Update! 1.0 released!
Being the idiot that I am I left a bit of debugging functions in there, fixed now.
For all of these Cvars a value of 1 enables that part of the plugin while 0 disables it.
annoy_enable : Allows for you to quickly turn the plugin on and off.
annoy_medkits : Removes all medkits.
annoy_ammo : Removes ammo upgrades.
annoy_defibs : Removes defibs.
annoy_launcher : Removes grenade launchers.
annoy_chainsaw : Removes chainsaws
annoy_limit_throws : Enables or disables the removal of scripted Moly's, Pipes and bile bombs
annoy_limit_pipe : Enables the removal of scripted Pipes(Requires
annoy_limit_throws 1)
annoy_limit_bile : Enables the removal of scripted bile bombs(Requires
annoy_limit_throws 1)
annoy_limit_moly : Enables the removal of scripted molys(Requires
annoy_limit_throws 1)
annoy_saferoom : Enables first aid kits in the saferoom.
annoy_pill_replace : Replaces removed medkits with pills. Note that you must have
annoy_medkits set to 1 for this cvar to work.
Once again a thank you to Frustian and n0limit, whose code I once again went over almost fanatically in my quest for a working mod.
Another thank you to you guys in the forums for the advice and recommendations, and lastly a thank you to Bo Peep(spiderlemur) for always being ready to beta test my mod, even when the last few versions managed to corrupt your game cache.
If you are using an old version of this plugin please delete your current CrowAnnoyingItemRemover.cfg according to some there was a problem where cfg changes would not take effect, this should be fixed.
( 08 ) 12:12PM: Just heard from someone that there is a bug where only one team gets saferoom medkits while the other gets pills. If you encounter this post in the thread.
( 08 ) 5:07PM: Fixed the saferoom medpack bug, working on fixing the few extra medkits that pop up.
Change log:
0.9 - Fixed the mod, got scripted items to remove, added functionality for chainsaw and grenade launcher removal.
0.95 - Changed a few things for some speed improvements, added functionality for safe room medkits to be skipped over by the medkit cleaner.
1.0 - Fixed the problem with saferoom medkits still being removed with annoy_saferoom set to 1.