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[L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions

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Old 12-23-2008 , 15:39   Re: [L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions
Reply With Quote #21

Perhaps points for kills should be awarded based on the percentage of damage you did to the target. i.e. If someone walks in front of me with 1% health, I should only get 1% of the penalty for killing him, and likewise if I do 99% of the damage to the tank, I should get 99% of the credit, even if someone else deals the killing blow.
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Old 12-26-2008 , 16:27   Re: [L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions
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Thanks to everyone who has supported this. Sorry for being quiet the past few days, you all know how the holidays are. I need to make some final changes to the Web Interface so that it works as a standalone page, right now it is integrated into my site and I need to transplant it.

I am gonna be making some minor changes (outlined below) and starting the closed beta once it is done. If you would like to have your Left 4 Dead server included in the closed beta, and you have a compatible MySQL server, please contact me here or through PM. Thanks.

Originally Posted by Crap View Post
1. I think letting individual admins decide if they want stats for easy or not is best. Not everyone plays games everyday or wants to be "super uber leet and pwn noobs" and believe it or not there are people who have other legitimate reasons for playing easy (various minor handicaps that allow people to play games but maybe just not as awesomely well as others etc.) but all of those people might still like to see various stats. My friends and I play easy a lot because it's fun to be able to shoot the hell out of each other or try to play through only punching etc.

If you're worried about easy screwing up the stats (e.g. people getting the same amount of points as those playing expert and such), you could have the different items worth different points at different difficulties. e.g. survive till the end of a campaign in easy 1 point, normal 2 points, advanced 3 points etc.
If there is a demand for having Easy included in the stats, I'll try to figure something out. I'm not sure how much people play Easy though, and again I would hate for someone to be able to basically farm on it (even though 1 round on Expert gets you like 4 times more points than 1 round on Normal).

Originally Posted by prizegotti View Post
any update of a release date for this? sounds like what im looking for.
Public release will be after all of the major kinks are worked out, and the beta testers feel that everything is working fairly. I don't want to do a public release, and have to keep updating the stat scoring system and forcing people to do stats resets since that is lame.

Read above if you would like to be in the closed beta.

Originally Posted by dbenoy View Post
Perhaps points for kills should be awarded based on the percentage of damage you did to the target. i.e. If someone walks in front of me with 1% health, I should only get 1% of the penalty for killing him, and likewise if I do 99% of the damage to the tank, I should get 99% of the credit, even if someone else deals the killing blow.
Perhaps for the Tank, but I think that giving points based on damage encourages people to try and get the most kills, and not work as a Team. I am going to playtest removing Tank Kill points altogether since the whole team gets points for bringing him down as it is.

On to some other changes I am going to be making before doing the initial closed beta release...
  • As grief protection, I am going to have FF / TK / Team Loss points disabled until people leave the safe room. This way people don't have to worry about losing points if a griefer kills everyone, and they can just votekick him.
  • As grief protection, Team Loss points will be disabled until 60 seconds after leaving the Safe Room. A griefer may not Kill you, but might Incap you and leave the zombies to kill you, so this is an attempt to curb that somewhat.
  • As stat whoring protection, I am adding a Minimum Humans Required before stats will work. Right now, Bots don't help or hurt you, but you still get points for killing Zombies. I have a couple people sitting in my Private servers as it is right now doing this and it's lame!
  • FF Point Loss is going to be based on the amount of damage you do, and a multiplier based on difficulty level. Losing the same points for nicking someone with a Pistol and taking half of their health with a Shotgun kinda sucks.
  • Decreasing Team Loss on Expert from 500 to 300, to make it linear (100 on Normal, 200 on Advanced).
  • Removed Tank Kill points, since the whole team gets points for killing him anyway.
  • Increasing Campaign Win points. It is now [50 / 200 / 300] + [25 / 100 / 300] per Alive Player)
  • Normal Infected Headshots now only give +1 point. Special Infected still give +2.
Again, any more suggestions or ideas about these changes or any other change, I am more than happy to hear!
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Old 12-28-2008 , 08:24   Re: [L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions
Reply With Quote #23

Originally Posted by msleeper View Post
Thanks to everyone who has supported this. Sorry for being quiet the past few days, you all know how the holidays are. I need to make some final changes to the Web Interface so that it works as a standalone page, right now it is integrated into my site and I need to transplant it.

I am gonna be making some minor changes (outlined below) and starting the closed beta once it is done. If you would like to have your Left 4 Dead server included in the closed beta, and you have a compatible MySQL server, please contact me here or through PM. Thanks.

If there is a demand for having Easy included in the stats, I'll try to figure something out. I'm not sure how much people play Easy though, and again I would hate for someone to be able to basically farm on it (even though 1 round on Expert gets you like 4 times more points than 1 round on Normal).

Public release will be after all of the major kinks are worked out, and the beta testers feel that everything is working fairly. I don't want to do a public release, and have to keep updating the stat scoring system and forcing people to do stats resets since that is lame.

Read above if you would like to be in the closed beta.

Perhaps for the Tank, but I think that giving points based on damage encourages people to try and get the most kills, and not work as a Team. I am going to playtest removing Tank Kill points altogether since the whole team gets points for bringing him down as it is.

On to some other changes I am going to be making before doing the initial closed beta release...
  • As grief protection, I am going to have FF / TK / Team Loss points disabled until people leave the safe room. This way people don't have to worry about losing points if a griefer kills everyone, and they can just votekick him.
  • As grief protection, Team Loss points will be disabled until 60 seconds after leaving the Safe Room. A griefer may not Kill you, but might Incap you and leave the zombies to kill you, so this is an attempt to curb that somewhat.
  • As stat whoring protection, I am adding a Minimum Humans Required before stats will work. Right now, Bots don't help or hurt you, but you still get points for killing Zombies. I have a couple people sitting in my Private servers as it is right now doing this and it's lame!
  • FF Point Loss is going to be based on the amount of damage you do, and a multiplier based on difficulty level. Losing the same points for nicking someone with a Pistol and taking half of their health with a Shotgun kinda sucks.
  • Decreasing Team Loss on Expert from 500 to 300, to make it linear (100 on Normal, 200 on Advanced).
  • Removed Tank Kill points, since the whole team gets points for killing him anyway.
  • Increasing Campaign Win points. It is now [50 / 200 / 300] + [25 / 100 / 300] per Alive Player)
  • Normal Infected Headshots now only give +1 point. Special Infected still give +2.
Again, any more suggestions or ideas about these changes or any other change, I am more than happy to hear!
Sure would love to try it out, havent got the foggiest about MySQL though, I got a free clanservers site when i purchased my server from Gameservers.com, any idea if they support mysql?
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Old 12-29-2008 , 18:11   Re: [L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions
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No clue, I have never dealt with them before. Odds are no, they don't have standardized MySQL support.
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Old 01-02-2009 , 12:29   Re: [L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions
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Does the MySQL need to be local to the game server? If so that would rule out the possibility of just about anyone hosting with a company such as gamerservers.com. I have a server with a company such as this, but I also have hosting space for the Webhost that I work for.

I could put the databases in my webspace if there was a way to specify the remote database connection in the plugin so it connects to my webspace.

Is this possible? If so, sign me up for the test.
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Old 01-03-2009 , 16:49   Re: [L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions
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You can use mysql hosted on any server, as long as the mysql server allows outside (non-localhost) connections. If mysql is running locally on the system then you can of course just use localhost.

Thanks to everyone who has shown interest, I am hoping to send out the plugin this weekend or Monday. Web stats will follow shortly, but at least you can get stats running in the meantime.
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Old 01-03-2009 , 19:09   Re: [L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions
Reply With Quote #27

Count me in. I can set the L4D server as a valid remote connection to the SQL server no prob.

My server stays populated and my simple but effective website for the server is screaming for content such as stats.

Also, shoot me your steam name in a PM so I can add you and keep you abreast with a shorter delay time if you'd like

Last edited by Icettiflow; 01-03-2009 at 19:25.
Icettiflow is offline
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Old 01-04-2009 , 21:21   Re: [L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions
Reply With Quote #28

Just wanted to let you know I have discussed this with my guild and we are looking forward to testing this out. I'm sure we'll have some detailed information for you within 24 hours of us receiving the plugin. How long after the plugin are you looking to have the webstats module ready?
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DDR Khat
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Old 01-06-2009 , 08:57   Re: [L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions
Reply With Quote #29

What you could do for versus mode is check their class ?
Monitoring the logs (I know you're against this but this could help you identify real-time solutions) I have noticed
Spawned as GAS (Spawned as Smoker)
Spawned as EXPLODING (Spawned as Boomer)

I can't recall others but will keep an eye out for them. I am somewhat confident that it has "GHOST" as obviously the "choose to spawn" method, so you could assume any players within any of these classes to be on the infected team. I can't say I've ever seen the class be "Survivor" or "Zoey"(etc) but I will keep an eye out for you.
Nothing but a whisper in the wind~~
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Old 01-06-2009 , 12:39   Re: [L4D] Stats Plugin Ideas/Suggestions
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No their class models are different for survivor. They are teengirl (Zoey), NamVet (Bill), Biker (Francis) and I don't remember Louis off hand. The hunter and smoker would be easy because the console reports "Starting a pounce" and "starting a choke".

I have seen the mob spawn from a boomer but never that the boomer actually vomited on X player.

It also shows the tank spawn, the lottery taking place, and offering the tank to X player. But I haven't seen any damage from the tank either that I can recall.
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