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[TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars

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Dr. McKay
Sir Dr. SourceMod Plugin Approver Esq. Ltd. M.D. PhD
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Atlantis
Old 07-11-2013 , 12:14   [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #1

Locked cvar: sv_showanimstate - Show the (server) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
Locked cvar: sv_showanimstate_log - 1 to output sv_showanimstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimStateServer.log. 3 for both.
Locked cvar: mp_feetyawrate - How many degrees per second that we can turn our feet or upper body.
Locked cvar: mp_facefronttime - After this amount of time of standing in place but aiming to one side, go ahead and move feet to face upper body.
Locked cvar: mp_ik - Use IK on in-place turns.
Locked cvar: sv_netvisdist - Test networking visibility distance
Locked cvar: sv_suppress_viewpunch - 
Locked cvar: sv_force_transmit_ents - Will transmit all entities to client, regardless of PVS conditions (will still skip based on transmit flags, however).
Locked cvar: sv_optimizedmovement - 
Locked cvar: sv_stopspeed - Minimum stopping speed when on ground.
Locked cvar: sv_maxspeed - 
Locked cvar: sv_accelerate - 
Locked cvar: sv_airaccelerate - 
Locked cvar: sv_wateraccelerate - 
Locked cvar: sv_waterfriction - 
Locked cvar: sv_footsteps - Play footstep sound for players
Locked cvar: sv_rollspeed - 
Locked cvar: sv_rollangle - Max view roll angle
Locked cvar: sv_friction - World friction.
Locked cvar: sv_bounce - Bounce multiplier for when physically simulated objects collide with other objects.
Locked cvar: sv_maxvelocity - Maximum speed any ballistically moving object is allowed to attain per axis.
Locked cvar: sv_stepsize - 
Locked cvar: sv_backspeed - How much to slow down backwards motion
Locked cvar: sv_waterdist - Vertical view fixup when eyes are near water plane.
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_force - How hard physics objects are pushed away from the players on the server.
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_min_player_speed - If a player is moving slower than this, don't push away physics objects (enables ducking behind things).
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_max_force - Maximum amount of force applied to physics objects by players.
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_clientside - Clientside physics push away (0=off, 1=only localplayer, 1=all players)
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_player_force - How hard the player is pushed away from physics objects (falls off with inverse square of distance).
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_max_player_force - Maximum of how hard the player is pushed away from physics objects.
Locked cvar: sv_lagcompensation_teleport_dist - How far a player got moved by game code before we can't lag compensate their position back
Locked cvar: sv_unlag - Enables player lag compensation
Locked cvar: sv_maxunlag - Maximum lag compensation in seconds
Locked cvar: sv_lagflushbonecache - Flushes entity bone cache on lag compensation
Locked cvar: sv_unlag_fixstuck - Disallow backtracking a player for lag compensation if it will cause them to become stuck
Locked cvar: sv_unlag_debug - 
Locked cvar: sv_pushaway_clientside_size - Minimum size of pushback objects
Locked command: sv_soundemitter_flush - Flushes the sounds.txt system (server only)
Locked command: sv_soundemitter_filecheck - Report missing wave files for sounds and game_sounds files.
Locked command: sv_findsoundname - Find sound names which reference the specified wave files.
Locked command: sv_soundscape_printdebuginfo - print soundscapes
Locked cvar: mp_capstyle - Sets the style of capture points used. 0 = Fixed players required to cap. 1 = More players cap faster, but longer cap times.
Locked cvar: mp_blockstyle - Sets the style of capture point blocking used. 0 = Blocks break captures completely. 1 = Blocks only pause captures.
Locked cvar: mp_capdeteriorate_time - Time it takes for a full capture point to deteriorate.
Locked cvar: mp_showroundtransitions - Show gamestate round transitions.
Locked cvar: mp_showcleanedupents - Show entities that are removed on round respawn.
Locked cvar: sv_vote_timer_duration - How long to allow voting on an issue
Locked cvar: sv_vote_command_delay - How long after a vote passes until the action happens
Locked cvar: sv_vote_creation_timer - How often someone can individually call a vote.
Locked cvar: item_quality_chance_unique - Percentage chance that a random item is unique.
Locked cvar: item_quality_chance_rare - Percentage chance that a random item is a rare.
Locked cvar: item_quality_chance_common - Percentage chance that a random item is common.
Locked cvar: item_enable_content_streaming - 
Locked cvar: tf_obj_build_rotation_speed - Degrees per second to rotate building when player alt-fires during placement.
Locked cvar: tf_obj_max_attach_dist - 
Locked cvar: sv_ignore_hitboxes - Disable hitboxes
Locked cvar: anim_showstate - Show the (client) animation state for the specified entity (-1 for none).
Locked cvar: anim_showstatelog - 1 to output anim_showstate to Msg(). 2 to store in AnimState.log. 3 for both.
Locked cvar: mp_showgestureslots - Show multiplayer client/server gesture slot information for the specified player index (-1 for no one).
Locked cvar: mp_slammoveyaw - Force movement yaw along an animation path.
Locked cvar: tf_maxspeed - 
Locked cvar: tf_showspeed - 
Locked cvar: tf_avoidteammates - Controls how teammates interact when colliding.
  0: Teammates block each other
  1: Teammates pass through each other, but push each other away (default)
Locked cvar: tf_solidobjects - 
Locked cvar: tf_clamp_back_speed - 
Locked cvar: tf_clamp_back_speed_min - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_air_dash_count - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_hype_mod - 
Locked cvar: tf_max_charge_speed - 
Locked cvar: tf_force_holidays_off - 
Locked cvar: tf_caplinear - If set to 1, teams must capture control points linearly.
Locked cvar: tf_stalematechangeclasstime - Amount of time that players are allowed to change class in stalemates.
Locked cvar: tf_arena_force_class - Forces players to play a random class each time they spawn.
Locked cvar: tf_arena_change_limit - Number of times players can change their class when mp_force_random_class is being used.
Locked cvar: mp_waitingforplayers_time - WaitingForPlayers time length in seconds
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_arena - 
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_cp - 
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_ctf - 
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_sd - 
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_payload - 
Locked cvar: tf_gamemode_mvm - 
Locked cvar: tf_bot_count - 
Locked command: listdeaths - lists player deaths
Locked command: tf_dumpplayerstats - Dumps current player stats
Locked cvar: tf_obj_gib_velocity_min - 
Locked cvar: tf_obj_gib_velocity_max - 
Locked cvar: tf_obj_gib_maxspeed - 
Locked cvar: tf_obj_upgrade_per_hit - 
Locked cvar: object_verbose - Debug object system.
Locked cvar: obj_damage_factor - Factor applied to all damage done to objects
Locked cvar: obj_child_damage_factor - Factor applied to damage done to objects that are built on a buildpoint
Locked cvar: tf_fastbuild - 
Locked cvar: tf_obj_ground_clearance - Object corners can be this high above the ground
Locked cvar: tf_obj_damage_tank_achievement_amount - 
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_notice_sapped_squadmates_delay - How long it takes for a squad leader to notice his squadmate was sapped
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_damage - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_mini_damage - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_ammocheat - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_newtarget_dist - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_metal_per_shell - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_metal_per_rocket - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_notarget - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_max_absorbed_damage_while_controlled_for_achievement - 
Locked cvar: tf_sentrygun_kill_after_redeploy_time_achievement - 
Locked cvar: tf_teleporter_fov_start - Starting FOV for teleporter zoom.
Locked cvar: tf_teleporter_fov_time - How quickly to restore FOV after teleport.
Locked cvar: tf_playerstatetransitions - tf_playerstatetransitions <ent index or -1 for all>. Show player state transitions.
Locked cvar: tf_weapon_ragdoll_velocity_min - 
Locked cvar: tf_weapon_ragdoll_velocity_max - 
Locked cvar: tf_weapon_ragdoll_maxspeed - 
Locked cvar: tf_damageforcescale_other - 
Locked cvar: tf_damageforcescale_self_soldier_rj - 
Locked cvar: tf_damageforcescale_self_soldier_badrj - 
Locked cvar: tf_damagescale_self_soldier - 
Locked cvar: tf_damage_lineardist - 
Locked cvar: tf_damage_range - 
Locked cvar: tf_feign_death_damage_scale - 
Locked cvar: tf_max_voice_speak_delay - Max time after a voice command until player can do another one
Locked cvar: tf_deploying_bomb_time - Time to deploy bomb before the point of no return.
Locked cvar: tf_deploying_bomb_delay_time - Time to delay before deploying bomb.
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_death_penalty - How much currency players lose when dying
Locked cvar: tf_highfive_separation - Distance between high five partners
Locked cvar: tf_highfive_max_range - The farthest away a high five partner can be
Locked cvar: tf_highfive_close_range - If a player is at least this close to a high five initiator, the directional checks are skipped
Locked cvar: tf_highfive_height_tolerance - The maximum height difference allowed for two high-fivers.
Locked command: CreatePredictionError - Create a prediction error
Locked command: sv_debug_stuck_particles - Debugs particles attached to the player under your crosshair.
Locked command: tf_ignite_player - Sets you on fire
Locked cvar: tf_spy_invis_time - Transition time in and out of spy invisibility
Locked cvar: tf_spy_invis_unstealth_time - Transition time in and out of spy invisibility
Locked cvar: tf_spy_max_cloaked_speed - 
Locked cvar: tf_whip_speed_increase - 
Locked cvar: tf_max_health_boost - Max health factor that players can be boosted to by healers.
Locked cvar: tf_invuln_time - Time it takes for invulnerability to wear off.
Locked cvar: tf_player_movement_stun_time - 
Locked cvar: tf_soldier_buff_pulses - 
Locked cvar: tf_boost_drain_time - Time is takes for a full health boost to drain away from a player.
Locked cvar: tf_damage_events_track_for - 
Locked cvar: tf_useparticletracers - Use particle tracers instead of old style ones.
Locked cvar: tf_spy_cloak_consume_rate - cloak to use per second while cloaked, from 100 max )
Locked cvar: tf_spy_cloak_regen_rate - cloak to regen per second, up to 100 max
Locked cvar: tf_spy_cloak_no_attack_time - time after uncloaking that the spy is prohibited from attacking
Locked cvar: tf_scout_energydrink_regen_rate - energy drink regen per second, up to 100 max
Locked cvar: tf_scout_energydrink_consume_rate - energy drink to use per second while boosted, from 100 max
Locked cvar: tf_scout_energydrink_activation - how long it takes for the energy buff to become active
Locked cvar: tf_demoman_charge_regen_rate - 
Locked cvar: tf_demoman_charge_drain_time - 
Locked cvar: tf_feign_death_duration - Time that feign death buffs last.
Locked cvar: tf_cheapobjects - Set to 1 and all objects will cost 0
Locked cvar: tf_raid_engineer_infinte_metal - 
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_bot_sniper_target_by_dps - If set, Snipers in MvM mode target the victim that has the highest DPS
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_default_sentry_buster_damage_dealt_threshold - 
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_default_sentry_buster_kill_threshold - 
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_endless_force_on - Force MvM Endless mode on
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_endless_wait_time - 
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_endless_bomb_reset - Number of Waves to Complete before bomb reset
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_endless_bot_cash - In Endless, number of credits bots get per wave
Locked cvar: tf_mvm_endless_tank_boost - In Endless, amount of extra health for the tank per wave
Locked cvar: tf_scout_stunball_base_duration - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_stunball_base_speed - 
Locked cvar: sv_proj_stunball_damage - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_bat_launch_delay - 
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_velocity - Initial velocity of flame damage entities.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_drag - Air drag of flame damage entities.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_float - Upward float velocity of flame damage entities.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_vecrand - Random vector added to initial velocity of flame damage entities.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_maxdamagedist - Maximum damage distance for flamethrower.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_shortrangedamagemultiplier - Damage multiplier for close-in flamethrower damage.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_velocityfadestart - Time at which attacker's velocity contribution starts to fade.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_velocityfadeend - Time at which attacker's velocity contribution finishes fading.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_burst_zvelocity - 
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_burstammo - How much ammo does the air burst uses per shot.
Locked cvar: tf_flamethrower_flametime - Time to live of flame damage entities.
Locked cvar: tf_grenadelauncher_chargescale - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenadelauncher_livetime - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenadelauncher_min_contact_speed - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_forcefrom_bullet - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_forcefrom_buckshot - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_forcefrom_blast - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_force_sleeptime - 
Locked cvar: tf_pipebomb_force_to_move - 
Locked cvar: tf_pipebomb_deflect_reset_time - 
Locked cvar: weapon_medigun_damage_modifier - Scales the damage a player does while being healed with the medigun.
Locked cvar: weapon_medigun_construction_rate - Constructing object health healed per second by the medigun.
Locked cvar: weapon_medigun_charge_rate - Amount of time healing it takes to fully charge the medigun.
Locked cvar: weapon_medigun_chargerelease_rate - Amount of time it takes the a full charge of the medigun to be released.
Locked cvar: weapon_medigun_resist_num_chunks - How many uber bar chunks the vaccinator has.
Locked cvar: tf_vaccinator_small_resist - How much damage the vaccinator resists when just healing.
Locked cvar: tf_vaccinator_uber_resist - How much damage the vaccinator resists when deploying uber.
Locked cvar: tf_vaccinator_uber_charge_rate_modifier - Vaccinator uber charge rate.
Locked cvar: tf_medigun_lagcomp - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_hype_pep_mod - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_hype_pep_max - 
Locked cvar: tf_scout_hype_pep_min_damage - 
Locked cvar: mp_forceactivityset - 
Locked cvar: tf_dev_marked_for_death_lifetime - 
Locked cvar: tf_dev_health_on_damage_recover_percentage - 
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_show_radius - Render radius of grenades
Locked cvar: tf_grenade_show_radius_time - Time to show grenade radius
Locked cvar: tf_meleeattackforcescale - 
Locked cvar: cl_interpolate - Interpolate entities on the client.
Locked cvar: dbg_demofile - 
Locked cvar: r_entity - 
Locked cvar: r_portalscloseall - 
Locked cvar: sv_stressbots - If set to 1, the server calculates data and fills packets to bots. Used for perf testing.
Locked cvar: sv_sendtables - Force full sendtable sending path.
Locked cvar: sv_creationtickcheck - Do extended check for encoding of timestamps against tickcount
Locked cvar: sv_instancebaselines - Enable instanced baselines. Saves network overhead.
Locked cvar: sv_useexplicitdelete - Explicitly delete dormant client entities caused by AllowImmediateReuse().
Locked cvar: vgui_nav_lock - 
Locked cvar: vgui_nav_lock_default_button - 
Locked cvar: r_flashlight_version2 -
Might be a bit interesting to experiment with these.

Code used to generate this:

PHP Code:
#include <sourcemod>

public OnPluginStart() {
Handle:file OpenFile("console.txt""w");
decl String:name[256], bool:isCommandflagsString:description[512];
Handle:iterator FindFirstConCommand(namesizeof(name), isCommandflagsdescriptionsizeof(description));
    do {
WriteFileLine(file"Locked %s: %s - %s"isCommand "command" "cvar"namedescription);
isCommand) {
SetCommandFlags(nameGetCommandFlags(name) & ~FCVAR_LAUNCHER);
        } else {
Handle:convar FindConVar(name);
SetConVarFlags(convarGetConVarFlags(convar) & ~FCVAR_LAUNCHER);
    } while(
FindNextConCommand(iteratornamesizeof(name), isCommandflagsdescriptionsizeof(description)));

This also unlocks all cvars and commands.
Dr. McKay is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2013
Old 08-05-2013 , 12:25   Re: [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #2

Ive just made a tf2 server and installed sourcemod and metamod, nothing else. So Im very new to having a tf2 server and I wanted to ask how I execute the php command. Srry if it sounds like a stupid question to you but I want to be able to use the commands
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Old 08-05-2013 , 12:33   Re: [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #3

For those wondering what that does because it has no description, It will make it so sentries don't aim at anything or do anything, they cannot be wrangled but they can be destroyed.

- Jack
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Dr. McKay
Sir Dr. SourceMod Plugin Approver Esq. Ltd. M.D. PhD
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Atlantis
Old 08-05-2013 , 14:31   [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #4

Originally Posted by Swim15 View Post
Ive just made a tf2 server and installed sourcemod and metamod, nothing else. So Im very new to having a tf2 server and I wanted to ask how I execute the php command. Srry if it sounds like a stupid question to you but I want to be able to use the commands
You don't need to unlock a cvar to use it, you can simply use sm_cvar to change a locked cvar.
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Old 08-06-2013 , 06:26   Re: [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #5

PHP Code:
tf_obj_build_rotation_speed 1 
It cost four hundreed dollars to turn sentry 360 deegrees in twelve seconds.
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Old 08-06-2013 , 13:15   Re: [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #6

Originally Posted by Oshizu View Post
PHP Code:
tf_obj_build_rotation_speed 1 
It cost four hundreed dollars to turn sentry 360 deegrees in twelve seconds.
But it does nothing :c
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Old 08-06-2013 , 15:34   Re: [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #7

Originally Posted by Pelipoika View Post
But it does nothing :c
it does. try rotate objects when placing

PS: oh did you know that you can ROTATE objects?

Last edited by Leonardo; 08-06-2013 at 15:35.
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Dr. McKay
Sir Dr. SourceMod Plugin Approver Esq. Ltd. M.D. PhD
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Atlantis
Old 08-06-2013 , 16:07   Re: [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #8

Originally Posted by Leonardo View Post
it does. try rotate objects when placing

PS: oh did you know that you can ROTATE objects?
Perhaps he thought that it controlled the sentry's rotation speed when firing at a target behind itself. That would be my first assumption toward its function.
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Old 08-06-2013 , 16:17   Re: Re: [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #9

Originally Posted by Dr. McKay View Post
Perhaps he thought that it controlled the sentry's rotation speed when firing at a target behind itself. That would be my first assumption toward its function.
I think sentry rotation is something like model animation, not changing m_angRotation
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Old 08-06-2013 , 17:30   Re: [TF2] Locked Commands and ConVars
Reply With Quote #10

Originally Posted by Dr. McKay View Post
Perhaps he thought that it controlled the sentry's rotation speed when firing at a target behind itself. That would be my first assumption toward its function.
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