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[l4d2] Ready Up v3.3.2 [06/24/2014] [Major Update]

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AlliedModders Donor
Join Date: Jan 2010
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Plugin ID:
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General Purpose
Plugin Game:
Left 4 Dead
Plugin Dependencies:
    Servers with this Plugin:
    Plugin Description:
    Prevents players from exiting the safe-room until all players have connected and are ready. Its features can be disabled so that its only function is providing forwards usable by other plugins.
    Old 02-08-2013 , 10:48   [l4d2] Ready Up v3.3.2 [06/24/2014] [Major Update]
    Reply With Quote #1

    Important Information Regarding Versions
    Often, when I release new versions, files may be dramatically changed. This means that in order to make sure the plugin and any installed modules function, you should replace all files (this includes configs, translations, etc.) with the new versions in the archive at the bottom of this post. Please help to cull the confusion resulting from posting errors related to older versions of the plugin, or errors that I already know about and am debugging. However, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!

    Ready Up is comprised of a core plugin; Ready Up, as well as several optional modules. Modules use the functions defined by the core plugin to extend its functionality. Modules can require other modules, or simply work stand-alone, provided the core plugin still exists. The design is in place to allow server owners to pick and choose what features they want.

    Module Development
    Module development is made easy with Ready Up, with the core plugin doing most of the leg work for you. If you're looking to create a module, the easiest way to get started is to take a look at how I've developed the current modules. With Ready Up, you can register custom commands, so that server owners can define the command string itself in a config file, without ever needing to edit the source code. For a full list of the custom functions, check out the .../include/readyup.inc file.

    This plugin is designed to prevent survivor players from leaving the safe-room prior to all clients loading into the game. Its actual features can be disabled so that the plugin only provides the unique forwards which can be used by other plugins. After all clients have loaded, an optional "ready up" phase begins.

    Ready Up v3.x uses gametype-specific configs to load variables, making it even more flexible for servers that run multiple gametypes. The list of variables in the core plugin are listed below. This is a direct excerpt from the /configs/readyup/versus.cfg. If you wish to add configs for other gametypes, simply place as many configs in the folder as gametypes you wish to support. If I wanted to add coop for example, I would create /configs/readyup/coop.cfg.

    At this time, Ready Up is only compatible with dedicated servers; you cannot run it localhost.

    Configs for Ready up and its modules are found in the .../configs/readyup/ directory. A config is not generated in the .../cfg/sourcemod/ directory.

    For Developers:
    I've constructed the archive exactly as needed for development purposes. Simply extract it and place the appropriate sourcemod development files into the /scripting/ and /scripting/include/ folders.
    The following are the calls available in the readyup.inc


    Optional Modules:

    Known Issues:
    This section details errors that I already know about, and that I may or may not (at this time) be looking into. If you come across these errors, please do not post a response based on them, as there's no reason to notify me about something that I'm already well aware of. It's the same as checking to see if your question has been answered before asking the question, and keeps the clutter off the thread.

        -    Locked End Of Map Saferoom; On the first map of campaigns, the first round, the end of map saferoom door may
            not properly close and lock.
            This issue only occurs if "skip ready up period?" is set to "2" in the game mode config.
        -    Not enough space on stack
        -    Error encountered while processing a dynamic native
    Revision history:
         -Ready Up Core:
            +   Added new natives, corrected an issue with the features presented in v3.3.1.
        -    Player Plus Module:
            +    Completely re-written to replace the previous, unstable version. No longer requires config. Will make sure there are a minimum of 4 survivors at all times, while creating a new bot whenever a player joins the survivor team. Team changes are handled through readyup's ReadyUp_FwdChangeTeam(client, team) forward.
        -    Team Manager Module:
            +    Developed to show how modules interact with each other through the use of natives and forwards presented by the core ready up plugin.
        -    Ready Up Core:
            +   Added "majority ready counter?" and "majority ready timer?" (Refer to included coop.cfg)
        -    Ready Up Core:
            +   The ready up period will now properly end when the ready up time remaining reaches 0.
        -    Ready Up Core:
            +    "skip ready up period?" will no longer display messages if set to a value greater than 0.
            +    The game will only start after all players have readied up if "ready up time?" is set to 0.
        -    Ready Up Core:
            +    Option to destroy or not destroy the start of map safe room door when opened.
                "delete saferoom door on round start?"    "0" (1 to destroy, 0 means to not destroy)
        -    Player Plus Module:
            +    Player health, weapons, etc. will now properly carry over to new levels in Coop game modes.
        -    Ready Up Core:
            +    "skip readyup period?" has additional functionality. All functionality are as follows:
                "0"    -    Ready Up period performs normally.
                "1"    -    Ready Up period will end when all connecting players have entered the game (untested)
                "2"    -    Ready Up period will end when the first connecting player enters the game.
        -    Friendly Fire Module:
            +    "fire damage limit?" added as an option.
            +    "friendly fire disabled during live round?" replaced with "friendly fire damage restored?"
            +    If "friendly fire damage restored?" is set to 0, players will now be properly punished even for reaching the
            +    appropriate limit.
        -    Bug fixes:
            +    Not enough space on stack
            +    Error encountered while processing a dynamic native
            +    Other miscellaneous issues and annoyances
        -    Should prevent a (rare) issue where Ready Up is notified of the incorrect game mode.
        -    Ready Up now properly performs when running in basic mode.
        -    New functions added for modules.
        -    Changed how it parses configs, hopefully for the better.
        -    No more alpha / beta (private, I know, totally backwards) stages!
        -    Two new modules! Map Rotation & Vote Map. See module section for details.
        -    Many, many, many natives and forwards added.
        -    Some bugs were fixed, some new ones popped up. Fortunately, none affect functionality.
    v3.1 alpha
        -    The Official modules have all received updates, correcting the known issues as of this posting.
        -    Lock Saferoom: The end of map door will no longer unlock if there are no survivors.
        -    Official module added: Friendly Fire Prevention / Punishment
        -    Forwards / Natives: Several Added.
        -    Survivors who join dead during pre-game will now be spawned (windows signature missing)
        -    ReadyUp_RegisterCommand and ReadyUp_RemoveCommand allow developers to register custom commands
            that server owners can set the command string of in config files.
        -    Friendly Fire Prevention / Punishment: Corrected an issue that would kill survivors when they reached 1 health
            if they attacked another player, regardless of whether they reached a violation limit or not.
        -    Player Plus: Enforce balance teams now properly functions. If enforcing teams, however, the actual survivors
            required value will still be enforced. However, in a later update, the actual value that will be enforced is 4.
        -    Player Plus: If survivor players are dead during the ready up period, when the ready up period ends, they will be
            spawned. The start of map door is locked until the ready up period ends.
    v3.0 alpha
        -    Completely re-written!
        -    Will bump to v3.1 alpha when the set of Official Modules have been completed.
        -    Fixed (I think) a bug related to the ready up period rarely triggering mid-round.
        -    Added extended module support.
        -    Added new global forward, SaferoomLocked(). This forward is called after the plugin locks the
            start of map saferoom door.
        -    The match will no longer begin prior to the ready up phase, if there are less than two players in the server.
        -    Added a new option of tracking the ready up period:
            readyup_periodic_countdown:        Is it enabled?
            readyup_periodic_timeframe:        How often is it displayed?
        -    readyup_maxrounds added, which is used to track when the map is "over" so the ready up period does
            not start up when the last round of a map has been played. This is ignored in coop and ignored on finales.
            If you change maps after 1 survival round, your survival config would set this value to 1. In Versus, you set
            the value to 2.
        -    The ReadyUpStart() and ReadyUpEnd() forwards will no longer fire (and their respective functions will not
            activate) if there are no survivor players connected to the server when they activate. Instead, a timer will
            run until a new player connects to the server, or the map ends. If a player connects prior to the map ending
            it will call the ReadyUpStart() function at that time.
        -    Added option to display the ready up time remaining in chat; this option requires the readyup_hidehud 1 and
            readyup_loadingplayers_menudisplay 0.
        -    Two new cvars associated with it, see above.
        -    Corrected an issue where the ready up period would hang if a player disconnected due to a timeout during
            the ready up period.
        -    The "Ready Up Will Automatically Start In..." timer will now automatically restart if a player connects after
            all clients have loading, assuming its value is still greater than 0. However, players can ready up and start
            the game, even if a player is connecting, as long as all clients had loaded prior to new connections.
        -    Time remaining in the "Ready Up" phase will pause if a new player starts connecting during ready up.
            The timer will resume once all connecting players have loaded, or if the connection timer reaches 0, whichever
            of the two occurs first.
        -    Corrected an issue where the ready up period would not end if readyup_freeze_time was set to 0.0.
        -    Corrected a rare issue where the ready up period would sometimes not occur when a new map loaded.
        -    The ready up period should no longer occur when the last round of the map is played before a new map loads.
    Attached Files
    File Type: zip RUM_v3.3.2.zip (224.2 KB, 3115 views)

    Last edited by Skyy; 06-24-2014 at 05:15. Reason: Major updates
    Skyy is offline
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    Old 02-11-2013 , 15:16   Re: [ L4D2 ] Ready Up v2.1
    Reply With Quote #2

    Inside the zip folder, there is only logs/scripting/translations - and inside of scripting is a "compiled" folder. Do I upload the compiled folder "as is"... or simply remove the .smx plugin and upload that into the plugins folder?

    EDIT: I went ahead and extracted the .smx from the compiled folder and uploaded that separately into the plugins folder. Showing as loaded/working in sm plugins list.

    Last edited by chatyak; 02-11-2013 at 15:24.
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    Old 02-13-2013 , 14:25   Re: [ L4D2 ] Ready Up v2.1
    Reply With Quote #3

    Is someone able to let me know what's wrong with my settings? This is my config file below, yet even when everyone is in "ready" mode - nobody can move and rdyup does not end.

    // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.4.5-dev)
    // ConVars for plugin "readyup.smx"

    // The time to wait after ready up ends to force the checkpoint door to open.
    // -
    // Default: "20.0"
    readyup_checkpointdoor_forceopen "60.0"

    // If 0.0, all players must have loaded for ready up to start, otherwise forces ready up after this many seconds, even if all players are not fully loaded.
    // -
    // Default: "60.0"
    readyup_connect_timeout "60.0"

    // If enabled, infected players will be frozen during the ready up period.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    readyup_freeze_infected "0"

    // If enabled, players are frozen during ready up. If not, the door is locked until ready up ends. Players are always frozen on the first map of a campaign.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    readyup_freeze_players "0"

    // If 0.0, all players MUST ready up to start, otherwise starts when all players have loaded, after this many seconds.
    // -
    // Default: "60.0"
    readyup_freeze_time "0.0"

    // If enabled, the hud will be hidden and the ready up period will last its entire time frame.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    readyup_hidehud "0"

    // If enabled, alltalk will be enabled after a round ends and before ready up begins.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    readyup_intermission_alltalk "1"

    // If enabled, the players still loading will be displayed in the menu panel, otherwise a hint text will display the number remaining.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    readyup_loadingplayers_menudisplay "0"

    // If enabled, the round will start as soon as all clients have loaded, or the connection timeout (if applicable) is called.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    readyup_norup "0"

    // If enabled, alltalk will be enabled after a round ends and until ready up ends. Overrides intermission alltalk if enabled.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    readyup_pregame_alltalk "0"

    // If set to 0, there will not be a ready up period before the second round begins.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    readyup_ready_halftime "1"

    // If enabled, players cannot use the spectate command.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    readyup_spectator_disabled "1"

    // The time in seconds before the plugin forces spectators to be ready if they are not. Overridden if all non spectators ready up.
    // -
    // Default: "10"
    readyup_spectatorready_force "20"

    // If enabled, players can share their throwables with another player by shoving another survivor.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    readyup_throwables "0"

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    Old 02-24-2013 , 16:42   Re: [ L4D2 ] Ready Up v2.2
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    Hey; please don't delete your posts. You never know if someone else is having the same issue.
    Skyy is offline
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    Old 03-10-2013 , 21:37   Re: [ L4D2 ] Ready Up v2.3
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    If you are running Fortspawn 2 please be advised that you must use v2.3+ of this plugin.
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    Old 03-15-2013 , 06:38   Re: [ L4D2 ] Ready Up v2.4
    Reply With Quote #6

    nice idea only where are the doors on the end of the game now i keep runners http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile.../?id=132370605 print screen

    Last edited by pd35; 03-15-2013 at 10:52.
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    Old 03-15-2013 , 15:22   Re: [ L4D2 ] Ready Up v2.4
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    Ready up isn't compatible with the [L4D2] Anti-Runner System

    However, I've written one that I feel is superior to it; it's the Locked End Of Map Saferoom module. It's included in the zip file and titled rum_antirush. If you have any problems let me know.

    Last edited by Skyy; 03-22-2013 at 02:28.
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    Old 06-04-2013 , 01:15   Re: [ L4D2 ] Ready Up v2.6 [Module Support] [6/02/13]
    Reply With Quote #8

    - optimized code
    - logs folder now creates and plugin shoots an error if it doesn't exists and fails to create the folder.
    - changed how safe room door protection is handled.
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    Mr. Man
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    Old 06-22-2013 , 02:11   Re: [ L4D2 ] Ready Up v2.6 [Module Support] [6/02/13]
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    Skyy, do you have any plans to separate the preparation time for regular campaign and survival mode? When paired with fort spawner, this plugins's cooldown time for survival is a bit inadequate in that I have to set the same amount of time in survival as in campaign.

    For building servers, it might be more appropriate to set a separate, customizable time cvar for survival maps (i.e. 5 minutes before round starts).
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    Old 06-22-2013 , 23:45   Re: [ L4D2 ] Ready Up v2.6 [Module Support] [6/02/13]
    Reply With Quote #10

    Hi There;

    I had never coded this in as an option, since I used my team manager plugin in conjunction with it, which then handled which config was loaded based on game type. However, if you're in a position where you would be unable to use team manager, I can always add in a cvar split for survival modes. (The perks to team manager having different configs completely for each game type that you list in its config file is you can completely change the value of all cvars, as in survival, you may want a continuous timer for ready up period where players cannot ready up and must wait the entire period, as forcing the ready up screen would make it difficult to build.)

    Last edited by Skyy; 06-22-2013 at 23:46.
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