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Release Legacy SourceBans 1.4.11 (Updated 2014/02/17)

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DJ Tsunami
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Old 05-21-2008 , 06:42   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1d)

It's obviously R56, not R65.

Oh wait, it's R55 that's on there... *slaps Olly*
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Please do not PM me with questions. Post in the plugin thread.

Last edited by DJ Tsunami; 05-21-2008 at 07:11.
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Old 05-21-2008 , 08:44   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1d)

Get the one on the download page. Ill try to get a RC2 done and dusted, so I can host a static package, instead of one from the SVN.

Doesnt reallyl matter what the revision number is. just get the one that is on the page now ;)

Edit: I see what you mean, it was one of my cron's going crazy, there should be a R66 up now
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// Yarrrr!

Last edited by Olly; 05-21-2008 at 08:53.
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Old 05-21-2008 , 09:31   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1d)

Olly, there's no rc2R55-rc2R56update.php in r66?
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Old 05-21-2008 , 13:54   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1d)

Right I fucking hate SVN...

edit: Ok, check now, its just a plain ole zip file...
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// Yarrrr!

Last edited by Olly; 05-21-2008 at 13:59.
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Old 05-23-2008 , 20:32   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1d)

*Hoping* to release RC3 tomorow (as a release not svn/dev)

Things fixed so far (since last pudate)
* HUUUUGE performance gain on banlist page - The table design for banlist was very badly designed to begin with. I have made an update script that will convert all expired bans back into the bans table. Our SB install has 11k bans, and the page took about 30 secs to load the banlist page it now takes 0.14 secs to load the same data, so MUUUUUUUUCH better
* Fixed expired bans saying 'unbanned'
* Fixed unnecisarry checks for country flags against the csv when it was in the db
* Fixed unban/delban buttons showing on bans that had already expired
* Using a new PHP5 version of ADODB (PHP5 was required a few updates ago) which should be faster
* New version of Smarty

Things going to be changed
* Going to add support for server id's instead of the plugin looking up by IP. This will fix the unknown SID problem that so many people were having
* Gonna tweak some minor things
* Minor bugfixes
* Ill also read over the casetracker to see what other things need looking at
Tumblr Me: http://raspberryteen.tumblr.com

// Yarrrr!
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Old 05-24-2008 , 09:49   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1d)

hmm the current version doesn't work for me some nonsense about not finding a column in the database, but I guess I shan't bug you about it because your working on releasing RC3

Which I suppose deprecates the current version, ICannt wait ;)
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Old 05-24-2008 , 15:49   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1d)

Make sure to change the title to RC3 Update or w.e

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Old 05-24-2008 , 21:26   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1d)

I really hope RC3 is released ASAP, RC2 is overloading our webserver.

We get about 55,000 connections per hour, the webserver can only take a days of this at a time

Last edited by sirmoe; 05-24-2008 at 21:59.
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Old 05-25-2008 , 15:32   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1d)

UPDATE - SourceBans 1.1.0

Finally, its here

This update contains lots of bugfixes, to the most common problems, including fix for the 'sid cannot be null' problem some server admins had, and it also fixes the slow banlist which is over 30x faster

To download the new version, go here: http://www.sourcebans.net/filebrowser

Notes for updating
Just copy over all of the files as-always.
  • If you installed the last update (last week) then just run this file when you have copied over your files
The newest update script makes some pretty major changes to the database so BACKUP YOUR DATABASE!!!

Once you have run the correct update files, copy over the new plugin to your server.

Notes for people having 'sid cannot be null' error
This update includes a fix for this problem, which is caused by the setup of your gameservers. After you have installed/updated the web files, navigate to the admin -> servers, and read off the ServerID of the server you are installing the plugin on. Now on that gameserver, install the plugin, but in the /addons/sourcemod/configs/sourcebans/sourcebans.cfg file you will need to change
"ServerID"        "-1"
to match the ID of the server you read earlier, for example
"ServerID"        "2"
If you have any problems throw a post up.

For those that like a read, here is the changelog since RC1d (the last official release)

(24/05/0: Version 1.0.0 RC3
01. + HUGE! performance boost on banlist page
02. ? Updated Smarty and ADODB (PHP5 only!)
03. ! Fixed expired bans saying 'unbanned'
04. ! Fixed unnecisarry checks for country flags against the csv when it was in the db
05. ! Fixed unban/delban buttons showing on bans that had already expired
06. * Added icons for VAC and OS to the serverlist
07. ! Added ID column to the admin serverlist. This will be used with the plugin if you have the
'unknown sid' problem.
08. ! Fixed SourceMod error when trying to ban bots
09. ! Fixed some bans showing 3 times on the banlist
10. ! Fixed 'sid cannot be null' error in plugin! (FINALLY)
11. ! Fixed version number not showing in `sb plugins list`
12. ! Fixed problem with plugin where it would not show the mySQL error
13. ! Fixed group immunity not being inherited by admins

(svn - nodate): Version 1.0.0 RC2
01. ! Fixed login button
02. ! Added in various undefined variable fixes
03. ! Fixed admins adding with invalid passwords
04. ! Fixed problem with admin server access
05. ! Fixed some pages using the old user system
06. ! Fixed some undefined vars in homepage and servers page
07. + Added an install-time check for prefixes longer than 9 chars
08. ! fixed cookie check
09. ! Fixed problem quotes round steam id with a new ban
10. ! Fixed some problems with the new buttons not working
12. + Changed a lot of SQL queries to use ADODB escaping
13. * Added developer mode that bypasses install dir check and shows all errors
14. ! Fixed inconsistencies in the banlists date display (Format is now: m-d-y)
15. * Fixed all the notices within the banlist page
16. + Optimized the banlist page, and removed a few security issues from it as well
17. + The banlist display now queries servers as it finds them, rather then querying all servers
18. ! Fixed the menu in 'your account' page
19. ! fixed some undefinded vars and small bugs in your account
20. ! Changed "databases.txt" to "databases.cfg" in stage 5 of installer
21. + added footer debug define check
22. ! fixed CServerInfo notices (skips player on invalid data from proxy)
23. ! fixed the PrintArray() on the server overview page, fixed the admin server groups page
24. ! Fixed logging in (undefined indexes)
25. ! Fixed banlist search
26. ! Fixed banlist search again
27. ! Fixed a problem lost password
28. ! Fixed problem with errors on creating a log entry when the user is a guest
29. + Improvements to the admin server permissions. If no servers or groups are added, a message
tell you to add servers
30. ! Fixed admin password always being set in server
31. ! fixed an undefined index on page.banlist <devnull, is the query getting the right row_type?>
32. + refactored CUserManager sql interface, added aid index
33. ! fixed misc protest submit bugs (see prev. entry)
34. ! various installer index fixes
35. ! Fixed 'Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to udp://:0 (Failed to
parse address "")' showing on some bans
36. ! Fixed server config link being shown to everyone
37. * Added a warning on viewing the server config for locahost, as it may need changing unless its
same box as gameserver
38. * Server querying will now be performed on YOUR server (pre RC1d) unless there is a problem, ie
blocked portes etc. In which case we will use the query proxy (RC1d)
39. * Version info now includes SVN revision stuff (Only if you are using an SVN version)
40. + Updated the version checker to use ajax to speed admin page up
41. * Updated version checker to display new SVN revisions if they are available
42. ! Fixed major sourcebans serverside handle leak
43. ! fixed a little wtf in the admin server edit page
44. * added safe mode check in install init to prevent safe mode errors
45. ! Fixed the " " around commands in rcon.
46. ! Minor init fixes for undefined indexes
47. ! minor plugin changes, no new plugin compiled
48. * Applied sparky's bug report
49. ! Fixes FS#181, misc banlist changes
50. ! Fixed logout, fixed minor admingroup edit issue
51. ! Fixed some undefs in css.php
52. ! Fixed problem with quotes and slashes showing on dashboard text
53. - Removed the CUser class, as it is depricated
54. ! Fixed country flags not showing on some Linux webservers
55. ! Fixed problem when editing server groups removing all group links
56. ! Fixed big problems with admin version of banlist not showing controls for anyone
57. ! Fixed lots of small bugs with the banlist
58. ! Fixed major lag bug where any person still banned would have their country queried ALWAYS
59. ! Fixed unbanning problem where 'RemovedBy' was missing from the query
60. + Added some extra error checking in the unban/delban code
61. * Removed the banlist from the admin panel, and added all admin controls and search box onto
the main banlist. All associated code removed.
62. ! Fixed some small problems with the advanced search not working
63. + Changed some folder names to allow for templating stuff
64. * Converted all pages to now be smarty templates. Now php and html are totally seperated
65. * Added a themes page inside the sb settings page to choose the theme for the website
66. ! Fixed some problems with the server data proxy returning blank data
67. ! Hopefully fixed the 'Error Connecting...' message on servers
68. ! Fixed lots of JS problems in Internet Explorer
69. ! Fixed problem with the emailer not sending emails
70. ! Fixed problem when submitting a ban protest saying user is already banned
71. + Improved UTF-8 support for banned player names
72. * The Clear Logs button in the system logs page works now
73. + Used AJAX more to insert server hostnames, helps speed up page loads
74. + Added a session cache for server hostnames, speeds up page, and doesnt spam gameserver (Thanks
to cwm9 for the idea)
75. ! Fixed problems with 'Possible hacking attempt (URL Key mismatch)'
76. + Improved code for dialog messages, also improved the look
77. + Dialog messages are now more flexable, and can be any size
78. ! Fixed some problems with unban/delete ban if your not root admin
79. * Added SourceBans ban menu to SourceMod admin menu
80. + Improved the active tab image to have better Anti-Aliasing
81. * Changed 'previous bans' to Total Bans to reflect new ban limit feature
82. * Added new feature: Ban Limit - If player gets banned [banlimit] times - they will get a
permanent ban
83. ! Fixed problem with non-defined functions when uploading demo, or icons
84. ! Fixed demo review button pointing to IP instead of banid sometimes
85. + Changed the main logo to a transparent PNG for better theme support
86. + Improved 'mouseover' code for clickable table rows to use classes instead of hardcoded
colour values
87. ! Removed some code that would force default sourcebans colours, even when css changed
88. * Added a new theme 'sourcebans dark' only created to show example of themeing stuff
89. ! Fixed servers page header, and dashboard header using different classes to other headers
90. + Improved system log backtrace to help with debugging
91. + Improved the invalid XMLResponse message to use new dialog windows, and use html formatting
to make it easier to read the error message.
92. * Player list on servers page now orders the players by Kills in descending order
93. ! Fixed player data being WAY off on the server page, it now shows correct score
and playing time. /me slaps devicenull
94. * Added a new option in sourcebans.cfg for the server plugin to stop servers being added
to sourcebans automatically. If this is enabled, you MUST specify an IPort in the config
95. ! Fixed screenshots not being displayed in non relative paths
96. ! Fixed edit details button not linking to correct page
97. * Added IP to edit fields for a ban, also resets the country flag to requery country
98. ! Fixed log type images not showing for non relative paths
99. ! Fixed Bans not being added because of 'country' not having default value
100. ! Fixed the ban from menu option
101. ! Fixed lots of other server plugin problems
102. ! Fixed Ban protests not getting removed if the person is already unbanned
103. * Added new config option to specify if you want the plugin to re-write the admins.cfg, and admin_groups.cfg files
104. * Added new config option to specify if admins are handled with this plugin.
105. !Fixed lots of problems with installer
106. -Removed adodb library from install folder, uses the main adodb folder now
107. -Removed tinymce from install folder, no idea why this was here
108. *Added check for /themes_c to be writable
109. *Added check for /icons to be writable
110. *Added check for input on page 5 (setup)
111. !Fixed player list not showing up in IE (pages load slower, so IE has ruined it for all of us >:/) - http://www.getfirefox.com ;)
112. !Fixed a problem when getting data from the Proxy
113. !The Proxy server for hostnames, and player info is ONLINE!
114. *Added new native (SBBanPlayer) for external plugins to ban through SourceBans
115. !Fixed SQL query being shown in console, and logged when sm_rehash was run
116. !Fixed bug that would cause admins.cfg files to become corrupt, and no admins would be loaded
117. !Fixed bug that would always try and add a blank admin (Admin () has 0 immunity)
118. !Fixed plugin trying to add admins to a blank group (Unknown group "")
Number's 119 - 135 With thanks to Berni for sumbitting a patch containing the fixes
119. !Hopefully fixed the bans getting added 3 times when the plugin prunes the bans
120. !Fixed server's added by domain names not resolving as they should
121. !Fixed unban and delban being swapped in some places
122. !Fixed problem with retrieving admin flags
123. *Added date format stuff to admin panel, and bans
124. !Fixed admins changing their own details in the admin panel, users need to use the changepass thing in Your account to change password
125. !Fixed some problems with permission checkboxes in the admin panel
126. !Fixed some formatting problems with the ban details on the banlist
127. !Fixed ban length problem on banlist
128. +Exact time used so more specific than just date
129. -Removed ban/edit ban for unbanned players, as this just causes an error
130. *Added EU flag
131. +Missing flags are now always replaced with the 'unknown country' flag
132. !Ban length is correctly default-selected when editing a ban
133. ?The STEAMID is no longer required on the submit ban, admins can go by name too
134. !Fixed bug where admin passwords dont get changed in the DB
135. !Fixed the default port ALWAYS showing when editing a server, even if the server uses a different port
136. !Fixed problem where some log messages from the plugin wouldn't get put in the sourcemod logs, or sourcebans.log
137. *Added a timezone setting in the settings page, this will default all of the times displayed to the setting.
138. !Fixed ban submissions showing up as protests in emails
Numbers 139 - 157 were fixed/added by Peace-Maker
139. !Fixed settings page not refreshing after being updated
140. !Fixed installer not creating a config file
141. !Fixed demo links not being shown to public
142. *Added a search for IP
143. !Fixed ban protests showing wrong number
144. !Fixed ban protests not being deleted from db
145. !Fixed links sent to e-mails not being right
146. !Fixed links in system log linking to themes page
147. !Fixed being able to add a submission while already banned
148. *Added function to download all perma bans to a config file
149. +Added some extra logging to the syslog (ban length change, and unbanning)
150. +Send an email to the sumbitter of submission or protest when the ban is added or denied
151. !Fixed any admin being able to change settings of any admin
152. !Fixed some passwords not getting compared
153. *Added last visited field to admin list
154. *Added ban count to admin list
155. !Fixed problems with hacking menu in plugin
156. !Fixed submit button not showing if you only have one server
157. !Fixed 30min bans showing as 1hr
Tumblr Me: http://raspberryteen.tumblr.com

// Yarrrr!

Last edited by Olly; 05-25-2008 at 15:38. Reason: fixed www. JUST FOR VIPER <3
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Old 05-25-2008 , 16:31   Re: SourceBans (1.0.0 RC1d)

Originally Posted by Davethegreat View Post
Well done here have a cookie

<3 Olly
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