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Join Date: Sep 2012
Old 04-02-2021 , 17:12   Jailbreak Main mod v266 translation.
Reply With Quote #1

I know there're nobody going to translate all of that, but if you do people would appreicate it


TEAM_MENU_TITLE = Choose your role!
TEAM_MENU_PRISONERS = \rPrisoners team
TEAM_MENU_GUARDS = \yGuards team
TEAM_MENU_SPEC = \wSpectator

CLASS_MENU_TITLE = Classes menu ^n Choose a class!
LR_MENU_TITLE = Last Request menu ^n Choose your duel!
LR_MENU_CHOOSE_TARG_TITLE = Last Request menu ^n choose your opponent!

MAIN_MENU_TITLE = \rJailbreak \yMain Menu ^n \wChoose an option!?
MAIN_MENU_ITEM_LR = \rLast Request
MAIN_MENU_ITEM_LR_L = \dLast Request
MAIN_MENU_ITEM_SHOP = \wShop \rmenu
MAIN_MENU_ITEM_FUNDAYS = \ySpecialday \rmenu
MAIN_MENU_ITEM_FUNDAYS_L = \dSpecialday menu
MAIN_MENU_ITEM_GANG = \rGang \yMenu ~ !
MAIN_MENU_ITEM_MGAMES = \rMini\wgames \yMenu ~ !
MM_ITEM_CTBAN_MENU = Ban a player from the Guards team!
MM_ITEM_GAMBLE_MENU = \rGambling \wmenu
SOCCER_SETTINGS = \ySoccer \rSettings!
ENABLE_SPRAY_METER = \yEnable \wspray meter!
DISABLE_SPRAY_METER = \rDisable \wspray meter!
RESET_PLAYER_SPRAYS = \rReset \wplayers ability to spray!

ADMIN_MENU_TITLE = \rADMIN \ymenu ^n \wchoose an option!
ADMIN_MENU_REVIVE = \yRevive menu
ADMIN_MENU_SET = \ySet menu

ADMIN_M_ALL = Target all!
ADMIN_M_ALL_ALIVE = Target only alive players!
ADMIN_M_ALL_DEAD = Target only dead players!
ADMIN_M_CT = Target only the guards team!
ADMIN_M_CT_ALIVE = Target only the living guards!
ADMIN_M_CT_DEAD = Target only the dead guards!
ADMIN_M_T = Target only the prisoners team!
ADMIN_M_T_ALIVE = Target only the living prisoners!
ADMIN_M_T_DEAD = Target only the dead prisoners!

ADMIN_REV_MENU_TITLE = Revive menu ^n Select an option!
ADMIN_REV_M_REV_SPECIFIED = Revive a specified player!
ADMIN_REV_PLAYERS_MENU_TITLE = Revive menu^nRevive a specified player!

ADMIN_SET_MENU_TITLE = Choose a set category!^nSet player or players... 

ADMIN_SET_TARGET_M_TITLE = Assign the target or targets!
ADMIN_SET_M_T_SPECIFIED = Assign a specified target!

ADMIN_SET_VALUE_M_TITLE = \wSelect a value! ^n \rCategory:-\y
ADMIN_SET_VALUE_M = \yChosen value:> \w%d
ADMIN_SET_VALUE_M_SUBMIT = \rSubmit value!
ADMIN_INSERT_SET_VALUE_CENTER = Insert the desired value!

CTBAN_MENU_TITLE = Ban a player from the guards team!
PLAYER_HAS_IMMUNITY = The player has immunity!

PAINT_MENU_TITLE = \rPaint menu^n\ygive someone the ability to paint!

COMMANDER_MENU_TITLE = \rWarden menu ^n \yChoose an Option!
CMD_MENU_ITEM_OPENCELLS = \yOpen the cells!
CMD_MENU_ITEM_CLOSECELLS = \rClose the cells!
CMD_MENU_ITEM_PAINTMENU = \yGive a player the ability to paint!
CMD_MENU_ITEM_SPLIT_HALF = \ySplit the prisoners inhalf \w(\rred vs blue\w)
CMD_MENU_ITEM_SPLIT_3HALF = \ySplit the prisoners into 3 half's \w(\rred vs blue vs green\w)
CMD_MENU_ITEM_SPLIT_4HALF = \ySplit the prisoners into 4 half's \w(\rred vs blue vs green vs yellow\w)
CMD_MENU_ITEM_DROP_MEDKITS = Drop \rMedkits \w(\yConsumed : \w%d/\r%d\w)
CMD_MENU_ITEM_ASK_QUESTION = Ask a custom question!
CMD_MENU_ITEM_RANDOM_PRIS = \ySelect a \rrandom \yprisoner!
CMD_MENU_ITEM_VOICE_MENU = \yVoice chat menu!
CMD_MENU_ITEM_QUIT_CMDING = \rQuit being a Warden!
NEW_COMMANDER_ANNOUNCE = !g%s !yhas became the new warden, all must obey him!
COMMANDER_QUIT_COMMANDING = !g%s !thad left the leadership, !ytype !g%s !yto lead!
COMMANDER_LEFT_SERVER = !gThe warden has disconnected, !twarden position is now available! 
YOURE_NOT_THE_COMMANDER = You're not the warden!
COMMANDER_MENU_NOT_AVAILABLE = The warden menu is not available in the current time!
THERE_IS_NO_COMMANDER = Currently there's no warden available!
FUNDAY_VOICE_CHAT = Voice chat is now enabled during a special day!
LR_VOICE_CHAT = Voice chat is now enabled during the last request!
COMMANDER_DROPPED_MEDKITS = !gWarden !t%s !yhas dropped a medkit on the floor!
COMMANDER_OPEN_CELLS = !tWarden !g%s !yhas opened the cells!
COMMANDER_CLOSED_CELLS = !tWarden !g%s !yhas closed the cells!
COMMANDER_RANDOM_CHOOSE_PRIS = !tWarden !g%s !yhas chosen !g%s !yby chance!
COMMANDER_GAVE_PAINT_HIMSELF = You've !gEnabled !yyour paint ability!
COMMANDER_TOOK_PAINT_HIMSELF = You've !tDisabled !yyour paint ability!
COMMANDER_GAVE_PAINT_PLAYER = !tWarden !g%s !yhas gave !g%s !ythe ability to !tpaint!g!
COMMANDER_TOOK_PAINT_PLAYER = !tWarden !g%s !yhas took from !g%s !ythe ability to !tpaint!g!
ADMIN_GAVE_PAINT_TO_PLAYER = !tADMIN !g%s !yhas gave !g%s !ythe ability to !tpaint!g!
ADMIN_TOOK_PAINT_FROM_PLAYER = !tADMIN !g%s !yhas took from !g%s !ythe ability to !tpaint!g!
QUESTION = Question
ANSWER = Answer
ASK_THE_QUESTION = Ask the question...
CHANGE_THE_QUESTION = Change the question!
ASK_ALL_TERRORIST_Q = Ask all the terrorist!
PLAYER_ANSWERED_FIRST = !tPrisoner !g%s!y has answered the question first!
PLAYER_ANSWERED = !tPrisoner !g%s!y has answered the question correctly!
COMMANDER_ASKED_QUESTION_ALL = Commander !g'%s' !yhas asked all the prisoners a question!
COMMANDER_ASKED_PLAYER_QUES = Commander !g'%s' !yhas asked !g'%s'!y a question!
WHAT_IS = !g%s!t!
ALL_PLAYERS_FAILED_TO_ANSWER = !gAll prisoners !yhave !tfailed !yto answer the question in time!
PLAYER_HAS_FAILED_TO_ANSWER = !tPrisoner !g%s!y has failed to answer the question intime! 
THERE_ARE_NO_TERRORIST = There're no terrorist!
THERE_ARE_NO_PLAYERS = There're no players!
COUNTDOWN_ALREADY_INPROGRESS = Countdown is already inprogress!
COUNTDOWN_PICKNUM_BETWEEN_1TO15 = Pick a number between 1 to 15

GLOWING_SET_MENU_TITLE = Glowing menu^nChoose an option!

GLOW_MENU_TITLE = \rWarden ^n \yGlowmenu \wChoose a color!
RED = Red
BLUE = Blue
GREEN = Green
YELLOW = Yellow
PURPLE = Purple
PINK = Pink
UNGLOW = Remove glowing
AIM_ON_PLAYER_TO_GLOW = Aim on the player to glow!


COMMANDER_VOICE_MENU = \rWarden ^n \yVoicechat menu \wChoose an option!
VOICE_CHAT_COMMANDER_ONLY = Enable voice chat for the warden only!
VOICE_CHAT_EVERYONE = Enable voice chat for everyone
VOICE_CHAT_FOR_CT_ONLY = Enable voice chat for guards only
VOICE_CHAT_FOR_TT_ONLY = Enable voice chat for prisoners only
VOICE_CHAT_FOR_CT = Enable voice chat for guards
VOICE_CHAT_FOR_TT = Enable voice chat for prisoners
VOICE_CHAT_SPECIFIED = En/Disable voice chat for a specified player!
COMMANDER_GAVE_VOICE_ALL = !g%s !thas gave everyone the ability to use the voicechat!
COMMANDER_GAVE_VOICE_CT = !g%s !thas gave the guards the ability to use the voicechat!
COMMANDER_GAVE_VOICE_TT = !g%s !thas gave the prisoners the ability to use the voicechat!
COMMANDER_GAVE_VOICE_CT_ONLY = !g%s !thas only gave the guards the ability to use the voicechat!
COMMANDER_GAVE_VOICE_TT_ONLY = !g%s !thas only gave the prisoners the ability to use the voicechat!
COMMANDER_VOICE_ONLY = !tOnly the !gWarden !twill be able to speak through the voicechat!
COMMANDER_CANT_SPLIT_INHALF = You cannot split the prisoners inhalf!
COMMANDER_CANT_SPLIT_INTO_3 = You cannot split the prisoners in three half's!
COMMANDER_CANT_SPLIT_INTO_4 = You cannot split the prisoners in four half's!
COMMANDER_SPLIT_INMATES_INHALF = !gWarden %s !yhas split up the prisoners inhalf!
COMMANDER_SPLIT_INMATES_INTO3 = !gWarden %s !yhas split up the prisoners into three half's!
COMMANDER_SPLIT_INMATES_INTO4 = !gWarden %s !yhas split up the prisoners into four half's! 
HAS_VOICECHAT = Has voicechat
MUTED = Muted
COMMANDER_TOOK_PLAYER_VOICE = !gWarden %s !yhas took !t%s !ythe ability to use the voicechat!
COMMANDER_GAVE_PLAYER_VOICE = !gWarden %s !yhas gave !t%s !ythe ability to use the voicechat!
COMMANDER_GLOWED_PLAYER = !gWarden !t%s !yhas glowed !g%s !ythe color !t%s!g!
COMMANDER_UNGLOWED_PLAYER = !gWarden !t%s !yhas unglowed !g%s!t!
WEAPON_MENU_CHOOSE_PRIM = \rPick out your \yprimary weapon!
WEAPON_MENU_CHOOSE_SEC = \yPick out your \rsecondary weapon!

SHOP_MENU_TITLE = \wShop \rmenu ^n \r$\y%d \wCash.
SHOP_MENU_ITEM_UNAV = \d%s %s $%d
SHOP_MENU_ITEM_NOENF_CASH = \w%s \y%s \r$%d
SHOP_M_ITEM_NOENFCASH_LIMIT = \w%s \y%s \r$%d \yLIMIT(%d/%d)
SHOP_MENU_ITEM_LIMIT_REACHED = \d%s %s $%d \rLIMIT(%d/%d) \y%d roundleft
SHOP_MENU_ITEM = \w%s \y%s \w$%d
SHOP_MENU_ITEM_LIMIT = \w%s \y%s %d \wLIMIT(%d/%d)
SHOP_MENU_EVENT_NOITEMS = There're no available items during this special day!

FREEDAY_MENU_TITLE = \yFree ~ day^n\rchoose an option!^n
FD_MENU_FREEDAY_FOR_ALL = Freeday for all prisoners!
FD_MENU_FREEDAY_FOR_SPECIFIED = Freeday for a specified prisoner!
FREEDAY_PRISONER_OPENED_CELLS = %s has managed to open the cells^nbefore the guards do, its now a freeday!
FREEDAY_USER_FREEDAY_ENDED = !g%s !tfreeday !yhas ended!t!
CMD_FREEDAY_MENU_NOTAVAIL = You can't use the freeday menu, there's an event around!
FREEDAY_REQUIRES = There're no enough players alive, must be atleast three prisoners alive to start a freeday!
FREEDAY_SPECIFIED_MENU_TITLE = \rFree~Day^n\yChoose a player for his freeday!
CHAT_EVENT_INPROGRESS = There's currently an event in a progress!
GUARD_REMOVE_PRISONER_FREEDAY = Guard !g%s !yhas removed !t%s !yfreeday!
GUARD_GAVE_PRISONER_FREEDAY = Guard !g%s !yhas gave !t%s !ya freeday!
FREEDAY_CALL_TIME = You have !t%.1f !gseconds !yto call the day otherwise it will be a freeday!g!
FREEDAY_CALL_TIME_FAILED = The Guards have failed to open the cells within the given time therefore its a freeday!


GANG_MENU_GANGSTATUS = You're currently not participating in any gang!^n^n
GANG_MENU_INGANGSTATUS = You're participating in \r[%s] \yGANG!^n\rPosition: \w%s^n^n
GANG_MENU_CREATEGANG = \w1\r. \wCREATE A GANG \r( \y%d$ \r)^n^n
GANG_MENU_MANAGING = \w1\y. \rLeaders Only^n
GANG_MENU_MANAGING_F = \d1. Leaders Only^n
GANG_MENU_INVITE = \w2\y. \rInvite a person!^n
GANG_MENU_MEMBERS = \w3\y. \rGANG \yMembers!^n^n
GANG_MENU_LEAVEGANG = \w5\y. \rLeave The GANG!^n
GANG_MENU_TOPGANGS = \r8. \wTOP \y%d \rGANGS!^n^n
GANG_MENU_UPGRADES = \r0. \wUpgrades^n
GANG_MENU_EXIT = ^n\yE\w1\y. \rExit!
GANG_MENU_BACK =     \yE\w5\y. \rBack^n
GANG_MENU_NEXT =     \yE\w6\y. \rNext^n

GANG_UPGRADE_MENU_ITEM = \r%s \y%s \w%d\r/\w%d

LR_LOOSE_CASH = %s had lost $%d cash due him killing the unwanted person!
LR_INPROGRESS = Last-request is in-progress.
ADMIN_START_VOTEDAY = Admin %s has started a !gvoteday!t!
ADMIN_START_ASPECIFIED_DAY = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas started a !t%s !g!
ADMIN_END_DAY = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas ended the day!.
ADMIN_END_SPECIALDAY_VOTE = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas ended the specialday vote!
ADMIN_END_LR = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas ended the duel of the last request!.
ADMIN_GAVE_VOICE_TO_GROUP = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas gave !g%s !ythe ability to use the !gvoicechat!t!.
ADMIN_GAVE_VOICE_TO_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas gave !g%s !ythe ability to use the !gvoicechat!t!.
ADMIN_TOOK_VOICE_FROM_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas took from !g%s !ythe ability to use the !gvoicechat!t!.
CLASS_RELOADED = This class will be reloaded next time you respawn!
ROUND_ISNT_STARTED = You cannot start a specialday the round hasn't started yet!t!
DAY_INPROGRESS = There are no !tspecial !gdays !tin!g-!yprogress!t.
DAY_NOT_INPROGRESS = There is no special day inprogress!
DAY_REQUIRES = There're !tno enough !galive players !t(3 players atleast) !yto start a special day!t!
LR_NOT_INPROGRESS = There is no last request game inprogress!
VOTEDAY_INPROGRESS = There is a voteday in-progress!
VOTEDAY_PLAYER_VOTED = !g#%s !yhas voted for !t%s!y.
VOTEDAY_MENU = \wVoteday menu^nVoting-time: \r%d
VOTEDAY_MENU_CHOOSEDAY = \yChoose a specialday!
VOTEDAY_CHOSEN_DAY = !t%s !yhas !gwon !ythe voting, its now a !g%s !t!!!
CENTER_VOTEDAY_STARTS = %s Starts in  %d Seconds !!!
CENTER_CANT_VOTE_TWICE = you cannot vote twice!
SHOP_ITEM_BOUGHT = You have bought !t%s!g, !yit costed you !g$%d!t!
SHOP_FREE_ITEM = You have got !t%s !yfor !gfree!t!
SHOP_NO_ENOUGH_CASH = You don't have enough cash to buy this !gitem!t!
SHOP_ITEM_NOT_AVAILABLE = This item is !tnot !gavailable!t!
SHOP_ITEM_LIMIT_REACHED = This item has reached its maximum limit will be available in %d rounds!
MENU_NOT_ALIVE = You're not alive you can't use this menu!
MENU_NOACCESS = You have no access to use this menu!
MENU_PRISONERS_ONLY = You're not a prisoner, only a prisoner can use this menu!
MENU_LR_LAST_PRISONER_ONLY = You're not the last prisoner, the last request is for the last prisoner only!
MENU_LR_NO_GUARDS = There're no guards detected!
COMMAND_NOACCESS = You have no access to use this command!
COMMAND_OPEN_CELLS = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas %s the cells!g.
COMMAND_FAILED_TRANSFER = !tFailed to transfer!g, !yteam with this specified argument is not found!t!
ADMIN_TRANSFERING_TEAM = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas transformed !t%s !yto !g%s!t.
ADMIN_TRANSFERING_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas transformed !t%s !yto !g%s!t.
CHAT_VALUE_ISMISSING = Please add an amount of value!
CHAT_TARGET_NOT_FOUND = Target is not found!
CHAT_TARGET_IS_MISSING = Please add part of the target name or #userid or steamid!
CHAT_GANG_MENU_NO_UPGRADES = Currently there're no available gang upgrades!
CT_BAN_TEMP = !ttimeleft: !g%s !yremaining!t.
CT_BAN_PERMANENT = !gPermanent!t!
CHAT_ADMIN_CT_BAN_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas banned !g%s !y from the !tguards team !g%s
CHAT_ADMIN_CT_UNBAN_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas removed !g%s !y ban from the !tguards team!g!
CHAT_PLAYER_NOLONGER_CT_BANNED = !g%s !tis no longer banned from the guards team!
ADMIN_HEALING_TEAM = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas set %s !thealth !yto !g%d !tHP!g.
ADMIN_HEALING_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas set player !thealth !g%s !yto !g%d !tHP!g.
ADMIN_AROMR_TEAM = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas set %s !tarmor !yto !g%d !tAP!g.
ADMIN_ARMOR_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas set player !tarmour !g%s !yto !g%d !tAP!g.
ADMIN_NOCLIP_TEAM = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas set %s !tnoclip !yto !t%L!g.
ADMIN_NOCLIP_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas set player !tnoclip !g%s !yto !t%L!g.
ADMIN_GODMODE_TEAM = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas set %s !tgodmode !yto !t%L!g.
ADMIN_GODMODE_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas set player !tgodmode !g%s !yto !t%L!g.
ADMIN_SET_CASH_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas !tset %s cash !yto !g$%d !tcash!g!
ADMIN_TOOK_CASH_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas !ttook from %s !g$%d !tcash!g!
ADMIN_GIVE_CASH_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas !tgave %s !g$%d !tcash!g!
ADMIN_GIVE_WEAPON_TEAM = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas gave !g%s!y an '!t%s!y' weapon!g.
ADMIN_GIVE_WEAPON_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas gave !g%s!y an '!t%s!y' weapon!g.
ADMIN_GIVE_BLINDNESS_TEAM = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas gave all !g%s!y the blindness disease!
ADMIN_GIVE_SIGHT_TEAM = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas gave all !g%s!y their sight back!
ADMIN_GIVE_BLINDNESS_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas gave !g%s!y the blindness disease!
ADMIN_GIVE_SIGHT_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas gave !g%s!y his sight back!
PLAYER_CHECK_PLAYER_CASH = !t%s have got !g$%d !tcash!g.
PLAYER_CHECK_CASH = You have !g$%d !tcash!g.
DONATION_NOSELF = You can't !gdonate !yyouself!t!
DONATION_DONT_HAVE = !tSorry!g, !ybut you don't have that much of cash to !gdonate!t!
DONATION_PROGRESS = !g%s !yhas !tdonated %s !g$%d !tcash!g!
ADMIN_REVIVE_PLAYER = !g%s !yhas been revived by !gAdmin: !y%s!t.
ADMIN_REVIVE_TEAM = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas !trevived !ythe !g%s!y.
ADMIN_GRAVITY_TEAM = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas set %s !tgravity !yto !g%d !tunit!g.
ADMIN_GRAVITY_PLAYER = !gAdmin !t%s !yhas set player !tgravity !g%s !yto !g%d !tunit!g.
ADMIN_YOUVE_CHANGED_DAYTIMER = You've changed the day time limit!
MAP_CELLS_BUTTON_SAVED = successfully saved/set cells button #id: '%d / map-name: '%s'
INVAILD_CELLS_BUTTON = target is not a valid button/cell!
SET_COMMANDS_USAGE = !g<usage> !ysay !g/set !tCOMMAND:<armor/hp/gravity/godmode/noclip> !yTARGET:<player/@a/@c/@t> !gVALUE:...
GIVE_COMMANDS_USAGE = !g<usage> !ysay !g/give !tCOMMAND:<weapon/gun/sight/blind> !yTARGET:<player/@a/@c/@t> !gVALUE:...
DEAD = dead
ALIVE = alive

COSTUME_MENU_TITLE = Select a costume category!
COSTUME_UPG_MENU_TITLE = Select a costume category^n to unlock the desired costume!
COSTUME_GANG_MENU_TITLE = Select a costume category^n to change your gang outfit!
COSTUME_HEAD = Head Costume!
COSTUME_BACK = Back Costume!
COSTUME_TAIL = Tail Costume!
COSTUME_FEET = Feet Costume!
COSTUME_OUTFIT = Outfit Costume!
COSTUMES_REMOVE = Remove all attached costumes!
COSTUME_HEAD_MENU_TITLE = Select your Head costume!
COSTUME_BACK_MENU_TITLE = Select your Back costume!
COSTUME_TAIL_MENU_TITLE = Select your Tail costume!
COSTUME_FEET_MENU_TITLE = Select your Feet costume!
COSTUME_FULL_MENU_TITLE = Select your Outfit costume!

GANG_MENU_COSTUMES = Setup gang costumes!

CHAT_COSTUMES_REMOVED = All the attached costumes has been removed!
CHAT_COSTUME_SET_FULL = You have selected !g'%s' !yas your Outfit costume!
CHAT_COSTUME_SET_HEAD = You have selected !g'%s' !yas your Head costume!
CHAT_COSTUME_SET_FEET = You have selected !g'%s' !yas your Feet costume!
CHAT_COSTUME_SET_TAIL = You have selected !g'%s' !yas your Tail costume!
CHAT_COSTUME_SET_BACK = You have selected !g'%s' !yas your Back costume!

GG_CATEGORY_VOTEMENU_TITLE = \r[ Gun Game ] \yWeapons category Order! ^n \w%d \ySeconds remaining
GG_CATEGORY_VOTEMENU_TITLE2 = \wVote for the \r%d%s \yweapon category! ^n \w%d \ySeconds remaining
GG_CHAT_STOLE_LEVEL = %s got knifed by %s and lost '%d' level!

HEALTH = Health
MANA = Mana
NC_DAY_NO_ENF_MANA = There's no enough mana to use a teleport!
NC_CANNOT_TELEPORT_THERE = You can not teleport over there!
CONSOLE_DEATHMATCH_IS_ENABLED = Deathmatch is enabled!
CONSOLE_DEATHMATCH_IS_DISABLED = Deathmatch is disabled!
CHAT_DEATHMATCH_IS_ENABLED = Deathmatch mode is !genabled !ytype !g/respawn !yto revive!
CHAT_DEATHMATCH_IS_DISABLED = Deathmatch mode is !gDisabled!y!

ON = On
OFF = Off
@Jailbreak Main Mod v2.7.0 100%
@User Tag Prefix 100% done !
@Mystery Box 100% done !
@VIP System 100% done !

Last edited by Natsheh; 08-21-2021 at 15:51.
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