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[CS:S] Cash2Admin v.2.0 - Make your server rentable [LOCAL VERSION]

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Counter-Strike: Source
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    Servers with this Plugin:
    Plugin Description:
    System that automatically add administrators after payment
    Reason for Unapproving:
    Highly insecure system dealing with money.
    Old 10-11-2011 , 14:21   [CS:S] Cash2Admin v.2.0 - Make your server rentable [LOCAL VERSION]

    Cash2Admin v.2.0
    by http://www.team-skyzen.fr


    Cash2Admin is a plugin that allows you to set up on your server, a system that automatically add administrators after payment on your server : when the player has paid via the automatic script, it is added to the administrators, all very simply with a responsive support and available in case of problems.


    * Advert with the chat command every 40 seconds
    * 5 Languages (FR, EN, DE, IT, RU)
    * 100% Secure (FTP and Allopass informations are crypted, and all GET variables are protected with strip_tags and htmlentities())
    * Fully PHP
    * Set-up in 2 minutes
    * Very Fast
    * Offers are fully customizable
    * No PUB
    * Available on Eventscripts too

    Chat commands

    * !buy_admin
    * !admin_buy
    * admin_buy
    * buy_admin


    To install Cash2Admin :

    1) Upload the 'WEBSITE' directory (in the .zip) on your website.

    2) Edit config.php file with your FTP and MYSQL informations.

    3) Go to http://www.your-domain.com/WEBSITE/C...ll/install.php and follow the instructions.

    4) Upload the plugin on your server

    5) Edit cfg/Cash2Admin/config.php (on the server), and set the path URL.

    6) Delete 'install' directory on your website.

    7) Reboot your server !

    8) Win money !

    Frequently Asked Questions

    - I don't have a website, how install Cash2Admin ?
    > If you don't have a website, simply upload the plugin on your server, (DON'T CHANGE THE CONFIG.CFG FILE) and register your server on our official website http://www.team-skyzen.com/Cash2Admin

    - What are the administration plugins supported by Cash2Admin ?
    > Cash2Admin supports Mani Admin Plugin, Super Admin (SAC) and SourceMod, please give us your suggestions of administration plugins to add !

    - I have several servers on my FTP, I have checked the box, but the window does not open !
    > This is because your browser is blocking the opening of 'pop-up', you need to unblock pop-ups, so that the window can be opened.

    - How long the administrators are added?
    > Everything depends on the offers that you offer on your server (eg Allopass 1 -> 2 months, the player will be adminstrator for 2 months and then it will be removed by Cash2Admin)

    - Why do you add an Allopass on our offers?
    > Each transaction costs us 80 cents, so we add one Allopass on your offers that we will be discharged.

    - The new administrators can add / remove administrators or use the rcon ?
    > No, new admins added via Cash2Admin can not delete / add administrators, use the rcon or permanent ban players.

    - If you get hacked, hackers have our FTP information ?!
    > No, we encrypt your FTP informations in md5 + sha1, that makes them indecipherable.

    - I want to add the plugin on my website, how do I do ?
    > To add a PHP plugin Cash2Admin to your site, simply copy / paste the code given to you at the end of the registration form.

    Coming very soon

    * Cash2Level (RPG)
    * Cash2Level (Warcraft)
    _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________


    Cash2Admin est un plugin disponible sur Eventscripts et Sourcemod (Counter-Strike:Source), qui vous permet de mettre en place sur votre serveur, un système d'ajout automatique d'administrateurs : dès que le joueur a payé via le script automatique, il est ajouté aux administrateurs, le tout très simplement avec un support réactif et disponible en cas de problèmes.


    * Avertissement de la commande dans le chat toutes les 40 secondes
    * Traduit en 5 langages (FR, EN, RU, DE, IT)
    * 100% Sécurisé (Les informations FTP et Allopass sont cryptés dans notre base de données, et les variables 'GET' sont protégées grâce à strip_tags et htmlentities())
    * 100% Codé en PHP
    * Installation en moins de 2 minutes
    * Très rapides
    * Les offres sont complètements personnalisables
    * Pas de PUB
    * Disponible sur Eventscripts également


    * !buy_admin
    * !admin_buy
    * admin_buy
    * buy_admin


    Pour installer Cash2Admin :

    1) Mettez le dossier 'WEBSITE' (du fichier .zip) sur le FTP de votre site internet.

    2) Éditez config.php avec vos informations FTP et MySQL.

    3) Allez sur la page d'installation : http://www.votre-site.com/WEBSITE/Ca...ll/install.php et suivez les instructions.

    4) Mettez le plugin sur votre serveur.

    5) Éditez cfg/Cash2Admin/config.php (sur le FTP du serveur), et rentrez le chemin de buy.php.

    6) Supprimez le dossier 'install' sur votre site internet.

    7) Redémarrez votre serveur.

    8) Rentabilisez votre serveur !

    Questions fréquentes

    - Je n'ai pas de site internet, comment faire ?
    > Si vous n'avez pas de site internet, mettez simplement le plugin sur votre serveur, (ne changez pas les valeurs du fichier config.cfg) et enregistrer votre serveur sur notre site officiel http://www.team-skyzen.com/Cash2Admin

    - Quels sont les plugins d'administration supportés par Cash2Admin ?
    > Cash2Admin supporte Mani Admin Plugin, Sourcemod et Super Admin (SAC), n'hésitez pas à nous faire vos propositions de plugins !

    - J'ai plusieurs serveurs sur mon FTP, j'ai bien coché la case, mais le fenêtre ne s'ouvre pas !
    > C'est parce que votre navigateur bloque l'ouverture de 'pop-up', il vous faut débloquer l'affichage des pop-ups, de manière à ce que la fenêtre puisse s'ouvrir.

    - Pour combien de temps les administrateurs sont-ils ajoutés ?
    > Tout dépend des offres que vous proposez sur votre serveur (ex : 1 Allopass -> 2 mois, le joueur sera administrateur pendant 2 mois puis il sera supprimé par Cash2Admin)

    - Pourquoi ajoutez-vous un Allopass à nos offres ?
    > Chaque transaction nous coûte 80 centimes, c'est pourquoi nous ajoutons un Allopass sur vos offres qui nous sera déversé.

    - Les nouveaux administrateur peuvent-ils ajouter/supprimer des administrateurs ou utiliser la commande rcon ?
    > Non, les nouveaux administrateurs ajoutés via Cash2Admin ne peuvent pas supprimer/ajouter des administrateurs, utiliser la commande rcon, ou bannir permanent les joueurs.

    - Lorsque je tape !buy_admin, il y a marqué 'L'achat de code via SMS n'est pas disponible' ?
    > Vous devez demander l'activation de l'achat via SMS auprès d'Allopass.

    - Si vous vous faites pirater, les pirates auront nos informations FTP ?!
    > Non, nous cryptons vos informations FTP en md5 + sha1, ce qui les rends indécryptables.

    - Je veux ajouter le plugin à mon site, comment je fais ?
    > Pour ajouter un plugin PHP Cash2Admin à votre site, il vous suffit simplement de copier/coller le code qui vous est donné à la fin du formulaire d'enregistrement.

    Va sortir très bientôt

    * Cash2Level (RPG)
    * Cash2Level (Warcraft)
    Blocked Attachments
    File Type: sp Cash2Admin.sp
    File Type: zip Cash2Admin.zip

    Last edited by SoGeek; 10-13-2011 at 15:27.
    SoGeek is offline
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    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Old 10-11-2011 , 14:47   Re: [CS:S] Cash2Admin v.1.0 - Rentabilise ton serveur [LOCAL VERSION]

    May be interesting but Cash2Admin.zip is reporting as Invalid Attachment.
    Never argue with an idiot. He lowers you to his level and then wins on experience!
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    Old 10-11-2011 , 14:54   Re: [CS:S] Cash2Admin v.1.0 - Rentabilise ton serveur [LOCAL VERSION]

    I would be careful using this as a few people have had issues with it.

    ocwoody is offline
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    Old 10-11-2011 , 14:59   Re: [CS:S] Cash2Admin v.1.0 - Rentabilise ton serveur [LOCAL VERSION]

    Yes, it was for the first version of Cash2Admin, when i was asking for the server FTP informations on my website, now it's over, it's a local version, you register your server directly from your website, people were suspicious but their messages was preventives messages, nobody was hacked, it was wrong.

    Last edited by SoGeek; 10-11-2011 at 15:18.
    SoGeek is offline
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    Old 10-11-2011 , 15:14   Re: [CS:S] Cash2Admin v.1.0 - Rentabilise ton serveur [LOCAL VERSION]

    Are you planning to make this avaliable to other games such as team fortess 2 ?
    Never argue with an idiot. He lowers you to his level and then wins on experience!
    rtk is offline
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    Old 10-11-2011 , 15:15   Re: [CS:S] Cash2Admin v.1.0 - Rentabilise ton serveur [LOCAL VERSION]

    Yes, available very soon for Team Fortress 2, Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, Half:Life 2, DOD:Source, CSPromod and CS:S Go

    Last edited by SoGeek; 10-11-2011 at 15:19.
    SoGeek is offline
    Join Date: Dec 2010
    Old 10-12-2011 , 03:51   Re: [CS:S] Cash2Admin v.2.0 - Rentabilise ton serveur [LOCAL VERSION]

    26 Warning. Please fix

    shtopor is offline
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    Old 10-12-2011 , 04:00   Re: [CS:S] Cash2Admin v.2.0 - Rentabilise ton serveur [LOCAL VERSION]

    I'll try to, but what's the problem with warnings ?
    SoGeek is offline
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    Old 10-12-2011 , 19:15   Re: [CS:S] Cash2Admin v.2.0 - Rentabilise ton serveur [LOCAL VERSION]

    I can't, in good conscience, recommend anyone run this software on their webserver.

    There's a few reasons why:

    1) It appears to be vulnerable to various forms of XSS attacks, and doesn't actually follow decent PHP standards. It relies on register_globals to be turned on, which exposes it to a bunch of interesting issues.
    2) It relies on the team-skyzen.fr website to be up at all times. There's an update check that explicitly uses a 0 timeout, so if that website is ever down, this will stop working.
    3) Related to that, a number of assets are used from team-skyzen.fr website (such as stylesheets). Best case, the website is down and these aren't displayed. Worst case, team-skyzen.fr is hacked and someone uses the css to redirect all the payments to their own account.
    4) Related to that (again), this plugin seems to send the email and IP of anyone who uses it back to the team-skyzen.fr website (install.php line 1417)
    5) "No, we encrypt your FTP informations in md5 + sha1, that makes them indecipherable." This sentence is meaningless. MD5 and SHA1 are both one way hashes. This means that if you use them on the FTP password, you can never get the original password back. This would mean that were they actually hashed (they aren't!) with one or both of these functions, the script would be unable to log into FTP. The only use of md5 in the entire plugin is hashing the value from uniqid
    6) There's a smxx file in the archive, but I'm not seeing any source for it. It's entirely possible this is the same plugin that is attached to the initial post, but I'm unsure.

    So, given that this is a site that needs to be secure, or people's payment information is going to be stolen.. I really can't recommend anyone use this unless it gets some major work.
    Various bits of semi-useful code in a bunch of languages: http://code.devicenull.org/
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    Old 10-13-2011 , 02:25   Re: [CS:S] Cash2Admin v.2.0 - Rentabilise ton serveur [LOCAL VERSION]

    Hello Devicenull,

    Thanks for this informations,

    1) You're wrong about the XSS Attacks, this is not critical, but i'm gonna fixe that. About the registre_global, only the user can change the value of the include.
    2) You're right about the styles.css and timeout informations, i'm gonna fix that today.
    4) Yes the plugin send IP and EMAIL informations on our databases, this is for statistic, and newsletter if there is an critical update for this plugin.
    5) You're right again, this isn't encrypt with md5, but this is encrypt with hash (do you want a screenshot ?).
    6) I'm gonna insert the smx source into the zip today too.
    7) Sorry for my bad english, i'm french !


    Last edited by SoGeek; 10-13-2011 at 03:48.
    SoGeek is offline
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