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Join Date: Mar 2010
Old 02-27-2014 , 12:44   [Any] Super Targeting (Filters) |Updated 2/25/16|
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Super Targeting

Super Targeting adds in a config for server operators to make their own filter for the ProcessTargetString which is used in many of the SM commands.

Future Work

I plan on adding in a way to check to see if the following conditions are met to the list of filters a operator can set.
• Check active weapon, (index number, class name, slot #)
• Check to see if a player has a certain wearable (type, quality, level)
• Check all weapons to look for: index number, class name, quality, level.
If you have any filter you would like to see added onto this please post below!
• Premium Check
• Flag checking [DONE!]
• Alive Checking [DONE!]
• Bot Checking [DONE!]
• Multi-Game Class Checking [DONE!]
• Invert Check [DONE!]
• Random Player [DONE!]

Installation & Setup

SuperTargeting.smx -> Sourcemod/plugins/
SuperTargeting.cfg -> Sourcemod/configs/

The format is so:
	 "text"		"<language text>"
	 "team"		"<team>"
	 "class"	"<class>" //TF2|DOD:S|L4D|L4D2
	 "alive"	"<0/1>"
	 "bots"	"<0/1>"
	 "cond"	"<condition #>" //TF2 ONLY!
	 "flag"	"<a/z>"
	 "invert"	"<0/1>"
	 "random"	"<#>"
Here is what can be put into each one:
<filtername> : this can be anything, but i would refrain from making it anything that is already in use. Start it off with an exclamation point (!) to negate the filter
<team>  : this can be 0 to 3, anything else it will ignore the filter. Set to 0 to ignore the team number.
<class> : this is a number from 0 to 9, anything other than that the filter will be ignored.
<language text> : This is the text that is printed out when a plugin uses this filter
<alive> : -1 ignores this filter (or just dont add the filter.), 0 - Only dead players, 1 - Only alive players
<bots> : -1 ignores this filter (or just dont add the filter.), 0 - Only Players, 1 - Only Bots
<cond> : Full list below, checks to see if a player is in a certain condition.
<flag> : Any flags to check for. (For root admins that just have the 'z' flag make sure you add the z in the flag string so if you wanted to check for admins do: "flag"    "bz" (cont below)
<invert> : This will invert the entire check, if you need to do so, without using a '!' at the beginning.
<random> : This will compile all players that meet the conditions and then choose X amount of players from that list at random.
List of all the class/team/cond numbers:
0 : Any Class
1 : Scout
2 : Sniper
3 : Soldier
4 : Demoman
5 : Medic
6 : Heavy
7 : Pyro
8 : Spy
9 : Engineer

0 : Any team
1 : Spectator
2 : RED/T
3 : BLU/CT

There are just too many conditions to check so ill only post ones that would be good to use.
-1 : Ignore (this is the default)
0 : Slowed
1 : Zoomed // Snipers zooming in.
3 : Disguised //Spys that are disguised.
4 : Cloaked //Player is cloaked.
5 : Ubercharged
6 : TeleportedGlow // a user that had just teleported.
7 : Taunting
11 : Kritzkrieged 
14 : Bonked
15 : Dazed
16 : Buffed
17 : Charging
19 : CritCola
21 : Healing
22 : OnFire
23 : Overhealed
24 : Jarated
25 : Bleeding
27 : Milked
30 : MarkedForDeath
32 : SpeedBuffAlly
36 : CritHype // scout's hype?
77 : HalloweenGhostMode

a-t, z: All flags
If you add a # this means that players must ONLY have those flags so "#ab" cleints must ONLY have flags A and flag B. Normal "ab" means that they only have to have that in the mix.
Below this is an example that will target all scouts
	 "text"		"all Scouts"
	 "team"		"0"
	 "class"		"1"
When used it will display: ***** all Scouts.
i.e.: [SM] Slayed all Scouts.
This plugin doesn't require Updater, but it does support it.
to disable Updating on the specific plugin go here: tf/cfg/sourcemod/plugin.SuperTargeting.cfg
and change sm_supertargeting_update to 0

Credit where it's due
- ReFlexPoison : Created the base of the code and most of the filters syntax for the config. [Class Target Filters]
- ddhoward : He also made a similar plugin of ReFlexPoison's, it had a few custom filters that I appended onto the config. [Class Targeting]

These are all the current version on the main branch in bitbucket.
CONFIG -right click -> save as...

Last edited by Mitchell; 02-25-2016 at 10:37.
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