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Join Date: Jan 2005
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Old 05-01-2007 , 17:26   Re: [Question]Hudmsg
Reply With Quote #18

Thanks dude, your so smart

but it didnt work, maybe something on my part..

		new Handle:values = CreateKeyValues("testmsg","title","this is title");
		//KvSetString(values, "title", "This is a test message");
		KvSetString(values, "msg", "This is a test message");
		KvSetNum(values, "level", 1); // kind of a z-order if you will.. messages with lower values take precedent over messages with higher values
		KvSetNum(values, "time", 11);

		CreateDialog(client, values, DialogType_Msg);

		CloseHandle(values); // free up mem
you had CreateKeyValues("msg"); which didnt work, so i opened the include and looked, i opened the headerfile in sdk of the iserverplugins.h as well - not much help there either because the key values. i also tried creating it with the 4 diff dialog types as well as using createkeyvalues of ("msg","msg","msg"); which from what i understand would name the message being sent "msg", and make the key value of "msg" = "msg" so it would display "msg". but that didnt work either, go figure.

any suggestions to try? im just looking for that upper left hand corner display
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