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A quick look?

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Join Date: Apr 2006
Old 08-30-2008 , 10:44   A quick look?
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Hello again. I was wondering if anyone would take a quick look at a couple of pieces of code of mine and tell me if they see anything wrong. There is something in this code that is crashing the server after about 20 minutes or so. It could be random, though I don't think it is. It always happens when the crossbow is being fired.

void ss_player::AdjustCrossbowFireRate()
	META_LOG(g_PLAPI, "Player %i Adjusting Crossbow Fire Rate", ss_index );

	if( playerinfomanager != NULL && pPlayer != NULL )
		float time = playerinfomanager->GetGlobalVars()->curtime;

		//AMMO_OFFSET is an array that goes from 1576 to 1704.  The difference is 128.
		//The upper bounds of the ammo array is MAX_AMMO, which is 32. 128 / 32 = 4
		//The size of each ammo counter is 4 bytes.  So the ammo array is:
		//0:					1576 - 1579
		//AMMO_AR2:				1580 - 1583
		//AMMO_AR2_ALT:			1584 - 1587
		//AMMO_PISTOL:			1588 - 1591
		//AMMO_SMG1:			1592 - 1595
		//AMMO_357:				1596 - 1599
		//AMMO_CROSSBOW:		1600 - 1603
		//AMMO_SHOTGUN:			1604 - 1607
		//AMMO_RPG:				1608 - 1611
		//AAMMO_SMG1GREN:		1612 - 1615
		//AMMO_FRAG:			1616 - 1619
		//AMMO_SLAM:			1620 - 1623
		//So, my original calculation: AMMO_OFFSET + (AMMOO_CROSSBOW * ) = 
		//1576 + (6 * 4) = 1576 + 24 = 1600, which is the crossbow.  Shit.  I WAS correct...So why is it crashing?

		datamap_t *pMap = pPlayer->GetDataDescMap();
		int AMMO_OFFSET = GetOffset( pMap, "m_iAmmo" );

		if( AMMO_OFFSET > 0 )
			//Is this right?  Setting the crossbow ammo pointer to one less....memory address?
			*(int *)((char *)pPlayer + (AMMO_OFFSET + (AMMO_CROSSBOW * 4 ))) = *(int *)((char * )pPlayer + (AMMO_OFFSET + (AMMO_CROSSBOW * 4 ))) - 1;
The part where I set the ammo is my guess on what's going wrong. I don't know if that's the correct way to do it.

Here is the UpdateCrossbow and UpdateActiveWeapon, just in case.

void ss_player::UpdateCrossbow()
	META_LOG(g_PLAPI, "Player %i Begin Update Crossbow", ss_index );

	//Make sure we have the crossbow.
	if( pCrossbow )
		//time.  Used to set the next fire time of the player and crossbow
		float time = 0;

		//Make sure playerinfomanager isn't null.
		if( playerinfomanager != NULL )
			playerinfomanager->GetGlobalVars()->curtime + ss_crossbow_refire.GetFloat();
		//Our data maps.  Used to find the offsets of data members
		datamap_t *pPlayerMap, *pCrossbowMap, *pCombatCharMap;

		//Continuing without these would be pointless and stupid.
		if( pPlayer == NULL ||
			pCrossbow == NULL ||
			pCombatChar == NULL )

		pPlayerMap = pPlayer->GetDataDescMap();
		pCrossbowMap = pCrossbow->GetDataDescMap();
		pCombatCharMap = pCombatChar->GetDataDescMap();

		//Don't mess with anything if we don't have ALL of our datamaps.
		if( pPlayerMap == NULL ||
			pCrossbowMap == NULL ||
			pCombatCharMap == NULL )

		//The individual data member offsets.

		AMMO_OFFSET = GetOffset( pPlayerMap, "m_iAmmo" );

		CLIP1_OFFSET = GetOffset( pCrossbowMap, "m_iClip1" ); 
		IDLE_TIME_OFFSET = GetOffset( pCrossbowMap, "m_flTimeWeaponIdle" );
		NEXT_PRIMARY_ATTACK_OFFSET = GetOffset( pCrossbowMap, "m_flNextPrimaryAttack" );
		IN_RELOAD_OFFSET = GetOffset( pCrossbowMap, "m_bInReload" );

		NEXT_ATTACK_OFFSET = GetOffset( pCombatCharMap, "m_flNextAttack" );

		//Don't give more ammo when we run out.
		if( *(int *)((char * )pPlayer + (AMMO_OFFSET + (AMMO_CROSSBOW * 4 ))) <= 0 )
			META_LOG(g_PLAPI, "End UpdateCrossbow() with no ammo. player: %i", ss_index);

		if( *(int *)((char*)pCrossbow + CLIP1_OFFSET) <= 0 )
			*(int *)((char*)pCrossbow + CLIP1_OFFSET) = 1;
		//IDLE TIME = time
		*(float *)((char *)pCrossbow + IDLE_TIME_OFFSET) = time;
		*(float *)((char *)pCrossbow + NEXT_PRIMARY_ATTACK_OFFSET) = time;

		if( pCombatChar != NULL )
			*(float *)((char *)pCombatChar + NEXT_ATTACK_OFFSET) = time;

		//Don't need a reload.
		*(bool *)((char *)pCrossbow + IN_RELOAD_OFFSET) = false;
	META_LOG(g_PLAPI, "Player %i End Update Crossbow", ss_index );
Too make sure that nothing was going wrong in there, I went back and checked to see if everything was instantiated. I think I dotted every "i" and crossed every "t", but sometimes you miss things like that.

Here is the ActiveWeapon code.

void ss_player::UpdateActiveWeapon()
	META_LOG(g_PLAPI, "Player %i Begin Active Weapon Update", ss_index );
	datamap_t *pCombatCharMap = NULL;
	CBaseHandle *pHandle = NULL;

	if( pCombatChar != NULL )
		pCombatCharMap = pCombatChar->GetDataDescMap();
		if( pCombatCharMap != NULL )
			ACTIVE_OFFSET = GetOffset( pCombatCharMap, "m_hActiveWeapon" );
			pHandle = (CBaseHandle *)((char *)pCombatChar + ACTIVE_OFFSET);

	if( pHandle != NULL && m_Engine != NULL )
		edict_t *pEdict = m_Engine->PEntityOfEntIndex(pHandle->GetEntryIndex());
		if( pEdict != NULL )
			CBaseEntity *pEnt = pEdict->GetIServerEntity()->GetBaseEntity();
			if( pEnt  != NULL )
				pActive = (CBaseCombatWeapon*)pEnt;
				if( pActive != NULL)
					/* If our active weapon is not equal to our shotgun pointer: unhook the shotgun.
						we don't need it hooked if it isn't active.  Then check to see if our active weapon IS
						a shotgun.  If so, hook it.
					if( pActive != pShotgun )
						if(pShotgun != NULL )
						if( (stricmp(pActive->GetClassname(), "weapon_shotgun") == 0 ) )
							pShotgun = pActive;
					if( pActive != pCrossbow )
						if( pCrossbow != NULL )
						if( (stricmp(pActive->GetClassname(), "weapon_crossbow") == 0) )
							pCrossbow = pActive;
							if( pCombatChar != NULL )
								datamap_t *pMap = pCombatChar->GetDataDescMap();
								if( pMap != NULL )
									int AMMO_OFFSET = GetOffset( pMap, "m_iAmmo" );
									//We have a new crossbow, time to fill up the ammo.
									*(int *)((char *)pCombatChar + (AMMO_OFFSET + (AMMO_CROSSBOW * 4))) = ss_crossbow_ammo.GetInt();

	META_LOG(g_PLAPI, "Player %i End Active Weapon Update", ss_index );
The above code checks the current weapon and hooks it if necessary.

I've been banging my head against the keyboard for weeks trying to figure this out. I appreciate the help.
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