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attach_view code alternative

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Join Date: Feb 2017
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Old 02-03-2020 , 07:48   attach_view code alternative
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is there a alternative for 'attach_view' code ?
like camera plugins, setting view to entitys

i saw in arkshine's 'Prototype Groundspike Graveyard' Plugin, how does he did ?

/* - - - - - - - - - - -

    AMX Mod X script.

    ¦ Author  : Andrade, Arkshine
    ¦ Plugin  : Prototype Groundspike Graveyard
    ¦ Version : v1.0.0

    (¡) Support : http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=146984

    This plugin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
    your option) any later version.

    This plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this plugin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
    Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

    ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
        This plugin features a special attack borrowed from the game Prototype now in Counter-Strike style.
        Instead of explaining by words, check yourself by viewing this video.

    ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
        CS 1.6, CZ.
        AMX Mod X 1.8.x or higher.

    ─ ─ ─ ─ ─
        * protospike : Start the protospike attack.
        * protospike_help : Show the plugin help.

    ─ ─ ─ ─
        * joaquimandrade : Original author.
        * Tirant         : Spike model.

- - - - - - - - - - - */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta_util>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <xs>
#include <cstrike>

new const Plugin [] = "Prototype Groundspike Graveyard";
new const Author [] = "Andrade, Arkshine";
new const Version[] = "1.0";


        const MaxSlots = 32;
        const m_iHideHUD          = 361;
        const m_iClientHideHUD    = 362;
        const m_pClientActiveItem = 374;
        const m_fInitHUD          = 348;
        const ViewmodelMaxLen     = 150;
        const Float:BloodInterval = 1.5;
        new bool:PlayerIsUsingAttack  [ MaxSlots + 1 ];
        new bool:PlayerPreventCorpse  [ MaxSlots + 1 ];
        new PlayerLookalike           [ MaxSlots + 1 ];

        new PlayerOriginalFlags       [ MaxSlots + 1 ];
        new Float:PlayerOriginalAngles[ MaxSlots + 1 ][ 3 ];
        new Float:PlayerOriginalOrigin[ MaxSlots + 1 ][ 3 ];
        new PlayerOriginalViewmodel   [ MaxSlots + 1 ][ ViewmodelMaxLen + 1 ];
        new PlayerOriginalActiveItem  [ MaxSlots + 1 ];
        const Float:FramesPerCameraRotation = 300.0;
        const Float:RotationDegrees         = 160.0;
        const Float:RotationRadius          = 100.0;

        new Float:DegreeIncreasePerFrame;

        new Array:PlayerCameraOriginQueue[ MaxSlots + 1 ];
        new Array:PlayerCameraAnglesQueue[ MaxSlots + 1 ];
        new bool:AskPermission [ MaxSlots + 1 ];
        new bool:CommandAllowed[ MaxSlots + 1 ];

        new Trie:TrieAuthIdCache;
        new PermissionMenu[ 512 ];


        new const SpikeModel[] = "models/spike.mdl";

        new const SpikeEmergeSound  [] = "weapons/hegrenade-1.wav";
        new const SpikeUnemergeSound[] = "ImpaleLaunch1.wav";

        new const SpikeClassname[] = "protospike";
        enum Animation

        enum AnimationProperty

        new AnimationsData[ Animation ][ AnimationProperty ] =

        new Array:AnimationsPacked[ Animation ];

        enum _:EntityAnimation
        new PlayerAnimationQueue[ MaxSlots + 1 ][ EntityAnimation ];
    ├ DATAS
        const SpikesNumber = 9;

        const Float:SpikeCalcRadiusStart     = 50.0;
        const Float:SpikeCalcRadiusIncrement = 10.0;

        const SpikesFirstCircle       = 5;
        const SpikesPerCircleIncrease = 4;
        const SpikesCircles           = 3;

        const Float:SpikesMaxHeightMax = 130.0;
        const Float:SpikesMaxHeightMin = 90.0;

        const Float:SpikeMinHeight = 10.0;

        const Float:SpikeHeightIncrementPerFrame = 6.0;
        const Float:SpikeHeightDecrementPerFrame = 1.5;

        const SpikeFramesIdle = 400;

        enum _:PlayerSpikeData

        enum _:PlayerSpikeOriginQueueData

        new PlayerSpikeOriginQueue[ MaxSlots + 1 ][ PlayerSpikeOriginQueueData ];

public plugin_precache()
    precache_model( SpikeModel );
    precache_sound( SpikeEmergeSound );
    precache_sound( SpikeUnemergeSound );

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin( Plugin, Version, Author );

    register_clcmd( "protospike", "ClientCommand_Protospike" );
    register_clcmd( "protospike_help", "ClientCommand_ProtospikeHelp" );

    register_touch( "player", SpikeClassname, "Spike_PlayerTouch" );
    RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "CBasePlayer_Spawn" );

    register_message( get_user_msgid( "ClCorpse" ), "Event_ClCorpse" );


public plugin_cfg()

    DegreeIncreasePerFrame = RotationDegrees / FramesPerCameraRotation;


        → client_authorized()
        → client_disconnect()
            └ protospikeFinish()
        → CBasePlayer_Spawn()
            └ protospikeFinish()
        → Event_ClCorpse()
        → handlePermissionMenu()
        → MenuPermissionHandler()

public client_authorized( client )
    static authId[ 34 ];
    get_user_authid( client, authId, charsmax( authId ) );

    if( !TrieKeyExists( TrieAuthIdCache, authId ) )
        TrieSetCell( TrieAuthIdCache, authId, true );
        AskPermission[ client ] = true;

public client_disconnect( client )
    AskPermission[ client ] = false;

    if( PlayerIsUsingAttack[ client ] )
        protospikeFinish( client, .fixPosition = false, .fixAngles = false, .fixHud = false );

public CBasePlayer_Spawn( const player )
    if( PlayerIsUsingAttack[ player ] )
        protospikeFinish( player, .fixPosition = false, .fixAngles = false, .fixHud = true );
    else if( AskPermission[ player ] )
        show_menu( player, MENU_KEY_1 | MENU_KEY_0, PermissionMenu, .title = "PlayerPermissionMenu" );

public Event_ClCorpse()
    new player = get_msg_arg_int( 12 );

    if( PlayerPreventCorpse[ player ] )
        PlayerPreventCorpse[ player ] = false;
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


    TrieAuthIdCache = TrieCreate();
    register_menu( "PlayerPermissionMenu", 0x3FF, "MenuPermissionHandler" );

    new len = formatex( PermissionMenu, charsmax( PermissionMenu ), "\rProtospike Attack^n^n" );

    len += formatex( PermissionMenu[ len ], charsmax( PermissionMenu ) - len, "\wThis server features a special attack borrowed from the game Prototype^n" );
    len += formatex( PermissionMenu[ len ], charsmax( PermissionMenu ) - len, "now in Counter-Strike style.^n^nTo launch it use the console command ^"\dprotospike\w^".^n^n" );
    len += formatex( PermissionMenu[ len ], charsmax( PermissionMenu ) - len, "Beware that it modifies settings of your configuration It restores them when^n" );
    len += formatex( PermissionMenu[ len ], charsmax( PermissionMenu ) - len, "the attack is finished. If you leave the game meanwhile you will have to^n" );
    len += formatex( PermissionMenu[ len ], charsmax( PermissionMenu ) - len, "restore them yourself. Use the command ^"\dprotospike_help\w^" to view^n" );
    len += formatex( PermissionMenu[ len ], charsmax( PermissionMenu ) - len, "the settings that are modified and their current values.^n^n" );

    formatex( PermissionMenu[ len ], charsmax( PermissionMenu ) - len, "\r1.\w Ok^n^n^n\r0.\w Cancel" );

public MenuPermissionHandler( const player, const key )
    CommandAllowed[ player ] = bool:( key + 1 );
    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


        → ClientCommand_Protospike()
        → ClientCommand_ProtospikeHelp()

public ClientCommand_Protospike( const player )
    if( !CommandAllowed[ player ] )
        client_print( player, print_chat, "The command is disabled for you." );
    else if( !is_user_alive( player ) )
        client_print( player, print_chat, "You have to be alive to launch the attack" );
    else if( PlayerIsUsingAttack[ player ] )
        client_print( player, print_chat, "You are already using the attack" );
    else if( ~pev( player, pev_flags ) & FL_ONGROUND )
        client_print( player, print_chat, "You have to be on ground to launch the attack" );
        protospikeStart( player );


public ClientCommand_ProtospikeHelp( const client )
    console_print( client, " --- " );
    console_print( client, "This server features a special attack borrowed from the game Prototype now in Counter-Strike style." );
    console_print( client, "To launch it use the console command ^"protospike^"^n" );
    console_print( client, "Beware that it modifies settings of your configuration It restores them when the attack is finished." );
    console_print( client, "If you leave the game meanwhile you will have to restore them yourself.^n" );
    console_print( client, "Here a list of settings that are modified with their default value :" );
    console_print( client, "cl_vsmoothing 0.05^ncl_nosmooth 0^ncl_smoothtime 0.1" );
    console_print( client, " --- " );

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;


        → protospikeStart()
            ├ getLookalike()
            ├ getAnimationPack()
            ├ calculatePlayerCameraData()
            └ removeClientPrediction()
        → protospikeFinish()
            ├ restoreClientPrediction()
            ├ tryDeletePlayerCameraData()
            ├ tryDeleteSpikesData()
            └ tryDeleteAnimationData()
        → client_PreThink()
            └ makeBloodAt()

protospikeStart( const player )
    set_pev( player, pev_effects,pev( player, pev_effects) | EF_NODRAW );

    new Float:angles[ 3 ];
    new Float:origin[ 3 ];

    pev( player, pev_angles, angles );
    pev( player,pev_origin,origin );

    xs_vec_copy( angles, PlayerOriginalAngles[ player ] );
    xs_vec_copy( origin, PlayerOriginalOrigin[ player ] );

    angles[ 0 ] = 0.0;

    set_pev( player, pev_angles,angles );
    set_pev( player, pev_v_angle,angles );
    set_pev( player, pev_fixangle, 1 );

    set_pev( player, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NOCLIP );
    set_pev( player, pev_solid, SOLID_NOT );

    new lookalike = getLookalike( player );
    PlayerLookalike[ player ] = lookalike;

    entity_set_origin( lookalike, PlayerOriginalOrigin[ player ] );

    set_pev( lookalike, pev_angles, PlayerOriginalAngles[ player ] );
    set_pev( lookalike, pev_sequence, AnimationsData[ Summon ][ Sequence ] );

    fm_set_user_rendering( lookalike, kRenderFxGlowShell, .amount = 30, .r = 50, .g = 50, .b = 50 );

    PlayerAnimationQueue[ player ][ EntityID ] = lookalike
    PlayerAnimationQueue[ player ][ AnimationPack ] = _:getAnimationPack( Summon );
    PlayerAnimationQueue[ player ][ CallbackFuncID ] = get_func_id( "finishSummoningAnimation" );

    PlayerOriginalActiveItem[ player ] = get_pdata_cbase( player, m_pClientActiveItem );

    set_pdata_int( player, m_iHideHUD, ~0 );
    set_pdata_int( player, m_iClientHideHUD, 0 );
    set_pdata_cbase( player, m_pClientActiveItem, FM_NULLENT );

    client_cmd( player, "stopsound" );

    pev( player, pev_viewmodel, PlayerOriginalViewmodel[ player ], ViewmodelMaxLen );
    set_pev( player, pev_viewmodel, "" );

    calculatePlayerCameraData( player, origin, angles );

    set_pev( player, pev_flags, ( PlayerOriginalFlags[ player ] = pev( player, pev_flags ) ) | FL_FLY | FL_FROZEN | FL_GODMODE & ~FL_ONGROUND )

    PlayerIsUsingAttack[ player ] = true;

    removeClientPrediction( player );

getLookalike( const player )
    new entity = create_entity( "info_target" );

    set_pev( entity, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE );
    set_pev( entity, pev_owner, player );
    set_pev( entity, pev_framerate, 0.0 );

    static model[ 20 ];
    static modelPath[ 100 ];

    cs_get_user_model( player, model, charsmax( model ) );
    formatex( modelPath, charsmax( modelPath ), "models/player/%s/%s.mdl", model, model );

    entity_set_model( entity, modelPath );

    return entity;

protospikeFinish( const player, fixPosition = true, fixAngles = true, fixHud = true )
    set_pev( player, pev_effects, pev( player, pev_effects ) & ~EF_NODRAW );

    if( fixAngles )
        set_pev( player, pev_angles, PlayerOriginalAngles[ player ] )
        set_pev( player, pev_v_angle, PlayerOriginalAngles[ player ] )
        set_pev( player, pev_fixangle,1 );

    set_pev( player, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_WALK );
    set_pev( player, pev_solid, SOLID_SLIDEBOX );

    if( fixPosition )
        entity_set_origin( player, PlayerOriginalOrigin[ player ] );

    remove_entity( PlayerLookalike[ player ] );

    if( fixHud )
        set_pdata_int( player, m_iHideHUD, 0 );
        set_pdata_int( player, m_iClientHideHUD, 0 );
        set_pdata_cbase( player, m_pClientActiveItem, PlayerOriginalActiveItem[ player ] );
        set_pdata_int( player, m_fInitHUD, 1 );

        static msgIdCrosshair;

        if( msgIdCrosshair || ( msgIdCrosshair = get_user_msgid( "Crosshair" ) ) )
            message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, msgIdCrosshair, .player = player );
            write_byte( 0 );

        set_pev( player, pev_weaponmodel, PlayerOriginalViewmodel[ player ] );

        new weaponID = get_pdata_cbase( player, m_pClientActiveItem );

        if( weaponID > 0 )
            ExecuteHam( Ham_Item_Deploy, weaponID );

    set_pev( player, pev_flags, PlayerOriginalFlags[ player ] );

    PlayerIsUsingAttack[ player ] = false;

    restoreClientPrediction( player );

    tryDeletePlayerCameraData( player );
    tryDeleteSpikesData( player );
    tryDeleteAnimationData( player );

tryDeletePlayerCameraData( const player )
    if( PlayerCameraOriginQueue[ player ] )
        ArrayDestroy( PlayerCameraOriginQueue[ player ] );
        ArrayDestroy( PlayerCameraAnglesQueue[ player ] );

        PlayerCameraOriginQueue[ player ] = Array:0;
        PlayerCameraAnglesQueue[ player ] = Array:0;

tryDeleteSpikesData( const player )
    new Array:playerSpikeOriginQueue = PlayerSpikeOriginQueue[ player ][ Queue ];

    if( playerSpikeOriginQueue )
        new playerSpikeData[ PlayerSpikeData ];

        new Array:bodies;
        new spike;

        new queueSize = ArraySize( playerSpikeOriginQueue );

        for( new i = 0, j, bodiesSize; i < queueSize; i++ )
            ArrayGetArray( playerSpikeOriginQueue, i, playerSpikeData );

            spike = playerSpikeData[ SpikeID ];

            bodies = Array:pev( spike, pev_iuser1 );

            if( bodies )
                bodiesSize = ArraySize( bodies );

                for( j = 0; j < bodiesSize; j++ )
                    remove_entity( ArrayGetCell( bodies, j ) );

            remove_entity( spike );

        ArrayDestroy( playerSpikeOriginQueue );
        PlayerSpikeOriginQueue[ player ][ Queue ] = 0;

tryDeleteAnimationData( const player )
    new animatingEntity = PlayerAnimationQueue[ player ][ EntityID ];

    if( animatingEntity )
        ArrayDestroy( PlayerAnimationQueue[ player ][AnimationPack] );
        PlayerAnimationQueue[ player ][ EntityID ] = 0;

public client_PreThink( player )
    static Float:origin[ 3 ];
    static Float:angles[ 3 ];

    if( PlayerCameraOriginQueue[ player ] )
        new Array:cameraOrigins = PlayerCameraOriginQueue[ player ];
        new Array:cameraAngles = PlayerCameraAnglesQueue[ player ];

        ArrayGetArray( cameraOrigins, 0, origin );
        ArrayGetArray( cameraAngles, 0, angles );

        entity_set_origin( player, origin );

        set_pev( player, pev_angles, angles );
        set_pev( player, pev_v_angle, angles );
        set_pev( player, pev_fixangle, 1 );

        if( ArraySize( cameraOrigins ) > 1 )
            ArrayDeleteItem( cameraOrigins, 0 );
            ArrayDeleteItem( cameraAngles, 0 );
    new Array:playerSpikeOriginQueue = PlayerSpikeOriginQueue[ player ][ Queue ];

    if( playerSpikeOriginQueue )
        static playerSpikeData[ PlayerSpikeData ];
        static Float:lastTimeMadeBlood;
        static Float:currentTime;
        static Array:spikesOrigins;
        static Array:bodies;
        static spike;
        static bodiesSize;
        static body;

        for( new i = 0, j, k; i < ArraySize( playerSpikeOriginQueue ); i++ )
            ArrayGetArray( playerSpikeOriginQueue, i, playerSpikeData );

            spike = playerSpikeData[ SpikeID ];
            spikesOrigins = playerSpikeData[ SpikeOrigins ];

            if( ArraySize( spikesOrigins ) > 0 )
                ArrayGetArray( spikesOrigins, 0, origin );

                bodies = Array:pev( spike, pev_iuser1 );

                if( bodies )
                    static Float:oldOrigin[ 3 ];
                    static Float:originDiff[ 3 ];
                    static Float:bodyOrigin[ 3 ];

                    pev( spike, pev_origin, oldOrigin );
                    xs_vec_sub( origin, oldOrigin, originDiff );

                    bodiesSize = ArraySize( bodies );

                    for( j = 0; j < bodiesSize; j++ )
                        body = ArrayGetCell( bodies, j );

                        pev( body, pev_origin, bodyOrigin );
                        pev( body, pev_fuser1, lastTimeMadeBlood );

                        xs_vec_add( bodyOrigin, originDiff, bodyOrigin );
                        entity_set_origin( body, bodyOrigin );

                        currentTime = get_gametime();

                        if( ( lastTimeMadeBlood + BloodInterval + random_float( -1.0, 1.0 ) ) <= currentTime )
                            set_pev( body, pev_fuser1, currentTime );
                            makeBloodAt( bodyOrigin );

                entity_set_origin( spike, origin );

                ArrayDeleteItem( spikesOrigins, 0 );

                if( !ArraySize( spikesOrigins ) )
                    ArrayDeleteItem( playerSpikeOriginQueue, i-- );
                    remove_entity( spike );

                    if( bodies )
                        for( k = 0; k < ArraySize( bodies ); k++ )
                            remove_entity( ArrayGetCell( bodies, i ) );

        if( --PlayerSpikeOriginQueue[ player ][ UnemergeFramesMissing ] == 0 )
            pev( PlayerLookalike[ player ], pev_origin, origin );
            engfunc( EngFunc_EmitAmbientSound, 0, origin, SpikeUnemergeSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

        if( !ArraySize( playerSpikeOriginQueue ) )
            PlayerSpikeOriginQueue[ player ][ Queue ] = 0;

            new callbackFuncID = PlayerSpikeOriginQueue[ player ][ SpikeCallbackFuncID ];

            if( callbackFuncID )
                callfunc_begin_i( callbackFuncID );
                callfunc_push_int( player );

    new animatingEntity = PlayerAnimationQueue[ player ][ EntityID ];

    if( animatingEntity )
        new Array:animationPack = Array:PlayerAnimationQueue[ player ][ AnimationPack ];
        new frame = ArrayGetCell( animationPack, 0 );

        set_pev( animatingEntity, pev_frame, frame );

        ArrayDeleteItem( animationPack, 0 );

        if( !ArraySize( animationPack ) )
            PlayerAnimationQueue[ player ][ EntityID ] = 0;

            new callbackFuncID = PlayerAnimationQueue[ player ][ CallbackFuncID ];

            if( callbackFuncID )
                callfunc_begin_i( callbackFuncID );
                callfunc_push_int( animatingEntity );

makeBloodAt( const Float:origin[ 3 ] )
    message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY );
    write_byte( TE_BLOODSTREAM );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[ 0 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[ 1 ] );
    engfunc( EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin[ 2 ] );
    write_coord( random_num( -360, 360 ) );
    write_coord( random_num( -360, 360 ) );
    write_coord( random_num( 180, 360 ) );
    write_byte( 70 );
    write_byte( 100 );


        → calculatePlayerCameraData()
calculatePlayerCameraData( const player, Float:origin[ 3 ], Float:angles[ 3 ] )
    new Array:cameraOrigins = ArrayCreate( 3 );
    new Array:cameraAngles = ArrayCreate( 3 );

    new Float:dislocationVector[ 3 ];
    new Float:dislocation[ 3 ];
    new Float:dislocatedOrigin[ 3 ];

    angle_vector( angles, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, dislocationVector );

    xs_vec_mul_scalar( dislocationVector, RotationRadius, dislocation );
    xs_vec_add( origin, dislocation, dislocatedOrigin );

    angles[ 1 ] -= 180.0;

    new Float:point[ 3 ];
    new Float:pointOriginDiff[ 3 ];
    new Float:cameraAngle[ 3 ];

    for( new i = 1; i <= FramesPerCameraRotation; i++ )
        angle_vector( angles, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, point );

        xs_vec_mul_scalar( point, RotationRadius, point );
        xs_vec_add( dislocatedOrigin, point, point );

        ArrayPushArray( cameraOrigins, point );

        xs_vec_sub( origin, point, pointOriginDiff );
        xs_vec_normalize( pointOriginDiff, pointOriginDiff );

        vector_to_angle( pointOriginDiff, cameraAngle );

        ArrayPushArray( cameraAngles, cameraAngle );

        angles[ 1 ] += DegreeIncreasePerFrame;

    PlayerCameraOriginQueue[ player ] = cameraOrigins;
    PlayerCameraAnglesQueue[ player ] = cameraAngles;


        → packAnimations()
        → getAnimationPack()

    new Array:animationPack;
    new animationFirstFrame;
    new animationFinalFrame;
    new animationFramesPerServerFrame;
    new increment;

    for( new Animation:i = Animation:0, frame, frameCopy; i < Animation; i++ )
        animationPack = ArrayCreate()

        animationFirstFrame = AnimationsData[ i ][ FirstFrame ];
        animationFinalFrame = AnimationsData[ i ][ FinalFrame ];
        animationFramesPerServerFrame = AnimationsData[ i ][ FramesPerServerFrame ];

        increment = ( animationFirstFrame < animationFinalFrame ) ? 1 : -1;

        for( frame = animationFirstFrame; frame != animationFinalFrame + increment ; frame += increment )
            for( frameCopy = 1; frameCopy <= animationFramesPerServerFrame; frameCopy++ )
                ArrayPushCell( animationPack ,float( frame ) );

        AnimationsPacked[ i ] = animationPack;

Array:getAnimationPack( Animation:animation )
    new Array:animationPack = ArrayCreate();
    new Array:originalAnimationPack = AnimationsPacked[ animation ];

    new pachSize = ArraySize( originalAnimationPack );

    for(new i = 0; i < pachSize; i++)
        ArrayPushCell( animationPack, ArrayGetCell( originalAnimationPack, i ) );

    return animationPack;


        → removeClientPrediction()
        → restoreClientPrediction()

removeClientPrediction( const player )
    client_cmd( player, "cl_vsmoothing 0" );
    client_cmd( player, "cl_nosmooth 1" );
    client_cmd( player, "cl_smoothtime 0" );

restoreClientPrediction( const player )
    client_cmd( player, "cl_vsmoothing 0.05" );
    client_cmd( player, "cl_nosmooth 0" );
    client_cmd( player, "cl_smoothtime 0.1" );


        → Spike_PlayerTouch()
            └ attachToSpike()
                └ createBody()
        → finishSummoningAnimation()
            └ calculateSpikesData()
                └ getSpike()
        → finishSpikeMovement()
            └ protospikeFinish()

public Spike_PlayerTouch( const player, const spike )
    if( is_user_alive( player ) )
        attachToSpike( spike, createBody( player, spike ) );

        ExecuteHam (Ham_Killed, player, pev( spike, pev_owner ), 0 );
        set_pev( player, pev_effects, pev( player, pev_effects ) | EF_NODRAW );

        PlayerPreventCorpse[ player ] = true;

attachToSpike( const spike, const body )
    new Array:bodies = Array:pev( spike, pev_iuser1 );

    if( !bodies )
        set_pev( spike, pev_iuser1, bodies = ArrayCreate() );

    ArrayPushCell( bodies, body );
    fm_set_user_rendering( spike, kRenderFxGlowShell, .amount = 10, .r = 50, .g = 50, .b = 50 );

createBody( const player, const spike )
    new body = create_entity( "info_target" );

    const sequence = 8;

    static model[ 20 ];
    static modelPath[ 100 ];

    cs_get_user_model( player, model, charsmax( model ) );
    formatex( modelPath, charsmax( modelPath ), "models/player/%s/%s.mdl", model, model );

    set_pev( body, pev_framerate, 0.0 );
    set_pev( body, pev_sequence, sequence );
    set_pev( body, pev_frame, random_float( 17.0, 22.0 ) );

    entity_set_model( body, modelPath );

    set_pev( body, pev_movetype, MOVETYPE_NONE );
    set_pev( body ,pev_solid, SOLID_NOT );

    static Float:origin[ 3 ];
    static Float:angles[ 3 ];
    static Float:spikeOrigin[ 3 ];

    pev( player, pev_origin, origin );
    pev( player, pev_angles, angles );

    set_pev( body, pev_angles, angles );
    set_pev( body, pev_fixangle, 1 );

    pev( spike, pev_origin, spikeOrigin );

    engfunc( EngFunc_TraceModel, origin, spikeOrigin, HULL_POINT, spike, 0 );
    get_tr2( 0, TR_vecEndPos, origin );

    origin[ 2 ] -= random_float( 30.0, 40.0 );
    entity_set_origin( body, origin );

    return body;

public finishSummoningAnimation( const entity )
    calculateSpikesData( pev( entity, pev_owner ) );

    new Float:origin[ 3 ];
    pev( entity, pev_origin, origin );

    engfunc( EngFunc_EmitAmbientSound, 0, origin, SpikeEmergeSound, VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM );

public finishSpikeMovement( const player )
    protospikeFinish( player );

calculateSpikesData( const player )
    new lookalike = PlayerLookalike[ player ];

    new Float:origin[ 3 ];
    new Float:angles[ 3 ];
    new Float:position[ 3 ];
    new Float:positionTrace[ 3 ];

    pev( lookalike, pev_origin, origin );

    new spikesNumber = SpikesFirstCircle;

    new Float:radius = SpikeCalcRadiusStart;
    new Float:radiusIncrement = SpikeCalcRadiusIncrement;

    new Array:playerSpikes = ArrayCreate( _:PlayerSpikeData );
    new Array:spikesOrigins;

    new longerAnimationFrames;
    new longerAnimationFramesFramesDown;

    new playerSpikeData[ PlayerSpikeData ];
    new Float:maxHeight;
    new Float:anglesIncrement;
    new spike;
    new framesUp;
    new framesDown;
    new frames;

    for( new i = 0, j, k; i < SpikesCircles; i++ )
        angles[ 1 ] = random_float( 0.0, 360.0 );

        anglesIncrement = 360.0 / spikesNumber;

        for( j = 0; j < spikesNumber; j++ )
            angle_vector( angles, ANGLEVECTOR_FORWARD, position );

            xs_vec_mul_scalar( position, radius, position );
            xs_vec_add( origin, position, position );
            xs_vec_copy( position, positionTrace );

            positionTrace[ 2 ] = -9999.99;

            trace_line( 0, position, positionTrace, position );

            position[ 2 ] += SpikeMinHeight;

            spike = getSpike( player );

            maxHeight = random_float( SpikesMaxHeightMin, SpikesMaxHeightMax );

            framesUp = floatround( ( maxHeight + floatabs( SpikeMinHeight ) ) / SpikeHeightIncrementPerFrame, floatround_ceil );
            framesDown = floatround( ( maxHeight + floatabs( SpikeMinHeight) ) / SpikeHeightDecrementPerFrame, floatround_ceil );

            frames = framesUp + SpikeFramesIdle + framesDown;

            if( frames > longerAnimationFrames )
                longerAnimationFrames = frames;
                longerAnimationFramesFramesDown = framesDown;

            spikesOrigins = ArrayCreate( 3 );

            ArrayPushArray( spikesOrigins, position );

            for( k = 0; k < framesUp; k++ )
                position[ 2 ] += SpikeHeightIncrementPerFrame;
                ArrayPushArray( spikesOrigins, position );

            for( k = 0; k < SpikeFramesIdle; k++ )
                ArrayPushArray( spikesOrigins, position );

            for( k = 0; k < framesDown; k++ )
                position[ 2 ] -= SpikeHeightDecrementPerFrame + random_float( -1.2, 1.2 );
                ArrayPushArray( spikesOrigins, position );

            playerSpikeData[ SpikeID ] = spike;
            playerSpikeData[ SpikeOrigins ] = _:spikesOrigins;

            ArrayPushArray( playerSpikes, playerSpikeData );

            radius += radiusIncrement;
            angles[ 1 ] += anglesIncrement;

        spikesNumber += SpikesPerCircleIncrease;

    PlayerSpikeOriginQueue[ player ][ Queue ] = _:playerSpikes
    PlayerSpikeOriginQueue[ player ][ SpikeCallbackFuncID ] = get_func_id( "finishSpikeMovement" );
    PlayerSpikeOriginQueue[ player ][ UnemergeFramesMissing ] = longerAnimationFrames - floatround( ( float( longerAnimationFramesFramesDown ) / 1.2 ) );

getSpike( const player )
    new entity = create_entity( "info_target" );

    set_pev( entity, pev_owner, player );
    set_pev( entity, pev_classname, SpikeClassname );

    set_pev( entity, pev_solid, SOLID_BBOX );

    entity_set_model( entity, SpikeModel );
    entity_set_origin( entity, Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } );
    entity_set_size( entity, Float:{ -5.0, -5.0, -100.0 }, Float:{ 5.0, 5.0, 100.0 } );

    return entity;
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Old 02-03-2020 , 08:22   Re: attach_view code alternative
Reply With Quote #2

Firstly, why do you want an alternative for attach_view native?
Secondly, if whatever you want is inside that plugin why don't you just take it from there?
HamletEagle is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
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Old 02-03-2020 , 08:28   Re: attach_view code alternative
Reply With Quote #3

i want that second attach_view it does rotating cam

allame61 is offline
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Old 02-03-2020 , 08:36   Re: attach_view code alternative
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by HamletEagle View Post
Secondly, if whatever you want is inside that plugin why don't you just take it from there?
i tried, i edited this plugin, show effect at in round end, but it doesn't worked

Last edited by allame61; 02-03-2020 at 08:36.
allame61 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Turkey
Old 02-04-2020 , 13:49   Re: attach_view code alternative
Reply With Quote #5

tried MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE to camera ent, still doesn't works :/
allame61 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
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Old 02-05-2020 , 09:38   Re: attach_view code alternative
Reply With Quote #6

i just want moving camera to the entity like at this video
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