Plugin Info:
Modification: Counter-Strike
Category: Gameplay
Approver: Xanimos (85)
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: pfnAddToFullPack

, 12:14
JailBreak Extreme v1.9 - UPDATED 10-04-2010
.:= JailBreak Extreme =:.
Why this plugin?Because I don't know about any public JailBreak plugin that manages game rules.
DescriptionThis is a JailBreak manager to allow users enjoy this gameplay.
With this plugin, you can manage simon role, models, team balance, talk priority, random crowbar, retry control, multilingual and more.
Cvarsjbe_crowbarmultiplier (default: 25.0)
How much damage will take the crowbar (knife damage multiplier)
jbe_motd (default: 1)
Disables motd on connect
jbe_maxcrowbar (default: 1)
How many random crowbars will be given to prisoners
jbe_teamchange (default: 0)
Wheter or not prisoners are allowed to change team
jbe_teamratio (default: 3)
This value tells the relation between prisoners and guards (total connected / ratio = max guards)
jbe_maxct (default: 7)
Hard limit for guards count
jbe_maxdays (default: 15)
This is the maximum amount of days a prisoner will be in jail without a personal free day (not finished)
jbe_boxmax (default: 6)
Maximum amount of alive prisoners to allow Box mode (prisoners friendly fire)
jbe_talkmode (default: 2)
This is how microphone and alltalk will work0- Alltalk
1- Guards can't hear prisoners
2- Prisoners can't talk
jbe_blockvoice (default: 1)
How +voicerecord should be handled0- Players can use +voicerecord
1- Players can't use +voicerecord
2- Only Simon can use +voicerecord
jbe_retrytime (default: 10)
How many seconds, starting at round start event, you have to select a team
jbe_glowmodels (default: 0)
Add glow o models (Simon & Freeday)
jbe_simonsteps (default: 1)
Draw decals at floor when Simon walk
jbe_freedayround (default: 240.0)
Amount of time of round on freeday
jbe_buttonshoot (default: 1)
Allow to active buttons shooting them
jbe_autoopen (default: 1)
Automatic door open at freeday
jbe_spectrounds (default: 3)
Kick clients at Nth round when no team is selected
jbe_nosimonrounds (default: 10)
Switch guard to prisoners team at Nth round elapsed without been Simon
jbe_randomsimon (default: 1)
Random Simon after round start and before 60 seconds
jbe_lastrequest (default: 1)
Enables last request feature for prisoners when there's only one left
jbe_autolastrequest (default: 1)
Enables automatic call to last request menu when there's only one prisoner left
Using this command Simon can talk over every player.
If other player is talking and Simon start using this command, that player will be muted until Simon stop talking.
say /simon
The first player to use this command will be Simon.
That player gets a green glow.
say /nomic
This command is for Guards that don't have microphone.
Using this command, the player will be switched to prisoners team without dying.
say /open
Only for Simon. Open cells.
say /fd
This command is for Guards and brings a Freeday menu
You can select freeday for a player or for the day (all players)
Freeday players will have a green model
say /box
This command is for Guards at it starts Box mode in the current round.
This mode enables friendly fire over prisoners. In some JB maps you can find a boxing ring. Let prisoners kill themselves there!
say /help
This command brings a hud message with useful commands
say /duel
This command is for the last Prisoner and bring a menu to choose an option of last request
Gameplay ManagementSimon Role
If a guard wants to be simon (using /simon command), the name of that guard will be shown on screen.
If Simon gets killed, some alert will be shown to allow other guards take his role.
Revolt alert
If some prisoner attacks a guard, an alarm will be started until a guard stops him.
Prisoners doesn't have flashlight! They are imprisoned!
Wanted alert
If some prisoner kills a guard, a wanted list will be shown until that prisoner gets killed.
Guards can’t buy/get HE Grenades
There’re six options for last requestFreeday at next round
Free random gun
Box duel
Pistols (deagle) duel
Scounts duel
Grenade duel
There’re different models for freeday (green), wanted (red) and Simon
CommentsYou have to use the included resources (sounds, models).
If someone want to change the models, be carefull because I’m using only one model with different body and skins.
I’ve added an example for commands translations. It’s just and addon.
Remember to update ALL files to the current version including resources and dictionary files.
TODO.- Natives to allow other plugins get information (who’s simon, who has freeday, etc)
.- Game system (Spray contest, Hats game, etc)
.- Any other freaking idea
I would like to thank toConnorMcLeod for his teamselect code
Frk_14 for his work on the models
"Someone" who made the models (don't know who)
"Everyone" who give me ideas, help and time for testing
Servers using this plugin
* Finally fixed voice control
* Added cvar to disable team change
* Fixed OldStyle team menu issue
* Fixed crowbar user + he damage issue
* Fixed duel bug
* Fixed clcmd/concmd flags problem
* Added cell opener for maps with multi_manager
* Added cvar to enable last request
* Added cvar to enable motd
* Fixed auto Simon mode
* Updated dictionary
* Fixed last request abuse bug
* Fixed voice mode bugs
* Added auto team transfer to Guards that never been Simon
* Added auto disconnect to Spectators that doesn't join any team in 3 rounds
* Added blocking for hints messages
* Added auto door open on freeday
* Added /open command only for Simon
* Improved team select code
* Improved team status code
* Updated dictionary
* Added custom model (using body+skin)
* Added sounds
* Added freeday menu command
* Added lastrequest menu command & functionalities
* Added help command
* Added last prisoner hud message
* Added cvar to change talk mode control (+simonvoice optional or required to talk)
* Added cvar to allow shooting func_button to activate it
* Added cvar to allow auto-freeday hud message after 60 seconds with no Simon selected
* Added cvar to force round end after some time of auto-freeday
* Added cvar to change game mode (classic counter for days)
* Added simon footsteps decals (controlled by cvar)
* Added restriction on HE for guards
* First public release
Last edited by joropito; 04-10-2010 at 10:23.