[L4D2] Witch Control
Version: 1.3
The plugin allows infected players to take control of a witch. Aim to it and press
USE button (default E). You can sit down and get up witch by press
DUCK button (default CTRL). Also you can lose control of the witch by press
USE button.
You can't control a witch when she was scared.
Witch features:- Walk and turn
- Sit down and get up
- Сlimb on the ladders
- Fall from height
- Jump
- Attack
l4d2_witch_speed - witch speed (default: 2.0) (range: 1.0-5.0).
l4d2_witch_take_mode - mode of taking control of a witch (default: 2)
0 - only alive infected
1 - only ghost infected
2 - alive and ghost infected
l4d2_witch_message_type - message type (default: 3)
0 - disable
1 - chat
2 - hint
3 - instructor hint
l4d2_witch_attack - witch attack ability (deafult: 1)
0 - disable
1 - enable
1. Download the "l4d2_witch_control.smx" and put into your "addons\sourcemod\plugins" directory.
2. Download the "l4d2_witch_control.txt" and put into your "addons\sourcemod\gamedata" directory.
3. Download the "translations.zip" and extract into your "addons\sourcemod" directory.
V10 for the "SetClass" signature
Translations:- en - AtomicStryker
- ru - DJ_WEST
- de - AtomicStryker
- pl - kwski43
1.3:- Fixed error in RemoveWitchControl() function
- Fixed the game instructor function (l4d2_witch_message_type 3), now cvar gameinstructor_enable set 0 correctly on the players
- Added witch attack ability (MOUSE1)
- Added witch jump ability (SPACE)
- Added witch ability to turn left or right when are you sitting
- Added new cvar l4d2_witch_attack
- Fixed bug when burning infected tried to take witch and players see fire effect on the witch, thanks DarrenToh
- Fixed bug when player set witch on fire, now you can't control witch if she burning, thanks DarrenToh
1.2:- Fixed bug when a person is in control of a witch and a tank spawns, thanks DarrenToh
- Fixed error when the plugin sets gameinstructor_enable to 1 every time if l4d2_witch_message_type != 3, thanks kwski43
- Fixed bug when all the survivors die while a player is controlling the witch, that player in next round will either suddenly die or be stuck, thanks crazydog
- Added "pl" translation, thanks kwski43
1.1:- Fixed bug when players can see a hunter model, thanks dani1341
- Updated translations, thanks AtomicStryker