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Join Date: Oct 2011
Old 03-29-2012 , 07:27   Re: [REQ]Some edits for AMX_shot_admin
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#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <cstrike>

#define PLUGIN "Shot Administration i am noob"
#define VERSION "1.1"
#define AUTHOR "Nomexous"


Version 1.0
- Initial release.

Version 1.1
- Small optimization with the menu.


new settings[33] = { 0, ... }
new menu

new traceline_forward = -1, tracehull_forward = -1

new mode[] = { 0, // None
1, // Makes headshots (shooter)
2, // Reflects bullets back to shooter
3, // Gets headshot (victim)
4, // Bad aimer (shots randomly directed to left or right leg)
5, // Deals no damage (shots directed to HIT_SHIELD)
6, // Suicider
7 // Uber suicider

#pragma unused mode // Gets rid of "symbol mode not used" warning.

new label[][] = { "None", // Yellow text if it's good, red if bad

public plugin_init()
register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)

register_clcmd("amx_shot_noob", "conjure_menu", ADMIN_SLAY, "Displays shot administration menu.")

public client_disconnect(id)
settings[id] = 0

public set_forwards_registered(bool:condition)
if (condition && traceline_forward == -1 && tracehull_forward == -1)
traceline_forward = register_forward(FM_TraceLine, "fw_traceline")
tracehull_forward = register_forward(FM_TraceHull, "fw_tracehull", 1)

if (!condition && traceline_forward != -1 && tracehull_forward != -1)
unregister_forward(FM_TraceLine, traceline_forward)
unregister_forward(FM_TraceHull, tracehull_forward, 1)

traceline_forward = -1
tracehull_forward = -1

public conjure_menu(id, level, cid)
if (cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1))

// For some reason, they don't allow default argument items in public functions.
stock build_menu(id, page = 0)
menu = menu_create("Shot Administration Menu", "menu_handler")

static players[32], num, name[32], cmd[5], itemtxt[60]

get_players(players, num)
for (new i; i < num; i++)
get_user_name(players[i], name, 31)

formatex(cmd, 4, "%i", players[i])
formatex(itemtxt, 59, "%s: %s", name, label[settings[players[i]]])

menu_additem(menu, itemtxt, cmd)

menu_display(id, menu, page)

public menu_handler(id, menu, item)
if (item < 0)
for (new i; i < 33; i++)
if (settings[i] != 0)


static cmd[5], callback, access, pid
menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, cmd, 4, _, _, callback)

pid = str_to_num(cmd)

if (is_user_connected(pid))
settings[pid] = ++settings[pid] % (sizeof mode)


build_menu(id, item / 7)

public fw_traceline(Float:start[3], Float:end[3], conditions, id, ptr)
return process_trace(id, ptr)

public fw_tracehull(Float:start[3], Float:end[3], conditions, hull, id, ptr)
return process_trace(id, ptr)

public process_trace(id, ptr)
if (!is_user_alive(id)) return FMRES_IGNORED
new target = get_tr2(ptr, TR_pHit)

switch (settings[id])
// Shooter (headshots galore) mode. See how many kills you can get before people notice...
case 1:
if (!is_user_alive(target)) return FMRES_IGNORED

new Floatrigin[3], Float:angles[3]
engfunc(EngFunc_GetBonePosition, target, 8, origin, angles)
set_tr2(ptr, TR_vecEndPos, origin)
// Why get bone origin? Well, CS will draw the blood spray from the headshot where ever your bullet was supposed to
// land, as defined by the end[3] coordinates passed to the forward. So that meant shooting a person in the foot with the
// shot being redirected to the head would produce a blood spray coming out of the foot. This made it a little harder
// to hide the fact that you were 'cheating.' So, we just reset end[3] to the coordinates of the head bone of whomever
// we're shooting, and we're in business!
set_tr2(ptr, TR_iHitgroup, HIT_HEAD)

// Bad aiming. It doesn't help much. Usually it only takes 1 more hit than normal to kill. But they can't headshot, no matter
// how hard they try.
case 4:
if (!is_user_alive(target)) return FMRES_IGNORED
set_tr2(ptr, TR_iHitgroup, random_num(HIT_LEFTLEG, HIT_RIGHTLEG))

// Redirects hitgroup to HIT_SHIELD. This might be annoying to the person who gets shot, but it won't hurt them. Might throw
// off their aim. I was going to use set_tr2(ptr, TR_flFraction, 100.0) but it does something weird with shotguns. Instead of
// dealing no damage, shotguns actually give the target a gigantic boost in health! I couldn't figure it out, so I just left
// it as this.
case 5:
if (!is_user_alive(target)) return FMRES_IGNORED
set_tr2(ptr, TR_iHitgroup,

// A hit on the enemy is redirected onto the shooter. Pretty simple.
case 6:
if (is_user_alive(target) && cs_get_user_team(target) != cs_get_user_team(id))
set_tr2(ptr, TR_pHit, id)

// A hit anywhere (teammate, wall, or enemy) is redirected onto the shooter's head.
case 7:
set_tr2(ptr, TR_pHit, id)
set_tr2(ptr, TR_iHitgroup, HIT_HEAD)

// Person gets shot anywhere, it's turned into a headshot.
if (is_user_alive(target) && settings[target] == 3)
set_tr2(ptr, TR_iHitgroup, HIT_HEAD)

// Shot is reflected to shooter. Giving this to someone makes them immune to guns.
if (is_user_alive(target) && settings[target] == 2)
set_tr2(ptr, TR_pHit, id)

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