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[TF2Items] Give Weapon (v3.14159, 11/29/2013)

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Old 11-02-2010 , 21:15   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
Reply With Quote #11

Originally Posted by TheKisho View Post
Is it by chance posible for you to create a version where users may select a weapon to force upon themselves? Using chat commands (auto hidden to keep chat clean) or console commands. I personal would like the option on my own server. It would be only fair to restrict users from forcing on other people [only admin should be able to force onto others].

Maybe just add this to the existing plugin with a CVAR to enable users to force upon themselves.

Or is it possible for one to compile one for their own private use? (What would I need to remove for the commands to be public? I'm not worried about things becoming over powered, unfair advantage or anything of the sort).
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Old 11-03-2010 , 07:40   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
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Sorry about the cross post, but I suppose this is as much about your plugin as it is about the extension. I posed this initially here: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpos...&postcount=541

Originally Posted by Oinkie
To make sure I am understanding how this works...

I've loaded the extension and plugin from the first post. I've also loaded the new giveweapons plugin by FlaminSarge. Then I started my server. Both the extension and plugin load.

When I type "tf2items_manager_reload" I see:
20:47:34 L 11/02/2010 - 20:47:56: rcon from "": command "tf2items_manager_reload"
20:47:34 L 11/02/2010 - 20:47:56: [tf2items_manager.smx] Reloading items list
First, there isn't a confirmation message that the reload is done, right? Because if there is then I've identified my issue (there isn't one).

Second, assuming there isn't a confirmation message, should I be seeing all of the weapons from the giveweapons plugin in the /configs/tf2items.weapons.txt file? Again, if I am, I've discovered my issue as this file doesn't change.
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Old 11-03-2010 , 19:27   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
Reply With Quote #13

Oinkie, the tf2items.weapons.txt does NOT touch Give Weapon. All the weapons in Give Weapon are hardcoded to the plugin itself. What that config txt file thing does is, for tf2items_manager (a separate plugin), it makes a list of players' weapons that it should modify. So if you put in code for changing somebody's wrench to make people golden, then that person, if they use the wrench, will turn people golden.
Reloading the items list basically reloads that file, meaning it re-applies whatever is in that file to the game. Doesn't interact with giveweapon at all.
Like I said, I'm planning to add some type of keyvalues support for custom weapons.
Meaning it will have its own config file.

Also, "Reloading items list" is the confirmation.

Again, tf2items_manager and tf2items_giveweapon are two separate plugins. manager uses that config file to determine what to change on spawn, while giveweapon gives weapons with specific attributes (which are in the plugin not in a config)

@TheKisho I'll add /giveme commands that are toggleable by a cvar.
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Last edited by FlaminSarge; 11-03-2010 at 19:29.
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Old 11-03-2010 , 20:59   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
Reply With Quote #14

Originally Posted by FlaminSarge View Post
Oinkie, the tf2items.weapons.txt does NOT touch Give Weapon. All the weapons in Give Weapon are hardcoded to the plugin itself. What that config txt file thing does is, for tf2items_manager (a separate plugin), it makes a list of players' weapons that it should modify. So if you put in code for changing somebody's wrench to make people golden, then that person, if they use the wrench, will turn people golden.
Could you help me figure out why it's not working for me then? I type, as an example
sm_give @me 9018
If I am reading the code correctly, this should be a valve rocket launcher. It is announced that I was given weapon, but my rocket launcher doesn't change. I've tried touching a resupply cabinet, respawning, and touching ammo crates. Still just the regular rocket launcher. I've tried this with all of the Valve type weapons I see in the code.

Then I thought that it was related to just the valve weapons so I tried giving myself the direct hit or black box as a soldier. Still keeps me at the regular rocket launcher, even though it announces I got the new weapon.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for the clarification about tf2items.weapons.txt though. I had been trying forever to get that to be populated.
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Old 11-03-2010 , 22:22   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
Reply With Quote #15

When you do sm_give @me 9018, you should have the valve rocket launcher, which looks almost no different from the regular rocket launcher. Do NOT touch a locker after this or it will be replaced by your normal loadout. Try firing a few rockets, see the difference.
Also, HINT: 8018 and 7018. Heh.
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Old 11-04-2010 , 02:38   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
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Bump, I updated the OP with all the indexes in there so far. I am adding a way to add your own custom item indexes AS LONG AS YOU DO NOT USE THE SAME NUMBER AS THESE ONES. If you try, it'll be overwritten with the data from these, so your own custom ones won't work.
Bread EOTL GunMettle Invasion Jungle Inferno 64-bit will break everything. Don't even ask.

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Old 11-04-2010 , 04:51   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
Reply With Quote #17

Hey i love the plugin works ok still annoying sm_giveweapon_ex or sm_give_ex because it don't work all the time and takes while for the weapon to appear but other then that it works great only thing i was wondering is it possible to make it where i give someone a weapon they keep it for ever then have a command to remove it from the person or maybe make it like this sm_givegoldenwrench to a player and they can only use it on engineer and they keep it for ever and make a screen pop up saying Equip Golden Wrench, UnEquip golden Wrench, Equip Golden Wrench Forever, if so i would love to use it on my server to give out for events and stuff
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Old 11-04-2010 , 18:58   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
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lol iSins, glad you posted the suggestion here instead of PM's where I forget. As I think I explained before, the _ex commands basically give the player the weapon when they next have a full loadout change. E.g., spawn or if they touch a locker WHILE THEY HAVE NON-NORMAL WEAPONS. If you touch a locker when you have your normal weapons, it won't regenerate your weapons, and so it won't give whatever you gave with give_ex.

Shortened explanation: give_ex is for applying on spawn or loadout change, doesn't give immediately.

I am adding permanent weapon ones, just wait.
In the meantime you can do:
bind f "sm_give @me 169; sm_give_ex @me 169"
and press it every time you don't have the golden wrench.
That way every time you respawn you WILL have the wrench without having to press the command on respawn. That's how give_ex works. I did give_ex 169 as an engy then switched to scout, I had the golden wrench
Bread EOTL GunMettle Invasion Jungle Inferno 64-bit will break everything. Don't even ask.

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Old 11-05-2010 , 21:51   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
Reply With Quote #19

Think i already know the answer to this. but i figure il ask. Is there any way at all to make the weapons actually display? or has valve broken that far beyond recovery?

Im also making a plugin that works with yours. it populates the server with 1 valve weapon per 12 people. and the weapon is transferred to whom ever killed the original owner,creating a sort of battle for who can control the valve weapons. but. since they dont showup visually. it makes it rather difficult to spot who has them.so far ive gotten some amazing words of appreciation from my server fans :p inspite of the fact that my coding ability sucks. Still. the main question remains " When do we get to see them?" so far ive been saying "Never,because of valve"

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Last edited by Jusahra; 11-05-2010 at 21:55.
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Old 11-05-2010 , 23:22   Re: [TF2Items] Give Weapon (v1., 10/30/2010)
Reply With Quote #20

Originally Posted by TheKisho View Post
Is it by chance posible for you to create a version where users may select a weapon to force upon themselves? Using chat commands (auto hidden to keep chat clean) or console commands. I personal would like the option on my own server. It would be only fair to restrict users from forcing on other people [only admin should be able to force onto others].

Maybe just add this to the existing plugin with a CVAR to enable users to force upon themselves.
You can do this with the buy/credit mod. Just make all prices for commands Zero.

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