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Trace Flags HELP!

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Old 04-26-2010 , 23:26   Trace Flags HELP!
Reply With Quote #1

I'm working on this plugin to search for bots in objective areas so I can run commands on them (get them to stop moving until the point has been captured).
I've made alot of progress so far, but now I need help!
Here's the code I've got plus the info that is spit out in console below the code:
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:51: Started map "ins_firefight_testmap" (CRC "183502338")
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:51: BOC: INS_Objective found!  EntityIndex: 26 @ -384.000000 0.000000 40.000000
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:51: BOC: INS_Objective found!  EntityIndex: 44 @ -1280.000000 0.000000 40.000000
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:51: BOC: INS_Objective found!  EntityIndex: 65 @ 512.000000 0.000000 40.000000
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:51: BOC: INS_Objective found!  EntityIndex: 67 @ -384.000000 384.000000 40.000000
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:51: BOC: INS_Objective found!  EntityIndex: 70 @ -384.000000 -384.000000 40.000000
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:51: "[BOT] Macky49<52><BOT><>" connected, address "none"
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:51: "<52><BOT><>" entered the game
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:52: "[BOT] Macky50<53><BOT><>" connected, address "none"
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:52: "<53><BOT><>" entered the game
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:52: "[BOT] Macky51<54><BOT><>" connected, address "none"
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:52: "<54><BOT><>" entered the game
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:52: "[BOT] Macky52<55><BOT><>" connected, address "none"
L 04/26/2010 - 22:00:52: "<55><BOT><>" entered the game
L 04/26/2010 - 22:01:03: BOC: OBJMSG FUNC triggered start_cap c by team: Iraqi Insurgents
L 04/26/2010 - 22:01:03: BOC: Bot Found During Bot Search at 195.165817 -365.736694 -12.960549! BotIndex= 1
L 04/26/2010 - 22:01:03: Entity Found in Trace by bot: BotIndex= 1, EntityIndex= 0, classname= worldspawn
L 04/26/2010 - 22:01:03: BOC: Bot Found During Bot Search at -305.595886 379.089782 0.031250! BotIndex= 2
L 04/26/2010 - 22:01:03: Entity Found in Trace by bot: BotIndex= 2, EntityIndex= 0, classname= worldspawn
L 04/26/2010 - 22:01:03: BOC: Bot Found During Bot Search at -548.709838 347.441314 0.031250! BotIndex= 3
L 04/26/2010 - 22:01:03: Entity Found in Trace by bot: BotIndex= 3, EntityIndex= 0, classname= worldspawn
L 04/26/2010 - 22:01:03: BOC: Bot Found During Bot Search at -606.979309 -392.394989 0.031250! BotIndex= 4
L 04/26/2010 - 22:01:03: Entity Found in Trace by bot: BotIndex= 4, EntityIndex= 0, classname= worldspawn
I'm trying to figure out what the correct trace flag is to find the entity Im looking for: ins_objective
The only entitys the TraceRay has found are "Worldspawn" and "player"


Find a way, using the info I already have to figure out if one of the bots is close enough to an ins_objective (like using the bot's origin vs the entity origins).
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Old 04-27-2010 , 03:16   Re: Trace Flags HELP!
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IIRC you cant trace for non-solid objects with SourceMod (or something to that effect).

Besides, tracing isnt the best way to do what youre trying to do. My guess is that ins_objective is a brush entity, that has mins and maxs (m_vecMins and m_vecMaxs respectively) that define the box shaped area. Heres a sample code (untested, but should give you a nudge to the right direction):

PHP Code:
GetClientInsideObjectiveArea(client) {
decl Float:mins[3], Float:maxs[3], Float:orig[3], Float:playerOrigin[3];
ent = -1;


ent FindEntityByClassname(ent,"ins_objective")) != -1) {

mins[0] += orig[0], maxs[0] += orig[0];
mins[1] += orig[1], maxs[1] += orig[1];
mins[2] += orig[2], maxs[2] += orig[2];

mins[0] < playerOrigin[0] < maxs[0] &&
mins[1] < playerOrigin[1] < maxs[1] &&
mins[2] < playerOrigin[2] < maxs[2]) {

    return -

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Old 04-27-2010 , 09:32   Re: Trace Flags HELP!
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Hey, thanks a ton for your reply!
I was using a similar example before and seeing it done another way really helped me to understand it better!
Just an update, I got the bots to stop when in an objective area!
Shouldn't be too hard to get em moving again... ;)
I used the following code instead:
 decl MaxPlayers;
 MaxPlayers = GetMaxClients();
 for(new client = 1; client <= MaxPlayers; client++)
  if(IsClientInGame(client) && IsPlayerAlive(client) && IsFakeClient(client))
   new ent2=-1;
   while ((ent2 = FindEntityByClassname(ent2,"ins_objective")) != -1)
    new Float:vec[3];
    GetClientAbsOrigin(client, Float:vec);
    decl Float:mins2[3], Float:maxs2[3];
    //decl Float:Ent2Position[3];
    mins2[0] -= 20, maxs2[0] += 20;
    mins2[1] -= 20, maxs2[1] += 20;
    mins2[2] -= 20, maxs2[2] += 20;
    if (mins2[0] < vec[0] < maxs2[0] && mins2[1] < vec[1] < maxs2[1] && mins2[2] < vec[2] < maxs2[2])
     SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_NONE);
     LogToGame("BOC SUCCESS: Bot found (index= %i @ %f %f %f) inside an objective area! (Entity index= %i)", client, vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], ent2);
m_vecOrigin is commented out because it kept returning 0 0 0... but I guess I didn't really need that anyways!
Thanks again!
deadbwoy is offline

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