups that can be a flag/override, and 1 group for individuals without access any other group.
- Skin/Model files that are added to the plugin's configuration file will automatically be per-cached and added to the download table.
- Auto Skin feature(s) with, defaulting to "!skin, !skins, /skin, /skins". Removing these commands will default to !settings.
- Users can enable/disable the skin for their appropriate tier, provided the tier's corresponding cvar isn't forcing the skin on the user. Skin changes (turning on / turning off) will be instant, although a cvar is provided to stop this functionality after x seconds.
ConVars:- sm_autoskin_enable ~ Enables/disables all features of the plugin.
- sm_autoskin_bots ~ Default access level for bots. (-1 = Disabled, 0 - 4 = Tiers One through Five)
- sm_autoskin_default ~ Controls how data is assigned for new players. (0 = Skins start disabled, 1 = Skins start enabled)
- sm_autoskin_delay ~ Controls how long after a player spawns that their skin is applied.
- sm_autoskin_commands ~ The commands that can be used to access Auto Skin's menu, separated by \", \", up to 20 commands allowed.
- sm_autoskin_allowed ~ The number of seconds after the round starts that they're subject to skin changes (be it via sm_autoskin_commands or player_spawn being fired)
- Note: <level> == "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "none"
- sm_autoskin_tier_<level>_flag ~ Flag checked against the client if client does not possess defined override.
- sm_autoskin_tier_<level>_override ~ Override checked against the client for access to the Tier <level> skin. ("" = Disabled)
- sm_autoskin_tier_<level>_t ~ Path to player model, access level == sm_autoskin_tier_<level>.
- sm_autoskin_tier_<level>_ct ~ Path to player model, access level == sm_autoskin_tier_<level>.
- sm_autoskin_forced_<level> ~ Controls whether or not this tier's skin will be forced upon clients with appropriate access.", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0);
Credits:- MiracleM4n: For allowing the plugin to be released, and paying for the rewrite to begin with.
- SWAT_88: Used a bit of his code from his download plugin
Installation:- Place sm_autoskin.smx inside of /sourcemod/plugins/
- Place sm_autoskin.phrases.txt inside of /sourcemod/translations/
- Configure sm_autoskin.ini and place inside of /sourcemod/configs/
- To configure, place all files you need downloaded for your skin inside the file, one file per line, similar to the example below.
Last edited by thetwistedpanda; 04-14-2013 at 12:07.