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[L4D2] Berserker Mode V1.6.8 (Updated 12/13/2010)

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Join Date: Mar 2010
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Left 4 Dead
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    Plugin Description:
    This plugin will create a special state of mind called "Berserker", after a goal is reached. Berserker players will access new features
    Old 05-22-2010 , 03:32   [L4D2] Berserker Mode V1.6.8 (Updated 12/13/2010)
    Reply With Quote #1

    [L4D2] Berserker Mode

    Credits goes for me (honorcode23) , Sourcemod Wiki team and Dusty1029 for letting me use his Adrenaline & Pills powerup code for this plugin
    Also thanks to marvel for testing the plugin! I owe you a lot!

    Video demostration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1Nt2oBzL8Q

    Thanks Terreh!!


    This plugin will create a special state of mind called "Berserker", after a goal is reached. In case the player is a survivor, he needs to kill a specific amount of infected to be able to use the "Berserker Mode". Otherwise, the infected player will have to attack the survivors a specific amount of times to berserk. The Infected or Damage goal, can be configured to be on a specific amount of time, for example, when you kill the first common infected, a timer of 30 seconds will begin. If the timer reaches 0 and your kill count (infected kills) has not reached the goal, it will be resetted to 0 again.
    During Berserker, a number of features will be unlocked for both survivors and infected, configurable trough ConVars which are:

    -Increased Speed (Will grant the berserker player, more speed)
    -Bonus Damage (Will deal extra damage to survivors)
    -Special Ability Shield (Will grant inmunity (God Mode) to Jockeys, Hunters and Smokers when they are Pouncing, riding or choking survivors, so, the only way to release the survivor, is getting shoved)
    -Bonus Health (Will give extra health on Berserker)
    -Lethal Bite (Continue inflicting damage after hitting a survivor)
    -Fire Shield (Infected will be immune to fire)
    -Berserker Yell (Will be able to yell when the Mode starts and when the infected dies, see the FAQ for more information!)
    -Black Bile (Berserker boomers will completely blind survivors)
    -Pummel Safety (Chargers that are pummeling can't be kileld with melee weapons)

    -Increased Speed (Will grant the berserker player, more speed)
    -Give Items (Gives one adrenaline shot, incendiary ammo and refills player primary weapon)
    -On fire (Infinite fire bullets)
    -Incapacitated Shield (Gives inmunity (God Mode) to the player during incapacitation.)
    -Health Reward (Gives Health after an amount of common infected, and on every special infected kill)
    -Shoving Expert (Disable Shove Penalty during berserker)
    -Laser King (Gives laser sight during berserker)
    -Too Fast For you (Faster weapon reloading, swinging and shooting)
    -Nasty Revenge (Will vomit back some random special infected when the survivor gets vomited during berserker)
    -Berserker Yell (Will be able to yell when the Mode starts, see the FAQ for more information!)
    -Health Convertion(Convert survivors temporary health, into permanent health)

    To enter the Berserker Mode, the plugin will bind a specific key that players must press, will use the zoom key (by default) or will being by itself. Configurable.

    -"sm_berserker": Activates Berserker mode, only if the Goal of killed infected has been reached
    -"sm_zerkhelp": Shows up a menu that explain the berserker mode.

    Development Commands
    -"sm_forcezerk":Forces Berserker on yourself
    -"sm_forcezerkon": Forces Berserker on everybody
    -"sm_forcegod": Gives you god mode
    -"sm_forcegod0": Retrieves god mode
    -"sm_lbme" : Attacks yourself with Lethal Bite feature

    BETA commands (Unstable)
    -"sm_forceazerk": Forces Anti-Berserker on yourself
    -"sm_debugreport": Gives needed information for development purposes


    A config file will be created at cfg/sourcemod

    // Should we activate the Adrenaline Safe Guard for sound? (Prevents glitches)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_adren_safeguard "1"
    // How long should the Adrenaline Safe Guard wait to check and fix sound?
    // -
    // Default: "20"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_adren_safeguard_time "20"
    // What kind of screen effect should we use for berserker? 0 = None, 1 = Fire, 2 = Adrenaline style 3 = Both (May cause low performance)
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "3.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_animation_type "0"
    // How should the plugin tell the players that the Berserker Mode is ready to be used? (0: DONT ANNOUNCE |1:CHAT| 2:HINT TEXT | 3:CENTER HINT TEXT | 4:INSTRUCTOR HINT)
    // -
    // Default: "2"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "4.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_announce "2"
    // Hunters, Smokers and Jockeys, can't be killed during their special ability, they must be shoved(On Berserker)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_atack_inmu "1"
    // Should the Berserk Mode toggle ON by itself? (Automatic?)
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_auto "0"
    // Should the plugin bind the specified key for berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_bind_key "1"
    // Allow the +ZOOM (Mouse wheel) to be the default berserker key?
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_bind_zoom_key "0"
    // Which key should the plugin bind for berserker? Default is B key
    // -
    // Default: "b"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_binding_key "b"
    // Blind (with half black screen) a player if a berserk boomer vomits on him (1:Allow | 0:Dont)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_blind_vomit "1"
    // Only Bullet based kills are valid kills? (Explosives and melee excluded) 0 Disable, 1 = Enable
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_bullet_only "0"
    // Should the plugin change a special color on players with berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_change_color "1"
    // What color should the players have on berserker? (1 = RED, 2 = BLUE, 3 = GREEN, 4 = BLACK, 5 = TRANSPARENT)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "1.000000"
    // Maximum: "5.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_color "1"
    // Should the survivor's temporary health be converted into permanent health upon berserker usage?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_convert_permhealth "1"
    // How much time must pass between kills or attacks to reset counts?
    // -
    // Default: "30"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_count_expire_time "30"
    // How should the kill or damage count work?(0 = Timed, 1 = Not timed)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_count_mode "1"
    // Enable the advanced game effect on berserker infected? (Might cause low performance)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_effect_advanced_infected "1"
    // Enable the advanced game effect on berserker survivors? (Might cause low performance)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_effect_advanced_survivor "1"
    // Enable Berserker On infected?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_enable_infected "1"
    // Enable Berserker On survivors?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_enable_survivor "1"
    // Should the plugin avoid playing the music if it is anoying? (On finale escapes, tanks on play, etc)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_esthetic_shield "1"
    // Infected classes excluded from ALL berserker features separated by comas. (spitter, hunter, charger, tank, jockey, smoker, boomer)
    // -
    // Default: "tank"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_exclude_infected "tank"
    // Should the plugin give extra damage for infected on berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_extra_damage "1"
    // Multiplier for extra infected damage (1.0 = Double)
    // -
    // Default: "0.5"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_extra_damage_amount "0.5"
    // Infected classes excluded from extra damage feature separated by comas. (spitter, hunter, charger, tank, jockey, smoker, boomer)
    // -
    // Default: "none"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_extra_damage_exclude "none"
    // Should the double damage feature of the infected, be applied to incapacitated survivors?
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_extra_damage_incap "0"
    // Should the plugin give extra health for infected on berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_extra_health "1"
    // Multiplier for extra infected health (2.0 = Double)
    // -
    // Default: "3.0"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_extra_health_amount "3.0"
    // Infected classes excluded from extra health feature separated by comas.(spitter, hunter, charger, tank, jockey, smoker, boomer)
    // -
    // Default: "none"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_extra_health_exclude "none"
    // Should the players reload faster on berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_faster_reloading "1"
    // Should the players shoot faster on berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_faster_shooting "1"
    // Should the players swing their melee weapons faster on berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_faster_swinging "1"
    // Should the plugin block berserker infected from being ignited? (Fire Shield)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_fire_shield "1"
    // Infected classes excluded from Fire Shield feature separated by comas.(spitter, hunter, charger, tank, jockey, smoker, boomer)
    // -
    // Default: "none"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_fire_shield_exclude "none"
    // Should the plugin give a laser on berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_give_laser "1"
    // Should the plugin give adrenaline, or add its effects by itself? 0 = Disable, 1 = Give Shot, 2 = Effects
    // -
    // Default: "2"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "2.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_give_shot_mode "2"
    // Should the plugin give fire bullets or nothing to the player on berserker? (Nothing = 0, Fire bullets = 1)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "2.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_give_special_bullets "1"
    // Amount of common infected needed to berserk on survivors
    // -
    // Default: "20"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_goal "20"
    // Should we give god mode to survivors during Berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_god_mode "1"
    // How long should the God Mode last?
    // -
    // Default: "5.0"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_god_mode_time "5.0"
    // While in berserker mode, should the player get health after specific amount of common infected killed?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_health "1"
    // Amount of health given when a certain amount of infected is killed on berserker
    // -
    // Default: "3"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_health_amount "3"
    // Amount of health given when an special infected is killed on berserker mode
    // -
    // Default: "2"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_health_amount_special "2"
    // Amount of infected killed on berserker to get health
    // -
    // Default: "5"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_health_goal "5"
    // Instant health on special infected kill under Berserker Mode
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_health_special "1"
    // Should the plugin give inmunity if the player gets incapacitated on berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_incap_inmu "1"
    // On what should be the infected count based? (1: Times attacked | 0: Damage dealt)
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_infected_count_type "0"
    // Amount of time to berserk for infected
    // -
    // Default: "30"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_infected_duration "30"
    // Amount of times an infected attacks a survivor to berserker
    // -
    // Default: "200"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_infected_goal "200"
    // Should the fire or ice bullets be infinite?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_infinite_special_bullets "1"
    // Should the plugin enable Lethal Bite feature? (Keeps inflicting damage after a hit, only if the hit was made during berserker)
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_lethal_bite "0"
    // Damage done by the Lethal Bite feature
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_lethal_bite_damage "1"
    // How long should the Lethal Bite effect last on the survivor?
    // -
    // Default: "5.0"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_lethal_bite_duration "5.0"
    // Infected classes excluded from Lethal Bite feature separated by comas.(spitter, hunter, charger, tank, jockey, smoker, boomer)
    // -
    // Default: "none"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_lethal_bite_exclude "none"
    // How often should the Lethal Bite effect hurt a survivor (1.0 = each second)
    // -
    // Default: "1.0"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_lethal_bite_frequency "1.0"
    // Only Melee kills are valid kills? 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_melee_only "0"
    // Is the music sound file a non-standard one? If it is, it will be forced to be downloaded
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_music_custom "0"
    // Which music should be played on berserker mode?
    // -
    // Default: "music/tank/onebadtank.wav"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_music_file "music/tank/onebadtank"
    // Should the plugin enable Nasty Revenge feature?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_nasty_revenge "1"
    // Chance to blind the infected team? (If set to 2, the probability will be of 50%, 3 = 33%, 4 = 25%)
    // -
    // Default: "2"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_nasty_revenge_chance "2"
    // Chance of a single infected to get blind? (If set to 2, the probability will be of 50%, 3 = 33%, 4 = 25%)
    // -
    // Default: "2"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_nasty_revenge_single_chance "2"
    // Should the plugin play music when the players are under Berserker Mode?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_play_music "1"
    // Chargers that are pummeling a survivor can't be killed with melee weapons (1:Allow | 0:Dont)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_pummel_safe "1"
    // Should the plugin refill players weapons on berserker?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_refill_weapon "1"
    // Allow or restrict player from using berserker if they are incapacitated? (1: Allow 0: Dont)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_restrict_incapacitated "1"
    // Disable shoving penalty during berserker? (Will not affect other plugins with this function)
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_shove_penalty "1"
    // How much berserker points should the survivor get if the kills a Special Infected? (Note: Berserker Infected raise the count for one more point. CVAR+1)
    // -
    // Default: "3"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_special_infected_kill_bonus "3"
    // Should the Special Infected be counted for berserker too?
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_special_infected_kill_count "0"
    // Amout of time to berserker for survivors
    // -
    // Default: "45"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_survivor_duration "45"
    // Allow the berserker mode 'Yell' feature. (Shove enemies at berserker start
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_yell "1"
    // Infected classes excluded from Berserker Yell feature separated by comas.(spitter, hunter, charger, tank, jockey, smoker, boomer)
    // -
    // Default: "none"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_yell_exclude "none"
    // Should the survivors that got the berserker yell feature, burn any infected that hits him?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_yell_ignite "1"
    // Allow Berserker Yell feature on infected players?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_yell_infected "1"
    // Chance of getting the Berserker Yell power (If set to 2, the probability will be of 50%, 3 = 33%, 4 = 25% 5= 20%)
    // -
    // Default: "2"
    // Minimum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_yell_luck "2"
    // Allow Berserker Yell if a berserker infected dies?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_yell_ondead "1"
    // Power of the shove of the Berserker mode 'Yell' feature
    // -
    // Default: "250"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_yell_power "250"
    // Radius that the yell shoves enemies
    // -
    // Default: "350"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_yell_radius "350"
    // Allow Berserker Yell feature on survivor players?
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    // Minimum: "0.000000"
    // Maximum: "1.000000"
    l4d2_berserk_mode_yell_survivor "1"
    -Put the l4d2_berserk_mode.smx file on your sourcemod/plugins folder.
    -Put the l4d2_bm_sig.txt file on your sourcemod/gamedata folder.
    -Or, you can extract the l4d2_berserk_mode.zip which contains the .smx file, the source code, the default config file and the gamedata file.

    Ideas for berserker:
    -High quality fire effect when berserker is running - Done
    -Survivor Rage (Ability to shove tanks on berserker) - Research
    -Set Hint Message - Done
    -Adrenaline effects without actually using one - Done
    -Melee kills only - Done
    -Bullet based (Pistols, rifles, snipers and shotguns) kills only - Done
    -Configurable God Mode - Done
    -Faster shooting - Done
    -Infinite Fire Bullets - Done
    -Faster Reloading - Done
    -Faster melee swinging - Done
    -Lethal bite (Keeps inflicting damage to survivors after a hit during berserker, event when it is over) - Done
    -Tank inmunity (Tanks wont ignite during berserker) - Done - It Applies to all infected
    -Berserker Yell (At berserker start, shove enemies) - Done
    -Nasty Revenge (When a berserker survivor gets puked, bile the infected team) - Done
    -Configurable berserker color - Done
    -Automatic Berserker - Done
    -No shove penalty - Done
    -Laser Sight On Berserker - Done
    -Support for Left 4 dead? - Research

    Known Bugs:
    -Sometimes, the instructor hint wont show. - Fixed
    -Tag mistmatches - All of them gone! Thanks to birno for his help!
    -Lethal bite can't and won't be applied to more than 1 survivor at the same time - Fixed
    -If the Give laser option is activated, when the berserker mode is over it will retrieve any laser from the player - Research

    Additional Notes:
    -BETA version are unstable and are released on public for testing purposes. Please, help me to test new features!

    Priority List:
    -Fix Laser Sight bug - 0% = Currently, it is not possible to track a weapons if it has laser sight without an extension, researching for another methods.
    -Re-code the plugin in an better readable way - 40% done
    -Explain every plugin function and step adding more debugging information, so coders can take a better and faster advantage of this plugin - 30%


    Q:I don't understand the extra damage multiplier, How should i use it?
    A:The extra damage multiplier is aplied to the original damage value, and added again. For example, if the original damage dealt was of 5, and the plugin multiplier is 0.5, the plugin will do the following calulations: 5*0.5 + 5. ending on 2.5 +5 = 7.5, and taking the nearest lower value we get 7. So, the new damage dealt to the survivor will be of 7

    Q:I'm still lost about the extra damage multiplier...
    A:In less words, set it to 1.0 if you want double damage, to 2.0 if you want triple, 3.0 for quadruple, etc

    Q:How does the extra health multiplier work?
    A:The plugin will do the following calculations: At berserker start, get the current infected health, and multiply it by the setted multiplier. For example, if the infected has 500 health, and the multiplier is 2.0, the result would be 1000 of total health (500 x 2 = 1000)

    Q:I'm still lost about the extra health multiplier...
    A:In less words, set it to 2.0 if you want double health, to 3.0 if you want triple, 4.0 for quadruple, etc

    Q:What does the "Nasty Revenge" feature exactly do?
    A:When a berserker survivor gets reached by boomer bile (Vomited, hit by explosion, etc), a "lottery" will be run. If the chance gets to true, the plugin will select some infected players and will bile them too. However, if the infected ha berserker mode, the feature won't affect him

    Q:What does the "Lethal Bite" feature exactly do?
    A:When a berserker infected hits a berserker or non-berserker survivor, damage will continue applyng to the survivor in a specified amount of time. Settings of this feature are highly customisable at the configuration file of the plugin "l4d2_berserk_mode.cfg" located at "addons/cfg" folder

    Q:What does the "Fire Shield" feature exactly do?
    A:Every time an infected gets hurt by the world (Fire, explosions, elevators, preasure, etc) and the infected is on berserker mode, it will extinguish the infected's fire. You can exclude those infected at the configuration file. If you want it to apply to tanks only, you can exclude all the infected, but tanks

    Q:Can i change the berserker mode music?
    A:You can set the music file trough the l4d2_berserk_mode_music_file ConVar, the default file is "music/tank/onebadtank" but you are free to choose any sound file. It must be a .wav file as preference. If the file is not from the game, or not all the clients have it by default, you can enable the download of the file trough the l4d2_berserk_mode_music_custom convar.

    Q:What is the Berserker Yell feature?
    A:This feature will apply for both survivors and infected. On survivors, when the player starts the Berserker Mode, some kind of "lottery" will be run. If the chance or luck success, the Survivor will "Yell". When the survivor yell, all the special infected around will be pushed (Smokers will release their victims) and also, if any common or uncommon infected hits the survivor, the infected will be ignited. For infected, the Yell chance wil lbe applied at berserker start too, but, survivors will be pushed as if it was a Tank's claw, leaving them temporally incapacitated(2 or 3 seconds). Also, if the infected dies under berserker mode, and had yelled, it will yell once again. This feature is highly configurable in the .cfg file

    Thanks to:
    -marvel: For doing a complete testing of this plugin and giving me all the info i needed to make it cool .
    -Allied Moders community for taking the time to answer all the questions i asked .
    -All the first testers that gave me a lot of information.
    -psychonic for aproving the plugin.


    -Added the "Health Convertion" feature
    -Fixed the "Yell" feature for survivors
    -Fixed small bugs
    -Fixed a code glitch (Not checking incapacitated survivors) that could freeze survivors kill count.
    -Added two new convars to set the duration of each team separatly
    -Fixed the plugin not recognizing melee kills (and AK47) of common infected.
    -Fixed Lethal bite feature
    -Fixed charger pummel safety feature
    -Added a few protections
    -Improved Code
    *NOTE: The convar l4d2_berserk_mode_duration is now obsolet, use l4d2_berserk_mode_infected_duration and l4d2_berserk_mode_survivor_duration instead.
    -Added one forward for when the berserker is used.
    -Fixed a few reported errors.
    -Added some filters for a few errors reported.
    -Fixed timer handling issue.
    -Bug fixed (Client unconnected on logs)
    -Hopefully fixed the memory stack problem.
    -Added a new Cvar "l4d2_berserk_mode_special_infected_kill_count"
    -Added a new Cvar "l4d2_berserk_mode_special_infected_kill_bonus"
    -Enhanced "OnPlayerHurt" and "OnPlayerDeath" code so it takes less CPU and server resources.
    -Enhanced Timer that control when the berserker should end. It now gets paused if the infected player is death or is a ghost.
    *Not released
    -Fixed a berserker CPU related bug.
    -Fixed a few minor bugs
    -Added the sm_zerkhelp command.
    -Fixed a potential crash filter.
    -Fixed a Fire Shield feature issue.
    -Small bug fixed.
    -Added a new CVAR to allow or disable a new feature(Black Bile)
    -Added a new CVAR to allow or disable a new feature(Pummel Safety)
    -Added two new CVARS to allow or disable the advanced fire effect.
    -When a boomer biles a survivor, the damage count should increase per infected hit.
    -Fixed bug with the sm_forcezerkon command.
    -Fixed bug with damage-based infected count.
    -Attempt to fix the instructor hint announcement
    *Just update the .smx file if you have 1.6.3 or later
    -Added a new CVAR to allow or restric the use of the berserker mode while incapacitated
    *Just update the .smx file if you have 1.6.3 or later
    -Added a new CVAR to choose on what the infected count is based. (Times attacked or based on the damage dealt)
    *Just update the .smx file if you have 1.6.3 or later
    -Fixed downloading the custom music
    -Fixed the plugin version not being displayed properly
    -Deactivated default debug information that was being printed.
    *Just update the .smx file if you have 1.6.3 or later
    -Fixed custom music for berserker mode, however, a snd_rebuildaudiocache might be needed to make the sound audible.
    -Added Berserker Yell feature.
    -Extended customisation
    -Fixed instructor hint
    -Added Fire Shield feature for infected
    -Added faster shooting and melee swinging for survivors
    -Added new checkers for player color and god mode
    -Added new debugging information
    -Added more customisation Cvars
    -Fixed Lethal Bite feature
    -Completely fixed music not being played sometimes
    -Fixed other bugs and typos
    -Fixed another compatibility issues
    -Improoved Code
    Note*:There will be no more versions with new features, until a deep research for the idea "Berserker Yell" gets into an acceptable result.
    -Fixed incompatibility issue
    -Completely fixed bug where health would remain at 1 after using medkit during berserker
    -Added a new feature "Lethal Bite"
    -Added a new feature "Nasty Revenge"
    -Fixed some bugs
    -Added new debugging information
    -Added new admin command: "sm_blme"
    -Added new attached file, necessary for plugin functionality
    -Fixed chat spamming when the mouse wheel was used
    -Added a Cvar ro disable +ZOOM as the default key (Mouse wheel)
    -Added various checks for sound and audio esthetic
    -Fixed Music not being played if Esthetic Shield was enabled
    -Health should not remain to 1 if a medkit is used during berserker
    -Survivor Players should not still on the custom color anymore
    -Fixed some bugs
    -Fixed typos
    -Added new debugging information
    -Fixed typos in cvar descriptions and debug messages
    -Added new Cvar (Music esthetic shield)
    -Cleaned Code
    -Removed "sm_killcount" command, since "sm_berserker" replaced it
    -Added checks for each round, preventing double calculations and overpowered infected
    -Added new ConVars for restricting infected and disabling the new safety checks
    -Improoved double damage system (Changed how the survivors were incapacitated)
    -Fixed some bugs (Reloading and ammo glitches
    -Added Global Cvar (In the thread)
    -Translations won't be used anymore, default language is English!
    -Now allows cutom music to be played
    -Added infected restrictions for double damage
    -Added some protections and checks
    -New structure to burn infected
    -Reduced adrenaline animation interval
    -Corrected typos
    -Deprecated some translation functions
    -Added ConVar to apply or not double damage on incapacitated survivors
    -Fixed major and minor bugs
    -Guess what! Bug fix.
    -Fixed rage quit related errors
    -Fixed Instructor Hint (Hopefull)
    -Fixed Some bugs
    -Fixed really smal errors
    -Fixed infected god mode bug
    -First attempt to add Anti-Berserker feature (Please, test it with the "sm_forceazerk" command)
    -Fixed entity related bugs (Server Console Spam)
    -Fixed Incapacitarion God Mode Bug
    -Added Configurable god mode feature
    -Added Laser sight during berserker option
    -Added Automatic berserker option (No need to press any keys)
    -Added Customization for the berserker key (Bind any key instead of B only)
    -Added Survivor count customization options (Bullet based only, melee kills only, everything excepting molotovs and pipe bombs)
    -Added Option to Enable or Disable the color during berserker
    -Added customizable color on berserker
    -Fixed minor bugs
    -Added infinite fire bullets option.
    -Game Instructor Hint Added.
    -Berserker Animation Options added
    -Added Cvar to exclude Tank from berserker Functions
    -Fixed some bugs
    -Added "Disable Shove Penalty on Berserker" function
    -Removed extra line used for development. Sorry!
    -Fixed important God Mode issue.
    -Added Customisation for damage bonus
    -Added double health on berserker start (Infected)
    -Added option to exclude Tank from Berserker
    -Fixed hidden Cvar for adrenaline shot
    -Fixed double sound bug
    -Fixed bug that ends on overpowered infected
    -Fixed (hopefully) important bug that could end on a server crash or freeze.
    -Added "Reset count after x ammount of time"
    -Added Berserker for infected(Configurable by Cvars):
    -Double Damage
    -Inmunity during Jockey riding, Smoker Chiking or Hunter Pouncing (Must be shoved or they wont die)
    -Double Speed
    -Added support for all gamemodes
    -Fixed Incapacity bug
    -Fixed some minor bugs
    -Added inmunity (god mode) when the player gets incapacitated and is under Berserker Mode
    -Fixed compatibility with GodMode DELUXE plugin.
    -Fixed bug when the round ended while in berserker
    -Added Cvar for Binding the "B" key
    -Initial Release
    Delete the l4d2_berserk_mode.cfg on each update!

    *Don't forget to post your doubts and bug reports here!

    Additional Notes for Version: 1.6.1c and later
    -Some Cvars and descriptions have been changed, please, download the entire package again and re-adjust your cvars!
    -Translations files are not used anymore, there is no need to keep the file on the translations folder.
    -A new gamedata file has been included for version 1.6.1c and above. This file will be updated on every game update if necessary, and the plugin might get useless after each update (This until I create or find a signature)
    Attached Files
    File Type: txt l4d2_bm_sig.txt (3.7 KB, 3774 views)
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_berserk_mode.sp - 6719 views - 175.6 KB)

    Last edited by honorcode23; 01-01-2011 at 16:27. Reason: Video
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    Old 05-22-2010 , 10:10   Re: [L4D2] Berserker Mode
    Reply With Quote #2

    Can you TURN OFF auto bind for B key? I have very important command on there, and it always get replaced by sm_berserker command.
    Herokim is offline
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    Old 05-22-2010 , 10:25   Re: [L4D2] Berserker Mode
    Reply With Quote #3

    Originally Posted by Herokim View Post
    Can you TURN OFF auto bind for B key? I have very important command on there, and it always get replaced by sm_berserker command.
    I added a Cvar for binding the key. Just disable it and you shouldn't have to take care of it anymore . Just delete the old .cfg file and install the new version.
    Attached Files
    File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_berserk_mode.sp - 2557 views - 12.8 KB)
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    Old 05-22-2010 , 13:42   Re: [L4D2] Berserker Mode
    Reply With Quote #4

    Thx mate! Would it be possible to make screen somehow like on adrenaline effect? When you use it, screen gets at corners "bloody" like. It would be cool if you do that. Or i saw when you enter berserker mode, there are flames at bottom of screen. Maybe hold this fire to end of berserker mode? This plugin is perfect.
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    Old 05-22-2010 , 15:49   Re: [L4D2] Berserker Mode
    Reply With Quote #5

    One thing, this plugins colides partially with GodMode DELUXE plugin..


    When I turn god on myself, with command /god, and i go to berserker mode, then god mode disappear. Any chance to fix it?
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    Old 05-22-2010 , 17:03   Re: [L4D2] Berserker Mode
    Reply With Quote #6

    Originally Posted by Herokim View Post
    One thing, this plugins colides partially with GodMode DELUXE plugin..


    When I turn god on myself, with command /god, and i go to berserker mode, then god mode disappear. Any chance to fix it?
    Try the new version on the first post, that one will work better.

    Last edited by honorcode23; 05-22-2010 at 20:10.
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    Old 05-22-2010 , 20:24   Re: [L4D2] Berserker Mode (Updated 05/22/10)
    Reply With Quote #7

    Could you make it so that the player needs to kill the specific amount of infected within a specific amount of time?
    Cuthbert is offline
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    Old 05-23-2010 , 03:39   Re: [L4D2] Berserker Mode (Updated 05/22/10)
    Reply With Quote #8

    please make it work for Versus mode THX ;D

    p.s i tried this on coop but when i type @ console sm_berserker or sm_killcount.. it says cannot find command and after 100 kills nothing happens

    Last edited by mommafish; 05-23-2010 at 04:19.
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    Old 05-23-2010 , 07:33   Re: [L4D2] Berserker Mode (Updated 05/22/10)
    Reply With Quote #9

    I have some propositions for berserker mode

    -Faster Melee Swinging
    -Faster Shooting
    -No getting tired by shoving ( ^^ )
    -Faster Reloading

    If I get more ideas, that will be proper for this, I will say.

    This Plugin is perfect, and also thanks for fixing compatibility issue

    EDIT: I got idea of faster reloading....I hope you read that

    Last edited by Herokim; 05-23-2010 at 12:05. Reason: Another idea...
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    Old 05-23-2010 , 12:00   Re: [L4D2] Berserker Mode (Updated 05/22/10)
    Reply With Quote #10

    Originally Posted by mommafish View Post
    please make it work for Versus mode THX ;D

    p.s i tried this on coop but when i type @ console sm_berserker or sm_killcount.. it says cannot find command and after 100 kills nothing happens
    Try enabling the debuging, kill some zombies and check then if the killcount is higher than before. Kill count is shown under debuging mode.

    Activate debuging with the cvar l4d2_berserk_mode_debug 1
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