CSS Bank (including MySQL support) v1.6.6
last update: 2014-05-03
Since v1.4.5 use the cssbank.smx. Don't worry about CSS in the name. ;-)
Note: Don't forget to delete your csgobank*.smx
Inital Plugin:
SM Bank Mod: MySQL from Nican, mateo10
Fundamental Changes:
added new cvars
added auto deposit/withdraw
added some other features
reworked complete code
added small webinterface
A player can deposit money to the bank, transfer it to other players or withdraw when needed.
Also set automatic deposit and/or withdraw.
All cvars can be configured in the cssbank.cfg
Supports MySQL
include small webinterface
Nican for his inital plugin: SM Bank Mod: MySQL
graczu for the top10 part in his css_rank plugin
SilentWarrior for gave mightily starting assistance
svito for slovak translation
UncLeMax for Russian translation
away000 for Portuguese translation
TnTSCS for helping with bots in CSGO
1.0 (2010-03-06)
** Initial Release!
1.1 (2010-03-07)
** Fixed: DB storage bug
++ Added: bank only activated for player in team
1.1.1 (2010-03-09)
** Fixed: percentage sign not shown in bank menu info
** Fixed: checks whether a player is on a team, did not work properly
1.2 (2010-03-21)
** Fixed: Playernames now shown in right teamcolor
++ Added: Admin menu; Command: bankadmin
++ Added: Possibility to edit amount menu in translation file
>> Changed: Color in chat from lightgreen to green
>> some code improvements
1.3 (2010-06-12)
++ Added: Possibility to type !deposit <all/amount> and !withdraw <all/amount>
++ Added: New CVARs: css_bank_mapprefixes, css_bank_mapmode
to enable/disable bank according to map prefix
++ Added: Commands to reset bank (only money or all)
++ Added: Possibility to hide from top10
++ Added: Possibility to reset own account
++ Added: admin can target itself
++ Added: Slovak translation (thanks to svito)
>> Changed: Bankmenu (new: settings-item)
1.3.1 (2010-06-13)
** Fixed: with css_bank_maximum "0" (disabled), admin-Setmoney not worked
1.3.2 (2010-06-20)
** Fixed: problem with quotes in player names
1.4.0 (2011-02-03)
++ Added: Russian translation (thanks to UncLeMax)
++ Added: French translation
++ Added: !settings menu support
++ Added: Bank admin menu now appears in admin menu
++ Added: New server cmd: css_bank_cleanup (deletes redundant entries)
++ Added: New CVAR: css_bank_autodep (Default auto deposit for new player)
++ Added: New CVAR: css_bank_autowith (Default auto withdraw for new player)
++ Added: New CVAR: css_bank_adminlimit (Maximun amount of money admins are allowed to have in the bank. 0 for no other limit.)
++ Added: New CVAR: css_bank_adminflag (Set the Admin Flag)
++ Added: New CVAR: css_bank_resetinterval (Set the number of days the bank should reset periodically, 0 for never)
++ Added: New CVAR: css_bank_prunedb (Set the number of days after inactive players will be deleted, 0 for never)
++ Added: late load (load plugin during map)
++ Added: small web viewer (complete list or top10)
>> Changed: "$16,000" now called "ALL" in menu
>> Changed: limit of 16000 at transfer and admin add/remove to free input and new amounts specified in translations file
>> Changed: shortened code of main plugin file (include cssbank files). no longer compiles on forum
** Fixed: Bots for sure shouldn't appear in the DB.
** Fixed: Banklimit not shown as money amount in "Bank Full" translation.
** Fixed: Some players lost their money due to reconnect.
1.4.1 (2011-02-06)
** Fixed: spelling mistake in MySQL query
>> Changed: Description of cvar "css_bank_adminflag": Added "Changes require to reload plugin or restart server!"
1.4.2 (2011-03-24)
++ Added: Portuguese translation (thanks to away000)
++ Added: free input now available in admin set money
>> Changed: DB action/error logging
>> Changed: DB connection handling
>> Changed: absolute maximum of the bank now 2,000,000,000 (even if css_bank_maximum 0)
** Fixed: wrong menu: autodeposit/autowithdraw
** Fixed: "No Connection" bug
1.4.3 (2011-05-12)
** Fixed: Bug with negative values. (!withdraw -1000)
1.4.4 (2011-06-26)
++ Added: New Cvar: css_bank_add_to_adminmenu (Turns On/Off the adminmenu entry)
** Changed: "RegConsoleCmd("say", ChatInput);" to "AddCommandListener(ChatInput, "say");"
1.4.5 (2013-01-26)
++ Added: consider mp_maxmoney
++ Added: consider mp_maxrounds and mp_halftime in CSGO
** Fixed: chat color in CSGO
** Fixed: not working after CSGO update from 2013-01-23
1.4.6 (2013-01-27)
** Fixed: exploit bots in CSGO (Thanks to TnTSCS)
1.4.7 (2013-02-22)
** Fixed: Native "GetEntData" reported: Offset -1 is invalid
1.4.8 (2013-03-07)
** Fixed: Plugin cssbank.smx failed to load: Native "GetUserMessageType" was not found.
1.5.0 (2013-04-22)
++ Added: New Cvar: css_bank_transfer_limit (Maximum amount of money players are allowed to transfer. 0 for no limit)
++ Added: New Cvar: css_bank_default_bankmoney (Default amount of money new players get in the bank)
1.5.1 (2013-05-29)
** Fixed: css_bank_transfer_limit "0" not working - thanks to nvn
1.6.0 (2013-09-04)
++ Added: CSS/CSGO now use the same account if same database. (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=1938404&postcount=430)
++ Added: Possibility to write logs for transfer- and admin-actions.
++ Added: New Cvar: css_bank_log_transfers (Enables transfer logging. 0 = Disable)
++ Added: New Cvar: css_bank_log_admin_action (Enables admin action logging. 0 = Disable)
** Fixed: Bug in amount menu: "If I try to withdraw or deposit "ALL", it will only 0$ or 1.000$ booked."
** Fixed: Issues with Autodeposit "ALL"
** Fixed: Bug in Admin Menu - Setmoney: Free input not working.
1.6.1 (2013-09-14)
** Fixed: Messages are on by default (For new players). No longer working.
++ Added: New server cmd: css_bank_reset_message (resets message setting to default (1) for all players)
1.6.2 (2013-09-26)
** Fixed: Bank not working with css_bank_mapprefixes set and workshop maps (CSGO)
1.6.3 (2014-04-05)
** Fixed: Players selected a team, but still no model shouldn't be regarded as in a team.
1.6.4 (2014-04-06)
** Fixed: Fix from v1.6.3 now working. (Players selected a team, but still no model shouldn't be regarded as in a team.)
1.6.5 (2014-04-21)
** Fixed: Bank won't work for dead Players since v1.6.4.
1.6.6 (2014-05-03)
** Fixed: Second pistolround(s) not working, with mp_halftime associated with mp_timelimit instead of mp_maxrounds.
** Fixed: Bug in check for old data. Whereby defaults like css_bank_default_bankmoney won't work.
Cvarlist: (default value):
If you load the plugin the first time, a config file (cssbank.cfg) will be generated in the cfg/sourcemod folder.
css_bank_enable (1) Turns Bank On/Off
css_bank_maximum (250000) Maximum amount of money players are allowed to have in the bank, 0 to disable (max 2,000,000,000)
css_bank_announce (1.0) Turns on announcement when a player joins the server, every map or every round: 0.0 = disabled, 1.0 = every map, 2.0 = every round
css_bank_deposit_fee (200) Fee, the players must pay for each deposit
css_bank_interest (2.5) % of interest players will get per round
css_bank_min_deposit (1000) Min. deposit amount, 0 to disable
css_bank_pistolrounds (1) Set the number of pistolrounds the bank is disabled, min. 0
css_bank_identity (CSS Bank) Set the name of your bank
css_bank_min_players (2) The number of min players to activate bank, min 0
css_bank_dbconfig (clientprefs) Set the database configuration listed in databases.cfg
css_bank_mapmode (0) 0 = Disable bank during listed map prefixes, 1 = disable bank during NON-listed map prefixes (only listed maps enable bank)
css_bank_mapprefixes (" ") List the map prefixes where the bank is enabled or disabled. Related to the css_bank_mapmode Cvar
css_bank_autodep (0) Default auto deposit for new player
css_bank_autowith (0) Default auto withdraw for new player
css_bank_adminlimit (0) Maximum amount of money admins are allowed to have in the bank. 0 for no other limit.
bank(!bank or /bank) Display a menu with the Bank functions deposit(!deposit or /deposit) Display a menu with amounts to deposit withdraw(!withdraw or /withdraw) Display a menu with amounts to withdraw bankstatus(!bankstatus or /bankstatus) Prints the current bankstatus to the chat deposit <all|amount>(!deposit <all|amount> or /deposit <all|amount>) to deposit all or typed amount withdraw <all|amount>(!withdraw <all|amount> or /withdraw <all|amount>) to withdraw all (max 16000) or typed amount
Admin Commands: (chat trigger)
bankadmin(!bankadmin or /bankadmin) Display a menu with the Bank functions for an admin
Server Commands:
css_bank_reset_all resets the hole bank css_bank_reset_money resets only money amounts css_bank_cleanup to clean up database (deletes redundant entries)
copy the contents of the "gameserver" package to your gameserver
Update from v1.3.2:
1. backup the cssbank.cfg
2. proceed normal installation
3. merge config changes
4. reload the plugin or change map or restart server
5. execute server command "css_bank_update"
6. and it's better to change map after update to minimize data loss
If you are using mysql, you can instead of point 5 and 6 also run:
"ALTER TABLE `css_bank` ADD `last_accountuse` int(64) NOT NULL;ALTER TABLE `css_bank` ADD `last_bankreset` int(64) NOT NULL;UPDATE `css_bank` SET `last_accountuse` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP();UPDATE `css_bank` SET `last_bankreset` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP();"
in your db.
Available things will be:
- add/remove money (same amounts as normal deposit/withdraw)
- set money to a selected amount (seven selectable amounts given by translation file)
But it will still take around two weeks because I hardly find time for it.
can you explain how i have to setup it to use an external mysql db? with the databases.cfg or? and how is the name for the database i have to set? you have an example??