Good Little Panda
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Counter-Strike: Source
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Plugin Description:
An advanced spawning plugin that provides pretty much every feature desired.
, 00:51
[CS:S] Player Spawning v3.4.5 (Updated: 8/27/2013)
Description:- An advanced spawning plugin that allows you to spawn clients under pretty much any setting you could need for any CS:S mod type.
- Notice: Requires SDKHooks
Features:- Provides three separate modes of spawning functionality: Normal, Limited, and Infinite.
- Disabled: Players will not respawn, however, all other aspects of the plugin remain enabled.
- Limited: Players will receive a set number of respawns dependent on their team.
- Infinite: Players will continue to respawn until the round or map ends.
- Ability to define the delay, in seconds, between a player's death and their respawn.
- Provides functionality to prevent single team and spectate hopping to respawn, which is particularly useful on Minigame servers or single team maps.
- Ability to strip players of their weapons upon their death either immediately or after a specified number of seconds.
- Ability to strip players of their spawning gear and assign a new loadout, with up to ten items, per team.
- Ability to strip all players of weapons after the map ends to prevent players from carrying equipment over to the next round.
- Ability to delete weapons x seconds after they have been dropped by the player.
ConVars:- css_spawning_enabled - Enables/disables all features of this plugin. (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
- css_spawning_disable - The number of seconds after round_start that the css_spawning_mode and css_spawning_new disable. (-1.0 = Disabled)
- css_spawning_mode - Determines plugin functionality. (-1 = Infinite Respawns, 0 = No Respawn, 1 = Limited Respawns)
- css_spawning_limit_t - The number of spawns players on the Terrorist team will receive.
- css_spawning_limit_ct - The number of spawns players on the Counter-Terrorist team will receive.
- css_spawning_prevent - If enabled, players may not respawn by joining spectate and then rejoining their own team. By doing so they're forced to sit in spectate for 30 seconds.
- css_spawning_prevent_duration - The number of seconds clients are forced to remain in spectate if they've joined spectate to re-join their own team.
- css_spawning_delay - The delay, in seconds, it takes for players to respawn after dying.
- css_spawning_notify - Determines printing functionality. (0 = None, 1 = Chat, 2 = Hint, 3 = Key Hint (No CS:GO Support))
- css_spawning_strip - Determines stripping functionality. Add Values Together:(0 = Disabled, 1 = Strip @ Spawn, 2 = Strip Non-Survivors @ Spawn, 4 = Strip @ Death, 8 = Strip @ Round End, 16 = Strip @ Round Start, 32 = Delete \"game_player_equip\" Entities)
- css_spawning_strip_gear - The equipment a player is to spawn with, comma delimited. The first weapon issued is the active weapon.
- css_spawning_strip_separate - If enabled, the cvars css_spawning_strip_gear_t and
- css_spawning_strip_gear_ct will be used as opposed to css_spawning_strip_gear, which allow for a different spawn gear for each team.
- css_spawning_strip_gear_t - If css_spawning_separate_gear is enabled, the equipment players on the Terrorist team will spawn with (obeys same rules as css_spawning_strip_gear)
- css_spawning_strip_gear_ct - If css_spawning_separate_gear is enabled, the equipment players on the Counter-Terrorist team will spawn with (obeys same rules as
- css_spawning_strip_gear)
- css_spawning_strip_drop - The number of seconds after a player drops a weapon that it will be deleted. (0.0 = Disabled)
- css_spawning_new - If enabled, players will be able to spawn on connect if css_spawning_mode is disabled, provided the player has not died in-game. Adheres to css_spawning_disable.
- css_spawning_respawn_menu - The total number of menu options to display in the respawn menu. (-1 = Disabled, 0 = Yes/No, 1 = Yes, # = Randomized Yes/No Order)
- css_spawning_minimum_spawns_t - Ensures the Terrorist team has at least this manu spawn points. (0 = Disabled)
- css_spawning_minimum_spawns_ct - Ensures the Counter-Terrorist team has at least this manu spawn points. (0 = Disabled)
Installation:- Place css_spawning.smx inside of /sourcemod/plugins/
- Place css_spawning.phrases.txt inside of /sourcemod/translations/
Notes:- A proper css_spawning_strip_gear loadout will look something like: css_spawning_strip_gear "weapon_knife, weapon_ak47, weapon_deagle, weapon_hegrenade"
- This cvar supports up to ten weapons, and the first weapon placed into the list is the weapon the player spawns with activated.
- It should also be mentioned that when this plugin is ran in Limited mode, it monitors who disconnects and prevents them spawning again should they decide try to get more spawns.
(Re-approved to fix version cvar.)
Last edited by thetwistedpanda; 08-27-2013 at 15:32.