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Old 04-03-2004 , 20:34   Extendable superhero mod ({Hoj}Batman)

What if SuperHeros Played Counterstrike?
Now they Do. This is an add-on that will make Mix/Match Hero Abilities available to players.
Pick and choose 10 hero powers as you advance levels from over 25 heros when it's done.

Special Thanks to OLO, Spacedude, Vexd, Scarzzurs, Ludwig, f117bomb, Lazy& AssKicR... for all of their code, help, and ideas.

Thanks to {Hoj}Batman's {CPO} clan for the servers and all of the help testing.

Huge thanks to Mentasm and Necroscope for their testing...

Command to copy vault into mysql is amx_vaulttosql (run it once to convert to the xp in the vault to mysql database)
Table Schema in - must build tables first. If you're smart enough to run mysql
I'm sure you're smart enough to run this command ONLY once... Sorry - no copy from file to sql unless somebody wants it later.
I'm probably going to drop the file support soon - vault or mysql only.
What's Cool about it?:

1) Keep adding super powers - Create a mix/match superhero: i.e. wolverine+batman+superman ...

2) It uses a small API for character development - not all in one big file. Heros can be built separately
and then "registered" with the Mod. Admins can install/uninstall heros. Each Hero is it's own separate script.
Hopefully, cross my fingers, people will start building some heros and it won't be all up to me.

3) Bind Keys. SpaceDude said it. Limit the bind keys. BUT, this is a way to bind a few keys +power1,+power2,+power3.
Once you've done that - any hero picked (that requires a bind key) will be "distributed" its bind key.
If there were 100 cool heros, and a player picked 3 that required binds - they're +power1.

4) Cheating Death Check - If you have a server with C/D and cdrequired=0, People without C/D will not get any powers if you set sh_cdrequired=0.
That's a cool equalizer and strong incentive for them to go get C/D.


1) BATMAN - UTILITY BELT - Starts a round with all the cool guns
2) HOBGOBLIN - HOBGOBLIN GRENADES - Slightly more damage and autoregen of nades
3) XAVIER - MARKED MAN - Pick an enemy to mark - sprite trail line follows em. No cooldown. Mark a different player on the fly
4) DAREDEVIL - ESP - AMX_FORCE rip off - lighted maps and esp rings
5) FLASH - SPEED - UNHOLY AURA like but faster... You got to have flash
6) HULK - POWER STOMP - Stun closeby enemies - You have to be on the ground to use it. Short cooldown
7) HUMAN TORCH - Ludwigs Flamethrower style fire
8) IRON MAN - Regen'g Armor and Jetpack - XTRAFun mod required
9) MYSTIQUE - Morph into enemy skin - Yeah turn FF on for this one. Funny as hell.
Makes you use your radar or pause before shooting. Lots' more FF incidents too. Shoot first, ask question later.
10) NIGHTCRAWLER - Walk through walls - (noclip) makes sure you can move when noclip is over. High Cooldown
11) SPIDERMAN - HOOK - Spacedude's ninja rope. #*#* HOOKMOD
12) SUPERMAN - More Armor/HP/ and reduced Gravity
13) WOLVERINE - Superknife/ AutoHeal/ Faster Running with Knife
14) Dracula - Vampiric Drain - Yep WC3 like
15) Captain America - Super Shield - Random 1sec godmode
16) Punisher - No reloading required - endless clips
17) Skeletor - Summan Snarks - (anti-camper power!)
18) Zeus - Summons 1 dead fallen team-mate (i'd make zues_level pretty high in the server.cfg file)
19) Dazzler - Spakel Flash - Surround nearby enemies with intensely blinding light
20) Magneto - Metal Control - Removes weapons of an attacker (high level character)
21) Windwalker - Silent Footsteps...
22) Kamakazee - Kamazee style time-bomb
23) Bomberman - set a bomb then blow it up when somebody walks by
24) Cyclops - Laser Blast
25) Aquaman - breath under water + bubble gun
26) Anubis - hear ppl talk + show bullet damage
How to Install (yes there's a lot to it but pretty easy):

1) Requires Monster Mod for Skeletor (Linux+Windows)

2) Add superheromod.amx to your plugins.ini before the hero amxs
This meens use superheromodmysql is you use mysql
or use superheromodvault if you save by vault or don't save at all

3) Add all the heros you're interested in into the plugins.ini like normal: (sh_superman.amx ...)
Set your SV_MAXSPEED TO 600 for flash to be able to run full speed!

4.) Configure the mod using the shconfig.cfg located in configs dir.


amx_shsetlevel level (use to reduce/add levels)
amx_shsetxp (use to SET xp)
amx_shaddxp (use to ADD/REMOVE xp)
amx_shban (Use to ban someones use of powers)
say /superherohelp or /help - help menu
say /herolist - Lets you see a list of heros and powers
say /playerskills - Shows you what skills other players have chosen
say /myheros - Shows what heros you have picked and at what levels you picked em
say /clearpowers - to clear powers and repick
say /showmenu - to display power menu while your dead (if you leveled or cleared powers)
say drop Bat (etc.) - to drop just one hero and pick another
say /whohas - shows who has this hero

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