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FF2 Model problems..

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Join Date: Jul 2017
Old 09-21-2018 , 10:28   Model problems..
Reply With Quote #1

So i had a friend help me apply tf2 weapons on a model on blender aka putting ambassadors on a model attaching bones etc

so after i tested the model, the model goes invisible when im far away and its visible when im close to the model, any help please? thanks alot.

video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y4592vnzdq...32.01.mp4?dl=0
Sadao is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2015
Old 09-21-2018 , 13:24   Re: Model problems..
Reply With Quote #2

AnubisTF2 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Old 09-22-2018 , 03:32   Re: Model problems..
Reply With Quote #3

Originally Posted by AnubisTF2 View Post
Sadao is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: Oct 2014
Old 09-22-2018 , 04:15   Re: Model problems..
Reply With Quote #4

I guess, it's textures issues + you have too many rubbish in .qc file

HTML Code:
// Created by Crowbar 0.54

$modelname "freak_fortress_2/mlgspyv3/spy.mdl"

$model "spy" "spy_morphs_low.smd" {

	eyeball "eye_right" "bip_head" -1.137032 78.352480 1.565744 "eyeball_r" 1.4 4 "iris_unused" 0.6
	eyeball "eye_left" "bip_head" 1.137032 78.352480 1.565744 "eyeball_l" 1.4 -4 "iris_unused" 0.6

	flexfile "spy_01.vta" 
		defaultflex frame 0
		flexpair "CloseLidLo" 1 frame 1
		flexpair "CloseLidUp" 1 frame 2
		flex "WQ" frame 3
		flex "OO" frame 4
		flex "MB" frame 5
		flex "SH" frame 6
		flex "Y" frame 7
		flex "FV" frame 8
		flex "AH" frame 9
		flex "AE" frame 10
		flex "UH" frame 11
		flex "AW" frame 12
		flex "EE" frame 13
		flex "PP" frame 14
		flex "OH" frame 15
		flex "TH" frame 16
		flex "T" frame 17
		flex "ER" frame 18
		flex "DS" frame 19
		flex "GK" frame 20
		flex "N" frame 21
		flex "silence" frame 22
		flex "happySmall" frame 23
		flex "madUpper" frame 24
		flex "specialAction01Upper" frame 25
		flex "defaultFaceUpper" frame 26
		flex "scaredUpper" frame 27
		flex "painBigUpper" frame 28
		flex "painSmallUpper" frame 29
		flex "happyBigUpper" frame 30
		flex "happySmallUpper" frame 31
		flex "specialAction01" frame 32
		flex "defaultFace" frame 33
		flex "scared" frame 34
		flex "mad" frame 35
		flex "painBig" frame 36
		flex "painSmall" frame 37
		flex "happyBig" frame 38
		flex "Smile01" frame 39
		flex "Smile02" frame 40

	flexcontroller right_CloseLid range -1 1 "right_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller left_CloseLid range -1 1 "left_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller multi_CloseLid range -1 1 "multi_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller blink range 0 1 "blink"
	flexcontroller happySmall range 0 1 "happySmall"
	flexcontroller mad range 0 1 "mad"
	flexcontroller happyBigUpper range 0 1 "happyBigUpper"
	flexcontroller OH range 0 1 "OH"
	flexcontroller Smile02 range 0 1 "Smile02"
	flexcontroller painSmall range 0 1 "painSmall"
	flexcontroller GK range 0 1 "GK"
	flexcontroller TH range 0 1 "TH"
	flexcontroller Smile01 range 0 1 "Smile01"
	flexcontroller painBig range 0 1 "painBig"
	flexcontroller DS range 0 1 "DS"
	flexcontroller silence range 0 1 "silence"
	flexcontroller defaultFace range 0 1 "defaultFace"
	flexcontroller specialAction01 range 0 1 "specialAction01"
	flexcontroller happySmallUpper range 0 1 "happySmallUpper"
	flexcontroller madUpper range 0 1 "madUpper"
	flexcontroller N range 0 1 "N"
	flexcontroller painSmallUpper range 0 1 "painSmallUpper"
	flexcontroller T range 0 1 "T"
	flexcontroller ER range 0 1 "ER"
	flexcontroller scaredUpper range 0 1 "scaredUpper"
	flexcontroller painBigUpper range 0 1 "painBigUpper"
	flexcontroller scared range 0 1 "scared"
	flexcontroller happyBig range 0 1 "happyBig"
	flexcontroller specialAction01Upper range 0 1 "specialAction01Upper"
	flexcontroller defaultFaceUpper range 0 1 "defaultFaceUpper"
	flexcontroller WQ range 0 1 "WQ"
	flexcontroller OO range 0 1 "OO"
	flexcontroller MB range 0 1 "MB"
	flexcontroller SH range 0 1 "SH"
	flexcontroller Y range 0 1 "Y"
	flexcontroller FV range 0 1 "FV"
	flexcontroller AH range 0 1 "AH"
	flexcontroller AE range 0 1 "AE"
	flexcontroller UH range 0 1 "UH"
	flexcontroller AW range 0 1 "AW"
	flexcontroller EE range 0 1 "EE"
	flexcontroller PP range 0 1 "PP"
	flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 "eyes_updown"
	flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 "eyes_rightleft"

	%CloseLidLoL = min(1, (1 - -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * (1 - min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)) * min(max(((left_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidLoR = min(1, (1 - -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * (1 - min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)) * min(max(((right_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidUpL = min(1, (1 + -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1) * min(max(((left_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidUpR = min(1, (1 + -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1) * min(max(((right_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%WQ = WQ
	%OO = OO
	%MB = MB
	%SH = SH
	%Y = Y
	%FV = FV
	%AH = AH
	%AE = AE
	%UH = UH
	%AW = AW
	%EE = EE
	%PP = PP
	%OH = OH
	%TH = TH
	%T = T
	%ER = ER
	%DS = DS
	%GK = GK
	%N = N
	%silence = silence
	%happySmall = happySmall
	%madUpper = madUpper
	%specialAction01Upper = specialAction01Upper
	%defaultFaceUpper = defaultFaceUpper
	%scaredUpper = scaredUpper
	%painBigUpper = painBigUpper
	%painSmallUpper = painSmallUpper
	%happyBigUpper = happyBigUpper
	%happySmallUpper = happySmallUpper
	%specialAction01 = specialAction01
	%defaultFace = defaultFace
	%scared = scared
	%mad = mad
	%painBig = painBig
	%painSmall = painSmall
	%happyBig = happyBig
	%Smile01 = Smile01
	%Smile02 = Smile02
$bodygroup "spyMask"
	studio "spy_mask.smd"
$bodygroup "default"
	studio "spy_jul13_fedora_spy.smd"
$bodygroup "default"
	studio "spy_jul13_sweet_shades_spy.smd"
$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "spy_c_ambassador_reference.smd"
$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "spy_c_ambassador_reference_lod1.smd"

$surfaceprop "flesh"

$jointsurfaceprop "bip_head" "no_decal"
$jointsurfaceprop "prp_cig" "no_decal"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.317 40.321 1.262

$eyeposition 0 78.222 0

$cdmaterials "freak_fortress_2\mlgspy\"
$cdmaterials "\..\..\effects\"
$cdmaterials "\..\..\effects\"
$cdmaterials "models\player\spy\"
$cdmaterials "models\workshop\player\items\all_class\jul13_fedora\"
$cdmaterials "models\workshop\player\items\all_class\jul13_sweet_shades\"
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\c_models\c_ambassador\"
$cdmaterials ""

$texturegroup "skinfamilies"
	{ "spy_head_blue"       "eyeball_l"     "eyeball_r"     "spy_blue"       "mask_spy"             "jul13_fedora"         "jul13_sweet_shades_1" "jul13_sweet_shades"   "c_ambassador_gold"    }
	{ "spy_head_blue"       "eyeball_l"     "eyeball_r"     "spy_blue"       "mask_spy"             "jul13_fedora"         "jul13_sweet_shades_1" "jul13_sweet_shades"   "c_ambassador_gold"    }
	{ "spy_head_blue_invun" "eyeball_invun" "eyeball_invun" "spy_blue_invun" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" }
	{ "spy_head_blue_invun" "eyeball_invun" "eyeball_invun" "spy_blue_invun" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" }

$attachment "eyes" "bip_head" 0 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "righteye" "bip_head" -1.14 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "lefteye" "bip_head" 1.14 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "cig_eject" "bip_pelvis" 2 -29 -17 rotate -20 -100 -90
$attachment "back_lower" "bip_spine_0" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "foot_L" "bip_foot_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "foot_R" "bip_foot_R" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "partyhat" "bip_head" 0 -6.88 -1 rotate 89 93 180
$attachment "cig_smoke" "prp_cig" 0 -2.13 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "head" "bip_head" 0 -9.08 0 rotate 88.95 90 -180
$attachment "eyeglow_L" "bip_head" 1.22 -2.63 -5.89 rotate 65 0 90
$attachment "eyeglow_R" "bip_head" -1.22 -2.63 -5.89 rotate 65 180 -90
$attachment "weapon_bone_L" "weapon_bone_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "effect_hand_L" "effect_hand_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone" "weapon_bone" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_1" "weapon_bone_1" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_2" "weapon_bone_2" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_3" "weapon_bone_3" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "effect_hand_R" "effect_hand_R" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "flag" "bip_spine_2" 0 -1.39 8.95 rotate -0.08 2.96 1.49
$attachment "prop_bone" "prop_bone" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_1" "prop_bone_1" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_2" "prop_bone_2" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_3" "prop_bone_3" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
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$attachment "prop_bone_5" "prop_bone_5" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_6" "prop_bone_6" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -9.123 -24.289 -3.261 12.484 24.289 83.441

$poseparameter "body_pitch" -45 45 loop 360
$poseparameter "body_yaw" -45 45 loop 360

$ikchain "rhand" "bip_hand_R" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "lhand" "bip_hand_L" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "rfoot" "bip_foot_R" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "lfoot" "bip_foot_L" knee 0 0 0

$weightlist "weights_user_ref" {
	 "bip_pelvis" 0
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	 "hlp_suitArmpitBack_R" 0
	 "hlp_thigh_L" 0
	 "hlp_thigh_R" 0
	 "prp_coat_front_0_L" 0
	 "prp_coat_front_0_R" 0
	 "prp_coat_back_0_L" 0
	 "prp_coat_back_0_R" 0
	 "bip_thumb_0_L" 0
	 "bip_thumb_0_R" 0
	 "bip_index_0_L" 0
	 "bip_index_0_R" 0
	 "bip_middle_0_L" 0
	 "bip_middle_0_R" 0
	 "bip_ring_0_L" 0
	 "bip_ring_0_R" 0
	 "bip_pinky_0_L" 0
	 "bip_pinky_0_R" 0
	 "bip_thumb_1_L" 0
	 "bip_thumb_1_R" 0
	 "bip_index_1_L" 0
	 "bip_index_1_R" 0
	 "bip_middle_1_L" 0
	 "bip_middle_1_R" 0
	 "bip_ring_1_L" 0
	 "bip_ring_1_R" 0
	 "bip_pinky_1_L" 0
	 "bip_pinky_1_R" 0
	 "bip_thumb_2_L" 0
	 "bip_thumb_2_R" 0
	 "bip_index_2_L" 0
	 "bip_index_2_R" 0
	 "bip_middle_2_L" 0
	 "bip_middle_2_R" 0
	 "bip_ring_2_L" 0
	 "bip_ring_2_R" 0
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	 "bip_pinky_2_R" 0
	 "prop_bone" 0
	 "prop_bone_1" 0
	 "prop_bone_2" 0
	 "prop_bone_3" 0
	 "prop_bone_4" 0
	 "prop_bone_5" 0
	 "prop_bone_6" 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$sequence "ragdoll" {
	activity "ACT_DIERAGDOLL" 1
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$declaresequence "user_ref"

$declaresequence "test_swingBlend"

$declaresequence "ragdollspawn"

$declaresequence "r_handposes"

$declaresequence "r_armposes"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "AttackStand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "AttackCrouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "AttackSwim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_standing_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_crouching_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_swimming_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_airwalk_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadStand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadCrouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadSwim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadAirwalk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_flinch01"

$declaresequence "layer_placeSapper_ArmL"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_placeSapper"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Overhand_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_Crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_Item1_Overhand_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Item1_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "Item1_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_Swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "layer_a_placeSapper_ArmL"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_placeSapper"

$declaresequence "stand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "stand_MELEE"

$declaresequence "stand_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "stand_LOSER"

$declaresequence "stand_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "stand_PDA"

$declaresequence "stand_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "crouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "crouch_MELEE"

$declaresequence "crouch_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "crouch_LOSER"

$declaresequence "crouch_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "crouch_PDA"

$declaresequence "crouch_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "jumpland_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_MELEE"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_MELEE"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_MELEE"

$declaresequence "jumpland_MELEE"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "jumpland_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_LOSER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_LOSER"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_LOSER"

$declaresequence "jumpland_LOSER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "jumpland_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_PDA"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_PDA"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_PDA"

$declaresequence "jumpland_PDA"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "jumpland_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "swim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_MELEE"

$declaresequence "swim_MELEE"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "swim_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "swim_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_PDA"

$declaresequence "swim_PDA"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "swim_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_LOSER"

$declaresequence "swim_LOSER"

$declaresequence "run_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "run_MELEE"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_MELEE"

$declaresequence "run_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "run_LOSER"

$declaresequence "run_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "run_PDA"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runS_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runSE_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runSW_PDA"

$declaresequence "run_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "airwalk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "airwalk_MELEE"

$declaresequence "airwalk_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "airwalk_LOSER"

$declaresequence "airwalk_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "airwalk_PDA"

$declaresequence "airwalk_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_help_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_positive"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_cheer_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_help_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_help_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_positive_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_positive"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_cheer_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_help_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_help_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_positive_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_positive"

$declaresequence "secondary_taunt"

$declaresequence "taunt01"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt03"

$declaresequence "taunt03"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt04"

$declaresequence "taunt04"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt05"

$declaresequence "taunt05"

$declaresequence "taunt06"

$declaresequence "spy_replay_taunt"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_laugh"

$declaresequence "taunt_laugh"

$declaresequence "layer_dieviolent"

$declaresequence "dieviolent"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendinterior"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendin"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendout"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendinblend"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendoutblend"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegend"

$declaresequence "taunt_dosido_dance"

$declaresequence "taunt_dosido_intro"

$declaresequence "taunt_hifiveSuccess"

$declaresequence "taunt_hifiveSuccessFull"

$declaresequence "taunt_highFiveStart"

$declaresequence "spy_taunt_replay"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_buy_a_life"

$declaresequence "taunt_buy_a_life"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_Stun_begin"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_stun_middle"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_Stun_end"

$declaresequence "primary_death_headshot"

$declaresequence "primary_death_backstab"

$declaresequence "primary_death_burning"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_Stun_begin"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_stun_middle"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_stun_end"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_StartPose"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_Anim01"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_Idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_throw_fire"

$declaresequence "throw_fire"

$declaresequence "taunt_conga"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_dosido_dance"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_dosido_intro"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_flip_success_initiator"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_success_initiator"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_flip_success_receiver"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_success_receiver"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_headbutt_start"

$declaresequence "taunt_headbutt_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_headbutt_success"

$declaresequence "taunt_headbutt_success"

$includemodel "player/spy_user_animations.mdl"
$includemodel "player/spy_animations.mdl"
$includemodel "workshop/player/animations/spy_workshop_animations.mdl"

$collisionjoints "spy_physics.smd"
	$mass 100
	$inertia 10
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 4
	$rootbone "bip_pelvis"

	$jointmassbias "bip_pelvis" 1.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_pelvis" 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hip_L" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" x limit -12 12 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" y limit -45 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" z limit -10 30 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hip_R" 1.5
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" x limit -6 6 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" y limit -45 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" z limit -30 10 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_knee_L" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_knee_L" 3
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" z limit -90 6 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_knee_R" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_knee_R" 3
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" z limit -6 90 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_foot_L" 0.8
	$jointrotdamping "bip_foot_L" 7
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" x limit -20 55 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" y limit -19 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" z limit -17 24 0

	$jointrotdamping "bip_spine_0" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" x limit -30 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" y limit -16 16 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" z limit -15 15 0

	$jointrotdamping "bip_spine_2" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" x limit -30 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" y limit -16 16 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" z limit -15 15 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_upperArm_R" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_upperArm_R" 16
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" x limit -50 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" y limit -60 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" z limit -65 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_upperArm_L" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_upperArm_L" 16
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" x limit -35 35 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" y limit -60 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" z limit -65 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_lowerArm_L" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" z limit -45 75 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hand_L" 0.6
	$jointrotdamping "bip_hand_L" 8
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" x limit -30 37 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" y limit -25 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" z limit -20 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_lowerArm_R" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" z limit -45 75 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_neck" 0.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_neck" 9
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" x limit -25 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" y limit -10 10 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" z limit -12 12 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hand_R" 0.6
	$jointrotdamping "bip_hand_R" 8
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" x limit -37 30 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" y limit -25 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" z limit -35 20 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_head" 1.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_head" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" x limit -20 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" y limit -20 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" z limit -12 12 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_foot_R" 0.8
	$jointrotdamping "bip_foot_R" 7
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" x limit -20 55 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" y limit -19 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" z limit -17 24 0
	$jointcollide "bip_upperArm_L" "bip_spine_2"

		"model" "player\gibs\spygib007"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib001"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib003"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib006"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\random_organ"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib002"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib004"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib005"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
I have deleted lods, shadow lod, definebone and bonemerge

Last edited by Maximilian_; 09-22-2018 at 04:16.
Maximilian_ is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Old 09-22-2018 , 05:16   Re: Model problems..
Reply With Quote #5

Originally Posted by Maximilian_ View Post
I guess, it's textures issues + you have too many rubbish in .qc file

HTML Code:
// Created by Crowbar 0.54

$modelname "freak_fortress_2/mlgspyv3/spy.mdl"

$model "spy" "spy_morphs_low.smd" {

	eyeball "eye_right" "bip_head" -1.137032 78.352480 1.565744 "eyeball_r" 1.4 4 "iris_unused" 0.6
	eyeball "eye_left" "bip_head" 1.137032 78.352480 1.565744 "eyeball_l" 1.4 -4 "iris_unused" 0.6

	flexfile "spy_01.vta" 
		defaultflex frame 0
		flexpair "CloseLidLo" 1 frame 1
		flexpair "CloseLidUp" 1 frame 2
		flex "WQ" frame 3
		flex "OO" frame 4
		flex "MB" frame 5
		flex "SH" frame 6
		flex "Y" frame 7
		flex "FV" frame 8
		flex "AH" frame 9
		flex "AE" frame 10
		flex "UH" frame 11
		flex "AW" frame 12
		flex "EE" frame 13
		flex "PP" frame 14
		flex "OH" frame 15
		flex "TH" frame 16
		flex "T" frame 17
		flex "ER" frame 18
		flex "DS" frame 19
		flex "GK" frame 20
		flex "N" frame 21
		flex "silence" frame 22
		flex "happySmall" frame 23
		flex "madUpper" frame 24
		flex "specialAction01Upper" frame 25
		flex "defaultFaceUpper" frame 26
		flex "scaredUpper" frame 27
		flex "painBigUpper" frame 28
		flex "painSmallUpper" frame 29
		flex "happyBigUpper" frame 30
		flex "happySmallUpper" frame 31
		flex "specialAction01" frame 32
		flex "defaultFace" frame 33
		flex "scared" frame 34
		flex "mad" frame 35
		flex "painBig" frame 36
		flex "painSmall" frame 37
		flex "happyBig" frame 38
		flex "Smile01" frame 39
		flex "Smile02" frame 40

	flexcontroller right_CloseLid range -1 1 "right_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller left_CloseLid range -1 1 "left_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller multi_CloseLid range -1 1 "multi_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller blink range 0 1 "blink"
	flexcontroller happySmall range 0 1 "happySmall"
	flexcontroller mad range 0 1 "mad"
	flexcontroller happyBigUpper range 0 1 "happyBigUpper"
	flexcontroller OH range 0 1 "OH"
	flexcontroller Smile02 range 0 1 "Smile02"
	flexcontroller painSmall range 0 1 "painSmall"
	flexcontroller GK range 0 1 "GK"
	flexcontroller TH range 0 1 "TH"
	flexcontroller Smile01 range 0 1 "Smile01"
	flexcontroller painBig range 0 1 "painBig"
	flexcontroller DS range 0 1 "DS"
	flexcontroller silence range 0 1 "silence"
	flexcontroller defaultFace range 0 1 "defaultFace"
	flexcontroller specialAction01 range 0 1 "specialAction01"
	flexcontroller happySmallUpper range 0 1 "happySmallUpper"
	flexcontroller madUpper range 0 1 "madUpper"
	flexcontroller N range 0 1 "N"
	flexcontroller painSmallUpper range 0 1 "painSmallUpper"
	flexcontroller T range 0 1 "T"
	flexcontroller ER range 0 1 "ER"
	flexcontroller scaredUpper range 0 1 "scaredUpper"
	flexcontroller painBigUpper range 0 1 "painBigUpper"
	flexcontroller scared range 0 1 "scared"
	flexcontroller happyBig range 0 1 "happyBig"
	flexcontroller specialAction01Upper range 0 1 "specialAction01Upper"
	flexcontroller defaultFaceUpper range 0 1 "defaultFaceUpper"
	flexcontroller WQ range 0 1 "WQ"
	flexcontroller OO range 0 1 "OO"
	flexcontroller MB range 0 1 "MB"
	flexcontroller SH range 0 1 "SH"
	flexcontroller Y range 0 1 "Y"
	flexcontroller FV range 0 1 "FV"
	flexcontroller AH range 0 1 "AH"
	flexcontroller AE range 0 1 "AE"
	flexcontroller UH range 0 1 "UH"
	flexcontroller AW range 0 1 "AW"
	flexcontroller EE range 0 1 "EE"
	flexcontroller PP range 0 1 "PP"
	flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 "eyes_updown"
	flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 "eyes_rightleft"

	%CloseLidLoL = min(1, (1 - -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * (1 - min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)) * min(max(((left_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidLoR = min(1, (1 - -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * (1 - min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)) * min(max(((right_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidUpL = min(1, (1 + -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1) * min(max(((left_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidUpR = min(1, (1 + -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1) * min(max(((right_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%WQ = WQ
	%OO = OO
	%MB = MB
	%SH = SH
	%Y = Y
	%FV = FV
	%AH = AH
	%AE = AE
	%UH = UH
	%AW = AW
	%EE = EE
	%PP = PP
	%OH = OH
	%TH = TH
	%T = T
	%ER = ER
	%DS = DS
	%GK = GK
	%N = N
	%silence = silence
	%happySmall = happySmall
	%madUpper = madUpper
	%specialAction01Upper = specialAction01Upper
	%defaultFaceUpper = defaultFaceUpper
	%scaredUpper = scaredUpper
	%painBigUpper = painBigUpper
	%painSmallUpper = painSmallUpper
	%happyBigUpper = happyBigUpper
	%happySmallUpper = happySmallUpper
	%specialAction01 = specialAction01
	%defaultFace = defaultFace
	%scared = scared
	%mad = mad
	%painBig = painBig
	%painSmall = painSmall
	%happyBig = happyBig
	%Smile01 = Smile01
	%Smile02 = Smile02
$bodygroup "spyMask"
	studio "spy_mask.smd"
$bodygroup "default"
	studio "spy_jul13_fedora_spy.smd"
$bodygroup "default"
	studio "spy_jul13_sweet_shades_spy.smd"
$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "spy_c_ambassador_reference.smd"
$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "spy_c_ambassador_reference_lod1.smd"

$surfaceprop "flesh"

$jointsurfaceprop "bip_head" "no_decal"
$jointsurfaceprop "prp_cig" "no_decal"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.317 40.321 1.262

$eyeposition 0 78.222 0

$cdmaterials "freak_fortress_2\mlgspy\"
$cdmaterials "\..\..\effects\"
$cdmaterials "\..\..\effects\"
$cdmaterials "models\player\spy\"
$cdmaterials "models\workshop\player\items\all_class\jul13_fedora\"
$cdmaterials "models\workshop\player\items\all_class\jul13_sweet_shades\"
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\c_models\c_ambassador\"
$cdmaterials ""

$texturegroup "skinfamilies"
	{ "spy_head_blue"       "eyeball_l"     "eyeball_r"     "spy_blue"       "mask_spy"             "jul13_fedora"         "jul13_sweet_shades_1" "jul13_sweet_shades"   "c_ambassador_gold"    }
	{ "spy_head_blue"       "eyeball_l"     "eyeball_r"     "spy_blue"       "mask_spy"             "jul13_fedora"         "jul13_sweet_shades_1" "jul13_sweet_shades"   "c_ambassador_gold"    }
	{ "spy_head_blue_invun" "eyeball_invun" "eyeball_invun" "spy_blue_invun" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" }
	{ "spy_head_blue_invun" "eyeball_invun" "eyeball_invun" "spy_blue_invun" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" }

$attachment "eyes" "bip_head" 0 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "righteye" "bip_head" -1.14 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "lefteye" "bip_head" 1.14 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "cig_eject" "bip_pelvis" 2 -29 -17 rotate -20 -100 -90
$attachment "back_lower" "bip_spine_0" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "foot_L" "bip_foot_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "foot_R" "bip_foot_R" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "partyhat" "bip_head" 0 -6.88 -1 rotate 89 93 180
$attachment "cig_smoke" "prp_cig" 0 -2.13 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "head" "bip_head" 0 -9.08 0 rotate 88.95 90 -180
$attachment "eyeglow_L" "bip_head" 1.22 -2.63 -5.89 rotate 65 0 90
$attachment "eyeglow_R" "bip_head" -1.22 -2.63 -5.89 rotate 65 180 -90
$attachment "weapon_bone_L" "weapon_bone_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "effect_hand_L" "effect_hand_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone" "weapon_bone" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_1" "weapon_bone_1" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_2" "weapon_bone_2" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_3" "weapon_bone_3" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "effect_hand_R" "effect_hand_R" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "flag" "bip_spine_2" 0 -1.39 8.95 rotate -0.08 2.96 1.49
$attachment "prop_bone" "prop_bone" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_1" "prop_bone_1" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_2" "prop_bone_2" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_3" "prop_bone_3" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_4" "prop_bone_4" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_5" "prop_bone_5" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_6" "prop_bone_6" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -9.123 -24.289 -3.261 12.484 24.289 83.441

$poseparameter "body_pitch" -45 45 loop 360
$poseparameter "body_yaw" -45 45 loop 360

$ikchain "rhand" "bip_hand_R" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "lhand" "bip_hand_L" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "rfoot" "bip_foot_R" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "lfoot" "bip_foot_L" knee 0 0 0

$weightlist "weights_user_ref" {
	 "bip_pelvis" 0
	 "bip_spine_0" 0
	 "bip_spine_1" 0
	 "bip_spine_2" 0
	 "bip_spine_3" 0
	 "bip_neck" 0
	 "bip_head" 0
	 "prp_cig" 0
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	 "bip_collar_R" 0
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	 "bip_lowerArm_R" 0
	 "bip_hand_L" 0
	 "bip_hand_R" 0
	 "bip_hip_L" 0
	 "bip_hip_R" 0
	 "bip_knee_L" 0
	 "bip_knee_R" 0
	 "bip_foot_L" 0
	 "bip_foot_R" 0
	 "weapon_bone" 0
	 "weapon_bone_1" 0
	 "weapon_bone_2" 0
	 "weapon_bone_3" 0
	 "weapon_bone_L" 0
	 "medal_bone" 0
	 "mvm" 0
	 "effect_hand_L" 0
	 "effect_hand_R" 0
	 "bip_toe_L" 0
	 "bip_toe_R" 0
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	 "prp_wristInner_R" 0
	 "prp_wristOuter_L" 0
	 "prp_wristOuter_R" 0
	 "hlp_suitArmTop_L" 0
	 "hlp_suitArmTop_R" 0
	 "hlp_suitArmpitBack_L" 0
	 "hlp_suitArmpitBack_R" 0
	 "hlp_thigh_L" 0
	 "hlp_thigh_R" 0
	 "prp_coat_front_0_L" 0
	 "prp_coat_front_0_R" 0
	 "prp_coat_back_0_L" 0
	 "prp_coat_back_0_R" 0
	 "bip_thumb_0_L" 0
	 "bip_thumb_0_R" 0
	 "bip_index_0_L" 0
	 "bip_index_0_R" 0
	 "bip_middle_0_L" 0
	 "bip_middle_0_R" 0
	 "bip_ring_0_L" 0
	 "bip_ring_0_R" 0
	 "bip_pinky_0_L" 0
	 "bip_pinky_0_R" 0
	 "bip_thumb_1_L" 0
	 "bip_thumb_1_R" 0
	 "bip_index_1_L" 0
	 "bip_index_1_R" 0
	 "bip_middle_1_L" 0
	 "bip_middle_1_R" 0
	 "bip_ring_1_L" 0
	 "bip_ring_1_R" 0
	 "bip_pinky_1_L" 0
	 "bip_pinky_1_R" 0
	 "bip_thumb_2_L" 0
	 "bip_thumb_2_R" 0
	 "bip_index_2_L" 0
	 "bip_index_2_R" 0
	 "bip_middle_2_L" 0
	 "bip_middle_2_R" 0
	 "bip_ring_2_L" 0
	 "bip_ring_2_R" 0
	 "bip_pinky_2_L" 0
	 "bip_pinky_2_R" 0
	 "prop_bone" 0
	 "prop_bone_1" 0
	 "prop_bone_2" 0
	 "prop_bone_3" 0
	 "prop_bone_4" 0
	 "prop_bone_5" 0
	 "prop_bone_6" 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$sequence "ragdoll" {
	activity "ACT_DIERAGDOLL" 1
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$declaresequence "user_ref"

$declaresequence "test_swingBlend"

$declaresequence "ragdollspawn"

$declaresequence "r_handposes"

$declaresequence "r_armposes"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "AttackStand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "AttackCrouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "AttackSwim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_standing_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_crouching_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_swimming_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_airwalk_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadStand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadCrouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadSwim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadAirwalk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_flinch01"

$declaresequence "layer_placeSapper_ArmL"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_placeSapper"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Overhand_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_Crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_Item1_Overhand_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Item1_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "Item1_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_Swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "layer_a_placeSapper_ArmL"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_placeSapper"

$declaresequence "stand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "stand_MELEE"

$declaresequence "stand_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "stand_LOSER"

$declaresequence "stand_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "stand_PDA"

$declaresequence "stand_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "crouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "crouch_MELEE"

$declaresequence "crouch_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "crouch_LOSER"

$declaresequence "crouch_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "crouch_PDA"

$declaresequence "crouch_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "jumpland_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_MELEE"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_MELEE"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_MELEE"

$declaresequence "jumpland_MELEE"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "jumpland_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_LOSER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_LOSER"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_LOSER"

$declaresequence "jumpland_LOSER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "jumpland_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_PDA"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_PDA"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_PDA"

$declaresequence "jumpland_PDA"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "jumpland_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "swim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_MELEE"

$declaresequence "swim_MELEE"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "swim_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "swim_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_PDA"

$declaresequence "swim_PDA"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "swim_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_LOSER"

$declaresequence "swim_LOSER"

$declaresequence "run_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "run_MELEE"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_MELEE"

$declaresequence "run_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "run_LOSER"

$declaresequence "run_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "run_PDA"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runS_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runSE_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runSW_PDA"

$declaresequence "run_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "airwalk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "airwalk_MELEE"

$declaresequence "airwalk_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "airwalk_LOSER"

$declaresequence "airwalk_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "airwalk_PDA"

$declaresequence "airwalk_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_help_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_positive"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_cheer_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_help_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_help_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_positive_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_positive"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_cheer_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_help_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_help_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_positive_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_positive"

$declaresequence "secondary_taunt"

$declaresequence "taunt01"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt03"

$declaresequence "taunt03"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt04"

$declaresequence "taunt04"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt05"

$declaresequence "taunt05"

$declaresequence "taunt06"

$declaresequence "spy_replay_taunt"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_laugh"

$declaresequence "taunt_laugh"

$declaresequence "layer_dieviolent"

$declaresequence "dieviolent"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendinterior"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendin"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendout"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendinblend"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendoutblend"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegend"

$declaresequence "taunt_dosido_dance"

$declaresequence "taunt_dosido_intro"

$declaresequence "taunt_hifiveSuccess"

$declaresequence "taunt_hifiveSuccessFull"

$declaresequence "taunt_highFiveStart"

$declaresequence "spy_taunt_replay"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_buy_a_life"

$declaresequence "taunt_buy_a_life"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_Stun_begin"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_stun_middle"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_Stun_end"

$declaresequence "primary_death_headshot"

$declaresequence "primary_death_backstab"

$declaresequence "primary_death_burning"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_Stun_begin"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_stun_middle"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_stun_end"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_StartPose"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_Anim01"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_Idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_throw_fire"

$declaresequence "throw_fire"

$declaresequence "taunt_conga"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_dosido_dance"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_dosido_intro"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_flip_success_initiator"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_success_initiator"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_flip_success_receiver"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_success_receiver"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_headbutt_start"

$declaresequence "taunt_headbutt_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_headbutt_success"

$declaresequence "taunt_headbutt_success"

$includemodel "player/spy_user_animations.mdl"
$includemodel "player/spy_animations.mdl"
$includemodel "workshop/player/animations/spy_workshop_animations.mdl"

$collisionjoints "spy_physics.smd"
	$mass 100
	$inertia 10
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 4
	$rootbone "bip_pelvis"

	$jointmassbias "bip_pelvis" 1.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_pelvis" 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hip_L" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" x limit -12 12 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" y limit -45 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" z limit -10 30 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hip_R" 1.5
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" x limit -6 6 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" y limit -45 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" z limit -30 10 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_knee_L" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_knee_L" 3
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" z limit -90 6 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_knee_R" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_knee_R" 3
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" z limit -6 90 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_foot_L" 0.8
	$jointrotdamping "bip_foot_L" 7
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" x limit -20 55 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" y limit -19 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" z limit -17 24 0

	$jointrotdamping "bip_spine_0" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" x limit -30 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" y limit -16 16 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" z limit -15 15 0

	$jointrotdamping "bip_spine_2" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" x limit -30 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" y limit -16 16 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" z limit -15 15 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_upperArm_R" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_upperArm_R" 16
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" x limit -50 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" y limit -60 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" z limit -65 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_upperArm_L" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_upperArm_L" 16
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" x limit -35 35 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" y limit -60 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" z limit -65 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_lowerArm_L" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" z limit -45 75 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hand_L" 0.6
	$jointrotdamping "bip_hand_L" 8
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" x limit -30 37 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" y limit -25 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" z limit -20 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_lowerArm_R" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" z limit -45 75 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_neck" 0.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_neck" 9
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" x limit -25 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" y limit -10 10 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" z limit -12 12 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hand_R" 0.6
	$jointrotdamping "bip_hand_R" 8
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" x limit -37 30 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" y limit -25 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" z limit -35 20 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_head" 1.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_head" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" x limit -20 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" y limit -20 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" z limit -12 12 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_foot_R" 0.8
	$jointrotdamping "bip_foot_R" 7
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" x limit -20 55 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" y limit -19 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" z limit -17 24 0
	$jointcollide "bip_upperArm_L" "bip_spine_2"

		"model" "player\gibs\spygib007"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib001"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib003"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib006"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\random_organ"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib002"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib004"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib005"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
I have deleted lods, shadow lod, definebone and bonemerge
i don't think its texture issues, because ive been texturing alot of models lately and i had no problems with them expect for this one..

but i'll try this qc, and i will also wait for anubis if he can help me fix this one

EDIT: when i compile the .qc it gives me this error.

Compiling with Crowbar 0.54: "C:\Users\----\Desktop\MLG Spy V3\spy.qc" ...

Compiling ".\spy.qc" ...
Output from compiler "D:\steam games\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\studiomdl.exe":
qdir: "c:\users\----\desktop\mlg spy v3\"
gamedir: "D:\steam games\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\"
g_path: "spy.qc"
Building binary model files...
Working on "spy.qc"
SMD MODEL spy_morphs_low.smd
VTA MODEL spy_01.vta
SMD MODEL spy_mask.smd
SMD MODEL spy_jul13_fedora_spy.smd
SMD MODEL spy_jul13_sweet_shades_spy.smd
SMD MODEL spy_c_ambassador_reference.smd
SMD MODEL spy_c_ambassador_reference_lod1.smd
SMD MODEL spy_anims\ref.smd
SMD MODEL spy_anims\ragdoll.smd
SMD MODEL spy_physics.smd
ERROR: unknown bone reference 'medal_bone' in weightlist 'weights_user_ref'
ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'freak_fortress_2/mlgspyv3/spy.mdl'
Crowbar: Deleted empty temporary compile folder "D:\steam games\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\models"
... Compiling ".\spy.qc" finished. Check above for any errors.

... Compiling with Crowbar 0.54: "C:\Users\----\Desktop\MLG Spy V3\spy.qc" finished.

Last edited by Sadao; 09-22-2018 at 05:29.
Sadao is offline
Veteran Member
Join Date: Oct 2014
Old 09-22-2018 , 06:47   Re: Model problems..
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by Sadao View Post
i don't think its texture issues, because ive been texturing alot of models lately and i had no problems with them expect for this one..

but i'll try this qc, and i will also wait for anubis if he can help me fix this one

EDIT: when i compile the .qc it gives me this error.

Compiling with Crowbar 0.54: "C:\Users\----\Desktop\MLG Spy V3\spy.qc" ...

Compiling ".\spy.qc" ...
Output from compiler "D:\steam games\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\bin\studiomdl.exe":
qdir: "c:\users\----\desktop\mlg spy v3\"
gamedir: "D:\steam games\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\"
g_path: "spy.qc"
Building binary model files...
Working on "spy.qc"
SMD MODEL spy_morphs_low.smd
VTA MODEL spy_01.vta
SMD MODEL spy_mask.smd
SMD MODEL spy_jul13_fedora_spy.smd
SMD MODEL spy_jul13_sweet_shades_spy.smd
SMD MODEL spy_c_ambassador_reference.smd
SMD MODEL spy_c_ambassador_reference_lod1.smd
SMD MODEL spy_anims\ref.smd
SMD MODEL spy_anims\ragdoll.smd
SMD MODEL spy_physics.smd
ERROR: unknown bone reference 'medal_bone' in weightlist 'weights_user_ref'
ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'freak_fortress_2/mlgspyv3/spy.mdl'
Crowbar: Deleted empty temporary compile folder "D:\steam games\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\models"
... Compiling ".\spy.qc" finished. Check above for any errors.

... Compiling with Crowbar 0.54: "C:\Users\----\Desktop\MLG Spy V3\spy.qc" finished.
HTML Code:
// Created by Crowbar 0.54

$modelname "freak_fortress_2/mlgspyv3/spy.mdl"

$model "spy" "spy_morphs_low.smd" {

	eyeball "eye_right" "bip_head" -1.137032 78.352480 1.565744 "eyeball_r" 1.4 4 "iris_unused" 0.6
	eyeball "eye_left" "bip_head" 1.137032 78.352480 1.565744 "eyeball_l" 1.4 -4 "iris_unused" 0.6

	flexfile "spy_01.vta" 
		defaultflex frame 0
		flexpair "CloseLidLo" 1 frame 1
		flexpair "CloseLidUp" 1 frame 2
		flex "WQ" frame 3
		flex "OO" frame 4
		flex "MB" frame 5
		flex "SH" frame 6
		flex "Y" frame 7
		flex "FV" frame 8
		flex "AH" frame 9
		flex "AE" frame 10
		flex "UH" frame 11
		flex "AW" frame 12
		flex "EE" frame 13
		flex "PP" frame 14
		flex "OH" frame 15
		flex "TH" frame 16
		flex "T" frame 17
		flex "ER" frame 18
		flex "DS" frame 19
		flex "GK" frame 20
		flex "N" frame 21
		flex "silence" frame 22
		flex "happySmall" frame 23
		flex "madUpper" frame 24
		flex "specialAction01Upper" frame 25
		flex "defaultFaceUpper" frame 26
		flex "scaredUpper" frame 27
		flex "painBigUpper" frame 28
		flex "painSmallUpper" frame 29
		flex "happyBigUpper" frame 30
		flex "happySmallUpper" frame 31
		flex "specialAction01" frame 32
		flex "defaultFace" frame 33
		flex "scared" frame 34
		flex "mad" frame 35
		flex "painBig" frame 36
		flex "painSmall" frame 37
		flex "happyBig" frame 38
		flex "Smile01" frame 39
		flex "Smile02" frame 40

	flexcontroller right_CloseLid range -1 1 "right_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller left_CloseLid range -1 1 "left_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller multi_CloseLid range -1 1 "multi_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller blink range 0 1 "blink"
	flexcontroller happySmall range 0 1 "happySmall"
	flexcontroller mad range 0 1 "mad"
	flexcontroller happyBigUpper range 0 1 "happyBigUpper"
	flexcontroller OH range 0 1 "OH"
	flexcontroller Smile02 range 0 1 "Smile02"
	flexcontroller painSmall range 0 1 "painSmall"
	flexcontroller GK range 0 1 "GK"
	flexcontroller TH range 0 1 "TH"
	flexcontroller Smile01 range 0 1 "Smile01"
	flexcontroller painBig range 0 1 "painBig"
	flexcontroller DS range 0 1 "DS"
	flexcontroller silence range 0 1 "silence"
	flexcontroller defaultFace range 0 1 "defaultFace"
	flexcontroller specialAction01 range 0 1 "specialAction01"
	flexcontroller happySmallUpper range 0 1 "happySmallUpper"
	flexcontroller madUpper range 0 1 "madUpper"
	flexcontroller N range 0 1 "N"
	flexcontroller painSmallUpper range 0 1 "painSmallUpper"
	flexcontroller T range 0 1 "T"
	flexcontroller ER range 0 1 "ER"
	flexcontroller scaredUpper range 0 1 "scaredUpper"
	flexcontroller painBigUpper range 0 1 "painBigUpper"
	flexcontroller scared range 0 1 "scared"
	flexcontroller happyBig range 0 1 "happyBig"
	flexcontroller specialAction01Upper range 0 1 "specialAction01Upper"
	flexcontroller defaultFaceUpper range 0 1 "defaultFaceUpper"
	flexcontroller WQ range 0 1 "WQ"
	flexcontroller OO range 0 1 "OO"
	flexcontroller MB range 0 1 "MB"
	flexcontroller SH range 0 1 "SH"
	flexcontroller Y range 0 1 "Y"
	flexcontroller FV range 0 1 "FV"
	flexcontroller AH range 0 1 "AH"
	flexcontroller AE range 0 1 "AE"
	flexcontroller UH range 0 1 "UH"
	flexcontroller AW range 0 1 "AW"
	flexcontroller EE range 0 1 "EE"
	flexcontroller PP range 0 1 "PP"
	flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 "eyes_updown"
	flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 "eyes_rightleft"

	%CloseLidLoL = min(1, (1 - -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * (1 - min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)) * min(max(((left_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidLoR = min(1, (1 - -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * (1 - min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)) * min(max(((right_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidUpL = min(1, (1 + -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1) * min(max(((left_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidUpR = min(1, (1 + -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1) * min(max(((right_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%WQ = WQ
	%OO = OO
	%MB = MB
	%SH = SH
	%Y = Y
	%FV = FV
	%AH = AH
	%AE = AE
	%UH = UH
	%AW = AW
	%EE = EE
	%PP = PP
	%OH = OH
	%TH = TH
	%T = T
	%ER = ER
	%DS = DS
	%GK = GK
	%N = N
	%silence = silence
	%happySmall = happySmall
	%madUpper = madUpper
	%specialAction01Upper = specialAction01Upper
	%defaultFaceUpper = defaultFaceUpper
	%scaredUpper = scaredUpper
	%painBigUpper = painBigUpper
	%painSmallUpper = painSmallUpper
	%happyBigUpper = happyBigUpper
	%happySmallUpper = happySmallUpper
	%specialAction01 = specialAction01
	%defaultFace = defaultFace
	%scared = scared
	%mad = mad
	%painBig = painBig
	%painSmall = painSmall
	%happyBig = happyBig
	%Smile01 = Smile01
	%Smile02 = Smile02
$bodygroup "spyMask"
	studio "spy_mask.smd"
$bodygroup "default"
	studio "spy_jul13_fedora_spy.smd"
$bodygroup "default"
	studio "spy_jul13_sweet_shades_spy.smd"
$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "spy_c_ambassador_reference.smd"
$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "spy_c_ambassador_reference_lod1.smd"

$surfaceprop "flesh"

$jointsurfaceprop "bip_head" "no_decal"
$jointsurfaceprop "prp_cig" "no_decal"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.317 40.321 1.262

$eyeposition 0 78.222 0

$cdmaterials "freak_fortress_2\mlgspy\"
$cdmaterials "\..\..\effects\"
$cdmaterials "\..\..\effects\"
$cdmaterials "models\player\spy\"
$cdmaterials "models\workshop\player\items\all_class\jul13_fedora\"
$cdmaterials "models\workshop\player\items\all_class\jul13_sweet_shades\"
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\c_models\c_ambassador\"
$cdmaterials ""

$texturegroup "skinfamilies"
	{ "spy_head_blue"       "eyeball_l"     "eyeball_r"     "spy_blue"       "mask_spy"             "jul13_fedora"         "jul13_sweet_shades_1" "jul13_sweet_shades"   "c_ambassador_gold"    }
	{ "spy_head_blue"       "eyeball_l"     "eyeball_r"     "spy_blue"       "mask_spy"             "jul13_fedora"         "jul13_sweet_shades_1" "jul13_sweet_shades"   "c_ambassador_gold"    }
	{ "spy_head_blue_invun" "eyeball_invun" "eyeball_invun" "spy_blue_invun" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" }
	{ "spy_head_blue_invun" "eyeball_invun" "eyeball_invun" "spy_blue_invun" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" }

$attachment "eyes" "bip_head" 0 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "righteye" "bip_head" -1.14 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "lefteye" "bip_head" 1.14 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "cig_eject" "bip_pelvis" 2 -29 -17 rotate -20 -100 -90
$attachment "back_lower" "bip_spine_0" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "foot_L" "bip_foot_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "foot_R" "bip_foot_R" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "partyhat" "bip_head" 0 -6.88 -1 rotate 89 93 180
$attachment "cig_smoke" "prp_cig" 0 -2.13 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "head" "bip_head" 0 -9.08 0 rotate 88.95 90 -180
$attachment "eyeglow_L" "bip_head" 1.22 -2.63 -5.89 rotate 65 0 90
$attachment "eyeglow_R" "bip_head" -1.22 -2.63 -5.89 rotate 65 180 -90
$attachment "weapon_bone_L" "weapon_bone_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "effect_hand_L" "effect_hand_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone" "weapon_bone" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_1" "weapon_bone_1" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_2" "weapon_bone_2" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_3" "weapon_bone_3" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "effect_hand_R" "effect_hand_R" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "flag" "bip_spine_2" 0 -1.39 8.95 rotate -0.08 2.96 1.49
$attachment "prop_bone" "prop_bone" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_1" "prop_bone_1" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_2" "prop_bone_2" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_3" "prop_bone_3" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_4" "prop_bone_4" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_5" "prop_bone_5" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_6" "prop_bone_6" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -9.123 -24.289 -3.261 12.484 24.289 83.441

$poseparameter "body_pitch" -45 45 loop 360
$poseparameter "body_yaw" -45 45 loop 360

$ikchain "rhand" "bip_hand_R" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "lhand" "bip_hand_L" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "rfoot" "bip_foot_R" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "lfoot" "bip_foot_L" knee 0 0 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$sequence "ragdoll" {
	activity "ACT_DIERAGDOLL" 1
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$declaresequence "user_ref"

$declaresequence "test_swingBlend"

$declaresequence "ragdollspawn"

$declaresequence "r_handposes"

$declaresequence "r_armposes"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "AttackStand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "AttackCrouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "AttackSwim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_standing_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_crouching_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_swimming_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_airwalk_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadStand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadCrouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadSwim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadAirwalk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_flinch01"

$declaresequence "layer_placeSapper_ArmL"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_placeSapper"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Overhand_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_Crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_Item1_Overhand_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Item1_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "Item1_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_Swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "layer_a_placeSapper_ArmL"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_placeSapper"

$declaresequence "stand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "stand_MELEE"

$declaresequence "stand_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "stand_LOSER"

$declaresequence "stand_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "stand_PDA"

$declaresequence "stand_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "crouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "crouch_MELEE"

$declaresequence "crouch_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "crouch_LOSER"

$declaresequence "crouch_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "crouch_PDA"

$declaresequence "crouch_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "jumpland_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_MELEE"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_MELEE"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_MELEE"

$declaresequence "jumpland_MELEE"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "jumpland_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_LOSER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_LOSER"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_LOSER"

$declaresequence "jumpland_LOSER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "jumpland_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_PDA"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_PDA"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_PDA"

$declaresequence "jumpland_PDA"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "jumpland_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "swim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_MELEE"

$declaresequence "swim_MELEE"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "swim_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "swim_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_PDA"

$declaresequence "swim_PDA"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "swim_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_LOSER"

$declaresequence "swim_LOSER"

$declaresequence "run_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "run_MELEE"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_MELEE"

$declaresequence "run_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "run_LOSER"

$declaresequence "run_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "run_PDA"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runS_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runSE_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runSW_PDA"

$declaresequence "run_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "airwalk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "airwalk_MELEE"

$declaresequence "airwalk_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "airwalk_LOSER"

$declaresequence "airwalk_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "airwalk_PDA"

$declaresequence "airwalk_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_help_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_positive"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_cheer_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_help_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_help_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_positive_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_positive"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_cheer_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_help_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_help_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_positive_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_positive"

$declaresequence "secondary_taunt"

$declaresequence "taunt01"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt03"

$declaresequence "taunt03"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt04"

$declaresequence "taunt04"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt05"

$declaresequence "taunt05"

$declaresequence "taunt06"

$declaresequence "spy_replay_taunt"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_laugh"

$declaresequence "taunt_laugh"

$declaresequence "layer_dieviolent"

$declaresequence "dieviolent"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendinterior"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendin"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendout"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendinblend"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendoutblend"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegend"

$declaresequence "taunt_dosido_dance"

$declaresequence "taunt_dosido_intro"

$declaresequence "taunt_hifiveSuccess"

$declaresequence "taunt_hifiveSuccessFull"

$declaresequence "taunt_highFiveStart"

$declaresequence "spy_taunt_replay"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_buy_a_life"

$declaresequence "taunt_buy_a_life"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_Stun_begin"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_stun_middle"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_Stun_end"

$declaresequence "primary_death_headshot"

$declaresequence "primary_death_backstab"

$declaresequence "primary_death_burning"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_Stun_begin"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_stun_middle"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_stun_end"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_StartPose"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_Anim01"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_Idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_throw_fire"

$declaresequence "throw_fire"

$declaresequence "taunt_conga"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_dosido_dance"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_dosido_intro"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_flip_success_initiator"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_success_initiator"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_flip_success_receiver"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_success_receiver"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_headbutt_start"

$declaresequence "taunt_headbutt_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_headbutt_success"

$declaresequence "taunt_headbutt_success"

$includemodel "player/spy_user_animations.mdl"
$includemodel "player/spy_animations.mdl"
$includemodel "workshop/player/animations/spy_workshop_animations.mdl"

$collisionjoints "spy_physics.smd"
	$mass 100
	$inertia 10
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 4
	$rootbone "bip_pelvis"

	$jointmassbias "bip_pelvis" 1.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_pelvis" 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hip_L" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" x limit -12 12 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" y limit -45 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" z limit -10 30 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hip_R" 1.5
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" x limit -6 6 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" y limit -45 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" z limit -30 10 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_knee_L" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_knee_L" 3
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" z limit -90 6 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_knee_R" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_knee_R" 3
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" z limit -6 90 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_foot_L" 0.8
	$jointrotdamping "bip_foot_L" 7
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" x limit -20 55 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" y limit -19 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" z limit -17 24 0

	$jointrotdamping "bip_spine_0" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" x limit -30 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" y limit -16 16 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" z limit -15 15 0

	$jointrotdamping "bip_spine_2" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" x limit -30 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" y limit -16 16 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" z limit -15 15 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_upperArm_R" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_upperArm_R" 16
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" x limit -50 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" y limit -60 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" z limit -65 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_upperArm_L" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_upperArm_L" 16
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" x limit -35 35 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" y limit -60 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" z limit -65 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_lowerArm_L" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" z limit -45 75 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hand_L" 0.6
	$jointrotdamping "bip_hand_L" 8
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" x limit -30 37 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" y limit -25 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" z limit -20 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_lowerArm_R" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" z limit -45 75 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_neck" 0.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_neck" 9
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" x limit -25 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" y limit -10 10 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" z limit -12 12 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hand_R" 0.6
	$jointrotdamping "bip_hand_R" 8
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" x limit -37 30 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" y limit -25 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" z limit -35 20 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_head" 1.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_head" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" x limit -20 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" y limit -20 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" z limit -12 12 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_foot_R" 0.8
	$jointrotdamping "bip_foot_R" 7
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" x limit -20 55 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" y limit -19 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" z limit -17 24 0
	$jointcollide "bip_upperArm_L" "bip_spine_2"

		"model" "player\gibs\spygib007"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib001"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib003"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib006"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\random_organ"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib002"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib004"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib005"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
Here, deleted Weightlists
Maximilian_ is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Old 09-22-2018 , 09:41   Re: Model problems..
Reply With Quote #7

Originally Posted by Maximilian_ View Post
HTML Code:
// Created by Crowbar 0.54

$modelname "freak_fortress_2/mlgspyv3/spy.mdl"

$model "spy" "spy_morphs_low.smd" {

	eyeball "eye_right" "bip_head" -1.137032 78.352480 1.565744 "eyeball_r" 1.4 4 "iris_unused" 0.6
	eyeball "eye_left" "bip_head" 1.137032 78.352480 1.565744 "eyeball_l" 1.4 -4 "iris_unused" 0.6

	flexfile "spy_01.vta" 
		defaultflex frame 0
		flexpair "CloseLidLo" 1 frame 1
		flexpair "CloseLidUp" 1 frame 2
		flex "WQ" frame 3
		flex "OO" frame 4
		flex "MB" frame 5
		flex "SH" frame 6
		flex "Y" frame 7
		flex "FV" frame 8
		flex "AH" frame 9
		flex "AE" frame 10
		flex "UH" frame 11
		flex "AW" frame 12
		flex "EE" frame 13
		flex "PP" frame 14
		flex "OH" frame 15
		flex "TH" frame 16
		flex "T" frame 17
		flex "ER" frame 18
		flex "DS" frame 19
		flex "GK" frame 20
		flex "N" frame 21
		flex "silence" frame 22
		flex "happySmall" frame 23
		flex "madUpper" frame 24
		flex "specialAction01Upper" frame 25
		flex "defaultFaceUpper" frame 26
		flex "scaredUpper" frame 27
		flex "painBigUpper" frame 28
		flex "painSmallUpper" frame 29
		flex "happyBigUpper" frame 30
		flex "happySmallUpper" frame 31
		flex "specialAction01" frame 32
		flex "defaultFace" frame 33
		flex "scared" frame 34
		flex "mad" frame 35
		flex "painBig" frame 36
		flex "painSmall" frame 37
		flex "happyBig" frame 38
		flex "Smile01" frame 39
		flex "Smile02" frame 40

	flexcontroller right_CloseLid range -1 1 "right_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller left_CloseLid range -1 1 "left_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller multi_CloseLid range -1 1 "multi_CloseLid"
	flexcontroller blink range 0 1 "blink"
	flexcontroller happySmall range 0 1 "happySmall"
	flexcontroller mad range 0 1 "mad"
	flexcontroller happyBigUpper range 0 1 "happyBigUpper"
	flexcontroller OH range 0 1 "OH"
	flexcontroller Smile02 range 0 1 "Smile02"
	flexcontroller painSmall range 0 1 "painSmall"
	flexcontroller GK range 0 1 "GK"
	flexcontroller TH range 0 1 "TH"
	flexcontroller Smile01 range 0 1 "Smile01"
	flexcontroller painBig range 0 1 "painBig"
	flexcontroller DS range 0 1 "DS"
	flexcontroller silence range 0 1 "silence"
	flexcontroller defaultFace range 0 1 "defaultFace"
	flexcontroller specialAction01 range 0 1 "specialAction01"
	flexcontroller happySmallUpper range 0 1 "happySmallUpper"
	flexcontroller madUpper range 0 1 "madUpper"
	flexcontroller N range 0 1 "N"
	flexcontroller painSmallUpper range 0 1 "painSmallUpper"
	flexcontroller T range 0 1 "T"
	flexcontroller ER range 0 1 "ER"
	flexcontroller scaredUpper range 0 1 "scaredUpper"
	flexcontroller painBigUpper range 0 1 "painBigUpper"
	flexcontroller scared range 0 1 "scared"
	flexcontroller happyBig range 0 1 "happyBig"
	flexcontroller specialAction01Upper range 0 1 "specialAction01Upper"
	flexcontroller defaultFaceUpper range 0 1 "defaultFaceUpper"
	flexcontroller WQ range 0 1 "WQ"
	flexcontroller OO range 0 1 "OO"
	flexcontroller MB range 0 1 "MB"
	flexcontroller SH range 0 1 "SH"
	flexcontroller Y range 0 1 "Y"
	flexcontroller FV range 0 1 "FV"
	flexcontroller AH range 0 1 "AH"
	flexcontroller AE range 0 1 "AE"
	flexcontroller UH range 0 1 "UH"
	flexcontroller AW range 0 1 "AW"
	flexcontroller EE range 0 1 "EE"
	flexcontroller PP range 0 1 "PP"
	flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 "eyes_updown"
	flexcontroller eyes range -45 45 "eyes_rightleft"

	%CloseLidLoL = min(1, (1 - -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * (1 - min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)) * min(max(((left_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidLoR = min(1, (1 - -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * (1 - min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)) * min(max(((right_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidUpL = min(1, (1 + -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1) * min(max(((left_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%CloseLidUpR = min(1, (1 + -1 + 2 * min(max(((eyes_updown - -45) / (45 - -45)), 0), 1))) * min(max(((multi_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1) * min(max(((right_CloseLid - -1) / (1 - -1)), 0), 1)
	%WQ = WQ
	%OO = OO
	%MB = MB
	%SH = SH
	%Y = Y
	%FV = FV
	%AH = AH
	%AE = AE
	%UH = UH
	%AW = AW
	%EE = EE
	%PP = PP
	%OH = OH
	%TH = TH
	%T = T
	%ER = ER
	%DS = DS
	%GK = GK
	%N = N
	%silence = silence
	%happySmall = happySmall
	%madUpper = madUpper
	%specialAction01Upper = specialAction01Upper
	%defaultFaceUpper = defaultFaceUpper
	%scaredUpper = scaredUpper
	%painBigUpper = painBigUpper
	%painSmallUpper = painSmallUpper
	%happyBigUpper = happyBigUpper
	%happySmallUpper = happySmallUpper
	%specialAction01 = specialAction01
	%defaultFace = defaultFace
	%scared = scared
	%mad = mad
	%painBig = painBig
	%painSmall = painSmall
	%happyBig = happyBig
	%Smile01 = Smile01
	%Smile02 = Smile02
$bodygroup "spyMask"
	studio "spy_mask.smd"
$bodygroup "default"
	studio "spy_jul13_fedora_spy.smd"
$bodygroup "default"
	studio "spy_jul13_sweet_shades_spy.smd"
$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "spy_c_ambassador_reference.smd"
$bodygroup "Body"
	studio "spy_c_ambassador_reference_lod1.smd"

$surfaceprop "flesh"

$jointsurfaceprop "bip_head" "no_decal"
$jointsurfaceprop "prp_cig" "no_decal"

$contents "solid"

$illumposition -0.317 40.321 1.262

$eyeposition 0 78.222 0

$cdmaterials "freak_fortress_2\mlgspy\"
$cdmaterials "\..\..\effects\"
$cdmaterials "\..\..\effects\"
$cdmaterials "models\player\spy\"
$cdmaterials "models\workshop\player\items\all_class\jul13_fedora\"
$cdmaterials "models\workshop\player\items\all_class\jul13_sweet_shades\"
$cdmaterials "models\weapons\c_models\c_ambassador\"
$cdmaterials ""

$texturegroup "skinfamilies"
	{ "spy_head_blue"       "eyeball_l"     "eyeball_r"     "spy_blue"       "mask_spy"             "jul13_fedora"         "jul13_sweet_shades_1" "jul13_sweet_shades"   "c_ambassador_gold"    }
	{ "spy_head_blue"       "eyeball_l"     "eyeball_r"     "spy_blue"       "mask_spy"             "jul13_fedora"         "jul13_sweet_shades_1" "jul13_sweet_shades"   "c_ambassador_gold"    }
	{ "spy_head_blue_invun" "eyeball_invun" "eyeball_invun" "spy_blue_invun" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" }
	{ "spy_head_blue_invun" "eyeball_invun" "eyeball_invun" "spy_blue_invun" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" "invulnerability_blue" }

$attachment "eyes" "bip_head" 0 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "righteye" "bip_head" -1.14 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "lefteye" "bip_head" 1.14 -2.66 -4.45 rotate 90 -90 0
$attachment "cig_eject" "bip_pelvis" 2 -29 -17 rotate -20 -100 -90
$attachment "back_lower" "bip_spine_0" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "foot_L" "bip_foot_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "foot_R" "bip_foot_R" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "partyhat" "bip_head" 0 -6.88 -1 rotate 89 93 180
$attachment "cig_smoke" "prp_cig" 0 -2.13 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "head" "bip_head" 0 -9.08 0 rotate 88.95 90 -180
$attachment "eyeglow_L" "bip_head" 1.22 -2.63 -5.89 rotate 65 0 90
$attachment "eyeglow_R" "bip_head" -1.22 -2.63 -5.89 rotate 65 180 -90
$attachment "weapon_bone_L" "weapon_bone_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "effect_hand_L" "effect_hand_L" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone" "weapon_bone" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_1" "weapon_bone_1" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_2" "weapon_bone_2" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "weapon_bone_3" "weapon_bone_3" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "effect_hand_R" "effect_hand_R" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "flag" "bip_spine_2" 0 -1.39 8.95 rotate -0.08 2.96 1.49
$attachment "prop_bone" "prop_bone" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_1" "prop_bone_1" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_2" "prop_bone_2" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_3" "prop_bone_3" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_4" "prop_bone_4" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_5" "prop_bone_5" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0
$attachment "prop_bone_6" "prop_bone_6" 0 0 0 rotate 0 0 0

$cbox 0 0 0 0 0 0

$bbox -9.123 -24.289 -3.261 12.484 24.289 83.441

$poseparameter "body_pitch" -45 45 loop 360
$poseparameter "body_yaw" -45 45 loop 360

$ikchain "rhand" "bip_hand_R" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "lhand" "bip_hand_L" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "rfoot" "bip_foot_R" knee 0 0 0
$ikchain "lfoot" "bip_foot_L" knee 0 0 0

$sequence "ref" {
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$sequence "ragdoll" {
	activity "ACT_DIERAGDOLL" 1
	fadein 0.2
	fadeout 0.2
	fps 30

$declaresequence "user_ref"

$declaresequence "test_swingBlend"

$declaresequence "ragdollspawn"

$declaresequence "r_handposes"

$declaresequence "r_armposes"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "AttackStand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "AttackCrouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "AttackSwim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_standing_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_crouching_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_swimming_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "layer_reload_airwalk_arms_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadStand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadCrouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadSwim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "ReloadAirwalk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_flinch01"

$declaresequence "layer_placeSapper_ArmL"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_placeSapper"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Overhand_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_melee_Swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Melee_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "Melee_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_fire"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_run_fire"

$declaresequence "armslayer_PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "PDA_Crouch_fire"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_swim_swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_Crouch_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Crouch_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_Item1_Overhand_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_Item1_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "Item1_Overhand_Swing"

$declaresequence "armslayer_ITEM1_Swim_swing"

$declaresequence "bodylayer_ITEM1_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "ITEM1_Swim_Swing"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_idle"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_run"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_crouch_idle"

$declaresequence "layer_a_placeSapper_ArmL"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_placeSapper"

$declaresequence "stand_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "stand_MELEE"

$declaresequence "stand_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "stand_LOSER"

$declaresequence "stand_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "stand_PDA"

$declaresequence "stand_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "crouch_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "crouch_MELEE"

$declaresequence "crouch_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "crouch_LOSER"

$declaresequence "crouch_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "crouch_PDA"

$declaresequence "crouch_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "jumpland_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_MELEE"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_MELEE"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_MELEE"

$declaresequence "jumpland_MELEE"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "jumpland_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_LOSER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_LOSER"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_LOSER"

$declaresequence "jumpland_LOSER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "jumpland_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_PDA"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_PDA"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_PDA"

$declaresequence "jumpland_PDA"

$declaresequence "a_jumpstart_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "a_jumpfloat_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "jumplandPose_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "jumpland_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "SECONDARY_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "swim_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "MELEE_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_MELEE"

$declaresequence "swim_MELEE"

$declaresequence "MELEE_ALLCLASS_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "swim_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

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$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "swim_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "PDA_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_PDA"

$declaresequence "swim_PDA"

$declaresequence "SAPPER_aimmatrix_swim"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "swim_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "s_swimAlign_LOSER"

$declaresequence "swim_LOSER"

$declaresequence "run_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "run_MELEE"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_MELEE"

$declaresequence "run_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

$declaresequence "run_LOSER"

$declaresequence "run_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "run_PDA"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runS_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runSE_PDA"

$declaresequence "x_runSW_PDA"

$declaresequence "run_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "crouch_walk_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "airwalk_SECONDARY"

$declaresequence "airwalk_MELEE"

$declaresequence "airwalk_MELEE_ALLCLASS"

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$declaresequence "airwalk_ITEM1"

$declaresequence "airwalk_PDA"

$declaresequence "airwalk_SAPPER"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_secondary_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_go"

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$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_help"

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$declaresequence "gesture_secondary_positive"

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$declaresequence "gesture_melee_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_cheer_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_help_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_help_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_melee_positive_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_melee_positive"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_go_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_go_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_go"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_cheer_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_cheer_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_cheer"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_help_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_help_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_help"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_positive_armL"

$declaresequence "layer_gesture_PDA_positive_runN_armL"

$declaresequence "gesture_PDA_positive"

$declaresequence "secondary_taunt"

$declaresequence "taunt01"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt03"

$declaresequence "taunt03"

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$declaresequence "taunt04"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt05"

$declaresequence "taunt05"

$declaresequence "taunt06"

$declaresequence "spy_replay_taunt"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_laugh"

$declaresequence "taunt_laugh"

$declaresequence "layer_dieviolent"

$declaresequence "dieviolent"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendinterior"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendin"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendout"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendinblend"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegendoutblend"

$declaresequence "taunt_brutallegend"

$declaresequence "taunt_dosido_dance"

$declaresequence "taunt_dosido_intro"

$declaresequence "taunt_hifiveSuccess"

$declaresequence "taunt_hifiveSuccessFull"

$declaresequence "taunt_highFiveStart"

$declaresequence "spy_taunt_replay"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_buy_a_life"

$declaresequence "taunt_buy_a_life"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_Stun_begin"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_stun_middle"

$declaresequence "layer_PRIMARY_Stun_end"

$declaresequence "primary_death_headshot"

$declaresequence "primary_death_backstab"

$declaresequence "primary_death_burning"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_Stun_begin"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_stun_middle"

$declaresequence "PRIMARY_stun_end"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_StartPose"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_Anim01"

$declaresequence "SelectionMenu_Idle"

$declaresequence "armslayer_throw_fire"

$declaresequence "throw_fire"

$declaresequence "taunt_conga"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_dosido_dance"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_dosido_intro"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_flip_success_initiator"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_success_initiator"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_flip_success_receiver"

$declaresequence "taunt_flip_success_receiver"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper_win"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper_win"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_rock_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_rock_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_paper_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_paper_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_rps_scissors_lose"

$declaresequence "taunt_rps_scissors_lose"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_headbutt_start"

$declaresequence "taunt_headbutt_start"

$declaresequence "layer_taunt_headbutt_success"

$declaresequence "taunt_headbutt_success"

$includemodel "player/spy_user_animations.mdl"
$includemodel "player/spy_animations.mdl"
$includemodel "workshop/player/animations/spy_workshop_animations.mdl"

$collisionjoints "spy_physics.smd"
	$mass 100
	$inertia 10
	$damping 0
	$rotdamping 4
	$rootbone "bip_pelvis"

	$jointmassbias "bip_pelvis" 1.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_pelvis" 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hip_L" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" x limit -12 12 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" y limit -45 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_L" z limit -10 30 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hip_R" 1.5
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" x limit -6 6 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" y limit -45 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hip_R" z limit -30 10 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_knee_L" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_knee_L" 3
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_L" z limit -90 6 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_knee_R" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_knee_R" 3
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_knee_R" z limit -6 90 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_foot_L" 0.8
	$jointrotdamping "bip_foot_L" 7
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" x limit -20 55 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" y limit -19 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_L" z limit -17 24 0

	$jointrotdamping "bip_spine_0" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" x limit -30 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" y limit -16 16 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_0" z limit -15 15 0

	$jointrotdamping "bip_spine_2" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" x limit -30 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" y limit -16 16 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_spine_2" z limit -15 15 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_upperArm_R" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_upperArm_R" 16
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" x limit -50 40 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" y limit -60 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_R" z limit -65 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_upperArm_L" 1.2
	$jointrotdamping "bip_upperArm_L" 16
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" x limit -35 35 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" y limit -60 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_upperArm_L" z limit -65 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_lowerArm_L" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_L" z limit -45 75 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hand_L" 0.6
	$jointrotdamping "bip_hand_L" 8
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" x limit -30 37 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" y limit -25 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_L" z limit -20 35 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_lowerArm_R" 1.4
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" x limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" y limit 0 0 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_lowerArm_R" z limit -45 75 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_neck" 0.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_neck" 9
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" x limit -25 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" y limit -10 10 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_neck" z limit -12 12 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_hand_R" 0.6
	$jointrotdamping "bip_hand_R" 8
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" x limit -37 30 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" y limit -25 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_hand_R" z limit -35 20 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_head" 1.5
	$jointrotdamping "bip_head" 10
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" x limit -20 15 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" y limit -20 20 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_head" z limit -12 12 0

	$jointmassbias "bip_foot_R" 0.8
	$jointrotdamping "bip_foot_R" 7
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" x limit -20 55 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" y limit -19 25 0
	$jointconstrain "bip_foot_R" z limit -17 24 0
	$jointcollide "bip_upperArm_L" "bip_spine_2"

		"model" "player\gibs\spygib007"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib001"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib003"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib006"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\random_organ"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib002"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib004"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
		"model" "player\gibs\spygib005"
		"health" "0"
		"fadetime" "10"
Here, deleted Weightlists
Holy shit, thank you soo much!!!

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