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Join Date: Jan 2004
Old 08-03-2004 , 10:25  

DoubleDoom, stop trolling.

The Multi-Lingual idea for both mods branched from T(+)rget's idea.
The JIT was happenstance, but you can verify that we dealt with at a specific point in time:
Click Here I don't know what AMX got their linux version working, but that's when we obtained it (I'll note neither AMX or AMXx deserves credit for this, Grum was the one to do all the work).

Lastly, the 64bit development is another area in and of itself.
PM and I did a lot of thinking about this because no one has actually implemented it before. We conceptualized a method for doing it months ago and then finally implemented it in a 3 day coding spree (yes, three days) when we wanted to make 0.20 as big of a release as possible.

The 64bit stuff is entirely OUR research, OUR testing, OUR code (be it Open Source, we still DID it). It's entirely original and I am offended that you would dismiss the time PM and I put into it as negligible. Did you even bother to think with more than eight brain cells before you wrote that?

As always, we share EVERYTHING we find... we printed full specifications on our 64bit port as well as source code so AMX, AM, and ITB CompuPhase can benefit from this too (of course, I would hope they respect the GPL).

Lastly, I'd be very interested if dJeyL manages to do a 64bit port without changing the file format. He once said that 64bit was impossible before we did it, and our only other idea was heavy internal modification of the Abstract Machine.

AMD64 Public Writeup
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