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Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Sakha, Russia
Old 06-12-2023 , 07:02   AEROBOT.XYZ - Artificial Intelligence template for GoldSource engine
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AEROBOT.XYZ is an Artificial Intelligence or just a simply computer controlled player directly written as an AMX Mod X plugin.
This script was developed for programmers who wanted to create AI, but not familiar with C++.
Does not requires making waypoints. Supports GoldSource based mods. Currently supported mods:

- Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update
- Deathmatch Classic
- Adrenaline Gamer - FFA and FFAX mode
- CSDM FFA Deathmatch
- CSDM Team Deathmatch - fy_ and aim_ maps
- Counter-Strike fy_ and aim_ maps
- partially default Counter-Strike maps - scenario scripts not implemented
- partially default Counter-Strike: Condition Zero maps - scenario scripts not implemented

AI actions implemented:

- Random movement at any direction.
- On the way objects detection and destroying attempt or turning around.
- Ragebot with random spray pattern.
- Trick movement: Double Duck, Duck Jump, Jump Peek, Show off with the Knife switch.
- Random Spray and flashlights usage (mp_flashlights must be set to 1)
- Trashtalk. Chatting and supporting Bugfixed HL.


Developed using required Metamod and AMX Mod X version, but should work fine with any else.

- Metamod-P 1.21p38:
- AMX Mod X 1.10:


- open aerobot/0x0001_settings.sma and start setup AI depended on your game.

- IMPORTANT: Compile aerobot.sma and install like any other plugin.
- OPTIONAL*: Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update only. Compile and install apb_kill_confirmed.sma - statistical info.
- OPTIONAL*: Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update only. Compile and install apb_announcer.sma - Quake Champions statistical info.
- OPTIONAL*: Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update only. Compile and install apb_powerup.sma - Quad Damage powerup for gameplay.
- OPTIONAL*: Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update only. Compile and install apb_monster.sma - spawn monsters on players death.
- OPTIONAL*: Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update only. Compile and install apb_camera.sma - 3rd person camera.
- IMPORTANT: Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update only. Compile apb_firstspawn.sma and install like any other plugin.
- IMPORTANT: Compile apb_settings.sma and install like any other plugin.
- IMPORTANT: Download, unpack and place into Half-Life directory

Server command usage Guide:

- apb_add - add one bot to the game.
- apb_fill - fill server with bots.
- apb_kickall - kick all bots from the server.
- apb_kill - kill bots. For Counter-Strike only.
- apb_hl_rocket - Kaboom mode Half-Life and AGHL. 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
- apb_difficulty - bot difficulty between 4 and 1, where 4 is the highest difficulty.
- apb_bot_amount - amount of bots, automatically joining after game start. Change this param by editing aerobot.cfg, values between 1 and 31.

Feel free to edit, continue work and improve.

- Updated, removed unneeded checks from code.
- Fixed bug with AMX Mod X error throw on Bot creation.
- Updated again, fixed bug with non existent client command.
- Max map spawn info limited to 32.
- Code cleanup.

- * template update (July 18 2023) Half-Life/Adrenaline Gamer:
- NOTE: Engine bug? Reaching over max map spawn points causes client kick without entity limits.
- Fixed Adrenaline Gamer chat (hud space allocation and correсt console text line transfer).
- Improved bot movement and reaction with RPG, added random AR Grenade usage for bot.
- Added delay to draw Weaponlist and item info properly at human spawn.
- Added 9mmAR with Grenades to human at spawn.

- * template update (July 19 2023) Half-Life/Adrenaline Gamer:
- Multiple weapon support: gauss, 9mmAR, 9mmAR Grenades, handgrenades, LOTS of snarks, hornet and gluon for bots.
- Fixed bot trying to attack spectator or dead body: Adrenaline Gamer and other.
- Fixed bot is not attacking and not switching to his primary weapon.

- * template update (July 20 2023) Half-Life/Adrenaline Gamer:
- Fixed bot spawning without weapon in Adrenaline Gamer FFAX mode: hornetgun replaced with weapon_9mmAR.
- Removed weapons from bots: weapon_egon, weapon_handgrenade, weapon_rpg, rifle grenades.
- Reason: bunch of bots or players with it causing huge lags on clientside (lots of TE_ effects flooding on netchan).
- Maxbots amount now equal to server maxplayers cvar - 1.
- Applied bottomcolor for bot skin.

- * template update (July 23 2023) Deathmatch Classic:
- Added Rocketlauncher to bots. Bots can wear now most powerful weapon.

- * template update (Nov 18 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Added delay to Bot chat. Fixed Host_Error: PF_MessageEnd_I.
- Added support for Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update

- * template update Fix (Nov 18 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Added Team Deathmatch support for Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update

- * template update (Nov 20 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Added Kaboom mode (Weapon RPG for Bots). Usage: apb_hl_rocket 1 enables weapon_rpg for everyone.

- * beta build: 0.1 (Nov 30 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Added spawn protection and player spawn from telefrag kill. Fixed client crash on death.
- Fixed client crashes with large amount of bots. Max amounts of gibs to draw at once is limited to 30.
- New weapons added: tripmine, satchel, handgrenades, crossbow, shotgun, gluon gun, ar grenades, all weapon with alternate fire.
- Engine bugfix ED_Alloc: no free edicts. Added bot autofill option.
- New items, available to player: randomly choosen gluon gun/gauss, ar grenades.

- * beta build: 0.2C (Nov 30 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Fully ported to new engine build. Incompatible Ham forwards changed to Fakemeta forwards.
- Added firstpawn script to fix first spawn and gear.

- * beta build: 0.2a (Nov 30 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Randomized satchels usage. Bots can throw randomly multiple packs now.

- * beta build: 0.3с (Dec 1 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Task data moved to task manager. Fixed first connected player announcement.

- * beta build: 0.3b (Dec 2 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Added Bot difficulty/reaction timer cvar. Fixed bug with firstpawn, no more second crowbar appears.
- Added bot amount setting. Added configuration file. For more open aerobot.cfg

- * beta build: 0.3a (Dec 6 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Added artifact powerup for gameplay

- * beta build: 0.4c (Dec 12 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Instead of giving armor banks, player receives armor with armorvalue at spawn.
- Fixed powerup crash on entity remove, added announcer info on kill.

- * beta build: 0.4b (Dec 12 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Announcer and powerup fixes

- * beta build: 0.4a (Dec 14 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Fixed health/armor value at spawn.

- * beta build: 0.5c (Dec 14 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Powerup: Changed MOVETYPE_NONE to MOVETYPE_STEP (fix for Quad gravity and collision)

- * beta build: 0.7a (Dec 21 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Bot movement for Half-Life: combat jumptricks and faster movement.
- Added optional thirdperson camera script, print /cam in chat to toggle, again to turn it off.
- Balanced bot difficulty/reaction time. By default the bot difficulty changed to 3 for trick movement.
- Added automated monster spawn, after player death houndeye or hgrunt will appear on dead player origin. Monster apache will spawn on some maps.

- * beta build: 0.8c (Dec 24 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Fixed crash on monsters death/spawn.

- * beta build: 0.8b (Dec 27 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Quality of Life for monster spawner script. Fixed 3rd person camera crash on death/respawn.

- * beta build: 0.8a (Dec 27 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Quality of Life for monster spawner script. Fixed pev_flags -> pev_spawnflags for SF_MONSTER_FALL_TO_GROUND. Removed additional gargantua checks.

- * beta build: 0.9c (Dec 27 2023) Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update:
- Quality of Life for monster spawner script: fixed crashes on maps, where weapon_9mmAR is spawning by default (like crossfire)

PHP Code:
Signatures to update manually for Half-Life server (amxmodx is not updated yetupdate it by yourself with this):


"windows" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x81\xEC\x04\x06\x00\x00\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x33\xC5\x89\x45\xFC\x56"
Cvar_DirectSet"windows" "\x55\x8B\xEC\x81\xEC\x04\x04\x00\x00\xA1\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x33\xC5\x89\x45\xFC\x56\x8B\x75\x0C"


"windows" "\x8B\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x2A\x85\x2A\x74\x2A\x8B\x2A\xFF\x2A\x2A\xB8" // StartFrame() 
- links to full package (All-In-One) under Youtube description
Attached Files
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File Type: zip (45.7 KB, 324 views)

Last edited by 1xAero; 12-27-2023 at 07:56.
1xAero is offline