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Join Date: Jul 2007
Old 01-28-2010 , 03:41   Re: Battlefield
Reply With Quote #11

Again Thank you doom.

All lanugage translations are in the credits section of my plugin
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Old 01-28-2010 , 11:37   Re: Battlefield
Reply With Quote #12

English Fix:
DROP_BLOCK = [Battlefield] You are not allowed to drop your weapon.
ONE_CALL_LEFT = [Battlefield] You have %d call left. Use it wisely!
NO_CALL_LEFT = [Battlefield] You have used your last call. Good Luck!
CALLS_LEFT = [Battlefield] You have %d calls left. Use them wisely!
MIN_HP_MEDIC = [Battlefield] You may not call for a medic untill you have less then %d health.
CALL_COOL_DOWN = [Battlefield] You must wait %.1f second(s) before calling for another medic.
NO_MEDIC_CALLS = [Battlefield] You have run out of Medic Calls. Please wait for a new round.
HEAL_NO_CALL = [Battlefield] Your target must first call you before you may heal them.
HEAL_COOL_DOWN = [Battlefield] You must wait %.1f second(s) before you may heal again.
GREATE_DISTANCE = [Battlefield] You are too far away from your target %s, please move closer.
HEALER_STOPED = [Battlefield] You have stopped healing %s.
TARGET_STOPED = [Battlefield] Your medic %s has stopped healing you. Good Luck!
CAN_BE_HEALED = [Battlefield] You have already called for a medic, be patient, he is on his way.
HEALING_HUD = [Battlefield] Target: %s Health: %d
NEW_CLASS = [Battlefield] You may choose a new class when you respawn.
NEW_CLASS_INFO = [Battlefield] To select a new class write /class in the chat.
INFO_HUD_MSG = [Class: %s] ^n[Rank: %s] ^n[XP: %d / %d]
ADMIN_GIVEN = ADMIN: gave %i points to %s."
ADMIN_GIVES = ADMIN %s: gave %i points to %s.
GIVEN_EXP = [Battlefield] You received %i points.
ADMIN_TAKEN = ADMIN: took %i points from %s.
ADMIN_TAKES = ADMIN %s: took %i points from %s.
TAKEN_EXP = [Battlefield] You lost %i points.
Dutch Updated:
DROP_BLOCK = [Battlefield] Je mag je wapens niet weggooien!
ONE_CALL_LEFT = [Battlefield] Je hebt %d beurt over. Gebruik het wijs!
NO_CALL_LEFT = [Battlefield] Je hebt je laatste beurt gebruikt. Veel Geluk!
CALLS_LEFT = [Battlefield] Je hebt %d beurten over. Gebruik ze wijs!
MIN_HP_MEDIC = [Battlefield] Je mag geen dokter roepen wanneer je minder dan %d levens hebt.
CALL_COOL_DOWN = [Battlefield] Je moet nog %.1f seconde(n) wachten voor je een dokter belt.
NO_MEDIC_CALLS = [Battlefield] Je hebt geen dokter beurten meer. Wacht op een nieuwe ronde.
HEAL_NO_CALL = [Battlefield] Je doel moet eerst naar jouw bellen voordat je hem verzorgd.
HEAL_COOL_DOWN = [Battlefield] Je moet %.1f seconde(n) wachten voordat je terug mag verzorgen.
GREATE_DISTANCE = [Battlefield] Je bent te ver weg van je doel %s, ga dichterbij!
HEALER_STOPED = [Battlefield] Je bent gestopt met het verzorgen van %s.
TARGET_STOPED = [Battlefield] Je dokter %s is gestopt met je te verzorgen. Veel Geluk!
CAN_BE_HEALED = [Battlefield] Je hebt reeds voor een dokter gebelt, gelieve te wachten.
HEALING_HUD = [Battlefield] Doel: %s Levens: %d
NEW_CLASS = [Battlefield] Je mag een nieuwe klasse kiezen wanneer je terug tot leven komt.
NEW_CLASS_INFO = [Battlefield] Om een nieuwe klasse te kiezen, schrijf dan '/class' in de chat.
INFO_HUD_MSG = [Klasse: %s] ^n[Rank: %s] ^n[XP: %d / %d]
ADMIN_GIVEN = BEHEERDER: gaf %i punten aan %s.
ADMIN_GIVES = BEHEERDER %s: gaf %i punten aan %s.
GIVEN_EXP = [Battlefield] Jij kreeg %i punten.
ADMIN_TAKEN = BEHEERDER: nam %i punten van %s af.
ADMIN_TAKES = BEHEERDER %s: nam %i punten van %s af.
TAKEN_EXP = [Battlefield] Jij verloor %i punten.
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Old 01-28-2010 , 14:29   Re: Battlefield
Reply With Quote #13

DROP_BLOCK = [Battlefield] Nije vam dozvoljeno da bacite oruzije!
ONE_CALL_LEFT = [Battlefield] Imate jos %d preostali poziv. Koristite ih razumno!
NO_CALL_LEFT = [Battlefield] Iskoristili ste poslednji poziv. Srecno!
CALLS_LEFT = [Battlefield] Imate jos %d preostalih poziva. Koristite ih razumno!
MIN_HP_MEDIC = [Battlefield] Ne mozete zvati hitnu pomoc dok nemate manje od %d helta.
CALL_COOL_DOWN = [Battlefield] Morate sacekati %.1f sekundi pre zvanja nove hitne pomoci.
NO_MEDIC_CALLS = [Battlefield] Nemate vise poziva za hitnu pomoc. Molim sacekajte sledecu rundu.
HEAL_NO_CALL = [Battlefield] Vasa meta vas prvo mora pozvati, pre nego sto mozete da je lecite.
HEAL_COOL_DOWN = [Battlefield] Morate sacekati %.1f sekundi pre nego sto mozete opet da lecite.
GREATE_DISTANCE = [Battlefield] Previse ste udaljeni od mete %s, molim priblizite se.
HEALER_STOPED = [Battlefield] Prekinuli ste da lecite %s.
TARGET_STOPED = [Battlefield] Vas doktor %s je prestao da vas leci. Srecno!
CAN_BE_HEALED = [Battlefield] Vec ste pozvali hitnu pomoc, budite strpljivi stizu.
HEALING_HUD = [Battlefield] Meta: %s    Helti: %d
NEW_CLASS = [Battlefield] Mozete izabrati novu klasu kada se ponovo stvorite.
NEW_CLASS_INFO = [Battlefield] Da izaberete novu klasu bilo kad u toku igre ukucajte /class.
INFO_HUD_MSG = [Klasa: %s] ^n[Cin: %s] ^n[XP: %d / %d]
ADMIN_GIVEN = ADMIN: je dao %i poena %s."
ADMIN_GIVES = ADMIN %s: je dao %i poena %s.
GIVEN_EXP = [Battlefield] Primili ste %i poena.
ADMIN_TAKEN = ADMIN: je uzeo %i poena od %s.
ADMIN_TAKES = ADMIN %s: je uzeo %i poena od %s.
TAKEN_EXP = [Battlefield] Izgubili ste %i poena.
Additional info:

Consider not having [Battlefield] in each ML string. Try calling function like this:

//global variables/constants/defines
new const ML_PREFIX[] = "[BattleField] %L"

//somewhere in code
client_print(id, print_chat, ML_PREFIX, id, "DROP_BLOCK")
Even better define a constant look up table which will greatly improve your codes performance and reduce usage of memory:

//global variables/constants/defines
new const ML_PREFIX[] = "[BattleField] %L"

new const g_MessagesTable[2][] = {

//where 2 must be replaced with number of your constants
//Note: array is zero based so when you want to call DROP_BLOCK you use g_MessagesTable[0]

//somewhere in code
client_print(id, print_chat, ML_PREFIX, id,  g_MessagesTable[0])
If you are putting me to credits of some kind please put "Filip Vilicic" instead of "vilaemail". Or put both. Thanks.
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Old 01-28-2010 , 14:45   Re: Battlefield
Reply With Quote #14

LOL Thanks for fixing the English hahaha.. I forgot to proof read... Thats funny some correct the only language i speak lolz.

Thank you all.. It has all been added to the dictionary and converted over the the prefix code you have posted.

Last edited by Doc-Holiday; 01-28-2010 at 15:07.
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Old 02-03-2010 , 09:11   Re: Battlefield
Reply With Quote #15

Really hard to translate it to Polish language

DROP_BLOCK = [Battlefield] Nie mozesz wyrzucic tej broni!
ONE_CALL_LEFT = [Battlefield] Pozostalo Ci %d wezwanie! Uzyj je z glowa!
NO_CALL_LEFT = [Battlefield] Uzyles ostatnie dostepne wezwanie. Powodzenia!
CALLS_LEFT = [Battlefield] Pozostalo Ci %d wezwan. Uzyj ich z glowa!
MIN_HP_MEDIC = [Battlefield] Nie mozesz wezwac medyka, jezeli masz ponad %d HP.
CALL_COOL_DOWN = [Battlefield] Musisz zaczekac %.1f sekund pomiedzy wezwaniem kolejnego medyka!
NO_MEDIC_CALLS = [Battlefield] Uzyles wszystkich wezwan. Odczekaj do nowej rundy.
HEAL_NO_CALL = [Battlefield] Aby moc uzdrowic gracza musi Cie najpierw wezac.
HEAL_COOL_DOWN = [Battlefield] Musisz zaczekac %.1f sekunde(y) przed kolejnym uzdrowieniem.
GREATE_DISTANCE = [Battlefield] Jestes za daleko od gracza %s podejdz blizej.
HEALER_STOPED = [Battlefield] Przestales uleczac gracza %s.
TARGET_STOPED = [Battlefield] Medyk %s przestal Cie uleczac. Powodzenia!
ASSAULT = [Battlefield] Jestes czescia druzyny bojowej. Prowadz swoja druzyne na wojne.
SPECIAL = [Battlefield] Witamy w Oddziale Specjalnym. Uzyj podstepu aby zajsc przeciwnika.
SNIPER = [Battlefield] Stales sie Scout Snajperem Marynarki Wojennej. Ochraniaj swoja druzyne przed przecziwnikiem.
PARATROOPER = [Battlefield] Mozesz doprowolnie stac sie jednym z zolnierzy naszej eliternej jednostki.
PARATROOPER2 = [Battlefield] Uzyj swoich umiejetnosci aby rzucic sie na przeciwnika.
MEDIC = [Battlefield] Stales sie Medykiem bojowym. Chron swoja druzyne.
SUPPORT = [Battlefield] Stales sie Zolnierzem Szturmowym. Tworz ogien zaporowy, aby chronic swoja druzyne.
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