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Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation v2.35.6

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Old 07-06-2008 , 18:35   Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation v2.35.6
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Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation

Official wc3mods support forum
.: Description :.
Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation (UWC3NG) is a raceless version of the Warcraft3:FT plugin you may be familiar with.
UWC3NG provides players with 50 playable levels and a freeform skills system which allows you to mix and match skills of your choosing.
In addition UWC3NG offers players a choice of 10 ultimate skills and you can train up to 3 different ultimates, as well as other special abilities.
UWC3NG also offers an optional Enhancement system to provide your character with even more customization.

UWC3NG is based on the new WC3:FT r11 plugin. It's also completely new rewritten!

.: Requirements :.
AMX Mod X v1.8.0 or higher

.: Installation :.
UWC3NG Installation instruction

.: Credits :.
Developed by DA (Michel Vocks)
Special Thanks Geesu for his awesome wc3FT mod. K2mia for the uwc3 mod.
Other to all old uwc3 developer...

.: Server's with UWC3NG :.
Server's with Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation

.: Additional plugins :.
Warcraft Item Bot by DA

.: Changelog :.
- Fixed Vampiric Aura bug
- Fixed Longterm XP bug
- Added a CVAR to set items showen as a hudmessage or as a status text

- Fixed resistante display bug
- Fixed some MySQL issues
- Added a CVAR to set the ultimate round start delay

- Fixed CSDM FFA issue
- Fixed Spawnprotection bug
- nerved Hex skill
- Fixed godmode bug

- Fixed Hexed bug
- Added CSDM FFA feature

- Fixed Carriondot slowed but
- Dots can only one time occur

- Fixed lost hp issue
- Fixed Big Bad Voodoo with Blink bug

- Fixed sneak bug
- Carriondot and Shadowdot should disappear now on round restart
- Added re-menu open when you have available skills/resists/attribs

- Removed NVAULT support
- Added another way to save the XP
- Constituation is now stronger (increase heal instead of time)
- Added another way to reset the previous data (hex, shadowdot, carriondot etc)
- Fixed Steel Skin skill bug
- Fixed output from savexp command
- Fixed some hudmessages.

- Fixed enhanced DamageTaken function
- Added CVAR for saving the xp on every round (look uwc3ng.cfg)
- Added "Fill resist" feature. Player can fill a complete resistant.
- Added Carrion Beetles & Shadow Strike dot
- Fixed Ultimate Serpent Ward Ultimate delay bug
- Added two new sprites (ATTENTATION). Be sure that you upload these.
- Attrib Intellect the bonuses are now additive
- Fixed Healing Wave & Constitution bug
- Fixed double weapon reincarnation
- Added display items on spectation another player
- And some more bugs (which I forgot :-( )

- Fixed Necklace-BigBadVoodoo bug (only Blocked by blink)
- Fixed Respawn bug
- Wcrepair/Wcmend and hex messages are now as hudmessage
- Set the spawnprotection to 3 seconds
- Fixed Constituation bug
- Fixed Dropskill devotionaura bug
- Helm, BigBadVoodoo Check, Mole protection, Evasion should now work

- Configure XP-table (ATTENTATION: All players will lose levels)
- Fixed CollideSkill message
- Fixed Steel Skin skill
- Added debug function for Skills/Resists/Attribs
- Fixed Skin bug
- Updated XP-Table function
- Updated help-sides (you should overwrite the old)

- Fixed Healing Wave errors
- Added Skillsrestrictions with debug function (maybe all skills reset first time)
- Added two CVAR's for Longterm XP (no savexp)
- Updated the uwc3ng.cfg
- Fixed Assist XP bug
- Fixed Sneak bug
- Fixed Cloak bug

- Fixed Scroll of Respawning bug
- Modified charsheet motd
- Fixed Healing Wave bug
- Fixed Evasion bug
- Fixed Repair&Mend only for user with this skill bug
- Fixed CVAR Repair & Mend bug
- Fixed Serpent Ward point bug

- Fixed the Skill/Attrib/Resist reset bug
- Fixed the Unholy Aura bug
- Fixed the Serpent Ward bug
- Added a cvar for the wcrepair and wcmend icons
- Fixed the hex bug
- Fixed the Scroll of Respawning bug

- Optimzed some stuff 
- Fixed bot start level
- Fixed bot automaticle skill choice
- Fixed that bot's save their xps and skills
- Fixed bot available skill, attribs and resistances points

- Added reset data function

- Fixed mole double bomb
- Fixed enemys can see other heal&repair sprites

- Fixed Armor backup on Equipment Reincarnation
- Added complete new Sprite system for wcmend & wcrepair
- Added repair sound and mend sound
- Fixed spawn without hud bug

- Fixed Chargeitems in the hud
- Fixed startlevel of the bots
- Fixed spectate hud bug
- Added extra money for csdm server's
- Fixed slowdown bug after weaponchange
- Fixed Item "Ring" bug in hud
- Fixed Bot's ultimate cast chance

- Added report kill function
- Added CVAR to disable the minmodels check

- Fixed hexed message output
- Fixed phoenix message output
- Fixed suicide bomber ultimate timer
- Added completely new nvault system

- Fixed error messages

- Fixed Suicide Bomber bug
- Fixed Kill assist xp bug
- Fixed last player skills bug

- Fixed load XP bug
- Fixed Bot startlevel bug
- Fixed rank name in the charsheet motd
- Fixed whois command in the chat

- Fixed some little issues

- Fixed command 'who'

- Added bot support
- Added help command
- Fixed mysql bug
- Fixed resist help bug
- Add startlevel cvar

.: Why should I use uwc3ng instead of uwc3? :.
- UWC3NG is based on the newest wc3ft version
- Intelligent bot AI
- Hamsandwich support
- Less cpu usage (tested!)
- Many old bugfixes
- Added Ultimate Carrion Swarm
- Added skill siphon Armor
- Psychostats support
- More balanced
- Items Necklace and helm now with charges
- This mod will be supported ;P
- Better save system
- Fixed some kicks from the server
- Readable sourcecode (sorry K2mia)
- Ultimate Teleport fixes and secure cvars
- All in all - Better and newer

.: Screenshots :.
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 6

- DA
Attached Files
File Type: zip uwc3ng.zip (1.39 MB, 8995 views)
File Type: zip uwc3ng_source.zip (136.9 KB, 4993 views)

Last edited by DA; 03-29-2011 at 14:27. Reason: new version
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Old 07-06-2008 , 18:49   Re: Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation
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Good job!
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Old 07-06-2008 , 18:50   Re: Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation
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Finaly XD
i will start again a uwc server,but a question:
works for cs or cz or it can be played on all 2?

thx u very much
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Old 07-06-2008 , 18:52   Re: Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation
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Originally Posted by miran View Post
Finaly XD
i will start again a uwc server,but a question:
works for cs or cz or it can be played on all 2?

thx u very much
Should work on cz but I'm not really sure because I have no cz.
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Old 07-06-2009 , 07:23   Re: Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation
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Originally Posted by miran View Post
Finaly XD
i will start again a uwc server,but a question:
works for cs or cz or it can be played on all 2?

thx u very much
yes it does i have just installed it on my CZ server
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Old 07-06-2009 , 12:26   Re: Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation v2.35.3
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Bug report =)
  • The ultimate cooldown (teleport) don't get reseted if you use it in the end of a round. Next round you have the full cooldown, but the rest of the players don't.
  • Every time you start to defuse, you get XP. If you'r hexed and try to defuse you get much XP because you jump. Abuse bug. You should only be able to get it once per round.

I would like to have slow removed from the Hex skill, since it's good enough without it. I also think it's a bit too easy to hex someone when you have level 1 trained (+ intellect). I don't think you should be able to hex so many players during one round.
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Old 07-06-2009 , 14:42   Re: Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation v2.35.3
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Originally Posted by Ins1d3r View Post
so i noticed it does not take away xp, but it also doesnt give either when i kill someone from CT, when im in CT team, althought i have to kill them because it's FFA, can you make a switch or something in the cfg file where we could chose if we get points for tk.
Thanks. Fixed in the next version.

Originally Posted by WildSoft View Post
Bug report =)
  • The ultimate cooldown (teleport) don't get reseted if you use it in the end of a round. Next round you have the full cooldown, but the rest of the players don't.
  • Every time you start to defuse, you get XP. If you'r hexed and try to defuse you get much XP because you jump. Abuse bug. You should only be able to get it once per round.

I would like to have slow removed from the Hex skill, since it's good enough without it. I also think it's a bit too easy to hex someone when you have level 1 trained (+ intellect). I don't think you should be able to hex so many players during one round.
1. That's wrong. Just Ultimates like Mend,Repair and Dispell Hex are reseted on next round because they have a limited number to use on every round. Voodoo, Teleport etc. will not reseted on round end/new round. If you want, I could add a CVAR so you can set it to yourself.

2. hmm. Tested it, works fine for me. Are you sure about this bug?

Noticed that too. Hex is(was) overpowered. I've reduced the percentage chance and removed the slowmotion in the next version.
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Old 07-07-2009 , 15:38   Re: Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation v2.35.4
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Updated to v2.35.4
- Fixed CSDM FFA issue
- Fixed Spawnprotection bug
- nerved Hex skill
- Fixed godmode bug
Here now a list of possible skills which will maybe included.

1. Flash of Light
required level: 35
Points: 1p to spend
Description: The player who has "Flash of Light " can activate it with "wcflash".
If the ultimateowner look at another player without blink or Necklace the victim will be flashed.
2. Ice Grenades
Level: 37
Points: 5p
Description: The player has Ice grenades instead of smokegrenades. This smokegrenades let enemys frozen (the can't walk).
If you spend more Points into "Ice grenades" the enemys will longer frozen. Maybe we add a seperate resistens for this skill.
3. Life Tap
Level: 40
Points: 3
Description: The player can tap his Armor, with "wctap", to increase his life. 
If he has no armor then he can't increase his life. 
Players which have Life Tap can't be targeted by Repair Armor. Also Leather Armor will not work.
4. Fear
level: 43
Points: 5
Description: When one player shoot at another player with "Fear" then the victim has a percentage chance to "Fear" the enemy. 
So the enemy runs wild around and can't control his character for 4-5 seconds. If the enemy gets damage this effect will disappear.
5. Detect invisibility
level: 45
Points: 10
Description: In a specific radius around the player all opponents will be revealed (if they have skilled invisibility).
If you spend more points to "Detect invisibility" the radius will increase.
6. Curse of the Elements
level: 47
Points: 8
Description: The player has a percentage chance to curse the enemy with "Curse of Elements" while he doing damage.
If the enemy gets "Curse of Elements" all resistentpoints are useless. This effect will occur until the next round.
7. Vanish
level: 48
Points: 4
Description: The player has a percentage chance when he gets damage to went in vanish mode.
In vanish mode the player is completely invisible - but can get damage. The vanish mode is over after 4-5 seconds.
If you spend more points into "Vanish" then your chance increase rapidly.
8. Chain Shoot
level: 50
Points: 5
Description: The player has a percentage chance to hit other enemys around the enemy you currently do damage. 
If you spend more points into "Chain Shoot" the damage that inflicts the other enemys will increase.
9. Improved Aura
level: 32
Points: 5
Description: All players near the skillowner do more damage. 
The skillowner gets XP's if the player killed an enemy.
Do not stack with other skillowner.
10. Frost Shield
level: 25
Points: 3
Description: Creates a shield of frost around the player that has a chance to slow attacking players.
11. Polymorph
level: 26
Points: 1
Description: Turns a target enemy player into a chicken. The chicken has their gravity decreased, and can only attack with their knife. 
If the target gets damage the effect will disappear.
12. Spell Steal
level: 24
Points: 3
Description: The skillowner has a percentage chance to steel the casted ultimate from the attacker. 
You can skill this only without Blink and Necklace.
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Old 07-20-2009 , 19:58   Re: Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation v2.35.3
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Sorry if I'm repeating myself.

Originally Posted by WildSoft View Post
  • Every time you start to defuse, you get XP. If you'r hexed and try to defuse you get much XP because you jump. Abuse bug. You should only be able to get it once per round.
This is an issue, because it gets abused a lot.

Originally Posted by WildSoft View Post
Spawn-protection don't seem to work.
Still don't seem to work. Got killed by a mole, respawned and got killed instantly again.

Originally Posted by WildSoft View Post
  • Players with cloak gets visible when I shoot them. (They go invisible again).
  • This problem have existed throughout all the WC3 mod versions. If you get flashed and have mask/vamp or anything else that generates a color, that replaces the flash effect right away. So if you've got mask, gets flashed and hit someone you see again.
  • Maybe some notice that the player have spawn-protection.

Could you add a cvar to disable the "You seem to be stuck! Teleporting you to spawn" feature? I use Frost Nades and it's purpose is to make you stuck if it hits you. But if you teleport when stuck, it teleports you to spawn. I know this haven't got anything to do with your mod, but it would be nice to be able to turn it off so I can use the other plugin with this mod =)

Some more:
  • The amx_givexp command don't work as it should. First off when you use it, the xp_table values on the right side gets to a negative value, all of them. Even if I gave a player who had just deleted his xp just 100 xp, he got to level 31 instantly. With the right amount of XP for that level.
  • I also think the heal, repair and hex abilities should only get reset on new round. Not every time you respawn.
  • The radio still activates itself every time you buy from the shopmenu. Some players buys weapons in spawn, even restricted ones.

Here is some feedback from one of our users, regarding the new skills =)
Oh, right, english...
I've played on another server that enabled the "polymorph" skill and it's really fun but pretty awkward to suddenly morph into a little chicken. Still, once you turn into a chicken you get harder to spot and hit, and more efficient since you can lowgrav-jump into close combat situations and go absolute rampage. I also vote for the "Improved Aura" skill, it seems reasonable and might learn people the benefits of teamplay! "Detect invisibility" seems like a good skill but might lead to cheat accusations. "Fear" sounded like a fun skill, the player goes bananas and cannot be controlled, but at the same time it would probably make him harder to hit. "Ice grenades" was on the server a while ago and should have been kept, it was way better than the ordinary smoke nades that only seems to make teammates angry...
The "Ice Grenades" (Frost Nades) he is talking about is the one I mention above. But sadly I had to remove it because of the "you're stuck bug" described above.

Seeing forward to the new skills =)
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Old 07-21-2009 , 08:02   Re: Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation v2.35.3
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1. XP defuse: As I said. I can't replay this issue. I had tested it on your server but it never happens... I have to wait until I get my own root where I can test this stuff.

2. Spawnprotection: Here the same. Have to do some tests
which I can only do with the new hardware.

3. Invisible when you shoot: That's isn't a bug.

4. Flash bug: If I find the time, I try to fix that.

5. amx_givexp: hmm had you edited the xp_table?

6. Repair, Mend and Dispell: Should be how you said. I will take a look on it.

7. Radio activation: I've never noticed that.
Maybe you have something bind on your buttons?
The Shopmenu does nothing with the Radio...

Thank you for the bugs and the feedback.
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