Good Little Panda
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Plugin that provides various settings geared for Surf/Slide maps.

, 17:46
[CS:S/?] Surfing v2.3.0 (Updated: 8/27/12)
Information: - This plugin is no longer an all-in-one behemoth for all Surfing needs. Instead, it provides several core features and settings that any Surf or Slide server can benefit from.
Features: - Support for selectively enabling only on surf/slide/<your prefix here> maps, on all maps, or disabled until an administrator enables it.
- Support for stripping the map of any/all buyzones and/or objectives.
- Support to prevent players from suiciding via "kill" and "explode" console commands.
- Support for enabling/disabling all radio commands.
- Support for keeping a specified sv_airaccelerate value regardless of what the server, admin, or map attempts to change it to.
- Support for keeping sv_enablebunnyhopping enabled regardless of what the server, admin, or map attempts to change it to.
- Support for spawning players with x amount of cash every spawn.
- Support for defining your own triggers to access the recall/slow/boost features.
Commands & ConVars: - Recall:
- Usage: Teleports a user back to their spawning position, if enabled.
- sm_surfing_teleport: Determines teleport command functionality. (-1 = Enabled on All, 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled on Surf/Slide)
- sm_surfing_teleport_recovery: The number of seconds a player must wait before being able to use sm_recall again.
- sm_surfing_teleport_count: The number of sm_recall usages players will receive upon spawn. (0 = Unlimited)
- sm_surfing_teleport_delay: If greater than 0, the delay in seconds between sm_recall usage and receiving the teleport to spawn.
- sm_surfing_teleport_cancel: If greater than 0, the maximum distance a player can travel before sm_recall cancels, should sm_surfing_teleport_delay be greater than 0.
- Boost
- Usage: Boosts a user in their viewing direction, if enabled.
- sm_surfing_boost: Determines boost command functionality. (-1 = Enabled on All, 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled on Surf/Slide)
- sm_surfing_boost_recovery: The number of seconds a player must wait before being able to use sm_boost again.
- sm_surfing_boost_power: The overall strength behind the sm_boost command. The larger the #, the stronger the effect.
- sm_surfing_boost_count: The number of sm_boost usages players will receive upon spawn. (0 = Unlimited)
- sm_surfing_boost_delay: If greater than 0, the delay in seconds between sm_boost usage and receiving the boost effect.
- sm_surfing_boost_cancel: If greater than 0, the maximum distance a player can travel before sm_boost cancels, should sm_surfing_boost_delay be greater than 0.
- Slow
- Usage: If enabled, allows users to temporarily decrease their velocity, using Lagged Movement, which proves quite useful in various skill-based maps and precision aiming.
- sm_surfing_slow: Determines slow command functionality. (-1 = Enabled on All, 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled on Surf/Slide)
- sm_surfing_slow_recovery: The number of seconds a player must wait before being able to use sm_slow again.
- sm_surfing_slow_percent: The percent value to decrease a player's speed by. A percent of 33 will result in players going 66% of their normal speed while slowed.
- sm_surfing_slow_duration: The number of seconds a player will be slowed for before returning to normal speed.
- sm_surfing_slow_count: The number of sm_slow usages players will receive upon spawn. (0 = Unlimited)
Non-Command ConVars: - sm_surfing_enable: Determines plugin functionality. (-1 = Enabled on All, 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled on Surf/Slide)
- sm_surfing_strip: Determines stripping functionality. (-1 = Strip Buyzones/Objectives, 0 = Disabled, 1 = Strip Buyzones, 2 = Strip Objectives)
- sm_surfing_block_suicide: If enabled, players will be unable to kill themselves via kill/explode.
- sm_surfing_block_radio: If enabled, player will not be able to issue any radio commands.
- sm_surfing_air_accelerate: If greater than 0, sv_airaccelerate is always forced to this value.
- sm_surfing_bunny_hopping: If enabled, sv_enablebunnyhopping will be forced on.
- sm_surfing_spawn_cash: The amount of cash players will receive every time they spawn. (-1 = Disabled)
- sm_surfing_commands_tele: The commands that can be used to access the Teleport feature, if enabled.
- sm_surfing_commands_boost: The commands that can be used to access the Boost feature, if enabled.
- sm_surfing_commands_slow: The commands that can be used to access Slow feature, if enabled.
- sm_surfing_fall_damage: Determines how the plugin will handle players' falling damage. (0 = No Change, 1 = Protect From Non-Fatal Only, 2 = Protect From All)
Last edited by thetwistedpanda; 08-27-2012 at 12:53.