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Join Date: Dec 2017
Old 05-16-2020 , 17:36   Re: [INC] Director Hud Message
Reply With Quote #230

Sorry for that. Here is it.

#include < amxmodx >
#include < engine >

#define VERSION "2.0"


new pCvar_VictimC, pCvar_OurselfC, pCvar_AttackerC, pCvar_BulletMode, pCvar_Bullet_Distance, pCvar_Bullet_Walls, 
pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec, pCvar_Bullet_Hs_Mode, pCvar_Bullet_Text_Mode, pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode, pCvar_Accumulated_Damage

new dhud_color, dhud_x, dhud_y, dhud_effect, dhud_fxtime, dhud_holdtime, dhud_fadeintime, dhud_fadeouttime, dhud_reliable

new Float: Yv[ 33 ], Float: Xv[ 33 ] /* Victim*/, Float: Ya[ 33 ], Float: Xa[ 33 ] // Attacker

new bool: ShowMeThisHud[ 33 ], MyCurrentDamages[ 33 ], iSyncObj

public plugin_init( ) 
	register_plugin( "Bullet Damage", VERSION, "Bboy Grun" )
	register_cvar( "Director_bullet_dmg", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY )
	set_cvar_string( "Director_bullet_dmg", VERSION )
	register_event( "Damage", "Event_Damage", "b", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0" ) 
	//register_clcmd( "say /showbd", "Say_showbd" )
	//register_clcmd( "say showbd", "Say_showbd" )
	iSyncObj = CreateHudSyncObj( )
	pCvar_BulletMode =     		register_cvar( "Bullet_Damage_Mode", "0" ) 
	pCvar_Bullet_Distance =    	register_cvar( "Bullet_Damage_Distance", "600" ) 
	pCvar_Bullet_Walls = 		register_cvar( "Bullet_Damage_NoShowWalls", "0" )
	pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec =		register_cvar( "Bullet_Show_Spec", "1" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Hs_Mode  = 		register_cvar( "Bullet_Hs_Mode", "2" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Text_Mode =	register_cvar( "Bullet_Text_Mode", "0" )
	pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode = 	register_cvar( "Bullet_Show_Mode", "3" )
	pCvar_Accumulated_Damage = 	register_cvar( "Show_Accumulated_Damage", "1" )
	pCvar_VictimC = 		register_cvar( "Color_RGB_Victim", "255000000" )
	pCvar_AttackerC = 		register_cvar( "Color_RGB_Attacker", "000000255" )
	pCvar_OurselfC =		register_cvar( "Color_RGB_Ourself_Teammate", "255102021" )

public plugin_natives( )
	register_native( "bd_show_damage", "native_bd_show_damage", 0 )
	register_native( "bd_show_text", "native_bd_show_text", 0 )

// HELP : Thanks to schmurgel1983
public native_bd_show_text( iPlugin, iParams )
	new id = get_param( 1 )
	if( !is_user_connected( id ) ) // user disconnected .. return 0
		return 0
	new Text[ 128 ], Attacker, Size
	Attacker = get_param( 2 )
	Size = get_param( 3 )
	get_string( 3, Text, charsmax( Text ) )
	show_client_text( id, Text, Attacker, Size )
	if( Attacker ) // Is the player attacker ? Yes = 1 -- No = 0
		CheckPosition( id, Attacker )
		return 1
	CheckPosition( id, 0 )
	return 1

public native_bd_show_damage( iPlugin, iParams )
	new id = get_param( 1 )
	if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
		return 0
	new damage, style, Attacker
	damage = get_param( 2 ); style = get_param( 3 ); Attacker = get_param( 4 )
	show_client_value( id, damage, Attacker, style )
	if( Attacker ) // Is the player attacker ? Yes = 1 -- No = 0
		CheckPosition( id, Attacker )
		return 1
	CheckPosition( id, 0 )
	return 1

// Director Hud Message, go to : by : ARKSHINE
public Event_Damage( Victim )
	static Attacker, AttackerWpn, VictimBodyPart
	Attacker = get_user_attacker( Victim, AttackerWpn, VictimBodyPart )
	if( !is_user_alive( Attacker ) || ( get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Walls ) && !is_visible( Attacker, Victim ) ) )
	static damage, R, G, B, pCvar_H, pCvar_TMODE 
	damage = read_data( 2 )
	pCvar_H = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Hs_Mode )
	pCvar_TMODE = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Text_Mode )
	static AttackerOrigin[ 3 ], VictimOrigin[ 3 ]
	if( Attacker != Victim && get_user_team( Attacker ) != get_user_team( Victim ) )
		if( pCvar_H > 0 && VictimBodyPart == HIT_HEAD )
			if( pCvar_H == 1 )
				show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				show_client_text( Victim, "HEADSHOT", 0, pCvar_TMODE )
				show_client_text( Attacker, "HEADSHOT", 1, pCvar_TMODE )
			if( !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_BulletMode ) )
				show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
				get_user_origin( Attacker, AttackerOrigin )
				get_user_origin( Victim, VictimOrigin )
				if( get_distance( AttackerOrigin, VictimOrigin ) >  get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Distance ) )
					show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, NORMAL_HUD_MESSAGE )
					show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, NORMAL_HUD_MESSAGE )
					show_client_value( Victim, damage, 0, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
					show_client_value( Attacker, damage, 1, DIRECTOR_HUD_MESSAGE )
		CheckPosition( Victim, 0 )
		CheckPosition( Attacker, 1 )
		if( MyCurrentDamages[ Attacker ] == -1 || !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Accumulated_Damage ) )
			 // MyCurrentDamages[ Attacker ] == -1 : The player is a BOT
		MyCurrentDamages[ Attacker ] += damage
		UpdateDamages( Attacker )
		static iColor; iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_OurselfC )
		R = iColor / 1000000
		iColor %= 1000000
		G = iColor / 1000
		B = iColor % 1000
		set_dhudmessage( R, G, B, -1.0, -1.0, 2, 0.0, 2.0, 0.1, 0.1 )
		show_dhudmessage( Victim, "%i", damage )    // Show the damages to the player

public Say_showbd( id ) 
	if( ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )
		ShowMeThisHud[ id ] = false
		client_print( id, print_chat, "[ BULLET DAMAGE %s ] STATUS : OFF", VERSION )
	client_print( id, print_chat, "[ BULLET DAMAGE %s ] STATUS : ON", VERSION )
	ShowMeThisHud[ id ] = true

public client_putinserver( id )
	iRefreshHudPosition( id )
	ShowMeThisHud[ id ] = true
	MyCurrentDamages[ id ] = is_user_bot( id ) ? -1 : 0
	// Don't show Current Accumulated Damages to bots

// Director Hud Message, go to : by : ARKSHINE

stock set_dhudmessage( red = 0, green = 160, blue = 0, Float:x = -1.0, Float:y = 0.65, effects = 2, Float:fxtime = 6.0, Float:holdtime = 3.0, Float:fadeintime = 0.1, Float:fadeouttime = 1.5, bool:reliable = false )
	#define clamp_byte(%1)       		( clamp( %1, 0, 255 ) )
	#define pack_color(%1,%2,%3)	( %3 + ( %2 << 8 ) + ( %1 << 16 ) )

	dhud_color		= 		pack_color( clamp_byte( red ), clamp_byte( green ), clamp_byte( blue ) )
	dhud_x 			=	_:	x
	dhud_y 			= 	_: 	y
	dhud_effect 		= 		effects
	dhud_fxtime 		= 	_: 	fxtime
	dhud_holdtime 		=	_: 	holdtime
	dhud_fadeintime 	=	_: 	fadeintime
	dhud_fadeouttime 	=	_: 	fadeouttime
	dhud_reliable 		= 	_: 	reliable

	return 1;

stock show_dhudmessage( index, const message[ ], any:... )
	new buffer[ 128 ]
	new numArguments = numargs( )

	if( numArguments == 2 )
		send_dhudMessage( index, message )
	else if( index || numArguments == 3 )
		vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 )
		send_dhudMessage( index, buffer )
		new playersList[ 32 ], numPlayers;
		get_players( playersList, numPlayers, "ch" )

		if( !numPlayers )
			return 0;

		new Array:handleArrayML = ArrayCreate()

		for( new i = 2, j; i < numArguments; i++ )
			if( getarg( i ) == LANG_PLAYER )
				while( ( buffer[ j ] = getarg( i + 1, j++ ) ) ) {}
				j = 0

				if( GetLangTransKey( buffer ) != TransKey_Bad )
					ArrayPushCell( handleArrayML, i++ )

		new size = ArraySize( handleArrayML )

		if( !size )
			vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 )
			send_dhudMessage( index, buffer )
			for( new i = 0, j; i < numPlayers; i++ )
				index = playersList[ i ]

				for( j = 0; j < size; j++ )
					setarg( ArrayGetCell( handleArrayML, j ), 0, index )
				vformat( buffer, charsmax( buffer ), message, 3 )
				send_dhudMessage( index, buffer )

		ArrayDestroy( handleArrayML )
	return 1;

stock send_dhudMessage( const index, const message[ ] )
	message_begin( dhud_reliable ? ( index ? MSG_ONE : MSG_ALL ) : ( index ? MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE : MSG_BROADCAST ), SVC_DIRECTOR, _, index )
		write_byte( strlen( message ) + 31 )
		write_byte( DRC_CMD_MESSAGE )
		write_byte( dhud_effect )
		write_long( dhud_color )
		write_long( dhud_x )
		write_long( dhud_y )
		write_long( dhud_fadeintime )
		write_long( dhud_fadeouttime )
		write_long( dhud_holdtime )
		write_long( dhud_fxtime )
		write_string( message )

UpdateDamages( id )
	if( !ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )
	set_hudmessage( 0, 255, 0, -1.0, -0.50, 0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1 )
	ShowSyncHudMsg( id, iSyncObj, "%d", MyCurrentDamages[ id ] )
	if( task_exists( 999_666_999 + id ) )
		remove_task( 999_666_999 + id ) 
	set_task( 5.0, "ResetCurrentDamages", 999_666_999 + id )

public ResetCurrentDamages( TaskID )
	MyCurrentDamages[ TaskID - 999_666_999 ] = 0

show_client_value( id, damage, Attacker, iSize )
	if( !ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )
	static iColor, R, G, B, Float: Y_Pos, Float: X_Pos
	if( Attacker ) // The user is the Attacker ( Attacker value = 1 )
		// Attacker
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_AttackerC )
		Y_Pos = Ya[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xa[ id ]
		// Victim
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_VictimC )
		Y_Pos = Yv[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xv[ id ]
	R = iColor / 1000000
	iColor %= 1000000
	G = iColor / 1000
	B = iColor % 1000
	if( iSize )
		set_hudmessage( R, G, B, X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
		show_hudmessage( id, "%i", damage )
		set_dhudmessage( R, G, B, X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
		show_dhudmessage( id, "%i", damage )
	if( !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec ) )
	SpectatorHud( id, damage, _, 0, iSize, Float: X_Pos, Float: Y_Pos, R, G, B )

show_client_text( id, iText[ ], Attacker, iSize )
	if( !ShowMeThisHud[ id ] )
	static iColor, R, G, B, Float: Y_Pos, Float: X_Pos
	if( Attacker ) // The user is the Attacker ( Attacker value = 1 )
		// Attacker
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_AttackerC )
		Y_Pos = Ya[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xa[ id ]
		// Victim
		iColor = get_pcvar_num( pCvar_VictimC )
		Y_Pos = Yv[ id ]
		X_Pos = Xv[ id ]
	R = iColor / 1000000
	iColor %= 1000000
	G = iColor / 1000
	B = iColor % 1000
	if( !iSize )
		set_dhudmessage( R, G, B, X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
		show_dhudmessage( id, "%s", iText )
		set_hudmessage( R, G, B, X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1 )
		show_hudmessage( id, "%s", iText )
	if( !get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_ShowSpec ) )
	SpectatorHud( id, _, iText, 1, iSize, Float: X_Pos, Float: Y_Pos, R, G, B )

SpectatorHud( id, iDamage = 0, iText[ ] = "", TextMode, Size, Float: X_Pos, Float: Y_Pos, R, G, B )
	static iPlayers[ 32 ], iNum
	get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "bch" )
	for( new i = 0, Spectator = iPlayers[ 0 ]; i < iNum; Spectator = iPlayers[ i++ ] )
		if( ShowMeThisHud[ Spectator ] && entity_get_int( Spectator, EV_INT_iuser2 ) == id )
			if( !Size )
				set_dhudmessage( R, G, B, X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02 )
				TextMode ? show_dhudmessage( Spectator, "%s", iText ) : show_dhudmessage( Spectator, "%d", iDamage )
				set_hudmessage( R, G, B, X_Pos, Y_Pos, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1 )
				TextMode ? show_hudmessage( Spectator, "%s", iText ) : show_hudmessage( Spectator, "%d", iDamage )

iRefreshHudPosition( id )
	switch( get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode ) )
		case 0:
			Ya[ id ] = -0.50
			Xa[ id ] = -0.70
			Yv[ id ] = -0.45
			Xv[ id ] = -0.30
		case 1:
			Ya[ id ] = 0.55
			Xa[ id ] = 0.53
			Xv[ id ] = 0.45
			Yv[ id ] = 0.50
		case 2:
			Ya[ id ] = -0.35
			Xa[ id ] = -0.70
			Yv[ id ] = -0.20
			Xv[ id ] = -0.70
		case 3:
			Xv[ id ] = -0.80
			Yv[ id ] = -0.90
			Xa[ id ] = -0.20
			Ya[ id ] = -0.90

CheckPosition( id, Attacker )
	switch( get_pcvar_num( pCvar_Bullet_Show_Mode ) ) 
	// [ 0 = CIRCLE ] [ 1 = VERTICAL ] [ 2 = HORIZONTAL ] [ 3 = ARCH OF CIRCLE  ]
		case 0:
			if( Attacker )
				switch( Xa[ id ] )
					case -0.70: // First attack
						Xa[ id ] = -0.575
						Ya[ id ] = -0.60
					case -0.575: // Second
						Xa[ id ] = -0.50
						Ya[ id ] = -0.625
					case -0.50: // Third
						Xa[ id ] = -0.425
						Ya[ id ] = -0.60
					case -0.425: // Fourth
						Xa[ id ] = -0.30
						Ya[ id ] = -0.50
					case -0.30: // Last
						Xa[ id ] = -0.70
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
				switch( Xv[ id ] )
					case -0.30: // First attack
						Xv[ id ] = -0.425
						Yv[ id ] = -0.35
					case -0.425: // Second
						Xv[ id ] = -0.50
						Yv[ id ] = -0.30
					case -0.50: // Third
						Xv[ id ] = -0.575
						Yv[ id ] = -0.35
					case -0.575: // fourth
						Xv[ id ] = -0.70
						Yv[ id ] = -0.45
					case -0.70: // Last
						Xv[ id ] = -0.30
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
		case 1:
			if( Attacker ) 
				Ya[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Ya[ id ] >= 0.90 )
					Ya[ id ] = 0.55
				Yv[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Yv[ id ] >= 0.85 )
					Yv[ id ] = 0.50
		case 2:
			if( Attacker )
				Xa[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Xa[ id ] >= -0.35 )
					Xa[ id ] = -0.70
				Xa[ id ] += 0.05
				if( Xv[ id ] >= -0.35 )
					Xv[ id ] = -0.70
		case 3:
			if( Attacker )
				switch( Xa[ id ] )
					case -0.20: // First attack
						if( Ya[ id ] == -0.20 )
							Xa[ id ] = -0.20
							Ya[ id ] = -0.90
							Xa[ id ] = -0.15
							Ya[ id ] = -0.80
					case -0.15:
						switch( Ya[ id ] )
							case -0.80: Ya[ id ] = -0.70
							case -0.70: Ya[ id ] = -0.60
							case -0.60: Ya[ id ] = -0.50
							case -0.50: Ya[ id ] = -0.40
							case -0.40: Ya[ id ] = -0.30
							case -0.30:
								Xa[ id ] = -0.20
								Ya[ id ] = -0.20
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
				switch( Xv[ id ] )
					case -0.80: // First attack
						if( Yv[ id ] == -0.20 )
							Xv[ id ] = -0.80
							Yv[ id ] = -0.90
							Xv[ id ] = -0.85
							Yv[ id ] = -0.80
					case -0.85:
						switch( Yv[ id ] )
							case -0.80: Yv[ id ] = -0.70
							case -0.70: Yv[ id ] = -0.60
							case -0.60: Yv[ id ] = -0.50
							case -0.50: Yv[ id ] = -0.40
							case -0.40: Yv[ id ] = -0.30
							case -0.30:
								Xv[ id ] = -0.80
								Yv[ id ] = -0.20
					default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )
		default: iRefreshHudPosition( id )

And I have problems with all the plugins that use set_dhudmessage like this one:

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>

#include <dhudmessage>

#define PLUGIN    "HUD Scoreboard"
#define VERSION    "1.1"
#define AUTHOR    "Kia Armani"

new TerrorWins
new CounterWins

new Terrorists
new CounterTerrorists

new hud_r
new hud_g
new hud_b
new hud_d

new Float:g_round_start = -1.0;
new Float:g_round_time;

new mp_roundtime;

public plugin_init()
    register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
    /* Tasks */
    set_task(1.0,"HUDUpdate", 0,"",0,"b")
    /* CVARS */
    hud_r =register_cvar("hud_rcolor","0") // RED
    hud_g =register_cvar("hud_gcolor","255") // GREEN
    hud_b =register_cvar("hud_bcolor","0") // BLUE
    hud_d =register_cvar("hud_design", "1")
    /* Events */
    register_event("SendAudio", "t_win", "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin") 
    register_event("SendAudio", "ct_win", "a", "2&%!MRAD_ctwin")  
    register_logevent("EventRoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start");
    register_logevent("EventRoundEnd", 2, "1=Round_End");
    register_event("TextMsg", "EventRoundRestart", "a", "2&#Game_C", "2&#Game_w");
    mp_roundtime = get_cvar_pointer("mp_roundtime");

public HUDUpdate()
    new TPrefix[512],CTPrefix[512],TTeamPrefix[512],CTTeamPrefix[512]
    new iPlayers[32]
    get_players(iPlayers, Terrorists, "ae", "TERRORIST");
    get_players(iPlayers, CounterTerrorists, "ae", "CT");  
    new Float:RoundTime = get_roundtime_left()
    new RTF = floatround(RoundTime,floatround_round)
            set_dhudmessage(get_pcvar_num(hud_r),get_pcvar_num(hud_g),get_pcvar_num(hud_b), -1.0, 0.05, 0, 6.0, 1.0,0.0,0.1,false)
            show_dhudmessage(0, "%s alive [%i] | [%i] %s alive^n          %s [%i] | [%i] %s" , TPrefix, Terrorists, CounterTerrorists,CTPrefix, TTeamPrefix, TerrorWins, CounterWins, CTTeamPrefix)
            set_dhudmessage(get_pcvar_num(hud_r),get_pcvar_num(hud_g),get_pcvar_num(hud_b), -1.0, 0.05, 0, 6.0, 1.0,0.0,0.1,false)
            show_dhudmessage(0, "%s   |   %i | %i alive | %i | %i alive | %i   |   %s", TTeamPrefix,TerrorWins,Terrorists,RTF,CounterTerrorists,CounterWins,CTTeamPrefix)

public t_win()

public ct_win()

// Thanks to Exolent[jNr]

public EventRoundStart()
    g_round_start = get_gametime();
    g_round_time = get_pcvar_float(mp_roundtime) * 60.0;

public EventRoundEnd()
    g_round_start = -1.0;

public EventRoundRestart()
    g_round_start = -1.0;

    return (g_round_start == -1.0) ? 0.0 : ((g_round_start + g_round_time) - get_gametime());
This one gives me this error:

AMX Mod X Compiler 1.8.3-dev+5201
Copyright (c) 1997-2006 ITB CompuPhase
Copyright (c) 2004-2013 AMX Mod X Team

Error: Number of arguments does not match definition on line 88
Error: Number of arguments does not match definition on line 93

2 Errors.
Could not locate output file F:\Contratacion de Servidor CS 1.6\plugins\Team Score CTF\TeamScoreHud.amx (compile failed).

In the seccond code I tried to do something to "fix" it. As you can see there is something like this:

#include <dhudmessage>
But it seems that does not recognize that the AMXX is in that version and the include has no effect.

Thank you for your help and sorry for my English

Last edited by XuberAxel; 05-16-2020 at 18:03.
XuberAxel is offline