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[CS:S] Mix Mod (plugin) (v4.3, Updated: 29-07-2012)

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Join Date: Aug 2010
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Counter-Strike: Source
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    Plugin Description:
    Makes the admin's work easier to run a mix (team match \ clan war)
    Old 07-17-2011 , 15:35   [CS:S] Mix Mod (plugin) (v4.3, Updated: 29-07-2012)
    Reply With Quote #1

    Running mix was never easier.

    * Red = new commands that have been added in the latest version! *

    Plugin cvar's (Can be changed through sm_mixmod.cfg that will be automatically-generated when the plugins first loads):
    • sm_mixmod_enable - Enable or disable this plugin and its features, 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable. (Defult: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_enable_knife_round - Before the mix starts, do knife round? 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable (Default: "0").
    • sm_mixmod_mr3_enable - Enable or disable mr3 settings (when there is a tie 15-15): 0 - Disable, 1 - Enable (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_auto_warmod_enable (beta) -Enable Auto-Warmod and ready system? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "0")
    • sm_mixmod_half_auto_live - When new half begins, automatically start live? 0 - No, 1 - Yes (Default: "0").
    • sm_mixmod_live_restart_time - In seconds, set mp_restartgame <time> in live command (Default: "1").
    • sm_mixmod_showmoney - Show players money and if they have primary weapon to their team-mates? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_show_cash_in_panel - When round starts, show players money in? 0 - Chat, 1 - Panel(menu) - The panel will disappear after freeze-time (Default: "0").
    • sm_mixmod_showscores - Show mix scores at round_start? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_show_swap_in_panel - In the last round of the current half, tell the players not to switch their teams in: ? 0 - Chat, 1 - Panel(menu) - The panel will disappear after freeze-time (Default: "1").
    • sm_mixmod_enable_rr_command - Enable the sm_rr command in this mix mod? (Set to "0" if you have another plugin who uses sm_rr) 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_enable_st_sound - Play sound when teams are switched when half1 ends? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_use_zb_lo3 - Use zb_lo3 command instead of mp_restartgame (Only if zb_warmod is enabled!) ? 0 - No, 1 - Yes (Default: "0").
    • sm_mixmod_use_zb_ko3 - Use zb_ko3 command instead of mp_restartgame when knife round begins (Only if zb_warmod is enabled!) ? 0 - No, 1 - Yes (Default: "0").
    • sm_mixmod_custom_name_ct - Set counter terrorists team custom name (Default: "Team A").
    • sm_mixmod_custom_name_t - Set terrorists team custom name (Default: "Team B").
    • sm_mixmod_custom_live_cfg - Custom name of the mr15 (live or match) config: (If the name doesn't exist, the plugin will try to execute match/live/mr15/esl5on5 cfg) (Default: "mr15.cfg").
    • sm_mixmod_custom_prac_cfg - Custom name of the prac (warmup) config: (If the name doesn't exist, the plugin will try to execute prac / warmup config) (Default: "prac.cfg").
    • sm_mixmod_custom_mr3_cfg - Custome name of the mr3 config: (If the name doesn't exist, the plugin will try to execute mr3.cfg) (Default: "mr3.cfg").
    • sm_mixmod_custom_stop_cfg - Use stop.cfg instead of prac or warmup cfg when sm_stop command is performed? 0 - No, 1 - Yes (Default: "0").
    • sm_mixmod_kick_admins - When admin performs sm_kickct or sm_kickt , kick the admins too? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "0").
    • sm_mixmod_maplist_from - Generate maplist for sm_maps from: 0 - maps directory , 1 - mapcycle.txt (Default: "0")
    • sm_mixmod_disable_public_chat - Disable public chat (Only team chat will be shown)? 0 - No, 1 - Yes, 2 - Only when live is running (Default: "0").
    • sm_mixmod_show_winner_in- When mix is ended, show winning team in: 0 - Chat, 1 - Panel(menu) (Default: "1").
    • sm_mixmod_rpw_show_pass - Show the random password to everyone? 0 - No (only to the admin), 1 - Yes.
    • sm_mixmod_remove_props - Remove map props (like barrels) at round start when mix is running? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "0")
    • sm_mixmod_auto_warmod_random -After 10 players are ready, random the team players and start? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_auto_warmod_ban-In minutes: how long to ban player who has left the server when auto-war is running? <Negetive number> - Don't ban, <Positive Number> - Time, 0 - Permanent ban (Default: "-1" - Don't ban)
    • sm_mixmod_autorecord_enable - Auto record the mix when live is started (until the end of the mix)? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "0") (the record name will be: Auto-12-08-2011-1123-de_dust2.demo (Auto-date-time-map)
    • sm_mixmod_autorecord_save_dir - Save directatory for the auto-records (if folder doesn't exist, the record will be saved at: cstrike/ ). (Default: "mix_records" - You need to create this folder!)
    • sm_mixmod_knife_round_win_vote - Let the wining team in the knife round decide in which team they want to be? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "0")
    • sm_mixmod_password_commands_enable - Enable password commands (sm_pw , sm_npw or sm_rpw)? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_manual_switch_enable - Allow players to switch their team manualy when mix is running? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. ( only admins can change their team if set to "0") (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_time_before_swapping_teams - In seconds: how long should the plugin wait before swapping teams when half ends? (Default: "0.1")
    • sm_mixmod_show_tk_damage - Inform all the players in the server when TK (Team killing / team damage) has been done? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_remove_password_on_mix_end - Remove the password when mix is ended (not by sm_stop command)? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_show_mvp - Show the most valuable player of the round / mix (at the end)? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_dont_remove_props_maplist - Don't remove props from those maps (Default: "de_inferno,") - Don't play too much with this option...
    • sm_mixmod_enable_voice_commands - Enable sm_mmute and sm_mgag commands? 0 - No, 1 - Yes. (Default: "1")
    • sm_mixmod_version - The version of this plugin.
    Admin commands:
    • sm_start - Starts a new mix.
    • sm_pcw - Starts a mix, that will save the scores. (Even when Restarting the game - or after new half begins).
    • sm_stop - Stops the current mix (If running).
    • sm_live - Starts the game (live ...).
    • sm_notlive or sm_nl - Pause the mix untill sm_live is typed again.
    • sm_mr15 or sm_match - Executes the mr15 (match) config.
    • sm_prac or sm_warmup - Executes the prac (warmup) config.
    • sm_password or sm_pw - (Usage: sm_pw "password" to change password) Change the server password.
    • sm_swapteams or sm_st - Swaps each player team (To the other team, CT -> T, T->CT)
    • sm_st - Swap player to another team (Usage: sm_st <player> [team] (legal team: ct/t/spec/1/2/3).
    • sm_rpw - Set a random password to the server.
    • sm_rr - (Usage: sm_rr "seconds") Restarting the game in "seconds" (Default: seconds = "1").
    • sm_kickct - Kick ct team.
    • sm_kickt -Kick t team.
    • sm_maps - Show maps menu, to changelevel (Only de_ maps are shown).
    • sm_ko3 or sm_knifes- Starts knife round.
    • sm_spec - (Usage: sm_spec <player> )Move player to spectors team.
    • sm_mix - Opens mix menu (See pic2 to see the menu).
    • sm_pause - Pause the mix for the current round (The current round will be like it was never played.)
    • sm_disablechat - Allows admins to change chat settings through command. (Usage: sm_disablechat <num> (0-Enable public chat, 1-Disable public chat, 2-Disable public chat only when live))
    • sm_npw - Remove the server password.
    • sm_record - Starts a record (the record won't be ended until admin use sm_stoprecord or the map will be changed) with the name: day-month-year-hourMinute-map (12-08-2011-1123-de_dust2.demo .)
    • sm_stoprecord - Stop the record (if running).
    • sm_mmute \ sm_munmute - Mute / Unmute player (Usage: sm_mmute / sm_munmute <target>).
    • sm_mgag \ sm_mugag - Gag / Ungag player (Usage: sm_mgag / sm_mungag <target>).
    • sm_last - Shows the last player that joined the game (Name and Steamid).
    * When auto-war is running, admin can type: sm_start to start normal mix! (Even if there isn't 10 ready players) - 2 options to start a mix.

    Players commands:

    • sm_score - Show the round number and team scores to the player who typed this.
    • sm_password or sm_pw - (Usage: sm_pw) To see the server's password.
    • sm_mixhelp - Show all the admin and player commands in a menu.
    • sm_mvp - Show the most valuable player and the difference between the mvp and you. (Only when mix is running).
    • ----------------------- (Ready system commands) --------
    • sm_ready or sm_rdy - Become ready. (beta)
    • sm_notready or sm_unready or sm_urdy or sm_nrdy - Become not ready. (beta)
    • sm_teams- When auto-war(mix) is running (with live), players can type: sm_teams to see the teams. (beta)
    Plugin Requirments:
    • mr15/match/live config. - Have to be named as: match.cfg or mr15.cfg or live.cfg (Or use you custom name: sm_mixmod_custom_live_cfg <name.cfg>)
    • prac/warmup config. - Have to be named as: warmup.cfg or prac.cfg. (Or use you custom name: sm_mixmod_custom_prac_cfg <name.cfg>)
    • If <sm_mixmod_mr3_enable> is set to "1", you need to have mr3.cfg in you server. (Or use you custom name: sm_mixmod_custom_mr3_cfg <name.cfg>)
    • If <sm_mixmod_custom_stop_cfg> is set to "1", you need to have stop.cfg in your server.
    • If you have the auto-record set to "1", you need to create a new folder named: "mix_records" under the cstrike/ directatory (if you won't, the records will be saved in cstrike/ ).
    * The configs folder is here: cstrike/cfg/

    How to use (And what the plugin does):
    There are 2 half in mix (or pcw).
    In half 1 there will be 15 rounds, the teams will be automatically-swapped and in half 2 the first team to reach to 16 in their score will win the game (They will continue with their score from half1).
    If at the end of half 2, both teams has 15 in their score:
    If <sm_mixmod_mr3_enable> is set to "1", both teams will be auto-swapped again (to their original team), and will continue to play untill one team reached 19 in their score. If after 3 rounds nobody reached 18 in their score, the teams will be swapped again and they'll continue to play until one team reached 19.
    When the teams are ready to start the game, the admin types sm_start and the mix starts.
    Counter terrorists team will be named as "Team A" in the plugin, and the Terrorists team will be named as "Team B".
    Every round start the plugin will write in chat the round number and the team scores (and the your team-mates cash and + if they have primary weapon - See pic)
    When round number 15 will be ended, the plugin will auto-swap the players to the other teams, and will wait for the admin to type: sm_live to start half 2.
    In half 2, the first team to reach to 16 in their score (they are continuing from the score they had in half1) will win the game.

    Match pic:


    Mix menu (It's not correctly for the newest version): (But it's look almost the same)

    How to install:
    Download mixmod.smx (from the attachments) and put it here:
    (You can download mixmod_35.smx too, but it has more bugs...)
    If you don't have any cfg file, you can download the configs that I attached (mr3.cfg , mr15.cfg and prac.cfg), and put them here:
    *If you have already installed previous version of this plugin, do not forget to delete sm_mixmod.cfg (cstrike/cfg/sourcemod/) - Another commands will be added!

    If there are any problems with this plugin (except my english ) I will be more than happy to fix them.

    - 29-07-12 (v4.3)
    * Fixed a bug with sm_mmute command! - Sometimes, when players spawn, the mute is gone.
    * Add command to enable/disable the commands: sm_mmute / sm_mgag:
    - sm_mixmod_enable_voice_commands (Default: "1")

    - 20-07-12 (v4.3)
    * Fixed a bug with the MVP system - When RR'ing mvp scores weren't reseted.
    * Support for not removing props from specified maplist has been added.
    - sm_mixmod_dont_remove_props_maplist (Default: "de_inferno,")
    * Fixed a bug with sm_ko3 command - which caused the plugin to swap teams at the end of the first round.

    - 08-07-12 (v4.2b)
    * sm_last has been added - This command will show the last player that joined steamid and name.

    - 07-06-12 (v4.2)
    * sm_mvp has been added to show mvp kills during a game.

    - 02-06-12 (v4.1b):
    * Fixed a bug with auto-recording. (A new record wasn't started right after a mix ended).

    - 19-05-12 (V4.1):
    * Fixed a bug with sm_pause (Gives 0$ and no gun to a player who joins the game when sm_pause is being used!)
    * Added sm_mgag and sm_mungag.

    - 17-05-12 (V4.0):
    * sm_st will not decrease scores when sm_pcw running!
    * Warn the user that entered in the middle of a mix, that mix is running.
    * 3 Score points added when defusing the bomb.
    * 3 Score points added when the bomb explodes.

    - 16-05-12 (V3.9):
    * MVP Display at round End will show only from 3 kills or above...
    * TK won't be counted as a score/death.
    * Random Teams bug (Only CT players can be randomized - not spec) has been fixed.

    - 13-05-12 (V3.8a):
    * MVP System Will show now if an ace was done.
    * sm_random Fixed! (Creating random teams)
    * Added sm_mmute and sm_munmute. - I've got about 5 requests to add these commands...
    * Fixed the MVP System.
    * sm_pcw Added to Mix-Help menu. (sm_pcw - Will remember the game scores, even after RR).
    * Enable/Disable MVP Stats has been added to admin menu.

    - 12-05-12 (V3.:
    * Added support for MVP.
    - sm_mixmod_show_mvp (Default: "1")
    * Can remove the password automaticaly when mix is ending (not by sm_stop command).
    - sm_mixmod_remove_password_on_mix_end (Default: "1")

    - 04-06-2011 - 11-05-12 (v3.6-v3.7b)
    * Some changes. I don't remember them...

    03-09-2011 (v3.5)
    * Fixed some problems that musosoft help me find (I don't remember them - few days has left already and I forgot to note them).

    * TK-Damage is now showing the armor damage that has been done too!

    * TK-Damage not showing the self-damage that has been done (self-grenade damage and etc...)

    30-08-2011 (v3.4c)
    * TK-damage wasn't working properly ... Now it's fixed!

    30-08-2011 (v3.4b)
    * The plugin is using now MaxClients instead of the variable maxClients

    29-08-2011 (v3.4)
    * Option to see that a player is attacking another player in his same team has been added!
    - sm_mixmod_show_tk_damage (Default: "1")

    19-08-2011 (v3.3)
    * Fixed an issue with disabling players ability to change their team (when player is retrying to the server, he get stuck in the spec team).

    * Fixed compile warnings! (in v3.2, I didn't try to compile the plugin so I haven't notice all the warnings).

    15-08-2011 (v3.2)
    * The plugin will wait now <sm_mixmod_time_before_swapping_teams> seconds before swapping teams when half ends!
    - sm_mixmod_time_before_swapping_teams (Default: "0.1")

    * Option to disable players ability to change their team (jointeam command) when mix is running has been added! (When disabled, only admins can change players team).
    - sm_mixmod_manual_switch_enable (Default: "1" - They can change their team).

    * Knife vote (for the winning team of the knife round) is now enabled only when sm_start has been used! if the admin just used !ko3, the vote will not be a vote.

    14-08-2011 (v3.1)
    * Bug found! - When removing props in de_inferno, some objects are removed, but they are still there invisible (I hope to fix it soon),

    * Command to see all the admin and player commands (and how to use them) has been added!
    - sm_mixhelp

    * After knife round (ko3) has ended, if auto-half-live is on, the live will start automatically.

    * When knife round (ko3) is running, only knife can be used.

    * sm_st and sm_swapteams has been updated! now admin can change player team with them!
    -sm_st <player> [team] (legal teams: ct/t/spec/1/2/3)

    * Fixed: when random password is shown only to admins, players can use sm_pw to see the password.

    12-08-2011 (v3.0)
    * New admin commands has been added!
    - sm_record (start a record).
    - sm_stoprecord (stop the record).

    * Option to let the winning team in knife round to choose their team has been added!
    - sm_mixmod_knife_round_win_vote (Default: "0")

    * Auto-Record option has been added!
    - sm_mixmod_autorecord_enable (Default: "0")
    - sm_mixmod_autorecord_save_dir (Default: "mix_records")

    07-08-2011 (v3.0Beta)
    * When player is disconnecting from the server when Auto-Mix is running, option to ban him has been added!
    - sm_mixmod_auto_warmod_ban <time> (time in minutes) (Default: "-1")
    (If <time> is negative (< 0) it won't ban, if <time> its 0 it will permanently ban, if time is positive (> 0) it will ban for <time> minutes)

    * Sub system has been added, but it's disabled in this version.

    * Option to random the team players when there are 10 ready players has been added!
    - sm_mixmod_auto_warmod_random (Default: "1")

    * sm_teams has been added! players can see the teams in auto-war.

    * sm_pw and sm_password has been changed! now any player can type them to see the server password (only admins can change password).

    * Ready system has been added (Beta system).

    * Players money list at round_start is now sorted! (from highest to lowest).

    * Option to remove all props from the map (every round_start) when mix is running has been added!
    - sm_mixmod_remove_props (Default: "1")

    * I forgot to save the vest and armor in the sm_pause command... (Has been added).

    * sm_pause is now working correctly! scores, weapons and client money is now being saved and will be regained the next round.

    * sm_npw has been added! Password can be removed now through this command. (v2.4)

    27-07-2011 (v2.3)
    * Big issue with wrong team scores has been fixed!

    * Option to show random password to everyone or only to the admin who performed the sm_rpw has been added:
    - sm_mixmod_rpw_show_pass (Default: "1")

    * sm_pause is working now (it didn't work before).

    26-07-2011 (v2.2)
    * After switching teams in half1 zb_lo3 or mp_restartgame will be executed to give some time to "breathe".

    * Text has been changed to ko3 round.

    * Bug fixed: wrong round number in the first round of half 2

    * Mr3 fixed (- Can now be played like it supposed to be played). - TY karil.

    * sm_pause added: see the info above.

    * sm_disablechat added: disable or enable public chat (view info above).

    25-07-2011 (v2.1)
    * Fixed an issue: Score has been added to the "winning team" when swapping teams at the end of half1 (swapping teams slays all the players).

    * Option added: When mix has ended, the winning team could be displayed in panel or in chat (0 - chat, 1 - panel).
    - sm_mixmod_show_winner_in (Default: "1")

    * Bug fixed: After the mix has ended, it told that there was a DRAW instead of telling the name of the winning team.

    * Bug fixed: the plugin wrote that sm_live is needed to start the match although <sm_mixmod_half_auto_live> is set to "1".

    * Fixed an issue with wrong round number (round 2 after !nl, !live and !rr) (v2.0)

    * sm_mix command has been added (opens a menu)

    * Option to Use zb_ko3 instead of mp_restartgame when knife round starts has been added:
    - sm_mixmod_use_zb_ko3 (Default: "0")

    * Option to start the match with knife round has been added (sm_live after knife round is finished):
    - sm_mixmod_enable_knife_round (Default: "0")

    * sm_spec , sm_ko3 , sm_knifes added (v1.9)

    24-07-2011 ( v1.8 )
    * sm_kickct , sm_kickt , sm_maps has been added.
    - sm_mixmod_kick_admins (Default: "0")

    * Cvars for using custom names cfg are added (Beta) (v1.7)
    - sm_mixmod_custom_mr15_cfg (Default: "mr15.cfg")
    - sm_mixmod_custom_prac_cfg (Default: "prac.cfg")
    - sm_mixmod_custom_mr3_cfg (Default: "mr3.cfg")

    23-07-2011 (v1.6)
    * Hook to freeze-time end event, has been removed.

    * You can choose now if you want the sm_live command to be auto-performed when new half begins, or the admin should type sm_live to start the new half.
    - sm_mixmod_half_auto_live (Default: "0")

    * You can choose now where to display the money of each team, through chat, or through panel (menu).
    - sm_mixmod_show_cash_in_panel (Default: "0")

    * You can now decide in which way the plugin will tell the people not to change their teams (Through chat, or through panel (menu)).
    - sm_mixmod_show_swap_in_panel (Default: "1")

    * When using sm_stop command, stop.cfg could be loaded instead of prac / warmup config.
    - sm_mixmod_custom_stop_cfg (Default: "0")

    * Fixed bug: when all the players in one have been died in freeze-time, the round has been "skipped".

    * Mr3 can now be played when there is a tie (15-15):
    - sm_mixmod_mr3_enable (Default: "1")
    21-07-2011 (v1.4)
    * Fixed bug: The version of this plugin wasn't being updated.

    * Added option to run zb_lo3 instead of mp_restartgame if zb_warmode is enabled (Version updated: v1.4):
    - sm_mixmod_use_zb_lo3 (Default: "0")

    * Restarts the game after <sm_mixmod_live_restart_time> seconds (Version updated: 1.3)

    * Custom team name added (Version updated: 1.2):
    - sm_mixmod_custom_name_ct (Default: "Team A")
    - sm_mixmod_custom_name_t (Default: "Team B")

    * Fixed bug: When restarting the game in the middle of freeze-time, 1 is being added to the current round (first round = 2nd round in the plugin).
    18-07-2011 (v1.0)
    * Loose idantation warnings when compiling - fixed!
    17-07-2011 (v1.0)
    * Released this plugin.
    To do list:
    1. Add cvar to change team names to custom names.-->DONE!
    2. Do not use mp_restartgame when zb_lo3 is exist in the server (Else, mp_restartgamer in cvarX seconds).-->DONE!
    3. Add the mr3 to the plugin (When there is a tie: 15-15).-->DONE!
    4. Add another cvar to choose if run stop.cfg when sm_stop command its performed.-->DONE!
    5. Add option to auto-live a new half when it begins-->DONE!
    6. Add sm_kickt and sm_kickct commands.-->DONE!
    7. Add sm_maps commands (show all de_ maps and then change to the selected map).-->DONE!
    8. Add cvar to disable "public" say chat (enable only team chat).-->DONE!
    9. Add sm_spec command.-->DONE!
    10. Add sm_mix command (Show menus - View page 3 karil's post).-->DONE!
    11. Organize the list of players money from the top to the low (money value).-->DONE!
    12. Add the autostart with sm_ready to the plugin (With cvar to disable).-->DONE!
    13. If 12 is added: Add another cvar to randomize the players in the server before the mix is starting (after everyone typed sm_ready).-->DONE!
    14. Finish the sub-system-->DONE (But disabled)!
    15. SourceTV auto-recording.-->DONE!
    16. After team wins knife round, give them choice to "Leave" (switch teams) or "Stay" (run live).-->DONE!
    17. Add quick match commands (like this) - Thanks to musosoft for the idea.
    18. Fix the props problen in de_inferno (it removing the props, but somehow an invisible object it's still there. -* Fixed for now with the command: <sm_mixmod_dont_remove_props_maplist>
    19. Add SQL based DB, most mvp players support.
    Thank you:
    Attached Files
    File Type: cfg mr15.cfg (869 Bytes, 6054 views)
    File Type: cfg prac.cfg (547 Bytes, 5665 views)
    File Type: cfg mr3.cfg (237 Bytes, 5273 views)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (mixmod_35.sp - 6742 views - 113.0 KB)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (mixmod.sp - 9410 views - 151.2 KB)
    Sorry for my bad english.

    Last edited by iDragon; 12-22-2012 at 06:03. Reason: Plugin updated
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    Old 07-18-2011 , 02:30   Re: [CSS] Mix plugin (v1.0, 17-07-2011)
    Reply With Quote #2

    There are 2 warning in this plugin (when compiling)... (Loose idantation) I don't how to fix it (please help? ).
    use Tabs instead of spaces
    Despirator is offline
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    Old 08-14-2012 , 22:21   Re: [CSS] Mix plugin (v1.0, 17-07-2011)
    Reply With Quote #3

    Hi, I was with a sourcemod snapshot instaled in my server and the plugin was working well but now I'v instaled a "fullpackage" and when I try to use the admin menu console says "Unknow command", should the SM being in conflict or not recognizing the plugin?

    Last edited by gmeelo; 08-14-2012 at 22:22.
    gmeelo is offline
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    Old 08-16-2012 , 08:08   Re: [CSS] Mix plugin (v1.0, 17-07-2011)
    Reply With Quote #4

    Originally Posted by gmeelo View Post
    Hi, I was with a sourcemod snapshot instaled in my server and the plugin was working well but now I'v instaled a "fullpackage" and when I try to use the admin menu console says "Unknow command", should the SM being in conflict or not recognizing the plugin?
    No. There shouldn't be any conflict between them.
    Please try loading the plugin and show me the error log. Thank you.

    Baron Rojo,
    I fixed the problem with GetClientName, I will publish it soon.

    I don't why it didn't automatically created the config... Can you please remove the cfg (that you probably created yourself) and show me the error log?
    Sorry for my bad english.
    iDragon is offline
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    Old 07-18-2011 , 03:21   Re: [CSS] Mix plugin (v1.0, 17-07-2011)
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    Thank you Despirator.
    The warnings have disappeared!
    Sorry for my bad english.
    iDragon is offline
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    Old 07-18-2011 , 16:27   Re: [CSS] Mix plugin (v1.0, 18-07-2011)
    Reply With Quote #6

    maybe a vote comando for ready
    !ready or this kind of thing? ;D
    away000 is offline
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    Old 07-18-2011 , 17:27   Re: [CSS] Mix plugin (v1.0, 18-07-2011)
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    what !ready command should do?
    Sorry for my bad english.
    iDragon is offline
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    Old 07-18-2011 , 17:57   Re: [CSS] Mix plugin (v1.0, 18-07-2011)
    Reply With Quote #8

    Like when the server reach 10 players open a announce sayng "If u wanna start the mix plz tipe "!ready"..." when all the ten players type ready the mix start, to make admin only a new player in mix... and no necessary ;D (like a Automix)
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    Old 07-18-2011 , 18:22   Re: [CSS] Mix plugin (v1.0, 18-07-2011)
    Reply With Quote #9

    Originally Posted by away000 View Post
    Like when the server reach 10 players open a announce sayng "If u wanna start the mix plz tipe "!ready"..." when all the ten players type ready the mix start, to make admin only a new player in mix... and no necessary ;D (like a Automix)
    I allways found such things annoying, it makes everyone dependable from everyone. So if one person is AFK everyone has to wait.
    Groger is offline
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    Old 07-18-2011 , 18:21   Re: [CSS] Mix plugin (v1.0, 18-07-2011)
    Reply With Quote #10

    There is already plugin for this, so I think I pass on this suggestion.
    I I'll be bored, I will add this.
    Sorry for my bad english.
    iDragon is offline

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