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Specific Armor for each class (ZP 5.0.8a)

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Join Date: Feb 2011
Old 09-14-2017 , 14:49   Specific Armor for each class (ZP 5.0.8a)
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So I want 2 plugins that give armor, one for zombies/nemesis and the other for survivor compatible with Zombie Plague 5.0.8a mod (resources here)
1) Each zombie get armor. How does it works? Well, when you are turned into a zombie or infected you get a specific amount of armor (depending of your zombie class).
The plugin creates 2 fields in file zp_zombieclasses.ini for each class:
- ARMOR AMOUNT = [0 = no armor / 1 (or higher), the zombie gets that amount of armor / default = 0]
- ARMOR TYPE = [A = normal armor (kevlar) / AH = armor + helmet (kevlar+helmet) / default = A]. If is not possible of using letters just put 0/1.
There is a plugin that creates a field in classes.ini files. It adds class limit but you can take the field creation script from it (but as I said before only for zp_zombieclasses.ini)
This plugin should:
- not have the sound of buying armor
- not give armor when you are human/survivor
- remove the armor if you are turned into a human/survivor/nemesis (unless the nemesis gets armor from this plugin too). Just removes armor if the player is not the class from zp_zombieclasses.ini
Warning! Possible conflict with "zp50_human_armor" (the pugin is in ZP 5.0.8a). I mean that plugin has a protection system that armor should be reduced to 0 so after your armor is 0 your HP can be damaged (check "zp_human_armor_protect 1" cvar). This zombie armor should work like default armor on a classic server (you get damage to both HP and Armor).
- make a cvar so nemesis can get armor too, by a specific type: normal armor (kevlar) or armor + helmet (kevlar+helmet)
- make a cvar so you can specify the amount of armor for nemesis
2) Survivor gets armor. It just gives armor to survivor. The armor is removed if you are turned into a human/zombie/nemesis or if you survive the round as a survivor the armor is also removed.
- make a cvar so survivor gets armor, by a specific type: normal armor (kevlar) or armor + helmet (kevlar+helmet)
- make a cvar so you can specify the amount of armor for survivor
Warning! Possible conflict with "zp50_human_armor". That plugin may give a specific amount armor for humans so if you are turned into a survivor your armor is kept (check "zp_human_armor_default" cvar). This plugin you make should remove that kept armor and replace it with specified armor from this plugin.
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