Good Little Panda
Plugin ID:
Plugin Version:
Plugin Category:
General Purpose
Plugin Game:
Counter-Strike: Source
Plugin Dependencies:
Servers with this Plugin:
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Plugin Description:
Provides the ability for clients to purchase weapons/equipment regardless of their client team. Unlike other plugins, however, this one has the ability to ignore the restrictions placed by Counter-Strike: Source.

, 02:42
[CS:S] Buy Command v2.0.3 (Updated: 12/6/11)
- SDKHooks v2.x or higher
- Sourcemod v1.4.x or higher
- This plugin provides the ability for clients to purchase weapons/equipment regardless of their client team. Unlike other plugins, however, this one has the ability to ignore the restrictions placed by Counter-Strike: Source.
- Ability to ignore the requirement of mp_buytime, allowing clients to purchase equipment whenever. (This actually just sets your mp_buytime to a very high value as of v2.0.3)
- Ability to ignore the requirement of a buyzone, allowing clients to purchase equipment wherever. (This actually just forces all clients to be always be in a buyzone as of v2.0.3)
- As this plugin hooks the client's console buy command rather than simply adding it's own command, the plugin is capable of purchasing equipment via the buymenu GUI (i.e. saved presets, autobuy, rebuy).
- Support for chat commands allowing clients to purchase equipment on the fly using the entity name, such as !buy m4a1.
- Support for an optional buy menu that appears if a client uses a buy command without providing an entity name. Menu categories can be customized via the weapon configuration file, if desired. If this feature is disabled, however, the command will simply print equipment to the client's console.
- Configuration file which allows you to define the weapon name, price, team restrictions, etc.
- Optional support for restricting purchases of opposing team weapons to only individuals with the specified admin flag
- Optional integration of Drifter's Weapon Restriction plugin, so Buy Command plays nicely with restricted grenades.
- Translation support allowing modification of just about every phrase used, as well as setting your own weapon names.
- css_buy_enabled: Allows complete enable/disable of all features for the plugin. (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
- css_buy_buyzone: If enabled, clients must be within a buyzone to purchase equipment, otherwise they can purchase from anywhere. (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
- css_buy_buytime: If enabled, clients cannot access any purchase feature after mp_buytime expires, otherwise they can purchase at any time. (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
- css_buy_buymenu: If enabled, a buy menu becomes available by using a chat trigger with no parameters for purchasing weapons in addition to the purchase commands. (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled)
- css_buy_welcome: The number of seconds after a player joins their first team to send the welcoming advert. (-1.0 = Disabled, 0.0 = Instant, #.# = Delay)
- css_buy_commands: The chat triggers available to clients to purchase equipment. If css_buy_buymenu is enabled, the buy menu will open if no item is provided to purchase.
- css_buy_messages: Determines printing functionality (-1 = Disabled, 0 = Chat, 1 = Hint, 2 = Center, 3 = Key Hint)
Installation:- Place css_buy.smx inside of /sourcemod/plugins/
- Place css_buy.phrases.txt inside of /sourcemod/translations/
- Place css_buy.weapons.txt inside of /sourcemod/configs/
Last edited by thetwistedpanda; 12-06-2011 at 21:47.