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    Old 04-21-2012 , 09:58   Mod ZOMBIE ESCAPE DODS
    Reply With Quote #1

    [i]Hi all, after a time away from the day of defeat source, and seeing my old post that people told me that they served and megaupload link, here I bring the amended version to my taste, ZOMBIE ESCAPE, the most CSS-like, as will be posting all Zm_Escape maps converted to Dods, currently only add hacora same 1, very beautiful, good vision changes are the most elegant of ALIEN Howrah and precise characteristics of the Alien speed 1.2, shots head injury in gun body 50 hp 30 hp, improved aLIEN some sounds, sounds when a human or alien sounds really die death, healing, cover, etc.
    and removed the C4 bombs, and added more Tripmines 3 by Human speed Human Maxima 1.4 to kill a zombie, 10 garand grenades, 5 grenades reinforcement, limited weapons, just use the booster s E Can Sweep, also added new version of gameplay humans must plant a bomb in the final round to win the map, and the alien must try that humans do not place it.
    Ire adding maps to this post and.

    Creator of plugins: Mizery
    Modified: Cassual.kiss27
    ********************************************* *******************************

    I added an infinite ammo plugins (April 14, 2012)

    ********************************************* *******************************
    must be installed

    ********************************************* *******************************
    Cvr add your server.cfg or autoexec.cfg

    mp_allowspectators 0
    mp_friendlyfire 0
    mp_limitteams 20
    mp_timelimit 11

    sm_saysoundhe_enable 1 (1) Enable Sounds on / off
    sm_saysoundhe_sound_warn 3 (3) Number of sounds to warn people (0 for no warnings)
    sm_saysoundhe_sound_limit 5 (5) Maximum sounds per person (0 for unlimited)
    sm_saysoundhe_join_exit 0 (0) Play sounds when someone joins or leaves the game
    sm_saysoundhe_join_spawn 1 (1) Wait until the player generates before playing the join sound
    sm_saysoundhe_specific_join_exit 1 play sounds when specific steam ID joins or leaves the game
    sm_saysoundhe_time_between_sounds 4.5 (4.5) of time between each sound trigger, 0.0 to disable checking
    sm_saysoundhe_time_between_admin_sounds 4.5 (4.5) of time between each shot the sound administration, 0.0 to disable checking
    sm_saysoundhe_sound_admin_warn 0 (0) Number of sounds to alert the administrator (0 for no warnings)
    sm_saysoundhe_sound_admin_limit 0 (0) Maximum sounds per admin (0 for unlimited)
    sm_saysoundhe_sound_announce 0 (0) Active announcements when a sound is played
    sm_saysoundhe_sound_sentence 0 (0) When set, will lead to sound, if the keyword is embedded in a sentence
    sm_saysoundhe_sound_logging 1 (1) When set, will be recorded sounds played
    sm_saysoundhe_play_cl_snd_off 0 (0) When set, allows customers who have turned their sounds off to trigger sounds (0 = off | 1 = on)
    sm_saysoundhe_karaoke_delay 15.0 (15.0) Delay before playing a song Karaoke
    sm_saysoundhe_showmenu 1 (1) 1 To show menu to users, 0 to hide menu from users (including administrators)
    sm_saysoundhe_saysounds_volume 1.0 (1.0) Global / set default volume for say sounds (0.0 <= x <= 1.0)
    sm_saysoundhe_block_trigger 0 (0) If set, sound activation block to be displayed in the chat window
    sm_saysoundhe_excl_last_sound 0 (0) If set, do not let it play a sound that was played recently
    sm_saysoundhe_limit_sound_per_round 0 (0) If set, sm_saysoundhe_sound_limit is the limit for each round instead of by map
    sm_saysoundhe_download_threshold -1 (-1) Number of sounds to download for startup map (-1 = unlimited)
    sm_saysoundhe_adult_announce 0 (0) Announce played sounds for adults? | 0 = off 1 =
    sm_saysoundhe_interrupt_sound 0 (0) If set, interrupt the current sound when a new beginning
    sm_saysoundhe_filter_if_dead 0 (0) If set, live players do not hear sounds triggered by dead players
    sm_saysoundhe_track_disconnects 1 (1) If set, sound has stores when customers leave and charge when they join. New since 4.0.4

    sm_posionsmoke_version - ...
    sm_poisonsmoke_damage 1000 - How much damage we deal with players in the smoke? (Default: 5)
    sm_poisonsmoke_seconds 1 - hurt every X seconds. (Default 1)
    sm_poisonsmoke_color_t 20 250 50 - What color should be smoke grenades thrown by the terrorists? Format: \ "red, green, blue \" 0 to 255. (Default: "20 250 50")
    sm_poisonsmoke_color_ct 20 250 50 - What color should be smoke grenades thrown by anti-terrorist? Format: \ "red, green, blue \" 0 to 255. (Default: "20 250 50")
    sm_poisonsmoke_team 1 - What equipment should be allowed the use of poison smoke? 0: The two, one: T, 2: CT (default: 0)

    missile_damage "1000.0" - Sets the maximum amount of damage that the missile can do. (default 100.0)
    missile_radius 350.0 - Sets the radius of explosion of the missiles. (default 350.0)
    missile_speed 500.0 - Sets the speed of the missiles. (default 500.0)
    missile_type 1 - Defines whether the missile is silly (0), homing (1) or guided cross (2). (default 1)
    missile_enable 1 - Activate the plugin (1) / off (0). (default 1)
    missile_replace 0 - Replace these missile missiles, grenades (0), Flashbang (1), smoke (2). (default 0)
    missile_team 0 - set the team can use the missile, no (0), terrorist (1), counter terrorists (2). (default 0)
    missile_arc 1 - Enables convert missile bow (1) / off (0). when disabled the missile does not bend through the air, which became immediately. (default 1)
    missile_ammo 0 - When missile_price is 0 players can use these missiles many for spawning, when missile_price above 0, then this is the maximum number of missiles that can be purchased. 0 is infinite. (default 0)
    missile_price 0 - Set the price for the purchase of missiles. 0 disables the purchase, collect shells are used for ammunition. values ​​greater than 0, only pick not buy ammunition, ammunition, is added to existing reserves to maintain its original projectiles after missile ammunition runs out.

    The sm_numplayers 1 - Number of players before a vote is started
    Sm_sethostname CASSUAL ZOMBIE ESCAPE - Sets the host name with "* Name of Mod *" at the end of its current host name
    Sm_nomod 1 - If set to 0, then no change is not an option in the VoteMenu

    death_beam_on 1/0 1 is on 0 is off
    0-255 death_beam_red amount of red in the beam
    0-255 death_beam_green amount of green on the upper
    death_beam_blue 0-255 amount of blue in the beam
    0-255 death_beam_alpha degree of transparency in the beam
    death_beam_default_setting 1/0 players default

    extra_nades_on 1 0 is off
    extra_nades_amount 3 The amount of additional Nades view
    extra_nades_type "ABC" Nades Define flags to be given

    napalm_nades_on 1 0 is off

    sm_greneffect_enable 1 - activate / deactivate the plugin
    sm_greneffect_trails 1 - enable / disable grenade trails
    sm_greneffect_napalm_he 1 - Change a grenade for a napalm grenade
    sm_greneffect_napalm_he_duration 3 - The length of napalm in seconds
    sm_greneffect_smoke_freeze 1 - Change a smoke grenade from a grenade freezing
    sm_greneffect_smoke_freeze_distance 2 - The distance freezing grenade
    sm_greneffect_smoke_freeze_duration 2 - The duration of freezing in seconds
    sm_greneffect_flash_light 1 - Change a flashbang with a flashlight
    sm_greneffect_flash_light_distance 3 - The distance from the light
    sm_greneffect_flash_light_duration 4 - The duration of light in seconds

    ammo_hegrenade_max "3"
    ammo_flashbang_max "3"
    ammo_smokegrenade_max "3

    sm_tnt_amount 5
    The amount of TNT for every player in the spawn

    sm_tnt_damage 1000
    Amount of damage per package

    sm_tnt_admins 0
    Whether the command can be used by administrators only

    sm_tnt_enabled 1
    Is used to disable certain maps

    2.0 sm_tnt_delay
    Delay time between spawning and be able to plant TNT - useful for the protection of spawning, when FF is ON

    Restrict TNT in class 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 assault rifle = sniper support 5 = 6 = mg rocket

    sm_tnt_mode 0
    TNT Mode 0 = all packages off a line of sight = 2 = timer

    sm_tnt_det_delay 5
    When sm_tnt_mode is 2, ie the length of the fuse in the second

    sm_instantrespawn_enabled 1 <1/0>
    - Enable / Disable Instant Respawn (default: 1)

    sm_instantrespawn_delay 0.1 <0.1 to 4.0>
    - Instant respawn delay (default: 0.1)

    sm_instantrespawn_selectclass 1 <1/0>
    - Enable / Disable Instant Respawn after selecting the class. (default: 1)

    sm_instantrespawn_maxplayers 33 <1 to 8> - Disable Instant Respawn if the number of clients exceeds this value.

    sm_stats_enabled 1 - [1/0] - Enables / disables stat Storing and say commands.
    sm_stats_startpoints 10000 - [0-10000] - Sets the starting points for new players.
    sm_stats_displaymode 2 - [0/1/2] - who Sees Changes chat output. (0: rank public display, 1: private display rank, 2: Chat rank display).

    ********************************************* *******************************
    Commands to use
    ********************************************* *******************************
    Human command
    bind "letter" "!tripmine"
    ********************************************* *******************************

    addons folder contents

    quakesoundslist.cfg / addons / SourceMod / config /
    quakesounds.smx / addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    sm_dod_joinserver.smx / addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    sm_zm.smx / addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    dod_missiles.smx / addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    dod_starfall.smx / addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    dod_starwars_laser3.6.smx/ addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    dod_starwars_replaceweapons.smx/ addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    FireLoopFix.smx/ addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    zspamw/ addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    rsound/ addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    grenade_effects.smx/ addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    BEsaysounds.smx/ addons / SourceMod / plugins /
    plugin.quakesounds.txt / addons / SourceMod / translations /
    sm_quakesounds.cfg / cfg / SourceMod /
    server.cfg / cfg / server.cfg

    ********************************************* *******************************


    Dowloads Maps Zm-Escape

    ********************************************* *******************************

    Works with current source Day of Defeat ESP | ZONA-GAMER.es | ZOMBIE ESCAPE | CLANCASSUAL PUBLICO 5|

    ********************************************* *******************************

    will add the video in a few days to send me questions or leave email to post

    Last edited by cassual.kiss27; 04-21-2012 at 10:01.
    cassual.kiss27 is offline

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