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[L4D/2] Crowned Horde

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    Sends out a horde when a witched has been killed.
    Old 12-15-2009 , 18:16   [L4D/2] Crowned Horde
    Reply With Quote #1

    Story Line
    The Survivors are frantically climbing the stairs to reach the helicopter on top of the hospital roof. It is pitch blank with only their flashlights giving them the slightest hint of light through the blood covered lens. Bill is leading the way huffing and puffing from the long run when he suddenly stops forcing the other survivors to crash into him. The faint distant moaning of a witch is heard in front of them near the exit door. The only way to get to the waiting helicopter is through the witch. Slowly the survivors move forward as the moaning of the witch grows louder and louder. Red glowing eyes pierce the darkness in front of the survivors. Guns blaze and the witch charges the survivors. Bill is crouched down in front with the others shooting over him while the witch, almost as if the bullets have no effect, continues her charge. She is ten feet from Bill and shows no sign of slowing down. The witch keeps coming, dropping to her knees in front of Bill who is reloading. Unable to move, the witch lets out an ear piercing scream before Bill finishes it off. The witches scream alerted the zombie horde on the floor below in which the survivors sneaked carefully past on their mad dash up the stairs. The horde rushes up the stairs while the survivors make a run towards the helicopter. They are getting in as the horde bursts through the rooftop door. The survivors slam the helicopter door shut as the horde converges on it. They break the window in order to fend them off while the pilot tries to take off. With the zombies grabbing at the small news helicopter, the load is to great for it to take off. Gun fire is coming out of both sides of the helicopter as the survivors manage to kill enough zombies to lighten the load and the helicopter can take off. There is only one problem left, their pilot is getting a rash...

    Crowned horde was developed in response to a plugin request. It originally was only triggered when the witch was crowned, hence then name, but was changed during development. The scream that alerted the horde is what this plugin does. When a witch is killed she lets out a scream that will trigger a horde.
    As of v1.0.1, you have the option to set which events trigger her scream.

    This plugin is compiled against SourceMod 1.3. If you compile it through the forums it will be compiled against SourceMod 1.2.


    Simply drag and drop the files onto your server.

    Drag and drop, and overwrite all files. If you changed the config file you will have to make the changes again. Any specific instructions will be included in the release.

    These ConVars are specific to Crowned Horde. You can change them in cfg/sourcemod/l4d_crowned_horde.cfg.

    l4d_crowned_horde_version - [L4D/2] Crowned Horde Version (Cannot be changed)
    l4d_ch_sound - Play a sound when the witch has been crowned?
    l4d_ch_sound_file - If sound is enabled, the sound file to play relative to the sounds directory.
    l4d_ch_announcements - Enable or disable announcements.
    l4d_ch_trigger_annoyed - Alerts the horde when a witch is annoyed.
    l4d_ch_trigger_annoyed_first - Alerts the horde when a witch is annoyed for the first time only (L4D2 only).
    l4d_ch_trigger_killed - Alerts the horde when a witch is killed (Includes the witch being crowned).
    l4d_ch_trigger_killed_not_crowned - Alerts the horde when a witch is killed (Does not include the witch being crowned).
    l4d_ch_trigger_crowned - Alerts the horde when a witch is crowned.
    l4d_ch_trigger_random - Randomly picks which event alerts the horde.
    l4d_ch_trigger_random_alert_horde - If random option is selected, randomly decide if a horde should be alerted.
    l4d_ch_trigger_random_horde_size - If random option is selected, randomly decide what size horde should be alerted.
    l4d_ch_trigger_horde_size - Size of the alerted horde (0 = mob, 1 = forced panic).
    l4d_ch_trigger_delay - The delay between the witchs scream and the horde being alerted.

    As of v1.0.1, Crowned Horde fully supports translations. If you have translated this plugin into another language please let me know and I will add it to the next version.

    If you want to stay apprised to the developement of Crowned Horde or any of my other plugins, you can visit the SVN for them which can be found here.

    • Initial Release
    • Added translation support
    • Added option to set what event(s) trigger the horde
    • Note: This version includes changes to the l4d_crowned_horde.cfg file. Please delete this file so it can be recreated with the correct cvars.

    • Added seperate CVAR's to control trigger events
    • Note: This version includes changes to the Crowned Horde config file and translations file. If you have made any changes to this file back it up before overwriting with the new version.

    • Added option to randomly alert the horde
    • Note: This version includes changes to the Crowned Horde config file and translations file. If you have made any changes to this file back it up before overwriting with the new version.

    • Added option to set delay between witches scream and the horde being alerted
    • Added option to set the size of the alerted horde
    • Added option to randomly set the size of the alerted horde
    • Added option to alert the horde when the witch has been killed but not crowned
    • Fixed potential bug in the random logic
    • Note: This version includes changes to the Crowned Horde config file and translations file. If you have made any changes to this file back it up before overwriting with the new version.
    • Fixed bug with AlertHorde timers

    • Removed redundant cvar, l4d_ch_trigger_killed_not_crowned
    • Removed sm_ from cvar's to comply with guidelines
    • Note: This version includes changes to the Crown Horde config file. If you have made any changes to this file back it up before overwriting with the new version.
    • Fixed bug in random logic that always ran the random code
    • Fixed invalid client bug
    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_crowned_horde.sp - 5493 views - 13.0 KB)
    File Type: txt l4d_crowned_horde.txt (430 Bytes, 2824 views)
    File Type: zip l4d_crowned_horde_v1.0.7.zip (12.7 KB, 3871 views)

    Last edited by Bigbuck; 02-06-2010 at 14:34. Reason: 1.0.7 Released
    Bigbuck is offline
    AlliedModders Donor
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    Old 12-15-2009 , 18:34   Re: [L4D/2] Crowned Horde
    Reply With Quote #2

    Nice story. I'll have to take a look at it.
    JackieChan is offline
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    Old 12-15-2009 , 22:22   Re: [L4D/2] Crowned Horde
    Reply With Quote #3

    is the story the reason it took so long to release this plugin? i searched the request section for several pages before i found it last night.

    anyway, you say you started with the cr0wn only alerting a horde, but now its just her death. anyway of maybe putting a cvar in to have it either/or. id rather only have a horde called when shes cr0wned.
    dirka_dirka is offline
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    Old 12-16-2009 , 01:09   Re: [L4D/2] Crowned Horde
    Reply With Quote #4

    The plugin has been in the request forums for awhile, but I never got around to putting up an official topic. I will add a cvar for when to trigger the horde tomorrow.
    Bigbuck is offline
    Join Date: Jan 2008
    Old 12-16-2009 , 01:53   Re: [L4D/2] Crowned Horde
    Reply With Quote #5

    Bigbuck, think you could thrown in a random element for the horde spawning on both triggers (witch death in general, crowning specifically) so survivors won't be able to anticipate it completely?

    This could go over very well on 8v8 servers I think
    Apex_ is offline
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    Old 12-16-2009 , 12:19   Re: [L4D/2] Crowned Horde
    Reply With Quote #6

    Version 1.0.1 has been released with the requested features. Please read the original post for more information.
    Bigbuck is offline
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    Old 12-16-2009 , 13:00   Re: [L4D/2] Crowned Horde
    Reply With Quote #7

    Haha. I had JUST mentioned this in a game last night after both teams crowned the witch without even slowing down. Very cool.
    ChillyWI is offline
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    Old 12-16-2009 , 14:31   Re: [L4D/2] Crowned Horde
    Reply With Quote #8

    So setting the trigger cvar to 1. When the witch is killed, does that include when she's crowned?
    Blakeocity is offline
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    Old 12-16-2009 , 14:53   Re: [L4D/2] Crowned Horde
    Reply With Quote #9

    No, they are separate.
    Bigbuck is offline
    Join Date: Aug 2008
    Old 12-16-2009 , 15:18   Re: [L4D/2] Crowned Horde
    Reply With Quote #10

    If they are seperate, how do we set it where both call the horde?
    Necrothug is offline

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