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Old 09-05-2019 , 10:17   [Request] Roundsleft
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How to make Roundsleft "max round is 7" ????
AND how to Put this roundsleft and remove timeleft
LIKE When i say timeleft Server how me
"No Time letemt" Remainting rounds : 7


Please help me fast

new const PLUGINNAME[] = "Roundsleft"
new const VERSION[] = "2.4"
new const AUTHOR[] = "MisterJ"

Johnny got his gun : He created the concept and made the first version.

Allows the users to "say roundsleft" and remaining rounds will be displayed.
This is useful if you are using default hlds cvar mp_maxrounds set to some value.
There is also a command "amx_roundsleft" to view remaining rounds in console.

1. Name this file roundsleft.sma.
2. Compile it into roundsleft.amxx.
3. Put roundsleft.amxx into amxmodx/plugins directory.
4. Open up amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini and add a line to the end saying: roundsleft.amx
5. Done. Type reload in your server.

say roundsleft, say rounds, say roundleft, say round
- all these will respond with remaining rounds if mp_maxrounds is set to anything higher than 0.

- displays remaining rounds in console. Works also from server console.



#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <engine>

// Globals below
new g_teamScore[2]
// Globals above

public sayRoundsLeft(id) {
new maxRounds = get_cvar_num("mp_maxrounds")
if (id) {
if (maxRounds == 0) {
client_print(0, print_chat, "No rounds limit.")
else {
new roundsleft = maxRounds - (g_teamScore[0] + g_teamScore[1])
client_print(0, print_chat, "Remaining rounds: %d", roundsleft)
speakroundsleft(id, roundsleft)


speakroundsleft(id, roundsleft) {
new numbers[256]
getnumbers(roundsleft, numbers, 255)
client_cmd(id, "spk ^"%s round remaining^"", numbers)
//client_print(0, print_chat, "%s round%s remain", numbers, roundsleft > 1 ? "s" : "")

public conRoundsLeft(id) {
new maxRounds = get_cvar_num("mp_maxrounds")
if (id) console_print(id,"Remaining rounds: %d",maxRounds - (g_teamScore[0] + g_teamScore[1]))
else server_print("Remaining rounds: %d",maxRounds - (g_teamScore[0] + g_teamScore[1]))


public teamScore(id) {
new team[2]
g_teamScore[(team[0]=='C')? 0 : 1] = read_data(2)


public newround_event(id) {
if (is_user_bot(id))

new maxRounds = get_cvar_num("mp_maxrounds")
if (maxRounds) {
set_hudmessage(0, 100, 0, -1.0, 0.65, 2, 0.02, 10.0, 0.01, 0.1, 2)
show_hudmessage(id, "%d rounds remaining", maxRounds - (g_teamScore[0] + g_teamScore[1]))
client_print(id, print_chat, "%d rounds remaining", maxRounds - (g_teamScore[0] + g_teamScore[1]))


public endround_event() {
server_print("endround_event, %d entities in game", entity_count())
set_task(2.0, "endofroundspk")


public endofroundspk() {
new maxRounds = get_cvar_num("mp_maxrounds")
new roundsleft = maxRounds - (g_teamScore[0] + g_teamScore[1])
new nextmap[64]
get_cvar_string("amx_nextmap", nextmap, 63)
if (maxRounds) {
set_hudmessage(255, 255, 255, -1.0, 0.85, 0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.5, -1)

if (roundsleft == 100)
show_hudmessage(0, "100 rounds remaining", roundsleft)

if (roundsleft == 80)
show_hudmessage(0, "80 rounds remaining", roundsleft)

if (roundsleft == 60)
show_hudmessage(0, "60 rounds remaining", roundsleft)

if (roundsleft == 50)
show_hudmessage(0, "50 rounds remaining", roundsleft)

if (roundsleft == 40)
show_hudmessage(0, "40 rounds remaining", roundsleft)

if (roundsleft == 30)
show_hudmessage(0, "30 rounds remaining", roundsleft)

if (roundsleft == 20)
show_hudmessage(0, "20 rounds remaining", roundsleft)

if (roundsleft == 10)
show_hudmessage(0, "10 rounds remaining", roundsleft)

if (roundsleft == 5)
show_hudmessage(0, "5 rounds remaining", roundsleft)

if (roundsleft == 1)
show_hudmessage(0, "The last round", roundsleft)

if (roundsleft == 0)
show_hudmessage(0, "Nextmap is %s...", nextmap)


if (roundsleft > 0) {

if (roundsleft == 90)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"ninety round remaining^"")

if (roundsleft == 80)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"eighty round remaining^"")

if (roundsleft == 70)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"seventy round remaining^"")

if (roundsleft == 60)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"sixty round remaining^"")

if (roundsleft == 50)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"fifty round remaining^"")

if (roundsleft == 40)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"fourty round remaining^"")

if (roundsleft == 30)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"thirty round remaining^"")

if (roundsleft == 20)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"twenty round remaining^"")

if (roundsleft == 10)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"ten round remaining^"")

if (roundsleft == 5)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"five round remaining^"")

if (roundsleft == 1)
client_cmd(0, "spk ^"the last round^"")



stock getnumbers(number, wordnumbers[], length) {
if (number < 0) {
format(wordnumbers, length, "error")

new numberstr[20]
num_to_str(number, numberstr, 19)
new stlen = strlen(numberstr), bool:getzero = false, bool:jumpnext = false
if (stlen == 1)
getzero = true

do {
if (jumpnext)
jumpnext = false
else if (numberstr[0] != '0') {
switch (stlen) {
case 9: {
if (getsingledigit(numberstr[0], wordnumbers, length))
format(wordnumbers, length, "%s hundred%s", wordnumbers, numberstr[1] == '0' && numberstr[2] == '0' ? " million" : "")
case 8: {
jumpnext = gettens(wordnumbers, length, numberstr)
if (jumpnext)
format(wordnumbers, length, "%s million", wordnumbers)
case 7: {
getsingledigit(numberstr[0], wordnumbers, length)
format(wordnumbers, length, "%s million", wordnumbers)
case 6: {
if (getsingledigit(numberstr[0], wordnumbers, length))
format(wordnumbers, length, "%s hundred%s", wordnumbers, numberstr[1] == '0' && numberstr[2] == '0' ? " thousand" : "")
case 5: {
jumpnext = gettens(wordnumbers, length, numberstr)
if (numberstr[0] == '1' || numberstr[1] == '0')
format(wordnumbers, length, "%s thousand", wordnumbers)
case 4: {
getsingledigit(numberstr[0], wordnumbers, length)
format(wordnumbers, length, "%s thousand", wordnumbers)
case 3: {
getsingledigit(numberstr[0], wordnumbers, length)
format(wordnumbers, length, "%s hundred", wordnumbers)
case 2: jumpnext = gettens(wordnumbers, length, numberstr)
case 1: {
getsingledigit(numberstr[0], wordnumbers, length, getzero)
break // could've trimmed, but of no use here
default: {
format(wordnumbers, length, "%s TOO LONG", wordnumbers)

jghg_trim(numberstr, length, 1)
stlen = strlen(numberstr)
while (stlen > 0)

// Trim a char from left if first char is a space (very likely)
if (wordnumbers[0] == ' ')
jghg_trim(wordnumbers, length, 1)

// Returns true if next char should be jumped
stock bool:gettens(wordnumbers[], length, numberstr[]) {
new digitstr[11], bool:dont = false, bool:jumpnext = false
switch (numberstr[0]) {
case '1': {
jumpnext = true
switch (numberstr[1]) {
case '0': digitstr = "ten"
case '1': digitstr = "eleven"
case '2': digitstr = "twelve"
case '3': digitstr = "thirteen"
case '4': digitstr = "fourteen"
case '5': digitstr = "fifteen"
case '6': digitstr = "sixteen"
case '7': digitstr = "seventeen"
case '8': digitstr = "eighteen"
case '9': digitstr = "nineteen"
default: digitstr = "TEENSERROR"
case '2': digitstr = "twenty"
case '3': digitstr = "thirty"
case '4': digitstr = "fourty"
case '5': digitstr = "fifty"
case '6': digitstr = "sixty"
case '7': digitstr = "seventy"
case '8': digitstr = "eighty"
case '9': digitstr = "ninety"
case '0': dont = true // do nothing
default : digitstr = "TENSERROR"
if (!dont)
format(wordnumbers, length, "%s %s", wordnumbers, digitstr)

return jumpnext

// Returns true when sets, else false
stock getsingledigit(digit[], numbers[], length, bool:getzero = false) {
new digitstr[11]
switch (digit[0]) {
case '1': digitstr = "one"
case '2': digitstr = "two"
case '3': digitstr = "three"
case '4': digitstr = "four"
case '5': digitstr = "five"
case '6': digitstr = "six"
case '7': digitstr = "seven"
case '8': digitstr = "eight"
case '9': digitstr = "nine"
case '0': {
if (getzero)
digitstr = "zero"
return false
default : digitstr = "digiterror"
format(numbers, length, "%s %s", numbers, digitstr)

return true

stock jghg_trim(stringtotrim[], len, charstotrim, bool:fromleft = true) {
if (charstotrim <= 0)

if (fromleft) {
new maxlen = strlen(stringtotrim)
if (charstotrim > maxlen)
charstotrim = maxlen

format(stringtotrim, len, "%s", stringtotrim[charstotrim])
else {
new maxlen = strlen(stringtotrim) - charstotrim
if (maxlen < 0)
maxlen = 0

format(stringtotrim, maxlen, "%s", stringtotrim)

public addrounds(id, level, cid) {
if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 2))

new arg[32]
read_argv(1, arg, 31)
new arglength = strlen(arg)
for (new i = 0; i < arglength; i++) {
if (!isdigit(arg[i])) {
if (i != 0 || arg[0] != '-') {
console_print(id, "Error: Enter only numbers, ie ^"amx_addrounds 10^"")

new roundstoadd = str_to_num(arg)

if (roundstoadd == 0) {
console_print(id, "Error: Well duuuh. Enter a positive or negative value, ie ^"amx_addrounds 10^"")

new originalmaxrounds = get_cvar_num("mp_maxrounds")

new newmaxrounds = originalmaxrounds + roundstoadd

if (newmaxrounds < 1)
newmaxrounds = 1

new roundschanged = newmaxrounds - originalmaxrounds

new Float:displayrounds = float(roundschanged)
displayrounds *= displayrounds
displayrounds = floatsqroot(displayrounds)

console_print(id, "%sing %d rounds...", roundschanged > 0 ? "Add" : "Remov", floatround(displayrounds))

set_cvar_num("mp_maxrounds", newmaxrounds)



public plugin_init() {
register_clcmd("say round", "sayRoundsLeft")
register_clcmd("say rounds", "sayRoundsLeft")
register_clcmd("say roundleft", "sayRoundsLeft")
register_clcmd("say roundsleft", "sayRoundsLeft", 0, "- displays remaining rounds")
register_concmd("amx_roundsleft", "conRoundsLeft", 0, "- displays remaining rounds")
register_concmd("amx_addrounds", "addrounds", ADMIN_CFG, "<rounds> - add/remove remaining rounds")
register_event("TeamScore", "teamScore", "ab")
//register_event("ResetHUD", "newround_event", "b")
register_event("SendAudio","endround_event"," a","2&%!MRAD_terwin","2&%!MRAD_ctwin","2&%!MR AD_rounddraw")
register_event("TextMsg","endround_event","a" ,"2&#Game_C","2&#Game_w")
register_event("TextMsg","endround_event","a" ,"2&#Game_will_restart_in")
register_logevent("death_event",5,"1=killed", "3=with")
// L 03/08/2004 - 1324: "xian<2><BOT><CT>" killed "SuperKaka<1><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "usp"
// L 03/08/2004 - 1324: World triggered "Round_End"
// L 03/08/2004 - 1324: World triggered "Round_End"
/*register_logevent("endround_event", 3, "2=Round_End")
register_logevent("endround_event", 3, "1=Round_End")
register_logevent("endround_event", 3, "0=Round_End")
register_logevent("endround_event", 3, "3=Round_End")*/
register_logevent("endround_event", 2, "0=World triggered", "1=Round_End")
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