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[REQ][cs]don't kill transfered players

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Old 02-12-2007 , 20:18   [REQ][cs]don't kill transfered players

Don't understood why you locked the other topic...

So what i did :
if (g_cstrike)
                /*if (is_user_alive(player))
                    new deaths = cs_get_user_deaths(player)
                    user_kill(player, 1)
                    cs_set_user_deaths(player, deaths)
                cs_set_user_team(player, g_menuOption[id] ? 1 : 2)
But amx2006.3 players are "teleported" to other team spawn.
So you can transfer a player whenever you want, even at freezetime.
I really don't care to kill a player when i transfer him at the end of the round.

So please take this as a real request.
ConnorMcLeod is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Old 02-12-2007 , 20:27   Re: [REQ][cs]don't kill transfered players

This won't be changed. Moving the user back to a respective spawn is potentially just as silly. You can change this functionality easily yourself, so it's not a big deal.

In the future, please do not recreate topics without messaging a developer to re-open the old one first.
BAILOPAN is offline
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Old 02-13-2007 , 03:17   Re: [REQ][cs]don't kill transfered players

I don't think it's completly silly.
Some of old AMX X version I remember it was working so: it was transferring the player to the opposite team without killing him and without moving/teleporting him somewhere else. Such player got suprprised if his "teamnates" started to fire at him (well they weren't already his teamnates, but he wasn't aware yet he got transferred to the opposite team - he could miss the message about transferring, but his "teamnates" they could see his new enemy's skin - so they weren't so surprised). That was really "silly" and the people started to complain. I remember some discussion here or at AMX forum about transferring players. On some servers some players are trying to get them-selves at the top of TOP15 rankings, so every kill during transferring them is causing lowering down their rank position. That's why the people hate such situations with killing them at while transferring to the opposite team. As the consensus for such situations AMX dev team decided to teleport the transfered player to the spawn point of his new team (to give him the chance to be aware he is transferred and to let him keep his rank).
I believe You may not lke this method, but I hope You can see now at least some reason why it was done so with AMX.

About closing topics - if I could just ask (and please, get it so) - please, don't close so fast the topics You don't like before giving the chance anyone to answer and until You are sure the topic starter got Your answer. ;)
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Last edited by KWo; 02-13-2007 at 03:26.
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Old 02-13-2007 , 07:47   Re: [REQ][cs]don't kill transfered players

I agree with both parts of Kwo answer.

Please write what code modification i have to do, cause i can't change this easily.

I will ask for re-open, sorry.
ConnorMcLeod is offline
Join Date: Jan 2004
Old 02-13-2007 , 12:22   Re: [REQ][cs]don't kill transfered players

The reason this was closed is because it stopped being a bug report and started being a scripting help or request post, which is where I am going to suggest you go to next.

After taking a quick look at AMX Mod's plmenu.sma, it has a separate function for spawning CS users:
stock setUserTeam_cs(index,team,model[]="",respawn=0,updatescoreboard=1)

This function would need to be ported (looks fairly easy) and you'd need to copy the relevant code that calls it, which is in actionTeamMenu() in both plugins.
BAILOPAN is offline
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Old 02-13-2007 , 13:30   Re: [REQ][cs]don't kill transfered players

I didn't post as a bug report but as a Feature Requests that's wht i put [REQ] in the title.

Where should i put the stock thing ?
ConnorMcLeod is offline

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