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Join Date: May 2021
Old 01-03-2023 , 05:31   Re: Polish to English translation
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thank me later

FPS_MAX1 = ---&x01 Set&x03 fps_max&x04 101&x01 |&x03 fps_modem&x04 101&x01 to avoid being blocked ---
FPS_MAX2 = Type in the console fps_max 101 | fps_modem 101 to be able to play
FPS_MAX3 = ---&x01 Player&x04 %s&x01 has&x03 %d&x01 FPS ---
MOVE_THE_BLOCKS = %s You are moving blocks as&x03 %s
ADMIN_ADD_TIME = Admin [%s]&x01 added&x04 %d&x01 Hours&x04 %d&x01 Minutes&x04 %d&x01 Seconds of gameplay to you

BLOCK_MENU = Block Menu
BLOCK_UNLOCK = Lock/Unlock block
DELETE_BLOCK = Delete block
SAVE = Save
LOAD = Load
RESET = Reset
CHANGE_OFFEST = Change offset: %d
SELECT_BLOCK = Select block
CONNECT_BLOCK = Connect blocks
REVERSE_VEC = Reverse vec
RESET_VEC = Reset vec
DELETE_TIME = Delete time

COS = &x04---&x04 Aim at something&x04 ---
NOT_ALLOWED = ---&x01 This is not allowed ---
BLOCKED = &x04---&x01 Blocked &x07[&x04%d&x07]&x04 ---
UNLOCK = &x04---&x01 Unlocked &x07[&x04%d&x07]&x04 ---
CONNECTED = &x04---&x01 Blocks have been connected&x04 ---
NOTTHING_FONND = &x04---&x01 The clipboard is empty&x04 ---
VECTOR_RESET = &x04---&x01 Vector reset&x04 ---
AIM_BLOCK = &x04---&x01 Aim at block&x04 ---
NO_RPTATE = --- Cannot rotate this ---
MOVE_BLOCKS_NORMALLY = &x04---&x03 'T'&x01 You are moving blocks normally&x04 ---
MOVE_BLOCKS_SLOWER = &x04---&x03 'T'&x01 You are moving blocks slower by&x03 %d times&x04 ---

BLOCK_LIMIT = %s&x03 You have reached the block limit!
NOT_VIP = %s&x03 You do not have VIP!

CHOOSE_COLOR = Choose Color:
CAN_NOT_COLOR = %s&x03 You cannot color this!

BUILD = Building:
ADMIN_MENU1 = \dHelp^n\r4.\w Help menu:\y (\w%d\y Person)
ADMIN_MENU2 = \r5.\w You are moving as:\y %s
ADMIN_MENU3 = \r6.\w Permissions
ADMIN_MENU4 = \r7.\w Change team
ADMIN_MENU5 = \r8.\w Passwords
ADMIN_MENU6 = \r9.\y Settings
EXIT = \r0.\w Exit

PLAYER_AIM = %s&x04 First aim at a player or a player's block!

CHOOSE_PLAYER = \r[BaseBuilder]\y Choose player:
ADMIN_MOVE = %s Admin&x03 %s&x01 moved&x03 %s&x01 to&x04 %s!
ADMIN_MOVE_BLOCK = %s Admin&x03 %s&x01 moves blocks as&x03 %s!

YOUR_PASSWORD = &x04---&x01 Your password is: [&x03%s&x01]&x04 ---
YOU_LOGGED_BY_ADMIN = &x04---&x01 You were logged in by Admin&x03 %s&x04 ---
PLAYER_PASSWORD = &x04---&x01 Player&x03 %s&x01 password is: [&x03%s&x01]&x04 ---
PLAYER_LOGINIG = &x04---&x01 Player&x03 %s&x01 was logged in&x04 ---

SETTING = \r[BaseBuilder]\ySettings:
RESTORE_BLOCK = Restore blocks
REMOVE_BLOCKS = Remove blocks^n\d-Additional
BUILDING_OVER_TIME = Building after time: %s
COUNTDOWN = Countdown: %s

ADMIN_BUILDING_TIME = %s Admin&x03 %s&x01 %s building after time
ADMIN_COUNTDOWN = %s Admin&x03 %s&x01 %s countdown

MENU_HELP = \r[BaseBuilder]\y Help:
RELIEF = %s Someone is already helping the player
YOU_MOVE_THE_BLOCK = %s You move blocks as %s
ADMIN_RELIEF = %s Admin&x04 %s&x01 helps player&x04 %s

WAITING_FOR_PREP = %s Wait for prep time
TIME_HELP = %s Time for help has already passed!
YOU_MUST_BUILDERS = %s You must be in builders
HELP_LIMIT = %s You have already used up today's help limit!
NUMBER_HELP_LIMITS = %s You can only ask for help&x04 %d&x01 more times today
HELP_REQUEST = %s Player&x04 %s&x01 asks for help

PLAYER_SETTINGS = \r[BaseBuilder]\y Settings for player\r %s
ALL_OFF = Turn everything off

NOCLIP = %s Your&x04 NoClip&x01 was %s by Admin&x04 %s
GODMODE = %s Your&x04 GodMode&x01 was %s by Admin&x04 %s
BUILDING = %s Your&x04 Building&x01 was %s by Admin&x04 %s
EXTRAS_TAKEN = %s Extras taken.

POINTS_TAKEN = Your privileges have been taken away!&x01 End in:&x04 %d&x01 minutes
YOU_ACCOUNT = \r[BaseBuilder]\yYour account:^n
LOGUN = ^n\r1.\w Log in
REGISTER = ^n\r1.\w Register
CHANGE_PASSWORD = ^n\r1.\w Change password:\y %s
CHANGE_PASSWORD = ^n\r1.\w Zmien haslo:\y %s
MENU_ACCOUNT1 = ^n\r2.\w Forge [Without bonus][Below +3]: %s
MENU_ACCOUNT2 = ^n\r3.\w Move blocks:\y %s
MENU_ACCOUNT3 = ^n\r4.\w Team lock:\y %s
MENU_ACCOUNT4 = ^n\r5.\w Trade lock:\y %s
MENU_ACCOUNT6 = ^n\d6.\d Use BUMBOX (Available in:\y %d\d sec)
MENU_ACCOUNT7 = ^n\r7.\w Display HP: %s
MENU_ACCOUNT8 = ^n\r8.\w Automatic Merging: %s

YOU_MUST_ACCOUNT = %s You must be logged in

AFK_KICK = &x04Start playing!&x01 You will be kicked in&x04 %0.1f&x01 seconds!
AFK_KICK1 = &x04---&x01 %s got kicked for being afk&x04 ---

PASSWORD_SHORT = %s &x03Password is too short!

WRITING_PERMISSION = %s &x04It is not allowed to write now!
MUTANT = &x04You have been mutated!&x01 End in:&x04 %d&x01 minutes!
JOIN_CLAN = %s &x04Join a clan to only write to the clan!

NOT_SNOWMAN = &x04---&x01 There is no snowman here &x04---

DAMAGE_INCREASE = %s Admin&x04 %s&x01 increased their damage by&x03 %d%%

ADD_EX = %s Received&x03 %d EXP&x01 from&x04 %s
ADD_EX1 = %s Added&x03 %d EXP&x01 for&x04 %s

PLAYER_NOT_F0UND = %s Player not found!

ADD_CARDS = %s Received&x03 %d FreeCards&x01 from&x04 %s
ADD_CARDS1 = &x04--- Winners received&x03 %d FreeCards&x04 ---
ADD_CARDS2 = %s Added&x03 %d FreeCards&x01 for&x04 %s

RPGS = %s Player&x04 %s&x03 set the number of RPGs&x04 %d
RPGS1 = %s You set&x04 %d RPGs&x01 for player&x04 %s
RPGS2 = %s Admin&x04 %s&x01 set you&x04 %d RPGs

MDMG = &x04---&x01 Dmg in metins increased:&x03 %0.1f&x04 ---

RPG = %s Player&x04 %s&x03 has&x04 %d RPGs
RPG1 = %s You added&x04 %d RPGs&x01 for player&x04 %s
RPG2 = %s Admin&x04 %s&x01 added you&x04 %d RPGs

HPS = %s You set&x04 %d HP&x01 for player&x04 %s
HPS1 = %s Admin&x04 %s&x01 set you&x04 %d HP

HP = %s You added&x04 %d HP&x01 for player&x04 %s
HP1 = %s Admin&x04 %s&x01 added you&x04 %d HP

SET_LVL = %s Player&x04 %s&x01 level set to&x04 %d
SET_MISSION = &x04---&x01 Mission: %s Value: %d&x04 ---
SET_RESET = %s Reset player &x04 %s&x01 set to &x04 %d
SET_XP = %s Exp player &x04 %s&x01 set to &x04 %d

BAN_CFG = &x04---&x01 Player &x03 %s&x01 banned from cfg&x04 ---

RELEASE = %s Admin &x04 %s&x01 started game early
OPEN = %s Admin &x04 %s&x01 opened barrier early

MUTE = %s You have been &x04 unmuted&x01! [Admin: &x04 %s&x01]
MUTE1 = %s Player &x04 %s&x01 has been &x04 unmuted
MUTE2 = %s You have been &x04 muted&x01 for &x04 %d&x01 minutes! [Admin: &x04 %s&x01]
MUTE3 = %s Player &x04 %s&x01 has been &x04 muted&x01 for &x04 %d&x01 minutes

CSL_RESET = %s Reset&x04 %s

BAN = %s Your privileges have been restored! [Admin:&x04 %s&x01]
BAN1 = %s Player&x04 %s&x01 has received privileges back
BAN2 = %s Your privileges have been taken away for&x04 %d&x01 minutes! [Admin:&x04 %s&x01]
BAN3 = %s Player&x04 %s&x01 privileges have been taken away for&x04 %d&x01 minutes

REVIVE = %s You have revived player&x04 %s
REVIVE1 = %s Admin&x04 %s&x01 has revived&x04 %s

JACKPOT = &x04---&x01 RPG jackpot pool:&x03 %d&x04 ---
MAX_DMG = &x04---&x01 Your highest dealt&x03 DMG&x01 is:&x03 %d&x04 ---
RESET_DMG = &x04---&x03 %s&x01 reset Max DMG&x03 %d&x04 ---
METIN = &x04---&x01 You have destroyed&x03 %d&x01 Lazy Metins ! &x04 ---

VIP = &x04---&x01 Remaining VIP time:&x04 %d&x01 hours&x04 ---
VIP1 = &x04---&x01 Remaining VIP time:&x04 %d&x01 minutes&x04 ---
VIP2 = &x04---&x01 No VIP&x04 ---

ARMOR = %s You reduce:&x04 %0.1f %% damage

POWER_RANK = Your permanent power rank: %d
POWER_RANK1 = %s Your power rank is:&x04 %d.
POWER_RANK2 = %s Player&x04 %s&x01's power rank is&x04 %d.

ITEM = %s Login!
ID = %s Your id is:&x04 %d

INFO = %s Player&x04 %s&x01 is viewing your information
INFO1 = %s Information displayed in console

GIVE = %s You don't have enough&x04 RPG
GIVE1 = %s RPG value&x04 must be positive
GIVE2 = %s You sent&x04 %d RPG&x01 to player&x04 %s
GIVE3 = %s Player&x04 %s&x01 sent you&x04 %d RPG

BUILD_STOP = [Stopped]
BUILD_TIMER = [Building]
PREP_TIMER = [Preparing]

BUILDER_WON = !! Builders Won Round !!
ZOMBIE_WON = !! Zombies Won Round !!

ADD_RPG = %s You received&x03 +%d RPG&x01 [&x03 %s&x01 ]

REMOVE_CAMP = %s Team bonus exp disabled!

INFO_HUD = Santa will arrive in: %d Seconds^n
INFO_HUD1 = ^n|Power Capacity: %d
INFO_HUD2 = - Fragments: %d |
INFO_HUD3 = ^n-%s [Ready]

LOGIN_HUD = Login to play!^nType /login
LOGIN_HUD1 = Register to play!^nType /account

RPTATE = Click 'E' to rotate
TO_ROTATE = Click 'Q' to rotate^n

METIN = Spiritual Metin Stone
METIN1 = Summoned Metin Stone
METIN2 = Powerful Metin Stone
METIN3 = Shulker Metin Stone

LIFE = ^n[Life: %d]

LOCK = ^nSummoned by: %s^n
LOCK1 = Lock %d sec
LOCK2 = Unlocked

POINTS_RECEIVED = ^n[Privileges Removed]
COPY = ^n[Copying]

NOT_YOUR_CAMP = [This is not your camp]
NOT_YOUR_CAMP1 = %s This is not your camp!

CAN_NOT_CLONE = &x04---&x01 You cannot clone!&x04 ---

OBJECT_PUSH = --Pushing Away--
OBJECT_PULL = --Pulling Close--

BB_MENU = \dRPGMod by \rZuzza^n\r[BaseBuilder]\y Main Menu^n
BB_MENU1 = ^n%s1.\w Shop
BB_MENU2 = ^n\r2.\w Weapon Menu^n
BB_MENU3 = ^n\r3.\w Unlock & Revive
BB_MENU4 = ^n\r4.\r HELP\d [Remaining\r %d\d]
BB_MENU5 = ^n\r5.\y Invite to team^n
BB_MENU6 = ^n\r5.\y Team with:\r %s^n
BB_MENU7 = ^n%s6.\w Skills
BB_MENU8 = ^n%s7.\w Use Powers
BB_MENU9 = ^n\r8.\w Exp:\r %s
BB_MENU10 = ^n%s9.\w Items\y (%d/%d)

CAN_NOT_RESPAWN = %s You cannot respawn right now

OX = %s It is now OX
OMPROVE_SKILLS = &x04---&x01 You have not yet improved your skills&x04 ---
EXPANSION_MOD = %s Expierence Mode:&x04 %s

TEAM_MENU = \r[BaseBuilder]\y Invite to team:
TEAM_LOCK = Team lock:\y %s
TEAM_PLAYER = %s Not enough players to make a team
CREATE_TEAM = %s g to create a team with this player!
INVITE_TEAM = \r[BaseBuilder]\y Player:\w %s\y invites you to their team
ACCEPT = Accept
ACCEPT1 = %s Player&x04 %s&x01 has accepted your invitation!
ACCEPT2 = %s Invitation from&x04 %s&x01 accepted
REFUSE = \rDecline
REFUSE1 = %s Player&x04 %s&x01 has declined your invitation!
REFUSE2 = %s Invitation from&x04 %s&x01 declined
GROUP_WAS_NOT_CREATED = %s Group was not created

LEAVE_TEAM = %s Your team with&x04 %s&x01 has been disbanded!
LEAVE_MENU = \r[BaseBuilder]\y Team with:\w %s
LEAVE_MENU1 = Leave team
LEAVE_MENU2 = %sTeleport to player

DONT_SPAM = %s Don't spam!
USE_TELEPORT = %s Crouch to use teleport

UNSTUCK = %s It's too late for that!
UNLOCKED = [BaseBuilder] You have been unlocked!
No Steam = No Support.

Last edited by McTavish; 01-03-2023 at 05:31.
McTavish is offline