Zombie Character Select
Version 0.9.7
Important- Only 0.9.1+ is compatible for Left 4 Dead 2 ( & Left 4 Dead 1 ( Sacrifice update and beyond.
This is a complete bare metal rewrite of the Infected Character Select plugin originally written by Crimson_Fox but with a higher degree of flexibility in addition to added features. In a nutshell, this plugin allows any player on the infected team to choose their infected class.
Notable features
- Enable/Disable valve infected bots.
- Smooth infected class change in Zombie Class sequence.
- Class change can be restricted by admin flags. (up to eight can be used)
- Configurable cooldown timers/disable or use default for each infected class after player death.
- Lock out class selection at each ghost spawn after a delay (configurable).
- Restrict previous class played on next ghost spawn.
- Better randomness of zombie delegation at ghost spawn. (No more 5x same infected in a row)
- Plugin controlled limit handling. (manual or respect z_versus_*_limits)
- Limits can be completely disabled, allowing for any infected class selection anytime.
- Count fake infected bots in limits.
- Configurable class selection delay.
- Configurable key binding.
- Configurable class selection at finale stages.
- Limit HUD display.
NOTE: As this plugin is able to restrict class selection based on cooldown, limits and last class - it's most likely that not all 3 are used simultaneously because there simply isn't enough classes to accommodate (depending on limits). Many features are configurable so it's up to the server admin to find the right balance, avoiding any shortage of classes. Refer to the download link for a list of CVAR's. They should be fairly self explanatory - last class and fake bot features work best with respect limits enabled.
if you use the plugin posted here, be sure to:
l4d_zcs.smx into
l4d_zcs.txt into
l4d_zcs.cfg is auto generated and placed into cfg/sourcemod.
l4d2_zcs.smx into
l4d2_zcs.txt into
l4d2_zcs.cfg is auto generated and placed into cfg/sourcemod.
Github Sources:
Important- If upgrading, be sure to remove the .cfg file then restart the server to ensure all cvar's are updated properly.
- If compiling, version(s) 0.9.7+ contains syntax only compatible with sourcemod 1.8 or above.
Feedback/Bug reports
Of course no plugin is ever perfect, and there may be bugs (even though I've eradicated a great deal). So report them here and I will see what I can do - remember to provide as much information as possible (sourcemod version/plugin list/description of fault). I cannot guarantee perfect operation with all other plugins.
Revision History
-- 03/10/2023 - Version 0.9.7 (RELEASE - L4D1/L4D2)
* Update for new syntax and fix introduced errors (Credit: BloodyBlade)
* Fix CBaseEntity error with AcceptEntityInput (Credit: Accelerator74)
* Fix cooldown issue with not restricting zombie selection
* Tidy up some formatting in the code
* Transition codebase to git
-- 01/09/2016 - Version 0.9.6 (RELEASE - L4D1/L4D2)
* Improve cvar compatibility with latest SourceMod.
* Tweak checks in Timers to improve compatibility with some plugins.
Check l4d(2)_zcs_cvars.txt for more information on new CVAR's. Be sure to clear
your existing configuration file when updating. Best method: Delete .cfg file
then restart server.
-- 16/08/2013 - Version 0.9.5 (RELEASE - L4D1/L4D2)
* Fix flag permissions (Thanks Atomic)
* Update Signatures for latest Update (Thanks to contributors)
* Fix player notification on flag permission
* Prevent changing class if only one available
Extra thanks goes out to those who gave up some of their time to fix things in
my absence. Gotta love the sourcemod community!
Check l4d(2)_zcs_cvars.txt for more information on new CVAR's. Be sure to clear
your existing configuration file when updating. Best method: Delete .cfg file
then restart server.
-- 05/12/2010 - Version 0.9.4 (RELEASE - L4D1/L4D2)
* HookChange server limit CVARS. (To ensure limits/total are updated if other plugins change them on start/mid game)
Check l4d(2)_zcs_cvars.txt for more information on new CVAR's. Be sure to clear
your existing configuration file when updating. Best method: Delete .cfg file
then restart server.
-- 03/12/2010 - Version 0.9.3 (RELEASE - L4D1)
* Port L4D2 0.9.3 changes to L4D1.
zcs_notify_key_verbose (0/1) - Notify first time/every time ghost.
Check l4d2_zcs_cvars.txt for more information on new CVAR's. Be sure to clear
your existing configuration file when updating. Best method: Delete .cfg file
then restart server.
-- 26/11/2010 - Version 0.9.3 (RELEASE - L4D2)
* OnMapStart replaces OnConfigsExecuted. (Temperamental with sb_all_bot_game 0)
* Delayed ghost check on player team change. (Seems valve delay this if instant ghost spawned)
* Bug introduced with manual limits fixed. (Also related to delayed ghost check)
* Double check player is ghost instantly before SetClass call. (Potential fix for untimely spawns from other plugins)
* AdminFlag(s)/String check moved to OnClientPutInServer. (Expensive in OnPlayerRunCmd. MapChange will update flags)
* Reduce some timer delays.
* Slight code improvements.
zcs_enable_vib (0/1) - Enable/Disable Valve Infected Bots.
zcs_notify_key_verbose (0/1) - Notify first time/every time ghost.
Check l4d2_zcs_cvars.txt for more information on new CVAR's. Be sure to clear
your existing configuration file when updating. Best method: Delete .cfg file
then restart server.
-- 04/11/2010 - Version 0.9.2 (RELEASE - L4D1)
* Port L4D2 0.9.2 changes to L4D1.
Check l4d2_zcs_cvars.txt for more information on new CVAR's. Be sure to clear
your existing configuration file when updating. Best method: Delete .cfg file
then restart server.
-- 23/10/2010 - Version 0.9.2 (RELEASE - L4D2)
* Configurable access levels to restrict class change. (Up to 8 flags ie "abcdefgz")
* All chat messages can be silenced. (Configurable in 3 Notify CVAR's)
* Configurable limits for each special infected. (If set, server limits are ignored)
Check l4d2_zcs_cvars.txt for more information on new CVAR's. Be sure to clear
your existing configuration file when updating. Best method: Delete .cfg file
then restart server.
-- 16/10/2010 - Version 0.9.1 (RELEASE - L4D1)
* Port L4D2 code over to L4D1.
* Update L4D1 Signature File & Offset (Linux & Windows).
Check l4d2_zcs_cvars.txt for more information. Be sure to clear your existing
configuration file when updating. Best method: Delete .cfg file, then restart
-- 10/10/2010 - Version 0.9.1 (RELEASE - L4D2)
* Fixed CreateAbility crash. (Found by MarshalZCC)
* Implemented changeable GetEntData Offset in gamedata.
Check l4d2_zcs_cvars.txt for more information. Be sure to clear your existing
configuration file when updating. Best method: Delete .cfg file, then restart
-- 06/04/2010 - Version 0.9.0 (RELEASE)
* Implemented configurable delays per infected class. (Suggested by ne0cha0s)
* Changed CVAR zcs_switch_in_finale to zcs_allow_finale_switch.
* Removed CVAR zcs_cooldown_delay in favour of seperate infected delays.
* Fixed Smoker intermittently bypassing last class check. (Found by ne0cha0s)
* Fixed HUD display not always showing at Map Start. (Found by ne0cha0s)
* Removed DONTRECORD from version CVAR as Linux servers are not reporting version.
* Changed player notification descriptions. (More brief and to the point)
* Minor class check improvements.
Check l4d2_zcs_cvars.txt for more information. Be sure to clear your existing
configuration file when updating. Best method: Delete .cfg file, then restart
-- 21/03/2010 - Version 0.8.9 (RELEASE)
* Can now enable/disable infected class selection whilst keeping ghost spawn fix.
* Version CVAR no longer records to config file. (Suggested by Crimson_Fox)
* PlayerSpawn event now used for more reliable timer closing.
* Removed bot limits from HUD.
* Use handle on ghostspawn timer for better control. (Creating/Closing)
* Fix minor closehandle errors when using class lock delay timer.
* UserID back to ClientID. (For now)
* Cooldown CVAR's have more descriptive text. (Suggested by Thraka)
* Minor cleanups.
Check l4d2_zcs_cvars.txt for more information. Be sure to clear your existing
configuration file when updating.
-- 14/03/2010 - Version 0.8.8 (RELEASE)
* Added ZOOM key as a key binding option.
* Class selection when too far away from survivors is now configurable.
* Class selection when returning to ghost from spawn is now configurable.
* Plugin enable/disable is now configurable.
* Debug logging is now configurable.
* Renamed some CVAR's (again - for consistency).
* HUD remains on a 1 second refresh but only displayed when ghost.
* Ghost spawn timer has a further check for IsPlayerAlive before activating.
* Added RoundEnd checks before CloseHandle on class lock timer.
* Class selection key bind notification can now be enabled/disabled.
* Improvements to Plugin Load/SDK Load & Event Hooking.
* Longer timers (Class Lock/Ghost Spawn) are now passed with UserID.
Check l4d2_zcs_cvars.txt for more information.
-- 02/03/2010 - Version 0.8.7b (BETA)
* Intercept class check on Tank frustration event.
* Ensure edicts are removed on RemovePlayerItem.
* Implement infected class cooldown (uses director spawn time as default).
* HUD updated to reflect class cooldown ((C) indicates cooldown in effect for infected).
* HUD currently on a 1 second refresh timer initiated on round start (for TESTING purposes).
* Class loop determination back to old mechanics & temporary timers removed (improves responsiveness while changing).
* Class timer lock & materialisation check for player wasn't cleared if they disconnect - fixed.
* Removed GetClientHealth checks and reverted to IsPlayerAlive.
* Renamed all CVAR's - more readable.
* Debug rewrite & various code optimisations.
NOTE: Check l4d2_zcs_cvars.txt for a full list of CVARS and their description. As it stands, this
version is frozen for any new feature requests. This is released for testing in order to fix any
outstanding issues that arise before it's considered stable. Many features are configurable now
so it's up to the server admin to find the right balance, avoiding any shortage of classes.
-- 20/02/2010 - Version 0.8.5b (BETA)
* Extra tank check (if possibly ghosted) (Melee/Limit stage)
* Class change disabled when infected are marked "Too far away from survivors".
* Class change disabled if played once before returning to ghost from being too far away.
* Last class allow when limits are up is now configurable.
* New configurable timeout before class change is locked. (EXPERIMENTAL).
* Removed USE from list of available selection keys.
* Various cleanups.
zcs_allowlastonlimit (0/1) - Allow last class if limits are up (Def: 0)
zcs_zclockdelay (0-600) - Time in (s) before class changing is locked (0=DISABLE) (Def: 60)
-- 16/02/2010 - Version 0.8.3b (BETA)
* Add last class check functionality.
* Configurable select key binding.
* Various code improvements/delay changes.
zcs_allowlastclass (0/1) - Last class check (0=Don't Allow, 1=Allow) (Def: 0)
zcs_zcselectkey (1/2/3) - Select key bind (1=MELEE, 2=RELOAD, 3=USE) (Def: 1)
-- 11/02/2010 - Version 0.8.2 (RELEASE)
* Add standard infected (z_*_limit) limits into HUD.
* Fix Smoker Bug (happens at low limits).
* Update limit checking and add failsafe for misconfigured limits.
-- 06/02/2010 - Version 0.8.1 (RELEASE)
* Stop class selection in finale stages (default is to allow).
* Include fake bots into the limits.
* Configurable user selection delay.
zcs_respectlimits (0/1) - Honour z_versus limits (Def: 1)
zcs_showhudpanel (0/1) - Show limit hud (Def: 0)
zcs_countfakebots (0/1) - Include fake bots in limits (Def: 0)
zcs_switchinfinale (0/1) - Allow class switch in finale (Def: 1)
zcs_zcselectdelay (0.1-10.0) - Class select delay in (s) (Def: 0.5)
-- 04/02/2010 - Version 0.8.0a (ALPHA)
* Smoother infected class change - You can change class on the move.
* Ghost Spawn fix - No more constant class more than x times in a row. It is similar to the infected spawn fix by V10.
* Limits are respected on class selection and ghost spawn (configurable).
* In respect to the above (If Limits are not chosen you can select any class you wish anytime - in sequence with the Zombie Class cycle).
* 1 second delay between changes and change is disabled on RoundEnd.
* I removed the finale check so you can change on finale also.
* I removed the l4dtoolz/forced ghost spawn check simply because some may want to keep autospawn in finales but change class during normal play.
zcs_respectlimits (0/1) - Honour z_versus limits (Def: 1)
zcs_showhudpanel (0/1) - Show limit hud (Def: 0)
Some thanks to:
Crimson_Fox - For his original concept.
V10 - For his setclass/ability signatures, proved vital for the smooth change operation.
Hotdog Storm/iNFiNiTeX - For some extra thoughts included into the plugin.
Various posters - for their feedback.