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List of ZP 3rd party plugins (08/2009)

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Join Date: Apr 2009
Old 05-14-2009 , 22:20   List of ZP 3rd party plugins (08/2009)
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Here are list of Zombie Plague 3rd party plugins found from several topics on this subforum,
and lets categorize it (so you don't have to dig ~40 pages just too search the plugins),
hope mod will stick this.

This didn't include all the plugins from Zombie Plague main topic located here

All credits goes to the author, i only collect the link to each posts

ZP_CS Buymenu - New whole gameplay
Survivor & B.O.W. classes - New whole gameplay
Zombie Mutilation - Added new gameplays

50% Nemesis - 50% Survivors - like it said, a hot duel between survivor and nemesis
Addons - Several addons compilation
Ammo Packs Bank - Store and retrieve ammo packs
Armor Free - Give all players armor
Anti Block - Allows to pass through players
Bank With Auto Save - Store and retrieve ammo packs
Bazooka Nemesis - Give Nemesis bazooka
Buy Messages - Buy HUD message
Corpse Eaters - Added zombie ability to eat corpse (regain health)
Countdown - Countdown to infection
CS Buy Menu - Replace buy menu with standard/custom CS buy menu
Choose the Weapon Survivor - Choose weapon for survivor
Display Current Mode - Display HUD for current ZP mode of play
Dodge - Give human ability to dodge
Gas Nade - Human ability, Smoke bomb that decrease zombie health
Give Ammo Packs - Give ammo packs (admin only?)
Human HP Disguise - When the humans HP drops below a certain amount, they will turn semi-invisible
Hit Reward - Rewards people for hitting their enemies by giving them a certain amount of ammo packs
Infection Countdown Remix - Countdown to infection, Remake
Informer - Give HUD information about time or alive human
Knife Knocback - Give knockback to knife
Last Human Is Survivor - Turn last human into survivor
Last Human Is Survivor (New) - Turn last human into survivor, newer version
Last Man Ammo Packs Bet - Bet a sum of ammo packs on who will win the round
Lighting Vote - Vote for lightning, day, dusk, night
Low HP Heartbeat - Sound when low on HP
No Crosshair For Zombies - Remove crosshair on zombie
No Fall Damage For Zombies - Zombie take no damage from fall
No Recoil For Survivor - Remove recoil from survivor
Presents - Spawn random presents
Real Death (First Person Death) - Replace 3rd person death with 1st person death
Regeneration - Add regeneration
Round Draw Blast - If round ends and neither of the teams win, kill all players
Select Models - Allowing to choose player models
Shootable Objects - Allowing to move pushable by shooting/knifing
Stamina - Makes humans have a limited amount of energy that get depleted when run
Swarm Round Respawning - Dead will respawn on Swarm mode
Unlimited Bullet - Give unlimited bullet to human
ZBot Helper - Fix some issue when playing with bots on CZ
Zombie Rage - Fixed zombie class
Zombie XP - Gaining levels unlocks stronger classes for both humans and zombies

Extra Items (H: Human only, Z: Zombie Only, HZ: Human and Zombie)
3rd Person View - (HZ) Buyable 3rd person view
AntiDote Gun - (H) Weapon that turn zombie into human
AntiDote Laser - (H) Weapon that turn zombie into human
Anti-Infection Armor - (H) Armor for human
Batteries - (H) Flashlight batteries
Bazooka - (H) New weapon for ZP
Buy 1000HP - (HZ) Buy 1000 HP for human and zombie
Buy Ammo Packs - (HZ) Buy ammo packs using money
Buy Nemesis|Survivor|Assasin|Sniper|Raptor - (H) Buy to become one of the classes
Call In For Air Raid Strike - (H) Call for bombing the maps
Cammicace - (H) New weapon for ZP
Candle Bomb - (H) Candle flare, much lighter than flare grenade
Choose Low Gravity - (HZ) Choose gravity
Damage Bullets
Damage Kit - (H) Buy this, you get a m3, a deagle and knife, with multiple damage
Dispenser - (H) Building which can give you free ammo
Dual MP5 - (H) New weapon for ZP
Flamethrower - (H) New weapon for ZP
Force Field - (H) Protect the human from zombie
Gauss - (H) New Powerful weapon. If you shoot a Zombie, this is instantly annihilated
Gravity At Start - (H) Extra gravity on start
Golden AK47 - (H) New weapon for ZP
Golden Deagle - (H) New weapon for ZP
Human Pack - (H) Some extra items compilation
Human Scanner - (Z) Like radar, but for zombie
Hive Hand - (Z) New weapon that can launch hornets
Invisible - (HZ) Be invisible
Jetpack + Bazooka - (H) New weapon for ZP
KillBomb - (H) Bomb that can kill zombie
Knife Blink - (Z) Gives zombies the possibility to move rapidly towards a human over a short distance
Laser/Trip Mine - (HZ) Plant laser/trip mine
Laser/Trip Mine Only For Zombies - (Z) Plant laser/trip mine
Leap - (Z) Zombie jump longer
Magic Bullets - (H) Add silver and poison bullets
Medkit - (H) Cure HP or armor from wound
Minigun - (H) New weapon for human
Molotov Coctail - (H) More advance flare grenade
MP5 Navy Grenade Launcher - (H) New weapon for human
More Hp Human And Zombie - (HZ) Buy more HP
Multijump - (H) Jump multiple times, even being in mid air
Multijump + Multijumps At The Beginning
Pack Of Grenades - (H) Buy one napalm nade, two frost nade and one flare
Parachute - (H) Buy parachute
Pet - Bat For Humans - (H) Give pet to human
Player Aura - (H) Aura like survivor
Radar Scanner - (H) Display zombie on radar
Radar Scanner Updated - (H) Display zombie on radar (Updated)
Rocket Launcher (Bazooka) - (H) New weapon for ZP
Satchel Charge - (H) Satchel Charge from HL (use detonator)
Sand Bags - (H) Deploy sand bags (blocker)
Sentry Guns - (H) Deploy setry guns that can attack zombie automatically
Shield - (H) Buy shield
Silent Hill Radio - (H) Radio for humans
Simple Zombie Radio - (Z) Radio for zombie
Snark Infector - (Z) Use Snark to infect humans
Sniper Pack + Laser Sight - (H) New weapon for ZP
Speed Boost - (HZ) Boost speed when run
Super Player - (H) HP:600, Armor00, Infinite bullet
Superweapon M4 + M203 - (H) New weapon for ZP
Sweet Revenge - (Z) Kill human when you as zombie being killed
T-Virus - (H) Buy T-Virus and be zombie
Teleport - (H) Give ability to teleport
Teleport Nade - (H) Throw nade and you will teleport to it
Thermal Googles - (H) Can see through walls
Traps - (H) Deploy misc zombie traps
Tryder - (H) New weapon for ZP
Unlimited Clip - (H) Unlimited clip ammo for a single round
ZSpawn - (HZ) Respawn every time when you want (only if dead)

Zombie Class
Advanced Classes Zombie - Compilation of several zombie classes
Advanced Invisible Zombie - Zombie class that can dbe invisible when duck
Angel Zombie - Zombie class that can drift down at a constant slow rate while air born
Boomer - Zombie class that can explode when death, killing nearby humans
BunnyHop Zombie - Zombie class that can do bunnyhop
Camouflage Zombie - Zombie class that can camouflage as human
Chinese Zombie - Zombie class that can jump longer
Climb Zombie - Zombie class that can climb
Climbing Zombie - Zombie class that can climb
Deadly Zombie - Zombie that can respawn randomly after death
Drowned Zombie - Zombie that don't take damage when in water (swim)
Faller Zombie - Zombie class that doesn't take any damage from falls
Flame Zombie - Zombie class that can throw flame
Flying Crow - Crow zombie class
Ghost Zombie - Invisible zombie class, marked with white glow
Heavy Tank Zombie - Zombie class with lot HP
HellHound - Wolf zombie class
Invisible Cat - Zombie class that invisible if not move, jump or attack. Have long jump
Leap Zombie - Zombie class that can do leap
Mega Jumper Zombie - Zombie class that can do huge leap
Noclip Zombie - Zombie class that can walk through walls
Predator - Same with classic zombie but with different?
Reflect Zombie - Zombie class that can camouflage as human
Smoker - Zombie class that can drag human to deal damage
Smoke Screen Zombie - Zombie class that make fog
Spider - Spider zombie class
Stixsworld Zombie Classes - Extra zombie classes
Thermal Zombie - Zombie class that can see through walls
Tight Zombie - Zombie class that can jump mid-air
Terrorist Zombie - Rip code?
Ultimate Big Zombie - Big zombie with pain shock free
Umbrella Zombie - Zombie class with the umbrella model
Vampire Zombie - Zombie class get health when hit human
Witch - Zombie which paralyze and do 2x more damage fighting with a human
Zombie Classes Extra - Extra zombie classes
Zombie Regeneration - Zombie class that can regenerate HP

Don't ask about plugin(s) on this topic, this just a list,
if you have some problem with plugin(s), reply to original topic(s) or contact the author(s)

If you found some broken link(s), reply and i'll try fix the broken post link(s)

I'll try to keep this list updated

If you see i missed some plugin(s) then help me by saying the link(s) on reply

Last edited by MeRcyLeZZ; 06-11-2011 at 00:18. Reason: added last update time to title
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