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Connection Issue (SB 1.5)

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Old 06-26-2013 , 11:05   Connection Issue (SB 1.5)
Reply With Quote #1

So I've been having some issues with my Source Bans page. I'll briefly explain the problems and steps I've taken so hopefully someone can give me an idea of a fix. This might be a little long but I want to be thorough because I've attempted numerous things on my own before I came here with this request. I do want to state that the plugin IS working on my servers and sends ban information to the site.

For starters, I have 3 servers. The Dust 2, Deathmatch and CEVO. As you can see, the Deathmatch and Dust 2 servers are listed twice. The 2 'Error Connecting' IP's are those of the DM and D2 servers (so now listed 3 times). The first/main problem I'm having is that my Sourcebans page is AUTO generating these servers, even if they are already added to the site. Here is how I've gotten to the point I'm at:

When I first installed Sourcebans, all 3 sites automatically came up as 'Error Connecting' (ports 27015 already open both ways for UDP/TCP). I went to one server, had a friend join and I banned her. The ban information DID register with the site. So I deleted those 3 servers and attempted to add them manually. The first time I used the domains given to me, then I tried using the IP instead when I was continuing to have problems (I'll just use one of the three for reference):

Server IP/Domain: insatiablego.game.nfoservers.com
Server Port: 27015
rcon: *****
rcon password: *****
Server Mod: Counter Strike: Global Offensive
Enabled: check
My Sourcebans page recognized them and began displaying their correct hostname as shown in the picture. As soon as the first person connected to any of the servers, the page automatically generated a new "server", displaying 'Error Connecting (ip address) as shown above while still showing the newly added "correct" server in the list. So I went and edited those error servers through the my SB page. They are automatically generating weird IP addresses (as you can see in the picture). One of the IP addresses has double colons ( :: ) and one has the IP then an additional :2 before the :27015. Here is a reference of what my database.cfg looks like:

		"driver"			"mysql"
		"host"				""
		"database"			"insatiable_sourcebans"
		"user"				"insatiabledust2"
		"pass"				"****"
		//"timeout"			"0"
		"port"			"3306"
I have tried substituting "default" in the driver line. Same problem. I have tried using "localhost" in the host line since my site and servers are hosted on the same box, but that will not work, gives me an error in my error_log. I have tried using the domain instead of the IP in the host line. I have tried working without a port. I know the port is correct because bans ARE being communicated between the server and site.

So basically now, I have all these servers listed on my page. One copy of each is in place using their domain names (ie - insatiablego.game.nfoservers.com) and one copy of each is in place using their IP addresses. Those servers are the ones that are displaying the CORRECT Hostname (ie - .insatiable. CEVO s2 | Public | .iGame.). Even with both of those there (or even if I delete one set of them) the page is automatically generating new servers with essentially the correct IP address but with random additional colons or numbers.

I hope I provided enough information for someone to be able to help me. One last issue I'm having, and I'm assuming it's just a by-product of the first problem, is that when an admin bans someone in game, it displays CONSOLE on the sourcebans page instead of the admins name in the ADMIN NAME box. It also displays the server they were banned on as the 'error connecting' server instead of one of the two correctly input servers.

I will check back often to be able to give any further information someone might need to help. Thank you in advance for your time.

Last edited by DJ Tsunami; 07-03-2013 at 10:27.
mlov420 is offline
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Join Date: May 2013
Old 07-01-2013 , 11:33   Re: Connection Issue (SB 1.5)
Reply With Quote #2

No one can offer any insight into this problem?

@DJ Tsunami
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DJ Tsunami
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Location: The Netherlands
Old 07-01-2013 , 12:09   Re: Connection Issue (SB 1.5)
Reply With Quote #3

What is AutoAddServer in sourcebans.cfg set to? As far as I know it's the only place that automatically adds the server to your web panel.
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DJ Tsunami is offline
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Old 07-01-2013 , 21:52   Re: Connection Issue (SB 1.5)
Reply With Quote #4

There is no such line in my sourcebans.cfg file. When I installed it on each server, I reviewed the file and everything looked to be fine so I didn't touch anything. Here is what it looks like:

 * SourceBans Configuration File
 * @author GameConnect
 * @version 1.5.0
 * @copyright SourceBans (C)2007-2013 GameConnect.net.  
All rights reserved.
 * @package SourceBans
 * @link http://www.sourcebans.net
 * @version $Id: sourcebans.cfg 144 2013-02-07 00:30:23Z [email protected] $


// Website address to tell where the player to go for unban, etc
		"Website"						"http://insatiable.site.nfoservers.com/sourcebans"
// Allow or disallow admins access to sm_addban command
		"Addban"						"1"
// Allow or disallow admins access to sm_unban command
		"Unban"							"1"
// The table prefix you set while installing the webpanel. Default: "sb"
		"DatabasePrefix"		"sb"
// How many seconds to wait before retrying when a players ban fails to be checked. Min = 15.0 Max = 60.0
		"RetryTime"					"45.0"
// How often should we process the failed ban queue in minutes
		"ProcessQueueTime"	"5"
// Require the admin to login once into the webpanel
		"RequireSiteLogin"	"0"
// If your game server is behind NAT or -ip is not set on startup,
// enter the public IP address or hostname of your game server below
		"ServerIP"					""
	 * Menu options for ban times
			"flags"		""
			"length"	"0"
		"10 Minutes"
			"flags"		""
			"length"	"10"
		"30 Minutes"
			"flags"		""
			"length"	"30"
		"1 Hour"
			"flags"		""
			"length"	"60"
		"4 Hours"
			"flags"		""
			"length"	"240"
		"1 Day"
			"flags"		""
			"length"	"1440"
		"1 Week"
			"flags"		""
			"length"	"10080"
	 * Menu options for if a reason isn't supplied in a ban
	 * Without a supplied reason the ban will never be written to the database
"1"	"Hacking"
"2"	"General Exploit of Game/Map/Server"
"3"	"Team Killing"
"4"	"Team Flashing"
"5"	"Spamming Mic/Chat"
"6"	"Inappropriate Spray"
"7"	"Inappropriate Language"
"8"	"Inappropriate Name"
"9"	"Ignoring Admins"
"0"	"Team Stacking"
"11"	"Own Reason"
	 * Submenu options for when "Hacking" is selected
	 * If "Hacking" removed from the menu above this will not be accessible
"1"	"Aimbot"
"2"	"Anti Recoil"
"3"	"Wallhack"
"4"	"Spinhack"
"5"	"Speedhack"
"6"	"Multi-Hack"
"7"	"No Smoke"
"8"	"No Flash"

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DJ Tsunami
DJ Post Spammer
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: The Netherlands
Old 07-02-2013 , 05:42   Re: Connection Issue (SB 1.5)
Reply With Quote #5

My bad, I thought you were using 1.4 even though your title clearly says 1.5. But your ServerIP line is the problem, it also contains the port. Remove :27015.
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DJ Tsunami is offline
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Join Date: May 2013
Old 07-03-2013 , 07:51   Re: Connection Issue (SB 1.5)
Reply With Quote #6

Thanks a lot man. I appreciate your help. I removed the 27015 from the config and it seems to be working just fine now.
mlov420 is offline

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