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Can someone test my c++ code?

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Join Date: May 2015
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Old 05-15-2015 , 05:28   Can someone test my c++ code?
Reply With Quote #1

Hello everyone!

I need you to test my code and i want to see your results.
With results i also wish to know:
*used compiler and c++ optimization
*32 or 64bit system?
*If results are alot different than mine then vector source code of yours.

My results:

My c++ optimizations:

Source code:
PHP Code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include "common\SparklyVector.h"

LARGE_INTEGER t_start_countert_current_counter;
void tstart()

double tend()
double out;
out = (double)(t_current_counter.QuadPart t_start_counter.QuadPart);
out *= 0.000001;

int _tmain(int argc_TCHARargv[])

int a 00;

double t1 0.0t2 0.0;
v.reservstep_grow 3.0f;

    for (
016777216a++) += 100;
t1 tend();

    for (
016777216a++) i.push_back(100);
t2 tend();

cout << "myvector/defaultvector" << endl;
cout << "reserved:" << v.reservstep << "/" << i.capacity() << endl;
cout << "size:" << v.size  << "/" << i.size() << endl;
cout << "times:" << t1 << "/" << t2 << " ration:" << t2 t1 << endl;

PHP Code:
#pragma once
template <class T>
int size;
int reserved;
int reservstep;
float reservstep_grow;

size 0;
reserved 0;
reservstep 1;
data 0;
reservstep_grow 1.5f;

spvec(int reservstep)
size 0;
reserved 0;
reservstep reservstep;
data 0;
reservstep_grow 0.0f;

spvec(*indataint insize)
size insize;
reserved 0;
reservstep 1;
data indata;
reservstep_grow 1.5f;

spvec(*indataint insizeint reservstep)
size insize;
reserved 0;
reservstep reservstep;
data indata;
reservstep_grow 0.0f;

size || reserved delete [] data;

void destroy()
size 0;
reserved 0;
delete [] data;

void makeroom(int howmuch)
        if (
reservstep_grow 1.0reservstep int((float)size reservstep_grow);
*= new T[size+reserved+howmuch+reservstep];
int a 0sizea++ ) p[a] = data[a];
sizedelete [] data;
data p;
reserved += howmuch reservstep;

void takeroomint howmuch )
int needs reserved howmuch;
needs makeroom(needs / -1);
size += howmuch;
reserved -= howmuch;

void trim()
*= new T[size+reservstep];
int a 0sizea++ ) p[a] = data[a];
sizedelete [] data;
data p;
reserved reservstep;

void remove(int pos)
int a possize 1a++ ) data[a] = data[a+1];

void remove(int posint howmuch)
reserved += howmuch;
int a possize 1a++ ) data[a] = data[a+howmuch];
size -= howmuch;

void reverse()
T temp;
int v 0;
int a 0size 2a++ ) 
size - (1);
temp data[a];
data[a] = data[v];
data[v] = temp;

void clear()
reserved += size;
size 0;

void resize(int newsize)
        if (
newsize == 0)
= new T[newsize reservstep];
int b size;
        if (
newsize sizenewsize;

        if (
b) for (int a 0ba++) t[a] = data[a];
        if (
sizedelete[] data;
size b;
data t;

void moveint whatint to )
int aT temp;
what to )
temp data[what];
whattoa-- ) data[a] = data[a-1];
data[to] = temp;

temp data[what];
whattoa++ )
data[a] = data[a+1];
data[to] = temp;

void moveint whatint howmuchint to )
what to )
int a 0<= howmucha++ ) move(what howmuchto);
int a 0<= howmucha++ ) move(whatto howmuch);

void pushT in )
data[size 1] = in;

void pushint posT in )
int a size 2>= posa-- ) data[1] = data[a];
data[pos] = in;

void push(*inint insize)
int i size;
        for (
int a 0insizea++) data[a] = in[a];

void push(int pos*inint insize)
int i size;
int a;
        for (
size 2>= posa--) data[insize] = data[a];
        for (
posinsizea++) data[a] = in[pos];

void swap(int whatint with)
T t;
data[what] = data[with];
data[with] = t;

void swap(int startint endint to)
        for (
int a 0end starta++) swap(start ato a);

spvec &operator+=(const spvec <Tin)
        if (!
in.size) return (*this);
        return (*

spvec &operator-=(const spvec <Tin)
        if (!
in.size) return (*this);
        return (*

spvec &operator+=(const T in)
        return (*

spvec &operator%=(int in)
        return (*

spvec &operator-=(const int in)
        return (*

spvec &operator=(int in)
        return (*

&operator[](int in) const
        return (*(
this->data in));

spvec(spvec <T> &in)
cout << "here1" << endl;
        if (
this == &in)
cout << "this == &in" << endl;
this->size in.size;
this->reserved in.reserved;
this->reservstep in.reservstep;
        if (
in.size || in.reserved)
this->data = new T[in.size in.reserved];
            for (
int a 0in.sizea++) this->data[a] = in.data[a];

spvec <T> &operator=(const spvec <T> &in)
cout << "here2" << endl;
        if (
this == &in)
cout << "this == &in" << endl;
            return (*

        if (
cout << "clear old" << endl;
delete[] this->data;
this->size in.size;
this->reserved in.reserved;
this->reservstep in.reservstep;
        if (
in.size || in.reserved)
this->data = new T[in.size in.reserved];
            for (
int a 0in.sizea++) this->data[a] = in.data[a];
        return (*

vector ( just in case ):
// vector standard header
#pragma once
#ifndef _VECTOR_
#define _VECTOR_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#include <xmemory>
#include <stdexcept>

 #pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
 #pragma warning(push,3)
 #pragma push_macro("new")
 #undef new

 #pragma warning(disable: 4127)
 #pragma warning(disable: 4244)


		// TEMPLATE CLASS _Vector_const_iterator
template<class _Myvec>
	class _Vector_const_iterator
		: public _Iterator012<random_access_iterator_tag,
			typename _Myvec::value_type,
			typename _Myvec::difference_type,
			typename _Myvec::const_pointer,
			typename _Myvec::const_reference,
	{	// iterator for nonmutable vector
	typedef _Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec> _Myiter;
	typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;

	typedef typename _Myvec::value_type value_type;
	typedef typename _Myvec::difference_type difference_type;
	typedef typename _Myvec::const_pointer pointer;
	typedef typename _Myvec::const_reference reference;
	typedef typename _Myvec::pointer _Tptr;

		: _Ptr()
		{	// construct with null pointer

	_Vector_const_iterator(_Tptr _Parg, const _Container_base *_Pvector)
		: _Ptr(_Parg)
		{	// construct with pointer _Parg

	typedef pointer _Unchecked_type;

	_Myiter& _Rechecked(_Unchecked_type _Right)
		{	// reset from unchecked iterator
		this->_Ptr = (_Tptr)_Right;
		return (*this);

	_Unchecked_type _Unchecked() const
		{	// make an unchecked iterator
		return (_Unchecked_type(this->_Ptr));

	reference operator*() const
		{	// return designated object
		if (this->_Getcont() == 0
			|| this->_Ptr == 0
			|| this->_Ptr < ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Myfirst
			|| ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Mylast <= this->_Ptr)
			{	// report error
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector iterator not dereferencable");

		_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE(this->_Getcont() != 0);
			this->_Ptr != _Tptr()
			&& ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Myfirst <= this->_Ptr
			&& this->_Ptr < ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Mylast);

		_Analysis_assume_(this->_Ptr != _Tptr());

		return (*this->_Ptr);

	pointer operator->() const
		{	// return pointer to class object
		return (_STD pointer_traits<pointer>::pointer_to(**this));

	_Myiter& operator++()
		{	// preincrement
		if (this->_Getcont() == 0
			|| this->_Ptr == 0
			|| ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Mylast <= this->_Ptr)
			{	// report error
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector iterator not incrementable");

		_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE(this->_Getcont() != 0);
			this->_Ptr != _Tptr()
			&& this->_Ptr < ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Mylast);

		return (*this);

	_Myiter operator++(int)
		{	// postincrement
		_Myiter _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp);

	_Myiter& operator--()
		{	// predecrement
		if (this->_Getcont() == 0
			|| this->_Ptr == 0
			|| this->_Ptr <= ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Myfirst)
			{	// report error
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector iterator not decrementable");

		_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE(this->_Getcont() != 0);
			this->_Ptr != _Tptr()
			&& ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Myfirst < this->_Ptr);

		return (*this);

	_Myiter operator--(int)
		{	// postdecrement
		_Myiter _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp);

	_Myiter& operator+=(difference_type _Off)
		{	// increment by integer
		if (this->_Getcont() == 0
			|| this->_Ptr + _Off < ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Myfirst
			|| ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Mylast < this->_Ptr + _Off)
			{	// report error
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector iterator + offset out of range");

		_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE(this->_Getcont() != 0);
			((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Myfirst <= this->_Ptr + _Off
			&& this->_Ptr + _Off <= ((_Myvec *)this->_Getcont())->_Mylast);

		_Ptr += _Off;
		return (*this);

	_Myiter operator+(difference_type _Off) const
		{	// return this + integer
		_Myiter _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp += _Off);

	_Myiter& operator-=(difference_type _Off)
		{	// decrement by integer
		return (*this += -_Off);

	_Myiter operator-(difference_type _Off) const
		{	// return this - integer
		_Myiter _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp -= _Off);

	difference_type operator-(const _Myiter& _Right) const
		{	// return difference of iterators
		return (this->_Ptr - _Right._Ptr);

	reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const
		{	// subscript
		return (*(*this + _Off));

	bool operator==(const _Myiter& _Right) const
		{	// test for iterator equality
		return (this->_Ptr == _Right._Ptr);

	bool operator!=(const _Myiter& _Right) const
		{	// test for iterator inequality
		return (!(*this == _Right));

	bool operator<(const _Myiter& _Right) const
		{	// test if this < _Right
		return (this->_Ptr < _Right._Ptr);

	bool operator>(const _Myiter& _Right) const
		{	// test if this > _Right
		return (_Right < *this);

	bool operator<=(const _Myiter& _Right) const
		{	// test if this <= _Right
		return (!(_Right < *this));

	bool operator>=(const _Myiter& _Right) const
		{	// test if this >= _Right
		return (!(*this < _Right));

	void _Compat(const _Myiter& _Right) const
		{	// test for compatible iterator pair
		if (this->_Getcont() == 0
			|| this->_Getcont() != _Right._Getcont())
			{	// report error
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector iterators incompatible");

	void _Compat(const _Myiter& _Right) const
		{	// test for compatible iterator pair
		_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE(this->_Getcont() != 0);
		_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE_RANGE(this->_Getcont() == _Right._Getcont());

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */
	void _Compat(const _Myiter&) const
		{	// test for compatible iterator pair

	_Tptr _Ptr;	// pointer to element in vector

template<class _Myvec> inline
	typename _Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec>::_Unchecked_type
		_Unchecked(_Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec> _Iter)
	{	// convert to unchecked
	return (_Iter._Unchecked());

template<class _Myvec> inline
		_Rechecked(_Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec>& _Iter,
			typename _Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec>
				::_Unchecked_type _Right)
	{	// convert to checked
	return (_Iter._Rechecked(_Right));

template<class _Myvec> inline
	_Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec> operator+(
		typename _Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec>::difference_type _Off,
		_Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec> _Next)
	{	// add offset to iterator
	return (_Next += _Off);

		// TEMPLATE CLASS _Vector_iterator
template<class _Myvec>
	class _Vector_iterator
		: public _Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec>
	{	// iterator for mutable vector
	typedef _Vector_iterator<_Myvec> _Myiter;
	typedef _Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec> _Mybase;
	typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;

	typedef typename _Myvec::value_type value_type;
	typedef typename _Myvec::difference_type difference_type;
	typedef typename _Myvec::pointer pointer;
	typedef typename _Myvec::reference reference;

		{	// construct with null vector pointer

	_Vector_iterator(pointer _Parg, const _Container_base *_Pvector)
		: _Mybase(_Parg, _Pvector)
		{	// construct with pointer _Parg

	typedef pointer _Unchecked_type;

	_Myiter& _Rechecked(_Unchecked_type _Right)
		{	// reset from unchecked iterator
		this->_Ptr = _Right;
		return (*this);

	_Unchecked_type _Unchecked() const
		{	// make an unchecked iterator
		return (_Unchecked_type(this->_Ptr));

	reference operator*() const
		{	// return designated object
		return ((reference)**(_Mybase *)this);

	pointer operator->() const
		{	// return pointer to class object
		return (_STD pointer_traits<pointer>::pointer_to(**this));

	_Myiter& operator++()
		{	// preincrement
		++*(_Mybase *)this;
		return (*this);

	_Myiter operator++(int)
		{	// postincrement
		_Myiter _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp);

	_Myiter& operator--()
		{	// predecrement
		--*(_Mybase *)this;
		return (*this);

	_Myiter operator--(int)
		{	// postdecrement
		_Myiter _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp);

	_Myiter& operator+=(difference_type _Off)
		{	// increment by integer
		*(_Mybase *)this += _Off;
		return (*this);

	_Myiter operator+(difference_type _Off) const
		{	// return this + integer
		_Myiter _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp += _Off);

	_Myiter& operator-=(difference_type _Off)
		{	// decrement by integer
		return (*this += -_Off);

	_Myiter operator-(difference_type _Off) const
		{	// return this - integer
		_Myiter _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp -= _Off);

	difference_type operator-(const _Mybase& _Right) const
		{	// return difference of iterators
		return (*(_Mybase *)this - _Right);

	reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const
		{	// subscript
		return (*(*this + _Off));

template<class _Myvec> inline
	typename _Vector_iterator<_Myvec>::_Unchecked_type
		_Unchecked(_Vector_iterator<_Myvec> _Iter)
	{	// convert to unchecked
	return (_Iter._Unchecked());

template<class _Myvec> inline
		_Rechecked(_Vector_iterator<_Myvec>& _Iter,
			typename _Vector_iterator<_Myvec>
				::_Unchecked_type _Right)
	{	// convert to checked
	return (_Iter._Rechecked(_Right));

template<class _Myvec> inline
	_Vector_iterator<_Myvec> operator+(
		typename _Vector_iterator<_Myvec>::difference_type _Off,
		_Vector_iterator<_Myvec> _Next)
	{	// add offset to iterator
	return (_Next += _Off);

		// vector TYPE WRAPPERS
template<class _Value_type,
	class _Size_type,
	class _Difference_type,
	class _Pointer,
	class _Const_pointer,
	class _Reference,
	class _Const_reference>
	struct _Vec_iter_types
	{	// wraps types needed by iterators
	typedef _Value_type value_type;
	typedef _Size_type size_type;
	typedef _Difference_type difference_type;
	typedef _Pointer pointer;
	typedef _Const_pointer const_pointer;
	typedef _Reference reference;
	typedef _Const_reference const_reference;

template<class _Ty,
	class _Alloc0>
	struct _Vec_base_types
	{	// types needed for a container base
	typedef _Alloc0 _Alloc;
	typedef _Vec_base_types<_Ty, _Alloc> _Myt;

	typedef _Wrap_alloc<_Alloc> _Alty0;
	typedef typename _Alty0::template rebind<_Ty>::other _Alty;

	typedef typename _Alty::pointer _Tptr;
	typedef typename _Alty::template rebind<_Tptr>::other _Alpty;

	typedef typename _If<_Is_simple_alloc<_Alty>::value,
		_Simple_types<typename _Alty::value_type>,
		_Vec_iter_types<typename _Alty::value_type,
			typename _Alty::size_type,
			typename _Alty::difference_type,
			typename _Alty::pointer,
			typename _Alty::const_pointer,
			typename _Alty::reference,
			typename _Alty::const_reference> >::type

		// TEMPLATE CLASS _Vector_val
template<class _Val_types>
	class _Vector_val
		: public _Container_base
	{	// base class for vector to hold data
	typedef _Vector_val<_Val_types> _Myt;

	typedef typename _Val_types::value_type value_type;
	typedef typename _Val_types::size_type size_type;
	typedef typename _Val_types::difference_type difference_type;
	typedef typename _Val_types::pointer pointer;
	typedef typename _Val_types::const_pointer const_pointer;
	typedef typename _Val_types::reference reference;
	typedef typename _Val_types::const_reference const_reference;

	typedef _Vector_iterator<_Myt> iterator;
	typedef _Vector_const_iterator<_Myt> const_iterator;

		{	// initialize values
		_Myfirst = pointer();
		_Mylast = pointer();
		_Myend = pointer();

	pointer _Myfirst;	// pointer to beginning of array
	pointer _Mylast;	// pointer to current end of sequence
	pointer _Myend;	// pointer to end of array

		// TEMPLATE CLASS _Vector_alloc
template<bool _Al_has_storage,
	class _Alloc_types>
	class _Vector_alloc
		: public _Vector_val<typename _Alloc_types::_Val_types>
	{	// base class for vector to hold allocator with storage
	typename _Alloc_types::_Alty _Alval;	// allocator object

	typedef _Vector_alloc<_Al_has_storage, _Alloc_types> _Myt;
	typedef typename _Alloc_types::_Alloc _Alloc;
	typedef typename _Alloc_types::_Alty _Alty;

	_Vector_alloc(const _Alloc& _Al = _Alloc())
		: _Alval(_Al)
		{	// construct allocator from _Al

	void _Change_alloc(const _Alty& _Al)
		{	// replace old allocator
		this->_Alval = _Al;

	void _Swap_alloc(_Myt& _Right)
		{	// swap allocators
		_Swap_adl(this->_Alval, _Right._Alval);

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */
	_Vector_alloc(const _Alty& _Al = _Alty())
		: _Alval(_Al)
		{	// construct allocator from _Al

	~_Vector_alloc() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// destroy proxy

	void _Change_alloc(const _Alty& _Al)
		{	// replace old allocator
		this->_Alval = _Al;

	void _Swap_alloc(_Myt& _Right)
		{	// swap allocators
		_Swap_adl(this->_Alval, _Right._Alval);
		_Swap_adl(this->_Myproxy, _Right._Myproxy);

	void _Alloc_proxy()
		{	// construct proxy from _Alval
		typename _Alty::template rebind<_Container_proxy>::other
		this->_Myproxy = _Alproxy.allocate(1);
		_Alproxy.construct(this->_Myproxy, _Container_proxy());
		this->_Myproxy->_Mycont = this;

	void _Free_proxy()
		{	// destroy proxy
		typename _Alty::template rebind<_Container_proxy>::other
		_Alproxy.deallocate(this->_Myproxy, 1);
		this->_Myproxy = 0;
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */

	_Alty& _Getal()
		{	// get reference to allocator
		return (this->_Alval);

	const _Alty& _Getal() const
		{	// get reference to allocator
		return (this->_Alval);

template<class _Alloc_types>
	class _Vector_alloc<false, _Alloc_types>
		: public _Vector_val<typename _Alloc_types::_Val_types>
	{	// base class for vector to hold allocator with no storage
	typedef _Vector_alloc<false, _Alloc_types> _Myt;
	typedef typename _Alloc_types::_Alloc _Alloc;

	typedef typename _Alloc_types::_Alty _Alty;

	_Vector_alloc(const _Alloc& = _Alloc())
		{	// construct allocator from _Al

	void _Change_alloc(const _Alty&)
		{	// replace old allocator

	void _Swap_alloc(_Myt&)
		{	// swap allocators

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */
	_Vector_alloc(const _Alloc& = _Alloc())
		{	// construct allocator from _Al

	~_Vector_alloc() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// destroy proxy

	void _Change_alloc(const _Alty&)
		{	// replace old allocator

	void _Swap_alloc(_Myt& _Right)
		{	// swap allocators
		_Swap_adl(this->_Myproxy, _Right._Myproxy);

	void _Alloc_proxy()
		{	// construct proxy from _Alval
		typename _Alty::template rebind<_Container_proxy>::other
		this->_Myproxy = _Alproxy.allocate(1);
		_Alproxy.construct(this->_Myproxy, _Container_proxy());
		this->_Myproxy->_Mycont = this;

	void _Free_proxy()
		{	// destroy proxy
		typename _Alty::template rebind<_Container_proxy>::other
		_Alproxy.deallocate(this->_Myproxy, 1);
		this->_Myproxy = 0;
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */

	_Alty _Getal() const
		{	// get reference to allocator
		return (_Alty());

		// TEMPLATE CLASS vector
template<class _Ty,
	class _Alloc = allocator<_Ty> >
	class vector
		: public _Vector_alloc<!is_empty<_Alloc>::value,
			_Vec_base_types<_Ty, _Alloc> >
	{	// varying size array of values
	typedef vector<_Ty, _Alloc> _Myt;
	typedef _Vector_alloc<!is_empty<_Alloc>::value,
		_Vec_base_types<_Ty, _Alloc> > _Mybase;
	typedef _Alloc allocator_type;

	typedef typename _Mybase::_Alty _Alty;

	typedef typename _Mybase::value_type value_type;
	typedef typename _Mybase::size_type size_type;
	typedef typename _Mybase::difference_type difference_type;
	typedef typename _Mybase::pointer pointer;
	typedef typename _Mybase::const_pointer const_pointer;
	typedef typename _Mybase::reference reference;
	typedef typename _Mybase::const_reference const_reference;

 #define _VICONT(it)	it._Getcont()
 #define _VIPTR(it)	(it)._Ptr

	typedef typename _Mybase::iterator iterator;
	typedef typename _Mybase::const_iterator const_iterator;

	typedef _STD reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
	typedef _STD reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;

		: _Mybase()
		{	// construct empty vector

	explicit vector(const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Mybase(_Al)
		{	// construct empty vector, allocator

	explicit vector(size_type _Count)
		: _Mybase()
		{	// construct from _Count * value_type()
		if (_Buy(_Count))
			{	// nonzero, fill it
			_Alty _Alval(this->_Getal());
			_Uninitialized_default_fill_n(this->_Myfirst, _Count, _Alval);
			this->_Mylast += _Count;

	vector(size_type _Count, const value_type& _Val)
		: _Mybase()
		{	// construct from _Count * _Val
		_Construct_n(_Count, _STD addressof(_Val));

	vector(size_type _Count, const value_type& _Val, const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Mybase(_Al)
		{	// construct from _Count * _Val, allocator
		_Construct_n(_Count, _STD addressof(_Val));

	vector(const _Myt& _Right)

		: _Mybase(_Right._Getal().select_on_container_copy_construction())

		{	// construct by copying _Right
		if (_Buy(_Right.size()))
			this->_Mylast = _Ucopy(_Right.begin(), _Right.end(),

	vector(const _Myt& _Right, const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Mybase(_Al)
		{	// construct by copying _Right, allocator
		if (_Buy(_Right.size()))
			this->_Mylast = _Ucopy(_Right.begin(), _Right.end(),

	template<class _Iter,
		class = typename enable_if<_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value,
			void>:: type>
		vector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last)
		: _Mybase()
		{	// construct from [_First, _Last)
		_Construct(_First, _Last);

	template<class _Iter,
		class = typename enable_if<_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value,
			void>:: type>
		vector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Mybase(_Al)
		{	// construct from [_First, _Last) with allocator
		_Construct(_First, _Last);

	template<class _Iter>
		void _Construct(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last)
		{	// initialize with [_First, _Last)
		_Construct(_First, _Last, _Iter_cat(_First));

	template<class _Iter>
		void _Construct(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, input_iterator_tag)
		{	// initialize with [_First, _Last), input iterators

		for (; _First != _Last; ++_First)


	template<class _Iter>
		void _Construct(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, forward_iterator_tag)
		{	// initialize with [_First, _Last), forward iterators
		if (_Buy(_STD distance(_First, _Last)))
			{	// nonzero, fill it
			this->_Mylast = _Ucopy(_First, _Last, this->_Myfirst);

	void _Construct_n(size_type _Count, const value_type *_Pval)
		{	// construct from _Count * *_Pval
		if (_Buy(_Count))
			{	// nonzero, fill it
			this->_Mylast = _Ufill(this->_Myfirst, _Count, _Pval);

	vector(_Myt&& _Right)
		: _Mybase(_Right._Getal())
		{	// construct by moving _Right
		_Assign_rv(_STD forward<_Myt>(_Right), true_type());

	vector(_Myt&& _Right, const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Mybase(_Al)
		{	// construct by moving _Right, allocator
		_Assign_rv(_STD forward<_Myt>(_Right));

	_Myt& operator=(_Myt&& _Right)
		{	// assign by moving _Right
		if (this != &_Right)
			{	// different, assign it
			if (_Alty::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value
				&& this->_Getal() != _Right._Getal())

			_Assign_rv(_STD forward<_Myt>(_Right));
		return (*this);

	void _Assign_rv(_Myt&& _Right, true_type)
		{	// move from _Right, stealing its contents
		this->_Myfirst = _Right._Myfirst;
		this->_Mylast = _Right._Mylast;
		this->_Myend = _Right._Myend;

		_Right._Myfirst = pointer();
		_Right._Mylast = pointer();
		_Right._Myend = pointer();

	void _Assign_rv(_Myt&& _Right, false_type)
		{	// move from _Right, possibly moving its contents
		if (get_allocator() == _Right.get_allocator())
			_Assign_rv(_STD forward<_Myt>(_Right), true_type());
			_Construct(_STD make_move_iterator(_Right.begin()),
				_STD make_move_iterator(_Right.end()));

	void _Assign_rv(_Myt&& _Right)
		{	// assign by moving _Right
		_Assign_rv(_STD forward<_Myt>(_Right),
			typename _Alty::propagate_on_container_move_assignment());

	void push_back(value_type&& _Val)
		{	// insert by moving into element at end
		if (_Inside(_STD addressof(_Val)))
			{	// push back an element
			size_type _Idx = _STD addressof(_Val) - this->_Myfirst;
			if (this->_Mylast == this->_Myend)
			_Orphan_range(this->_Mylast, this->_Mylast);
				_STD forward<value_type>(this->_Myfirst[_Idx]));
			{	// push back a non-element
			if (this->_Mylast == this->_Myend)
			_Orphan_range(this->_Mylast, this->_Mylast);
				_STD forward<value_type>(_Val));

	iterator insert(const_iterator _Where, _Ty&& _Val)
		{	// insert by moving _Val at _Where
		return (emplace(_Where, _STD move(_Val)));

	template<class... _Valty>
		void emplace_back(_Valty&&... _Val)
		{	// insert by moving into element at end
		if (this->_Mylast == this->_Myend)
		_Orphan_range(this->_Mylast, this->_Mylast);
			_STD forward<_Valty>(_Val)...);

	template<class... _Valty>
		iterator emplace(const_iterator _Where, _Valty&&... _Val)
		{	// insert by moving _Val at _Where
		size_type _Off = _VIPTR(_Where) - this->_Myfirst;

		if (size() < _Off)
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector emplace iterator outside range");
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

		emplace_back(_STD forward<_Valty>(_Val)...);
		_STD rotate(begin() + _Off, end() - 1, end());
		return (begin() + _Off);

	vector(_XSTD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist,
		const _Alloc& _Al = allocator_type())
		: _Mybase(_Al)
		{	// construct from initializer_list
		insert(begin(), _Ilist.begin(), _Ilist.end());

	_Myt& operator=(_XSTD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist)
		{	// assign initializer_list
		assign(_Ilist.begin(), _Ilist.end());
		return (*this);

	void assign(_XSTD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist)
		{	// assign initializer_list
		assign(_Ilist.begin(), _Ilist.end());

	iterator insert(const_iterator _Where,
		_XSTD initializer_list<value_type> _Ilist)
		{	// insert initializer_list
		return (insert(_Where, _Ilist.begin(), _Ilist.end()));

	~vector() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// destroy the object

	_Myt& operator=(const _Myt& _Right)
		{	// assign _Right
		if (this != &_Right)
			{	// different, assign it
			if (this->_Getal() != _Right._Getal()
				&& _Alty::propagate_on_container_copy_assignment::value)
				{	// change allocator before copying


			if (_Right.empty())
				clear();	// new sequence empty, erase existing sequence
			else if (_Right.size() <= size())
				{	// enough elements, copy new and destroy old
				pointer _Ptr = _Copy_impl(_Right._Myfirst,
					_Right._Mylast, this->_Myfirst);	// copy new
				_Destroy(_Ptr, this->_Mylast);	// destroy old
				this->_Mylast = this->_Myfirst + _Right.size();
			else if (_Right.size() <= capacity())
				{	// enough room, copy and construct new
				pointer _Ptr = _Right._Myfirst + size();
					_Ptr, this->_Myfirst);
				this->_Mylast = _Ucopy(_Ptr, _Right._Mylast, this->_Mylast);
				{	// not enough room, allocate new array and construct new
				if (this->_Myfirst != pointer())
					{	// discard old array
					_Destroy(this->_Myfirst, this->_Mylast);
						this->_Myend - this->_Myfirst);
				if (_Buy(_Right.size()))
					this->_Mylast = _Ucopy(_Right._Myfirst, _Right._Mylast,
		return (*this);

	void reserve(size_type _Count)
		{	// determine new minimum length of allocated storage
		if (capacity() < _Count)
			{	// something to do, check and reallocate
			if (max_size() < _Count)

	size_type capacity() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return current length of allocated storage
		return (this->_Myend - this->_Myfirst);

	size_type _Unused_capacity() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// micro-optimization for capacity() - size()
		return (this->_Myend - this->_Mylast);

	size_type _Has_unused_capacity() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// micro-optimization for capacity() != size()
		return (this->_Myend != this->_Mylast);

	iterator begin() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of mutable sequence
		return (iterator(this->_Myfirst, this));

	const_iterator begin() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of nonmutable sequence
		return (const_iterator(this->_Myfirst, this));

	iterator end() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of mutable sequence
		return (iterator(this->_Mylast, this));

	const_iterator end() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of nonmutable sequence
		return (const_iterator(this->_Mylast, this));

	iterator _Make_iter(const_iterator _Where) const
		{	// make iterator from const_iterator
		return (iterator(_Where._Ptr, this));

	reverse_iterator rbegin() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of reversed mutable sequence
		return (reverse_iterator(end()));

	const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of reversed nonmutable sequence
		return (const_reverse_iterator(end()));

	reverse_iterator rend() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of reversed mutable sequence
		return (reverse_iterator(begin()));

	const_reverse_iterator rend() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of reversed nonmutable sequence
		return (const_reverse_iterator(begin()));

	const_iterator cbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of nonmutable sequence
		return (((const _Myt *)this)->begin());

	const_iterator cend() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of nonmutable sequence
		return (((const _Myt *)this)->end());

	const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of reversed nonmutable sequence
		return (((const _Myt *)this)->rbegin());

	const_reverse_iterator crend() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of reversed nonmutable sequence
		return (((const _Myt *)this)->rend());

	void shrink_to_fit()
		{	// reduce capacity
		if (_Has_unused_capacity())
			{	// worth shrinking, do it
			if (empty())

	void resize(size_type _Newsize)
		{	// determine new length, padding as needed
		if (_Newsize < size())
			_Pop_back_n(size() - _Newsize);
		else if (size() < _Newsize)
			{	// pad as needed
			_Alty _Alval(this->_Getal());
			_Reserve(_Newsize - size());
			_Uninitialized_default_fill_n(this->_Mylast, _Newsize - size(),
			this->_Mylast += _Newsize - size();

	void resize(size_type _Newsize, const value_type& _Val)
		{	// determine new length, padding with _Val elements as needed
		if (_Newsize < size())
			_Pop_back_n(size() - _Newsize);
		else if (size() < _Newsize)
			{	// pad as needed
			const value_type *_Ptr = _STD addressof(_Val);

			if (_Inside(_Ptr))
				{	// padding is inside vector, recompute _Ptr after reserve
				const difference_type _Idx = _Ptr
					- _STD addressof(*this->_Myfirst);
				_Reserve(_Newsize - size());
				_Ptr = _STD addressof(*this->_Myfirst) + _Idx;
				_Reserve(_Newsize - size());

			_Ufill(this->_Mylast, _Newsize - size(), _Ptr);
			this->_Mylast += _Newsize - size();

	size_type size() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return length of sequence
		return (this->_Mylast - this->_Myfirst);

	size_type max_size() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return maximum possible length of sequence
		return (this->_Getal().max_size());

	bool empty() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// test if sequence is empty
		return (this->_Myfirst == this->_Mylast);

	_Alloc get_allocator() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return allocator object for values
		return (this->_Getal());

	const_reference at(size_type _Pos) const
		{	// subscript nonmutable sequence with checking
		if (size() <= _Pos)
		return (*(this->_Myfirst + _Pos));

	reference at(size_type _Pos)
		{	// subscript mutable sequence with checking
		if (size() <= _Pos)
		return (*(this->_Myfirst + _Pos));

	const_reference operator[](size_type _Pos) const
		{	// subscript nonmutable sequence
		if (size() <= _Pos)
			{	// report error
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector subscript out of range");


		return (*(this->_Myfirst + _Pos));

	reference operator[](size_type _Pos)
		{	// subscript mutable sequence
		if (size() <= _Pos)
			{	// report error
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector subscript out of range");


		return (*(this->_Myfirst + _Pos));

	pointer data() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return address of first element
		return (this->_Myfirst);

	const_pointer data() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return address of first element
		return (this->_Myfirst);

	reference front()
		{	// return first element of mutable sequence
		return (*begin());

	const_reference front() const
		{	// return first element of nonmutable sequence
		return (*begin());

	reference back()
		{	// return last element of mutable sequence
		return (*(end() - 1));

	const_reference back() const
		{	// return last element of nonmutable sequence
		return (*(end() - 1));

	void push_back(const value_type& _Val)
		{	// insert element at end
		if (_Inside(_STD addressof(_Val)))
			{	// push back an element
			size_type _Idx = _STD addressof(_Val) - this->_Myfirst;
			if (this->_Mylast == this->_Myend)
			_Orphan_range(this->_Mylast, this->_Mylast);
			{	// push back a non-element
			if (this->_Mylast == this->_Myend)
			_Orphan_range(this->_Mylast, this->_Mylast);

	void pop_back()
		{	// erase element at end
		if (empty())
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector empty before pop");
			{	// erase last element
			_Orphan_range(this->_Mylast - 1, this->_Mylast);
			this->_Getal().destroy(this->_Mylast - 1);

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
	void pop_back()
		{	// erase element at end
		this->_Getal().destroy(this->_Mylast - 1);
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

	template<class _Iter>
		typename enable_if<_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value,
		assign(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last)
		{	// assign [_First, _Last)
		_Assign(_First, _Last, _Iter_cat(_First));

	template<class _Iter>
		void _Assign(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, input_iterator_tag)
		{	// assign [_First, _Last), input iterators
		for (; _First != _Last; ++_First)

	template<class _Iter>
		void _Assign(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, forward_iterator_tag)
		{	// assign [_First, _Last), forward iterators
		if (_First == _Last)
			return;	// nothing to do

		size_type _Newsize = _STD distance(_First, _Last);

		if (capacity() < _Newsize)
			{	// need more room, try to get it
			size_type _Newcapacity = _Grow_to(_Newsize);

		this->_Mylast = _Ucopy(_First, _Last, this->_Myfirst);

	void assign(size_type _Count, const value_type& _Val)
		{	// assign _Count * _Val
		insert(begin(), _Count, _Val);

	iterator insert(const_iterator _Where, const _Ty& _Val)
		{	// insert _Val at _Where
		return (_Insert_n(_Where, (size_type)1, _Val));

	iterator insert(const_iterator _Where, size_type _Count,
		const _Ty& _Val)
		{	// insert _Count * _Val at _Where
		return (_Insert_n(_Where, _Count, _Val));

	template<class _Iter>
		typename enable_if<_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value,
		insert(const_iterator _Where, _Iter _First, _Iter _Last)
		{	// insert [_First, _Last) at _Where
		size_type _Off = _VIPTR(_Where) - this->_Myfirst;
		_Insert(_Where, _First, _Last, _Iter_cat(_First));
		return (begin() + _Off);

	template<class _Iter>
		void _Insert(const_iterator _Where, _Iter _First, _Iter _Last,
		{	// insert [_First, _Last) at _Where, input iterators
		size_type _Off = _VIPTR(_Where) - this->_Myfirst;

		if (size() < _Off)
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector insert iterator outside range");
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

		if (_First != _Last)
			{	// worth doing, gather at end and rotate into place
			size_type _Oldsize = size();

			for (; _First != _Last; ++_First)
				push_back(*_First);	// append

			erase(begin() + _Oldsize, end());

			_STD rotate(begin() + _Off, begin() + _Oldsize, end());

	template<class _Iter>
		void _Insert(const_iterator _Where, _Iter _First, _Iter _Last,
		{	// insert [_First, _Last) at _Where, forward iterators
		if (_VICONT(_Where) != this
			|| _VIPTR(_Where) < this->_Myfirst
			|| this->_Mylast < _VIPTR(_Where))
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector insert iterator outside range");
		_DEBUG_RANGE(_First, _Last);
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

		size_type _Count = 0;
		_Distance(_First, _Last, _Count);

		if (_Count == 0)
		else if (_Unused_capacity() < _Count)
			{	// not enough room, reallocate
			if (max_size() - size() < _Count)
				_Xlen();	// result too long

			size_type _Capacity = _Grow_to(size() + _Count);
			pointer _Newvec = this->_Getal().allocate(_Capacity);
			pointer _Ptr = _Newvec;

			_Ptr = _Umove(this->_Myfirst, _VIPTR(_Where),
				_Newvec);	// copy prefix
			_Ptr = _Ucopy(_First, _Last, _Ptr);	// add new stuff
			_Umove(_VIPTR(_Where), this->_Mylast,
				_Ptr);	// copy suffix
			_Destroy(_Newvec, _Ptr);
			this->_Getal().deallocate(_Newvec, _Capacity);

			_Count += size();
			if (this->_Myfirst != pointer())
				{	// destroy and deallocate old array
				_Destroy(this->_Myfirst, this->_Mylast);
					this->_Myend - this->_Myfirst);

			this->_Myend = _Newvec + _Capacity;
			this->_Mylast = _Newvec + _Count;
			this->_Myfirst = _Newvec;
			{	// new stuff fits, append and rotate into place
			_Ucopy(_First, _Last, this->_Mylast);
			_STD rotate(_VIPTR(_Where), this->_Mylast,
				this->_Mylast + _Count);
			this->_Mylast += _Count;
			_Orphan_range(_VIPTR(_Where), this->_Mylast);

	iterator erase(const_iterator _Where)
		{	// erase element at where
		if (_VICONT(_Where) != this
			|| _VIPTR(_Where) < this->_Myfirst
			|| this->_Mylast <= _VIPTR(_Where))
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector erase iterator outside range");
		_Move(_VIPTR(_Where) + 1, this->_Mylast, _VIPTR(_Where));
		_Destroy(this->_Mylast - 1, this->_Mylast);
		_Orphan_range(_VIPTR(_Where), this->_Mylast);
		return (_Make_iter(_Where));

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
	iterator erase(const_iterator _Where)
		{	// erase element at where
		_Move(_VIPTR(_Where) + 1, this->_Mylast,
		_Destroy(this->_Mylast - 1, this->_Mylast);
		return (_Make_iter(_Where));
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

	iterator erase(const_iterator _First_arg,
		const_iterator _Last_arg)
		{	// erase [_First, _Last)
		if (_First_arg == begin() && _Last_arg == end())
		else if (_First_arg != _Last_arg)
			{	// clear partial
			iterator _First = _Make_iter(_First_arg);
			iterator _Last = _Make_iter(_Last_arg);

			if (_First != _Last)
				{	// worth doing, copy down over hole
				if (_Last < _First || _VICONT(_First) != this
					|| _VIPTR(_First) < this->_Myfirst
					|| this->_Mylast < _VIPTR(_Last))
					_DEBUG_ERROR("vector erase iterator outside range");
				pointer _Ptr = _Move(_VIPTR(_Last), this->_Mylast,
				_Orphan_range(_VIPTR(_First), this->_Mylast);

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
				pointer _Ptr = _Move(_VIPTR(_Last), this->_Mylast,
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

				_Destroy(_Ptr, this->_Mylast);
				this->_Mylast = _Ptr;
		return (_Make_iter(_First_arg));

	void _Pop_back_n(size_type _Count)
		{	// erase _Count elements at end
		pointer _Ptr = this->_Mylast - _Count;

		_Orphan_range(_Ptr, this->_Mylast);
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

		_Destroy(_Ptr, this->_Mylast);
		this->_Mylast = _Ptr;

	void clear() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// erase all
		_Destroy(this->_Myfirst, this->_Mylast);
		this->_Mylast = this->_Myfirst;

	void swap(_Myt& _Right)
		{	// exchange contents with _Right
		if (this == &_Right)
			;	// same object, do nothing
		else if (this->_Getal() == _Right._Getal())
			{	// same allocator, swap control information
			_Swap_adl(this->_Myfirst, _Right._Myfirst);
			_Swap_adl(this->_Mylast, _Right._Mylast);
			_Swap_adl(this->_Myend, _Right._Myend);

		else if (_Alty::propagate_on_container_swap::value)
			{	// swap allocators and control information
			_Swap_adl(this->_Myfirst, _Right._Myfirst);
			_Swap_adl(this->_Mylast, _Right._Mylast);
			_Swap_adl(this->_Myend, _Right._Myend);

			{	// containers are incompatible
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector containers incompatible for swap");

 #else /* ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
			_XSTD terminate();
 #endif /* ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

	bool _Buy(size_type _Capacity)
		{	// allocate array with _Capacity elements
		this->_Myfirst = pointer();
		this->_Mylast = pointer();
		this->_Myend = pointer();

		if (_Capacity == 0)
			return (false);
		else if (max_size() < _Capacity)
			_Xlen();	// result too long
			{	// nonempty array, allocate storage
			this->_Myfirst = this->_Getal().allocate(_Capacity);
			this->_Mylast = this->_Myfirst;
			this->_Myend = this->_Myfirst + _Capacity;
		return (true);

	void _Destroy(pointer _First, pointer _Last)
		{	// destroy [_First, _Last) using allocator
		_Alty _Alval(this->_Getal());
		_Destroy_range(_First, _Last, _Alval);

	size_type _Grow_to(size_type _Count) const
		{	// grow by 50% or at least to _Count
		size_type _Capacity = capacity();

		_Capacity = max_size() - _Capacity / 2 < _Capacity
			? 0 : _Capacity + _Capacity / 2;	// try to grow by 50%
		if (_Capacity < _Count)
			_Capacity = _Count;
		return (_Capacity);

	bool _Inside(const value_type *_Ptr) const
		{	// test if _Ptr points inside vector
		return (_Ptr < this->_Mylast && this->_Myfirst <= _Ptr);

	void _Reallocate(size_type _Count)
		{	// move to array of exactly _Count elements
		pointer _Ptr = this->_Getal().allocate(_Count);

		_Umove(this->_Myfirst, this->_Mylast, _Ptr);
		this->_Getal().deallocate(_Ptr, _Count);

		size_type _Size = size();
		if (this->_Myfirst != pointer())
			{	// destroy and deallocate old array
			_Destroy(this->_Myfirst, this->_Mylast);
				this->_Myend - this->_Myfirst);

		this->_Myend = _Ptr + _Count;
		this->_Mylast = _Ptr + _Size;
		this->_Myfirst = _Ptr;

	void _Reserve(size_type _Count)
		{	// ensure room for _Count new elements, grow exponentially
		if (_Unused_capacity() < _Count)
			{	// need more room, try to get it
			if (max_size() - size() < _Count)
			_Reallocate(_Grow_to(size() + _Count));

	void _Tidy()
		{	// free all storage
		if (this->_Myfirst != pointer())
			{	// something to free, destroy and deallocate it
			_Destroy(this->_Myfirst, this->_Mylast);
				this->_Myend - this->_Myfirst);
			this->_Myfirst = pointer();
			this->_Mylast = pointer();
			this->_Myend = pointer();

	template<class _Iter>
		pointer _Ucopy(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, pointer _Ptr)
		{	// copy initializing [_First, _Last), using allocator
		_Alty _Alval(this->_Getal());
		return (_Uninitialized_copy(_First, _Last,
			_Ptr, _Alval));

	template<class _Iter>
		pointer _Umove(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, pointer _Ptr)
		{	// move initializing [_First, _Last), using allocator
		_Alty _Alval(this->_Getal());
		return (_Uninitialized_move(_First, _Last,
			_Ptr, _Alval));

	iterator _Insert_n(const_iterator _Where,
		size_type _Count, const value_type& _Val)
		{	// insert _Count * _Val at _Where
		if (_VICONT(_Where) != this
			|| _VIPTR(_Where) < this->_Myfirst
			|| this->_Mylast < _VIPTR(_Where))
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector insert iterator outside range");
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

		size_type _Off = _VIPTR(_Where) - this->_Myfirst;
		if (_Count == 0)
		else if (_Unused_capacity() < _Count)
			{	// not enough room, reallocate
			if (max_size() - size() < _Count)
				_Xlen();	// result too long

			size_type _Capacity = _Grow_to(size() + _Count);
			pointer _Newvec = this->_Getal().allocate(_Capacity);
			size_type _Whereoff = _VIPTR(_Where) - this->_Myfirst;
			int _Ncopied = 0;

			_Ufill(_Newvec + _Whereoff, _Count,
				_STD addressof(_Val));	// add new stuff
			_Umove(this->_Myfirst, _VIPTR(_Where),
				_Newvec);	// copy prefix
			_Umove(_VIPTR(_Where), this->_Mylast,
				_Newvec + (_Whereoff + _Count));	// copy suffix
			if (1 < _Ncopied)
				_Destroy(_Newvec, _Newvec + _Whereoff);
			if (0 < _Ncopied)
				_Destroy(_Newvec + _Whereoff, _Newvec + _Whereoff + _Count);
			this->_Getal().deallocate(_Newvec, _Capacity);

			_Count += size();
			if (this->_Myfirst != pointer())
				{	// destroy and deallocate old array
				_Destroy(this->_Myfirst, this->_Mylast);
					this->_Myend - this->_Myfirst);

			this->_Myend = _Newvec + _Capacity;
			this->_Mylast = _Newvec + _Count;
			this->_Myfirst = _Newvec;
		else if ((size_type)(this->_Mylast - _VIPTR(_Where))
			< _Count)
			{	// new stuff spills off end
			value_type _Tmp = _Val;	// in case _Val is in sequence

			_Umove(_VIPTR(_Where), this->_Mylast,
				_VIPTR(_Where) + _Count);	// copy suffix

				_Count - (this->_Mylast - _VIPTR(_Where)),
				_STD addressof(_Tmp));	// insert new stuff off end
			_Destroy(_VIPTR(_Where) + _Count,
				this->_Mylast + _Count);

			this->_Mylast += _Count;
			_Orphan_range(_VIPTR(_Where), this->_Mylast);
			_STD fill(_VIPTR(_Where), this->_Mylast - _Count,
				_Tmp);	// insert up to old end
			{	// new stuff can all be assigned
			value_type _Tmp = _Val;	// in case _Val is in sequence

			pointer _Oldend = this->_Mylast;
			this->_Mylast = _Umove(_Oldend - _Count, _Oldend,
				this->_Mylast);	// copy suffix

			_Orphan_range(_VIPTR(_Where), this->_Mylast);
			_Copy_backward(_VIPTR(_Where), _Oldend - _Count,
				_Oldend);	// copy hole
			_STD fill(_VIPTR(_Where),
				_VIPTR(_Where) + _Count, _Tmp);	// insert into hole
		return (begin() + _Off);

	pointer _Ufill(pointer _Ptr, size_type _Count, const value_type *_Pval)
		{	// copy initializing _Count * _Val, using allocator
		_Alty _Alval(this->_Getal());
		_Uninitialized_fill_n(_Ptr, _Count, _Pval, _Alval);
		return (_Ptr + _Count);

	__declspec(noreturn) void _Xlen() const
		{	// report a length_error
		_Xlength_error("vector<T> too long");

	__declspec(noreturn) void _Xran() const
		{	// report an out_of_range error
		_Xout_of_range("invalid vector<T> subscript");

	void _Orphan_range(pointer _First, pointer _Last) const
		{	// orphan iterators within specified (inclusive) range
		_Lockit _Lock(_LOCK_DEBUG);
		const_iterator **_Pnext = (const_iterator **)this->_Getpfirst();
		if (_Pnext != 0)
			while (*_Pnext != 0)
				if ((*_Pnext)->_Ptr < _First || _Last < (*_Pnext)->_Ptr)
					_Pnext = (const_iterator **)(*_Pnext)->_Getpnext();
					{	// orphan the iterator
					*_Pnext = *(const_iterator **)(*_Pnext)->_Getpnext();

	void _Orphan_range(pointer, pointer) const
		{	// orphan iterators within specified (inclusive) range
 #endif /* _VECTOR_ORPHAN_RANGE */


template<class _Ty,
	class _Alloc> inline
	void swap(vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left, vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right)
	{	// swap _Left and _Right vectors

template<class _Ty,
	class _Alloc> inline
	bool operator==(const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left,
		const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right)
	{	// test for vector equality
	return (_Left.size() == _Right.size()
		&& equal(_Left.begin(), _Left.end(), _Right.begin()));

template<class _Ty,
	class _Alloc> inline
	bool operator!=(const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left,
		const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right)
	{	// test for vector inequality
	return (!(_Left == _Right));

template<class _Ty,
	class _Alloc> inline
	bool operator<(const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left,
		const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left < _Right for vectors
	return (lexicographical_compare(_Left.begin(), _Left.end(),
		_Right.begin(), _Right.end()));

template<class _Ty,
	class _Alloc> inline
	bool operator>(const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left,
		const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left > _Right for vectors
	return (_Right < _Left);

template<class _Ty,
	class _Alloc> inline
	bool operator<=(const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left,
		const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left <= _Right for vectors
	return (!(_Right < _Left));

template<class _Ty,
	class _Alloc> inline
	bool operator>=(const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Left,
		const vector<_Ty, _Alloc>& _Right)
	{	// test if _Left >= _Right for vectors
	return (!(_Left < _Right));

// TEMPLATE CLASS vector<bool, Alloc> AND FRIENDS
typedef unsigned int _Vbase;	// word type for vector<bool> representation
const int _VBITS = 8 * sizeof (_Vbase);	// at least CHAR_BITS bits per word

		// CLASS _Vb_iter_base
template<class _Alloc>
	class _Vb_iter_base
		: public _Iterator012<random_access_iterator_tag,
			typename _Alloc::difference_type,
			bool *,
	{	// store information common to reference and iterators
	typedef typename _Alloc::size_type _Sizet;
	typedef vector<_Bool, _Alloc> _Mycont;

		: _Myptr(0), _Myoff(0)
		{	// construct with null pointer

	_Vb_iter_base(const _Vbase *_Ptr, _Sizet _Off,
		const _Container_base *_Mypvbool)
		: _Myptr(_Ptr), _Myoff(_Off)
		{	// construct with offset and pointer

	void _Advance(_Sizet _Off)
		{	// advance iterator by _Off
		_Myoff += _Off;
		_Myptr += _Myoff / _VBITS;
		_Myoff %= _VBITS;

	int _Valid(_Sizet _Inc) const
		{	// test for valid incremented offset
		_Sizet _Mysize = ((_Mycont *)this->_Getcont())->_Mysize;

		_Inc += _Myoff;
		_Inc += _VBITS * (_Myptr
			- (((_Mycont *)this->_Getcont())->_Myvec)._Myfirst);
		return (_Inc < _Mysize ? -1 : _Inc == _Mysize ? 0 : +1);

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

		return (-1);
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

	const _Vbase *_Myptr;
	_Sizet _Myoff;

		// CLASS _Vb_reference
template<class _Alloc>
	class _Vb_reference
		: public _Vb_iter_base<_Alloc>
	{	// reference to a bit within a base word
	typedef _Vb_iter_base<_Alloc> _Mybase;
	typedef _Vb_reference<_Alloc> _Mytype;

	_Vb_reference() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// construct with null pointer (private)

	_Vb_reference(const _Mybase& _Right)
		: _Mybase(_Right._Myptr, _Right._Myoff, _Right._Getcont())
		{	// construct with base

	_Mytype& operator=(const _Mytype& _Right) _NOEXCEPT
		{	// assign _Vb_reference _Right to bit
		return (*this = bool(_Right));

	_Mytype& operator=(bool _Val) _NOEXCEPT
		{	// assign _Val to bit
		if (_Val)
			*(_Vbase *)_Getptr() |= _Mask();
			*(_Vbase *)_Getptr() &= (~_Mask());	// STET
		return (*this);

	void flip() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// toggle the bit
		*(_Vbase *)_Getptr() ^= _Mask();

	operator bool() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// test if bit is set
		return ((*_Getptr() & _Mask()) != 0);

	const _Vbase *_Getptr() const
		{	// get pointer to base word
		if (this->_Getcont() == 0
			|| this->_Myptr == 0
			|| 0 <= this->_Valid(0))
			{	// report error
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector<bool> iterator not dereferencable");

		_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE(this->_Getcont() != 0 && this->_Myptr != 0);
		_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE_RANGE(this->_Valid(0) < 0);

		return (this->_Myptr);

	_Vbase _Mask() const
		{	// convert offset to mask
		return ((_Vbase)(1 << this->_Myoff));

template<class _Alloc> inline
	void swap(_Vb_reference<_Alloc> _Left,
		_Vb_reference<_Alloc> _Right)
	{	// swap _Left and _Right vector<bool> elements
	bool _Val = _Left;	// NOT _STD swap
	_Left = _Right;
	_Right = _Val;

		// CLASS _Vb_const_iterator
template<class _Alloc>
	class _Vb_const_iterator
		: public _Vb_iter_base<_Alloc>
	{	// iterator for nonmutable vector<bool>
	typedef _Vb_iter_base<_Alloc> _Mybase;
	typedef _Vb_const_iterator<_Alloc> _Mytype;

	typedef _Vb_reference<_Alloc> _Reft;
	typedef bool const_reference;

	typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
	typedef _Bool value_type;
	typedef typename _Alloc::size_type size_type;
	typedef typename _Alloc::difference_type difference_type;
	typedef const_reference *pointer;
	typedef const_reference reference;

		{	// construct with null reference

	_Vb_const_iterator(const _Vbase *_Ptr, const _Container_base *_Mypvbool)
		: _Mybase(_Ptr, 0, _Mypvbool)
		{	// construct with offset and pointer

	const_reference operator*() const
		{	// return (reference to) designated object
		return (_Reft(*this));

	_Mytype& operator++()
		{	// preincrement
		return (*this);

	_Mytype operator++(int)
		{	// postincrement
		_Mytype _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp);

	_Mytype& operator--()
		{	// predecrement
		return (*this);

	_Mytype operator--(int)
		{	// postdecrement
		_Mytype _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp);

	_Mytype& operator+=(difference_type _Off)
		{	// increment by integer
		if (_Off < 0 && this->_Myoff < 0 - (size_type)_Off)
			{	/* add negative increment */
			this->_Myoff += _Off;
			this->_Myptr -= 1 + ((size_type)(-1) - this->_Myoff) / _VBITS;
			this->_Myoff %= _VBITS;
			{	/* add non-negative increment */
			this->_Myoff += _Off;
			this->_Myptr += this->_Myoff / _VBITS;
			this->_Myoff %= _VBITS;
		return (*this);

	_Mytype operator+(difference_type _Off) const
		{	// return this + integer
		_Mytype _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp += _Off);

	_Mytype& operator-=(difference_type _Off)
		{	// decrement by integer
		return (*this += -_Off);

	_Mytype operator-(difference_type _Off) const
		{	// return this - integer
		_Mytype _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp -= _Off);

	difference_type operator-(
		const _Mytype& _Right) const
		{	// return difference of iterators
		return (_VBITS * (this->_Myptr - _Right._Myptr)
			+ (difference_type)this->_Myoff
			- (difference_type)_Right._Myoff);

	const_reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const
		{	// subscript
		return (*(*this + _Off));

	bool operator==(const _Mytype& _Right) const
		{	// test for iterator equality
		return (this->_Myptr == _Right._Myptr
			&& this->_Myoff == _Right._Myoff);

	bool operator!=(const _Mytype& _Right) const
		{	// test for iterator inequality
		return (!(*this == _Right));

	bool operator<(const _Mytype& _Right) const
		{	// test if this < _Right
		return (this->_Myptr < _Right._Myptr
			|| (this->_Myptr == _Right._Myptr
				&& this->_Myoff < _Right._Myoff));

	bool operator>(const _Mytype& _Right) const
		{	// test if this > _Right
		return (_Right < *this);

	bool operator<=(const _Mytype& _Right) const
		{	// test if this <= _Right
		return (!(_Right < *this));

	bool operator>=(const _Mytype& _Right) const
		{	// test if this >= _Right
		return (!(*this < _Right));

	void _Compat(const _Mytype& _Right) const
		{	// test for compatible iterator pair
		if (this->_Getcont() == 0
			|| this->_Getcont() != _Right._Getcont())
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector<bool> iterators incompatible");

	void _Compat(const _Mytype& _Right) const
		{	// test for compatible iterator pair
		_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE(this->_Getcont() != 0);
		_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE_RANGE(this->_Getcont() == _Right._Getcont());

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */
	void _Compat(const _Mytype&) const
		{	// test for compatible iterator pair

	void _Dec()
		{	// decrement bit position
		if (this->_Myoff != 0)
			{	// move to previous word
			if (this->_Getcont() == 0 || 0 < this->_Valid((size_type)-1))
				{	// report error
				_DEBUG_ERROR("vector<bool> iterator not decrementable");

			_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE(this->_Getcont() != 0);
			_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE_RANGE(this->_Valid((size_type)-1) <= 0);

			this->_Myoff = _VBITS - 1;

	void _Inc()
		{	// increment bit position
		if (this->_Myoff < _VBITS - 1)
			{	// move to next word
			if (this->_Getcont() == 0 || 0 < this->_Valid(1))
				{	// report error
				_DEBUG_ERROR("vector<bool> iterator not incrementable");

			_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE(this->_Getcont() != 0);
			_SCL_SECURE_VALIDATE_RANGE(this->_Valid(1) <= 0);

			this->_Myoff = 0;

template<class _Alloc> inline
	_Vb_const_iterator<_Alloc> operator+(
		typename _Alloc::difference_type _Off,
		_Vb_const_iterator<_Alloc> _Right)
		{	// return _Right + integer
		return (_Right += _Off);

template<class _Alloc>
	struct _Is_checked_helper<_Vb_const_iterator<_Alloc> >
		: public true_type
	{	// mark _Vb_const_iterator as checked

	// CLASS _Vb_iterator
template<class _Alloc>
	class _Vb_iterator
		: public _Vb_const_iterator<_Alloc>
	{	// iterator for mutable vector<bool>
	typedef _Vb_const_iterator<_Alloc> _Mybase;
	typedef _Vb_iterator<_Alloc> _Mytype;

	typedef _Vb_reference<_Alloc> _Reft;
	typedef bool const_reference;

	typedef random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
	typedef _Bool value_type;
	typedef typename _Alloc::size_type size_type;
	typedef typename _Alloc::difference_type difference_type;
	typedef _Reft *pointer;
	typedef _Reft reference;

		{	// construct with null reference

	_Vb_iterator(_Vbase *_Ptr, _Container_base *_Mypvbool)
		: _Mybase(_Ptr, _Mypvbool)
		{	// construct with offset and pointer

	reference operator*() const
		{	// return (reference to) designated object
		return (_Reft(*this));

	_Mytype& operator++()
		{	// preincrement
		++*(_Mybase *)this;
		return (*this);

	_Mytype operator++(int)
		{	// postincrement
		_Mytype _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp);

	_Mytype& operator--()
		{	// predecrement
		--*(_Mybase *)this;
		return (*this);

	_Mytype operator--(int)
		{	// postdecrement
		_Mytype _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp);

	_Mytype& operator+=(difference_type _Off)
		{	// increment by integer
		*(_Mybase *)this += _Off;
		return (*this);

	_Mytype operator+(difference_type _Off) const
		{	// return this + integer
		_Mytype _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp += _Off);

	_Mytype& operator-=(difference_type _Off)
		{	// decrement by integer
		return (*this += -_Off);

	_Mytype operator-(difference_type _Off) const
		{	// return this - integer
		_Mytype _Tmp = *this;
		return (_Tmp -= _Off);

	difference_type operator-(const _Mybase& _Right) const
		{	// return difference of iterators
		return (*(_Mybase *)this - _Right);

	reference operator[](difference_type _Off) const
		{	// subscript
		return (*(*this + _Off));

template<class _Alloc> inline
	_Vb_iterator<_Alloc> operator+(typename _Alloc::difference_type _Off,
		_Vb_iterator<_Alloc> _Right)
		{	// return _Right + integer
		return (_Right += _Off);

template<class _Alloc>
	struct _Is_checked_helper<_Vb_iterator<_Alloc> >
		: public true_type
	{	// mark _Vb_iterator as checked

template<class _Alloc>
	class _Vb_val
		: public _Container_base
	{	// base class for vector<bool> to hold data
	typedef _STD vector<_Vbase, _Alloc> _Vectype;
	typedef typename _Vectype::_Alty _Alty;
	typedef typename _Alty::size_type size_type;

	_Vb_val(size_type _Count, const bool& _Val, const _Alloc& _Al = _Alloc())
		: _Myvec(_Nw(_Count), (_Vbase)(_Val ? -1 : 0), _Al)
		{	// construct _Count * _Val elements with allocator _Al
		_Mysize = 0;

	_Vb_val(const _Vb_val& _Right)
		: _Myvec(_Right._Myvec),
		{	// copy construct

	_Vb_val(const _Vb_val& _Right, const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Myvec(_Right._Myvec, _Al),
		{	// copy construct, allocator

	_Vb_val(_Vb_val&& _Right)
		: _Myvec(_STD forward<_Vectype>(_Right._Myvec)),
		{	// move construct
		_Right._Mysize = 0;

	_Vb_val(_Vb_val&& _Right, const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Myvec(_STD forward<_Vectype>(_Right._Myvec), _Al),
		{	// move construct, allocator
		_Right._Mysize = 0;

	~_Vb_val() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// destroy proxy

	void _Swap_alloc(_Vb_val&)
		{	// do nothing

	void _Alloc_proxy()
		{	// do nothing

	void _Free_proxy()
		{	// do nothing

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */
	void _Swap_alloc(_Vb_val& _Right)
		{	// swap proxies to follow allocators in vector
		_Swap_adl(this->_Myproxy, _Right._Myproxy);

	void _Alloc_proxy()
		{	// allocate a proxy
		typename _Alty::template rebind<_Container_proxy>::other
		this->_Myproxy = _Alproxy.allocate(1);
		_Alproxy.construct(this->_Myproxy, _Container_proxy());
		this->_Myproxy->_Mycont = this;

	void _Free_proxy()
		{	// destroy proxy
		typename _Alty::template rebind<_Container_proxy>::other
		_Alproxy.deallocate(this->_Myproxy, 1);
		this->_Myproxy = 0;
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 0 */

	static size_type _Nw(size_type _Count)
		{	// return number of base words from number of bits
		return ((_Count + _VBITS - 1) / _VBITS);

	_Vectype _Myvec;	// base vector of words
	typename _Alty::size_type _Mysize;	// current length of sequence

		// CLASS vector<bool>

template<class _Alloc>
	class vector<_Bool, _Alloc>
		: public _Vb_val<_Alloc>
	{	// varying size array of bits
	typedef _STD vector<_Bool, _Alloc> _Myt;
	typedef _Vb_val<_Alloc> _Mybase;
	typedef typename _Mybase::_Alty _Alty;
	typedef typename _Mybase::_Vectype _Vectype;

	typedef typename _Alty::size_type size_type;
	typedef typename _Alty::difference_type difference_type;
	typedef _Bool _Ty;
	typedef _Alloc allocator_type;

	typedef _Vb_reference<_Alty> reference;
	typedef bool const_reference;
	typedef bool value_type;

	typedef reference _Reft;
	typedef _Vb_const_iterator<_Alty> const_iterator;
	typedef _Vb_iterator<_Alty> iterator;

	typedef iterator pointer;
	typedef const_iterator const_pointer;
	typedef _STD reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
	typedef _STD reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;

	static const int _VBITS = _STD _VBITS;
	enum {_EEN_VBITS = _VBITS};	// helper for expression evaluator
		: _Mybase(0, false)
		{	// construct empty vector

	explicit vector(const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Mybase(0, false, _Al)
		{	// construct empty vector, allocator

	explicit vector(size_type _Count, const bool& _Val = false)
		: _Mybase(_Count, _Val)
		{	// construct from _Count * _Val

	vector(size_type _Count, const bool& _Val, const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Mybase(_Count, _Val, _Al)
		{	// construct from _Count * _Val, allocator

	vector(const _Myt& _Right)
		: _Mybase(_Right)
		{	// construct by copying _Right

	vector(const _Myt& _Right, const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Mybase(_Right, _Al)
		{	// construct by copying _Right, allocator

	template<class _Iter,
		class = typename enable_if<_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value,
		vector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last)
		: _Mybase(0, false)
		{	// construct from [_First, _Last)
		_BConstruct(_First, _Last);

	template<class _Iter,
		class = typename enable_if<_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value,
		vector(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last, const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Mybase(0, false, _Al)
		{	// construct from [_First, _Last), allocator
		_BConstruct(_First, _Last);

	template<class _Iter>
		void _BConstruct(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last)
		{	// initialize from [_First, _Last), input iterators
		insert(begin(), _First, _Last);

	vector(_Myt&& _Right)
		: _Mybase(_STD forward<_Myt>(_Right))
		{	// move construct by moving _Right

	vector(_Myt&& _Right, const _Alloc& _Al)
		: _Mybase(_STD forward<_Myt>(_Right), _Al)
		{	// move construct by moving _Right, allocator

	_Myt& operator=(_Myt&& _Right)
		{	// assign by moving _Right
		if (this != &_Right)
			{	// different, assign it

			if (_Alty::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value
				&& this->get_allocator() != _Right.get_allocator())
				{	// assign vector, dumping proxy
				this->_Myvec = _STD move(_Right._Myvec);
				this->_Myvec = _STD move(_Right._Myvec);

			this->_Mysize = _Right._Mysize;
			_Right._Mysize = 0;
		return (*this);

	vector(_XSTD initializer_list<bool> _Ilist,
			const _Alloc& _Al = allocator_type())
		: _Mybase(0, false, _Al)
		{	// construct from initializer_list
		insert(begin(), _Ilist.begin(), _Ilist.end());

	_Myt& operator=(_XSTD initializer_list<bool> _Ilist)
		{	// assign initializer_list
		assign(_Ilist.begin(), _Ilist.end());
		return (*this);

	void assign(_XSTD initializer_list<bool> _Ilist)
		{	// assign initializer_list
		assign(_Ilist.begin(), _Ilist.end());

	iterator insert(const_iterator _Where,
			_XSTD initializer_list<bool> _Ilist)
		{	// insert initializer_list
		return (insert(_Where, _Ilist.begin(), _Ilist.end()));

	~vector() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// destroy the object
		this->_Mysize = 0;

	_Myt& operator=(const _Myt& _Right)
		{	// assign from _Right
		this->_Mysize = _Right._Mysize;
		this->_Myvec = _Right._Myvec;
		return (*this);

	void reserve(size_type _Count)
		{	// determine new minimum length of allocated storage

	size_type capacity() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return current length of allocated storage
		return (this->_Myvec.capacity() * _VBITS);

	iterator begin() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of mutable sequence
		return (iterator((_Vbase *)this->_Myvec._Myfirst, this));

	const_iterator begin() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of nonmutable sequence
		return (const_iterator((_Vbase *)this->_Myvec._Myfirst, this));

	iterator end() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of mutable sequence
		iterator _Tmp = begin();
		if (0 < this->_Mysize)
			_Tmp += this->_Mysize;
		return (_Tmp);

	const_iterator end() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of nonmutable sequence
		const_iterator _Tmp = begin();
		if (0 < this->_Mysize)
			_Tmp += this->_Mysize;
		return (_Tmp);

	const_iterator cbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of nonmutable sequence
		return (((const _Myt *)this)->begin());

	const_iterator cend() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of nonmutable sequence
		return (((const _Myt *)this)->end());

	const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of reversed nonmutable sequence
		return (((const _Myt *)this)->rbegin());

	const_reverse_iterator crend() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of reversed nonmutable sequence
		return (((const _Myt *)this)->rend());

	void shrink_to_fit()
		{	// reduce capacity
		if (this->_Myvec._Has_unused_capacity())
			{	// worth shrinking, do it
			_Myt _Tmp(*this);

	iterator _Make_iter(const_iterator _Where)
		{	// make iterator from const_iterator
		iterator _Tmp = begin();
		if (0 < this->_Mysize)
			_Tmp += _Where - begin();
		return (_Tmp);

	reverse_iterator rbegin() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of reversed mutable sequence
		return (reverse_iterator(end()));

	const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for beginning of reversed nonmutable sequence
		return (const_reverse_iterator(end()));

	reverse_iterator rend() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of reversed mutable sequence
		return (reverse_iterator(begin()));

	const_reverse_iterator rend() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return iterator for end of reversed nonmutable sequence
		return (const_reverse_iterator(begin()));

	void resize(size_type _Newsize, bool _Val = false)
		{	// determine new length, padding with _Val elements as needed
		if (size() < _Newsize)
			_Insert_n(end(), _Newsize - size(), _Val);
		else if (_Newsize < size())
			erase(begin() + _Newsize, end());

	size_type size() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return length of sequence
		return (this->_Mysize);

	size_type max_size() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return maximum possible length of sequence
		const size_type _Maxsize = this->_Myvec.max_size();
		return (_Maxsize < (size_type)(-1) / _VBITS
			? _Maxsize * _VBITS : (size_type)(-1));

	bool empty() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// test if sequence is empty
		return (size() == 0);

	_Alloc get_allocator() const _NOEXCEPT
		{	// return allocator object for values
		return (this->_Myvec.get_allocator());

	const_reference at(size_type _Off) const
		{	// subscript nonmutable sequence with checking
		if (size() <= _Off)
		return ((*this)[_Off]);

	reference at(size_type _Off)
		{	// subscript mutable sequence with checking
		if (size() <= _Off)
		return ((*this)[_Off]);

	const_reference operator[](size_type _Off) const
		{	// subscript nonmutable sequence
		const_iterator _It = begin();
		return (*_It);

	reference operator[](size_type _Off)
		{	// subscript mutable sequence
		iterator _It = begin();
		return (*_It);

	reference front()
		{	// return first element of mutable sequence
		return (*begin());

	const_reference front() const
		{	// return first element of nonmutable sequence
		return (*begin());

	reference back()
		{	// return last element of mutable sequence
		return (*(end() - 1));

	const_reference back() const
		{	// return last element of nonmutable sequence
		return (*(end() - 1));

	void push_back(const bool& _Val)
		{	// insert element at end
		insert(end(), _Val);

	void pop_back()
		{	// erase element at end
		erase(end() - 1);

	template<class _Iter>
		typename enable_if<_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value,
		assign(_Iter _First, _Iter _Last)
		{	// assign [_First, _Last), input iterators
		erase(begin(), end());
		insert(begin(), _First, _Last);

	void assign(size_type _Count, const bool& _Val)
		{	// assign _Count * _Val
		erase(begin(), end());
		_Insert_n(begin(), _Count, _Val);

	iterator insert(const_iterator _Where, const bool& _Val)
		{	// insert _Val at _Where
		return (_Insert_n(_Where, (size_type)1, _Val));

	iterator insert(const_iterator _Where, size_type _Count,
		const bool& _Val)
		{	// insert _Count * _Val at _Where
		return (_Insert_n(_Where, _Count, _Val));

	template<class _Iter>
		typename enable_if<_Is_iterator<_Iter>::value,
		insert(const_iterator _Where, _Iter _First, _Iter _Last)
		{	// insert [_First, _Last) at _Where
		size_type _Off = _Where - begin();
		_Insert(_Where, _First, _Last, _Iter_cat(_First));
		return (begin() + _Off);

	template<class _Iter>
		void _Insert(const_iterator _Where, _Iter _First, _Iter _Last,
		{	// insert [_First, _Last) at _Where, input iterators
		size_type _Off = _Where - begin();

		for (; _First != _Last; ++_First, ++_Off)
			insert(begin() + _Off, *_First);

	template<class _Iter>
		void _Insert(const_iterator _Where,
			_Iter _First, _Iter _Last,
		{	// insert [_First, _Last) at _Where, forward iterators
		_DEBUG_RANGE(_First, _Last);
		size_type _Count = 0;
		_Distance(_First, _Last, _Count);

		size_type _Off = _Insert_x(_Where, _Count);
		_STD copy(_First, _Last, begin() + _Off);

	iterator erase(const_iterator _Where_arg)
		{	// erase element at _Where
		iterator _Where = _Make_iter(_Where_arg);
		size_type _Off = _Where - begin();

		if (end() <= _Where)
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector<bool> erase iterator outside range");
		_STD copy(_Where + 1, end(), _Where);
		_Orphan_range(_Off, this->_Mysize);

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
		_STD copy(_Where + 1, end(), _Where);
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

		_Trim(this->_Mysize - 1);
		return (begin() + _Off);

	iterator erase(const_iterator _First_arg, const_iterator _Last_arg)
		{	// erase [_First, _Last)
		iterator _First = _Make_iter(_First_arg);
		iterator _Last = _Make_iter(_Last_arg);
		size_type _Off = _First - begin();

		if (_First != _Last)
			{	// worth doing, copy down over hole
			if (_Last < _First || end() < _Last)
				_DEBUG_ERROR("vector<bool> erase iterator outside range");
			iterator _Next = _STD copy(_Last, end(), _First);
			size_type _Newsize = _Next - begin();
			_Orphan_range(_Newsize, this->_Mysize);

 #else /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
			iterator _Next = _STD copy(_Last, end(), _First);
			_Trim(_Next - begin());
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
		return (begin() + _Off);

	void clear() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// erase all elements
		erase(begin(), end());

	void flip() _NOEXCEPT
		{	// toggle all elements
		for (typename _Vectype::iterator _Next = this->_Myvec.begin();
			_Next != this->_Myvec.end(); ++_Next)
			*_Next = (_Vbase)~*_Next;

	void swap(_Myt& _Right)
		{	// exchange contents with right
		if (this == &_Right)
			;	// same object, do nothing
		else if (this->get_allocator() == _Right.get_allocator())
			{	// same allocator, swap control information
			_STD swap(this->_Mysize, _Right._Mysize);

		else if (_Alty::propagate_on_container_swap::value)
			{	// swap allocators and control information
			_STD swap(this->_Mysize, _Right._Mysize);

			{	// containers are incompatible
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector<bool> containers incompatible for swap");

 #else /* ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
			_XSTD terminate();
 #endif /* ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

	static void swap(reference _Left, reference _Right) _NOEXCEPT
		{	// swap _Left and _Right vector<bool> elements
		bool _Val = _Left;	// NOT _STD swap

		_Left = _Right;
		_Right = _Val;

	size_t hash() const
		{	// hash bits to size_t value by pseudorandomizing transform
		return (_Hash_seq((const unsigned char *)this->_Myvec.data(),
			this->_Myvec.size() * sizeof (_Vbase)));

	iterator _Insert_n(const_iterator _Where,
		size_type _Count, const bool& _Val)
		{	// insert _Count * _Val at _Where
		size_type _Off = _Insert_x(_Where, _Count);
		_STD fill(begin() + _Off, begin() + (_Off + _Count), _Val);
		return (begin() + _Off);

	size_type _Insert_x(const_iterator _Where, size_type _Count)
		{	// make room to insert _Count elements at _Where
		size_type _Off = _Where - begin();

		if (end() < _Where)
			_DEBUG_ERROR("vector<bool> insert iterator outside range");
		bool _Realloc = capacity() - size() < _Count;
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */

		if (_Count == 0)
		else if (max_size() - size() < _Count)
			_Xlen();	// result too long
			{	// worth doing
			this->_Myvec.resize(this->_Nw(size() + _Count), 0);
			if (empty())
				this->_Mysize += _Count;
				{	// make room and copy down suffix
				iterator _Oldend = end();
				this->_Mysize += _Count;
				_STD copy_backward(begin() + _Off, _Oldend, end());

			_Orphan_range(_Realloc ? 0 : _Off, this->_Mysize);
 #endif /* _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2 */
		return (_Off);

	void _Orphan_range(size_type _Offlo, size_type _Offhi) const
		{	// orphan iterators within specified (inclusive) range
		typedef _Vb_iter_base<_Alty> _Myiterbase;

		_Lockit _Lock(_LOCK_DEBUG);
		_Vbase *_Base = (_Vbase *)this->_Myvec._Myfirst;

		const_iterator **_Pnext = (const_iterator **)this->_Getpfirst();
		if (_Pnext != 0)
			while (*_Pnext != 0)
				{	// test offset from beginning of vector
				size_type _Off = _VBITS * ((*_Pnext)->_Myptr - _Base)
					+ (*_Pnext)->_Myoff;
				if (_Off < _Offlo || _Offhi < _Off)
					_Pnext = (const_iterator **)(*_Pnext)->_Getpnext();
					{	// orphan the iterator
					*_Pnext = *(const_iterator **)(*_Pnext)->_Getpnext();

	void _Orphan_range(size_type, size_type) const
		{	// orphan iterators within specified (inclusive) range
 #endif /* _VECTOR_ORPHAN_RANGE */

	void _Trim(size_type _Size)
		{	// trim base vector to exact length in bits
		if (max_size() < _Size)
			_Xlen();	// result too long
		size_type _Words = this->_Nw(_Size);

		if (_Words < this->_Myvec.size())
			this->_Myvec.erase(this->_Myvec.begin() + _Words,
		this->_Mysize = _Size;
		_Size %= _VBITS;
		if (0 < _Size)
			this->_Myvec[_Words - 1] &= (_Vbase)((1 << _Size) - 1);

	__declspec(noreturn) void _Xlen() const
		{	// report a length_error
		_Xlength_error("vector<bool> too long");

	__declspec(noreturn) void _Xran() const
		{	// report an out_of_range error
		_Xout_of_range("invalid vector<bool> subscript");

template<class _Alloc> inline
	bool operator==(const vector<bool, _Alloc>& _Left,
		const vector<bool, _Alloc>& _Right)
	{	// test for vector equality
	return (_Left.size() == _Right.size()
		&& equal(_Left._Myvec.begin(), _Left._Myvec.end(),

template<class _Alloc> inline
	bool operator!=(const vector<bool, _Alloc>& _Left,
		const vector<bool, _Alloc>& _Right)
	{	// test for vector inequality
	return (!(_Left == _Right));

template<class _Alloc>
	struct hash<vector<_Bool, _Alloc> >
		: public unary_function<vector<_Bool, _Alloc>, size_t>
	{	// hash functor
	typedef vector<_Bool, _Alloc> _Kty;

	size_t operator()(const _Kty& _Keyval) const
		{	// hash _Keyval to size_t value by pseudorandomizing transform
		return (_Keyval.hash());

 #pragma pop_macro("new")
 #pragma warning(pop)
 #pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
#endif /* _VECTOR_ */
I'm using Microsoft visual studio 2013
Am also still living in stone age as you can see by looking at my code.
I'm still exploring c++11/14 things. ( just started doing it few days ago. )

My vector class is only slower when it have to move items.
PHP Code:
void pushint posT in ); 
One person reported that he was getting different results.
My vector's push function was slower than default one, was his report.

I would be very grateful if someone can find time to test it out.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	testapp.png
Views:	2024
Size:	5.3 KB
ID:	144992   Click image for larger version

Name:	testapp2.png
Views:	2127
Size:	18.0 KB
ID:	144993  
Gyiove is offline
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Old 05-15-2015 , 06:06   Re: Can someone test my c++ code?
Reply With Quote #2

Dear DD, why did you created a new account? Your other one is not banned yet
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Old 05-15-2015 , 06:18   Re: Can someone test my c++ code?
Reply With Quote #3

Originally Posted by Jhob94 View Post
Dear DD, why did you created a new account? Your other one is not banned yet
I kinda forgot my password ... I also have no idea what was that email.
Anyways ... how did you knew that im daredevil?
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Old 05-15-2015 , 06:48   Re: Can someone test my c++ code?
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by Gyiove View Post
I kinda forgot my password ... I also have no idea what was that email.
Anyways ... how did you knew that im daredevil?
Many reasons, your image, your location, your nickname and the sparkle content in your thread. There is something else that i noted but i guess this is something you don't tell to anyone so if you want to know it just pm me instead.
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Old 05-15-2015 , 06:52   Re: Can someone test my c++ code?
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Nevermind that ...
Let's not get carried away, what about the results? : P

Last edited by Gyiove; 05-15-2015 at 13:47.
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Old 05-15-2015 , 14:10   Re: Can someone test my c++ code?
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if you package everything inside an archive I can run it for you under codeblocks (mingw) XP 32bit
Meanwhile, in 2050:
Originally Posted by aron9forever
useless small optimizations
Originally Posted by Black Rose View Post
On a map that is 512x512x128 units you end up with 3,355,443,200,000 different "positions". To store each one of those positions individually in the variable "user_or" you need 12 terabytes of memory.
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Old 05-15-2015 , 14:14   Re: Can someone test my c++ code?
Reply With Quote #7

Originally Posted by aron9forever View Post
if you package everything inside an archive I can run it for you under codeblocks (mingw) XP 32bit
PHP Code:
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream> 
#include <windows.h> 
#include <vector> 

template <class T

int size
int reserved
int reservstep
float reservstep_grow

size 0
reserved 0
reservstep 1
data 0
reservstep_grow 1.5f

spvec(int reservstep
size 0
reserved 0
reservstep reservstep
data 0
reservstep_grow 0.0f

spvec(*indataint insize
size insize
reserved 0
reservstep 1
data indata
reservstep_grow 1.5f

spvec(*indataint insizeint reservstep
size insize
reserved 0
reservstep reservstep
data indata
reservstep_grow 0.0f

size || reserved delete [] data

void destroy() 
size 0
reserved 0
delete [] data

void makeroom(int howmuch
        if (
reservstep_grow 1.0reservstep int((float)size reservstep_grow); 
*= new T[size+reserved+howmuch+reservstep]; 
int a 0sizea++ ) p[a] = data[a]; 
sizedelete [] data
data p
reserved += howmuch reservstep

void takeroomint howmuch 
int needs reserved howmuch
needs makeroom(needs / -1); 
size += howmuch
reserved -= howmuch

void trim() 
*= new T[size+reservstep]; 
int a 0sizea++ ) p[a] = data[a]; 
sizedelete [] data
data p
reserved reservstep

void remove(int pos
int a possize 1a++ ) data[a] = data[a+1]; 

void remove(int posint howmuch
reserved += howmuch
int a possize 1a++ ) data[a] = data[a+howmuch]; 
size -= howmuch

void reverse() 
T temp
int v 0
int a 0size 2a++ )  
size - (1); 
temp data[a]; 
data[a] = data[v]; 
data[v] = temp

void clear() 
reserved += size
size 0

void resize(int newsize
        if (
newsize == 0
= new T[newsize reservstep]; 
int b size
        if (
newsize sizenewsize

        if (
b) for (int a 0ba++) t[a] = data[a]; 
        if (
sizedelete[] data
size b
data t

void moveint whatint to 
int aT temp
what to 
temp data[what]; 
whattoa-- ) data[a] = data[a-1]; 
data[to] = temp

temp data[what]; 
whattoa++ ) 
data[a] = data[a+1]; 
data[to] = temp

void moveint whatint howmuchint to 
what to 
int a 0<= howmucha++ ) move(what howmuchto); 
int a 0<= howmucha++ ) move(whatto howmuch); 

void pushT in 
data[size 1] = in

void pushint posT in 
int a size 2>= posa-- ) data[1] = data[a]; 
data[pos] = in

void push(*inint insize
int i size
        for (
int a 0insizea++) data[a] = in[a]; 

void push(int pos*inint insize
int i size
int a
        for (
size 2>= posa--) data[insize] = data[a]; 
        for (
posinsizea++) data[a] = in[pos]; 

void swap(int whatint with
T t
data[what] = data[with]; 
data[with] = t

void swap(int startint endint to
        for (
int a 0end starta++) swap(start ato a); 

spvec &operator+=(const spvec <Tin
        if (!
in.size) return (*this); 
        return (*

spvec &operator-=(const spvec <Tin
        if (!
in.size) return (*this); 
        return (*

spvec &operator+=(const T in
        return (*

spvec &operator%=(int in
        return (*

spvec &operator-=(const int in
        return (*

spvec &operator=(int in
        return (*

&operator[](int in) const 
        return (*(
this->data in)); 

spvec(spvec <T> &in
cout << "here1" << endl
        if (
this == &in
cout << "this == &in" << endl
this->size in.size
this->reserved in.reserved
this->reservstep in.reservstep
        if (
in.size || in.reserved
this->data = new T[in.size in.reserved]; 
            for (
int a 0in.sizea++) this->data[a] = in.data[a]; 

spvec <T> &operator=(const spvec <T> &in
cout << "here2" << endl
        if (
this == &in
cout << "this == &in" << endl
            return (*

        if (
cout << "clear old" << endl
delete[] this->data
this->size in.size
this->reserved in.reserved
this->reservstep in.reservstep
        if (
in.size || in.reserved
this->data = new T[in.size in.reserved]; 
            for (
int a 0in.sizea++) this->data[a] = in.data[a]; 
        return (*

LARGE_INTEGER t_start_countert_current_counter
void tstart() 


double tend() 

double out
out = (double)(t_current_counter.QuadPart t_start_counter.QuadPart); 
out *= 0.000001

int _tmain(int argc_TCHARargv[]) 

int a 00

double t1 0.0t2 0.0
v.reservstep_grow 3.0f

    for (
016777216a++) += 100
t1 tend(); 

    for (
016777216a++) i.push_back(100); 
t2 tend(); 

cout << "myvector/defaultvector" << endl
cout << "reserved:" << v.reservstep << "/" << i.capacity() << endl
cout << "size:" << v.size  << "/" << i.size() << endl
cout << "times:" << t1 << "/" << t2 << " ration:" << t2 t1 << endl

just copy and paste the whole code and it should run fine.
Unless you're using linux...
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Old 05-15-2015 , 14:29   Re: Can someone test my c++ code?
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here u go
Meanwhile, in 2050:
Originally Posted by aron9forever
useless small optimizations
Originally Posted by Black Rose View Post
On a map that is 512x512x128 units you end up with 3,355,443,200,000 different "positions". To store each one of those positions individually in the variable "user_or" you need 12 terabytes of memory.
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Old 05-15-2015 , 15:17   Re: Can someone test my c++ code?
Reply With Quote #9

I am really sorry for tell it in public. Made you get banned
Anyway, i hope you can recover your old account
Jhob94 is offline
.Dare Devil.
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Old 05-22-2015 , 10:30   Re: Can someone test my c++ code?
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by aron9forever View Post
here u go
omg 2000 secs thanks!

Originally Posted by Jhob94 View Post
I am really sorry for tell it in public. Made you get banned
Anyway, i hope you can recover your old account
Its okay, i shall try to get that account back and delete this one.
I really like to have that nickname in this forum.
.Dare Devil. is offline

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